Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Pendidikan
Volume 10, No. 1, March 2023 (64-75)
Online: http://journal.uny.ac.id/index.php/jitp

https://doi.org/10.21831/jitp.v10i1.54862 ISSN: 2407-0963 (print) | 2460-7177 (online)
How to cite:
Suningsih, T., Rukiyah, Andarini, S. (2023). Development of digital teaching material in the South Sumatra
traditional games course. Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Pendidikan, 10(1), 64-75. doi:

Development of digital teaching material in the South Sumatra
traditional games course

Taruni Suningsih*, Rukiyah, Rindang Senja Andarini

Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
* Corresponding Author. E-mail: [email protected]

The rapid development of technology and information is a necessity that cannot be denied in
education. The influence of this development has a positive impact by being more open and
spreading knowledge throughout the world, breaking the boundaries of space and time, and making
it easier for students to access information and learning materials according to their needs quickly.
The research shows that most students use the internet according to their needs, whether browsing,
resourcing, searching, e-mail, or mailing list (Yunelti et al., 2013). It shows that digital technology
is believed to increase retention and persistence of learning in students, provide rich content, and is
more suitable for application in 21
-century learning models (Mawarni & Muhtadi, 2017).
Therefore, digital technology is absolutely necessary to support the learning process, so it is
Article History
16 December 2022;
14 February 2023;
28 February 2023
Available online:
09 March 2023.

Digital teaching
material; traditional
games; South Sumatra.

The advances in technology and information development are increasingly
rapid is a great potential that learners can utilize to improve the quality of
learning. It is consistent with the characteristic of students as active users of
digital technology. So, lecturers need to make updates to improve the
quality of learning. One of them is by providing teaching material according
to the needs of students. This study aims to develop digital teaching material
for the South Sumatra Traditional Games course at the Study Program of
Early Childhood Education Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education, Universitas Sriwijaya. This study used the ADDIE Research
and Development (R&D) method with five stages: analysis, design,
development, implementation, and evaluation. Data collection techniques
were carried out through interviews, questionnaires, and tests. Data analysis
techniques using quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The results
showed that the evaluation of digital teaching material products that experts
had carried out showed that the material aspect scored 87,5% in the Very
Good category, the language aspect scored 85% in the Very Good category,
and the media aspect scored 92,5% in the Very Good category. Based on
this evaluation, it can be concluded that the digital teaching material in the
developed South Sumatra Traditional Games courses are valid, feasible, and
practical to be used in the learning process. Research can be continued by
developing interactive digital teaching material.

This is an open access article under the CC-BY-SA

Development of digital teaching material in …
Taruni Suningsih, Rukiyah, Rindang Senja Andarini

Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Pendidikan
Volume 10, No.1, March 2023
expected to improve the quality of national education. The use of digital technology changes
learning interactions between students and lecturers, as well as digitizing teaching materials that
contain various information related to a series of materials.
A lecturer is a professional educator who is one of the essential parts of achieving learning
success. One of the obligations of a lecturer contained in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education Article 12 states that "Lecturer is an individual or
in groups are required to write teaching material or textbook, which tertiary institutions publish and
scientific publications as a source of learning and for developing academic culture and cultivating
reading and writing activities for the Academic Community" (UU Republik Indonesia, 2012).
Teaching material is anything lecturers can use to support learning activities, making it easier for
students to understand learning material to gain knowledge, understanding, skills, values, attitudes,
and interests related to achieving specific competencies. Especially at the Higher Education
(University) level, students use teaching materials to make them more effective and efficient in
understanding learning material. The use of teaching material can also provide treatment to
students according to individual characteristics. It can overcome problems related to the lack of
self-actualization of students so that students can explore poorly understood materials through
teaching material (Rukiyah et al., 2022). So that can be said that teaching materials need to be
developed to meet the needs of their users in terms of material renewal, validity, practicality,
convenience, attractiveness, communication, to accessibility to motivate students in the learning
The development of teaching material is a crucial component of improving the quality of
learning. It is necessary to pay attention to several essential principles or standard references as
material for improvement in the teaching material. Principles of developing teaching material,
namely: (1) the eligibility of material/content is developed based on the principles of completeness,
suitability, adequacy, ease, contains character values, and relevance; (2) the presentation is
developed based on interesting, creative, and innovative, systematic, and active principles; (3) a
language is developed based on the principles of convenience and communicativeness; and (4) the
graphic is developed based on interest, creative, and innovative principles, as well as practically
(Arsanti, 2018). These four principles also need to be developed by considering the suitability of
the times. With the development of technology in this era, teaching material is no longer printed
but in digital form (Musdzalifah & Rohayati, 2018). Digital teaching material is a teaching material
that uses digital devices, which include personal computers (PCs) in the form of desktop
computers, notebook computers (laptops), and tablet computers, as well as utilizing specific
application software. Digital teaching material is not much different from printed (conventional)
teaching material, namely in terms of the main content, whose main components include material
objectives, teaching materials, summaries, exercises, and feedback, in addition to other
complements such as preface, table of contents, glossary, index, to the bibliography. The file type
most often used for digital teaching material is the portable document format (PDF) which is
converted to digital book software, so that the appearance of PDF files becomes more attractive
like a book. Therefore, one form of professional educators is being able to utilize technology to be
used as a supporting medium in the learning process, namely the development of teaching material
based on digital.
The development of digital teaching material can be categorized as learning media according
to needs so that it can positively impact its users. One of the users of digital teaching material in
higher education (University) is students. The positive impact of using digital teaching material on
students is related to increasing effectiveness and efficiency in the learning process. To increase the
efficacy, students can be actively involved in the learning process related to various simulations
contained in digital teaching material. Meanwhile, the connection with increased efficiency is that
students can learn independently to study learning material more flexibly, whenever and wherever
students are. This positive impact also corresponds to student life closely related to technological
developments. Today's students are born in the digital era and live by technology, so this
generation is called the digital native generation. According to Prensky, digital natives were taken
when the world was already in the information and communication technology era, so they will be

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very fluent in using information technology (Purwaningtyas, 2022). The characteristics of this
generation are always wanting to be fast, able to do two or more jobs at once (multitasking),
interactive multimedia users, like instant access, collaboration, and always network (networking).
According to the latest report submitted by Nielsen, around 78% of internet users in Indonesia
access the internet using mobile phones (mobile phones), 29% use laptops, 31% use desktop
computers, and 2% use tablets (Sumarlin & Malahina, 2019).
Furthermore, based on a survey report with a survey sample of 7,568 respondents in 2021-
2022 regarding the 2022 Indonesia Internet Profile, it stated that internet usage behavior based on
the age range of 19-34 years was 98.64% (Asosiasi Penyedia Jasa Internet Internet, 2022). Based
on these data, it can be concluded that in this age range, students become mobile users who actively
access the internet. The relation with learning is the need for the use of technology in the learning
process carried out by students because the use of technology cannot be separated from students'
daily lives, so the use of digital teaching material in the learning process can be classified into
learning media that are following the characteristics of students in the current era.
Students, as users of digital teaching material, can become more motivated. Because students
are faced with displays of digital teaching material that are more varied, interactive, and interesting,
so they are not dull. Students cannot just read texts, but can also view pictures or videos, listen to
sound, and access many sites connected to the internet. Thus, students' insights and knowledge
become increasingly broader, deeper, and more complex in understanding material. Apart from
speeding up the learning process, other advantages of digital teaching material include cheap
financing, easy access, not depending on distance, flexibility, time efficiency, and the use of the
latest or updated digital services. Concerning affordable financing, digital teaching materials tend
to be more economical. Because it's easier to get for free through the internet, as long as these
digital teaching materials are publicly published (open source) so that students can access, store
(save), and collect digital teaching materials through their digital devices, students can use digital
teaching material through their digital devices in various conditions and opportunities, both on and
off campus. Digital teaching material can be stored without special care, just like traditional
teaching materials (print books) that require ample space or a special place to store and use them.
Because it can be reserved via cloud storage or data storage (hard disk, memory card, and others), it
can be accessed from digital devices or any location and is easy to carry anywhere. If digital
teaching materials are stored through cloud storage, it requires an internet or online network to be
able to access them. However, if digital teaching materials are stored via data storage, then there is
no need to need an internet or offline network to access them.
The South Sumatra Traditional Games course is a compulsory subject for undergraduate
students (S-1) of the Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Study Program (PG-PAUD) of
the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at Universitas Sriwijaya. The presence of
this course is closely related to the existence of Universitas Sriwijaya (abbreviated as UNSRI) as a
State University located in South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. South Sumatra is a province in
Indonesia located in the southern part of the island of Sumatra, with Palembang as its capital. The
general description of the area of South Sumatra and the people's diversity create a plurality in the
distinctive cultural features of the Sriwijaya land (as South Sumatra has been called since centuries
ago). It became one of the influences in the formation of courses in the PG-PAUD Study Program
FKIP at Universitas Sriwijaya, namely the South Sumatra Traditional Games course. Through
learning in this course, it is hoped that students will be able to skillfully simulate and design
traditional game activities based on the results of analysis of play theory, games, and game tools, as
well as the effects of regional cultural studies of South Sumatra in building the character of loving
local culture and introducing cultural literacy to early childhood. In addition, based on the results of
the preliminary study that the researchers conducted with the lecturers and the teaching team
supporting the South Sumatra Traditional Games course, it was explained that there was a lack of
literature (such as books, journals, papers, and others) that could be used as a source of reference or
reference in discussing traditional games. In the South Sumatra area, thus requiring students go to
the field (cities or districts in South Sumatra Province) to obtain information or data related to the
material in the course.

Development of digital teaching material in …
Taruni Suningsih, Rukiyah, Rindang Senja Andarini

Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Pendidikan
Volume 10, No.1, March 2023
Furthermore, the results of the interviews that the researchers conducted with students taking
the South Sumatra Traditional Games course stated that in carrying out information or data search
activities, students had to provide a significant amount of time, energy, and materials. Students
need a long time to get information related to course material. And also feel tired because students
need to conduct interviews with the community or make direct observations in certain areas in
South Sumatra as well as material that needs to be issued by students to support the implementation
of these activities. The observation results show that students need digital teaching material to
make it easier to understand the South Sumatra Traditional Games course lecture material.
Based on these facts, the researcher provides a solution by developing a teaching material
that contains material in the South Sumatra Traditional Games course, which is packaged
attractively according to the characteristics of its users. These students are accustomed to using
technology and in accordance with current learning styles based on digital technology. Using
learning resources in the form of non-printed or digital teaching materials can improve the creative
thinking skills of its users (Nazifah et al., 2021). Therefore, technological advances in the
presentation of content or material allow students to develop creative thinking skills by developing
digital teaching material in the South Sumatra Traditional Games course. The development of
digital teaching material is presented through digital devices consisting of an arrangement of
integrated parts so that teaching material is suitable for use by students. These sections include
instructions for using digital teaching material, explanations of competencies to be achieved,
teaching materials, exercises, to evaluations to measure the level of mastery of competencies that
students have mastered after participating in learning activities.
Previous research (Aminuddin et al., 2021) entitled Development of Digital Teaching
Materials in Class X Economics Subjects at Public High School 12 Makassar describes that digital
teaching materials developed using the ADDIE model show that the results of the validation of
material experts are categorized as very valid. The validation of media experts is classified as very
accurate so that digital teaching material can be used in the learning process. The results of student
responses show that students can use digital teaching materials very practically. This indicates that
the digital teaching material developed has practicality in terms of appearance, and language, the
typeface used is clear and easy to read, the images in digital teaching materials support learning
materials, and the learning concept follows the grade 10 Learning Implementation Plan (lesson
plan) in the Economics subjects. Furthermore, in analyzing the level of effectiveness using the
post-test, the value obtained is in the effective category. Based on these stages, it can be concluded
that the development of digital teaching material is considered very good for use in Economics
subjects in achieving learning objectives.
Following this description, the formulation of the problem in this study is to develop digital
teaching material in the South Sumatra Traditional Games course, which is tested valid and feasible
to be used by PG-PAUD FKIP at Universitas Sriwijaya students. The digital teaching material
developed is PDF files assisted by digital devices, which contain narratives and images that are
presented simultaneously so that the presentation is more varied, not dull, conveying meaning that
is easier to understand directly and more precise. This research aims to develop digital teaching
materials that are valid by experts and suitable for use in the learning process so that they can
potentially increase student understanding and learning outcomes.
This research was conducted in the PG-PAUD Study Program FKIP at Universitas
Sriwijaya in 2022. Type this research used to research and development (R&D) which is intended
to produce a product with scientific value (Faradiba & Budiningsih, 2020), which is then validated
and tested to become a viable development product. This study aims to develop digital teaching
material for the South Sumatra Traditional Games course used by undergraduate students of the
PG-PAUD FKIP at Universitas Sriwijaya. The development model used in this study refers to the
ADDIE development model, which consists of the analysis, design, development, implementation,
and evaluation stages, as presented in Figure 1.

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Figure 1. ADDIE Model Procedure (Branch, 2009)

In the analysis stage, the researcher identified the causes of the emergence of gaps that
might occur in the learning process in the South Sumatra Traditional Games course. In the design
stage, the researcher verifies the expectations to be achieved by the supporting lecturers, team
teaching, and students and designs products according to the expectations to be completed.
Furthermore, the researcher produces and validates the development product at the development
stage. In the implementation phase, the researcher prepares the learning environment and involves
students in trying out product development. At the evaluation stage, researchers assess product
quality in the learning process, both before and after using product development.
The population in this study were fourth (IV) semester students who took the South
Sumatra Traditional Games course in 2021/2022, then a research sample of 20 (twenty)
undergraduate PG-PAUD FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya students was selected. The data collection
technique used in this research is in the form of observations related to learning activities that occur
in the South Sumatra Traditional Games course as initial information data regarding facts that
occur in the field, interviews with lecturers and teaching teams, and students regarding the
development of required teaching material, validation questionnaires for experts (expert review)
consisting of material experts, linguists, and media experts, as well as a response questionnaire on
the use of digital teaching material by students. The data analysis technique used in this study is a
quantitative descriptive analysis technique. The type of data taken is in the form of qualitative data,
which is quantified using descriptive judgments (Permitasari et al., 2022). The goal is to analyze
data by describing the data collected as it is without any engineering.
In the preliminary study stage or the analysis stage (analyze), researchers conducted a
literature study regarding the role of teaching material in supporting the learning process in tertiary
institutions. The researcher also obtained and analyzed preliminary information regarding the lack
of literature on the South Sumatra Traditional Games course at the PG-PAUD FKIP Study
Program, Universitas Sriwijaya. The researchers discussed with the supporting lecturers and the
teaching team for the South Sumatra Traditional Games course and learned that students had
difficulty getting material related to the course. This was triggered due to the lack of books
discussing Traditional Games of South Sumatra, so students need to observe and interview the
community in certain areas to obtain information or data relating to the material in the course.
These activities make it difficult for students because they have to spend a lot of energy, time, and
Furthermore, the researcher interviewed several students who took the South Sumatra
Traditional Game course to find out the needs of students regarding the problems that occur in the
learning process in that course. The results of the interviews showed that students needed books
(teaching material) related to the Traditional Games of South Sumatra course. The availability of

Development of digital teaching material in …
Taruni Suningsih, Rukiyah, Rindang Senja Andarini

Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Pendidikan
Volume 10, No.1, March 2023
teaching material can be one of the supports for successfully implementing the learning process
(Taufiqy et al., 2016). Therefore, the provision of teaching material needs to be applied in the
learning process to facilitate, streamline, and make students more efficient in understanding
teaching materials in these courses.
At this design stage (design), the researcher verifies the expectations to be achieved by the
supporting lecturers, teaching team, and students and makes product designs following the
expectations to be achieved. Based on the conclusions at the analysis stage, it was explained that
students needed teaching material in the Traditional Games of South Sumatra course. Furthermore,
the researchers conducted discussions to find out the needs of students in-depth regarding teaching
material. It was found that the development of digital teaching material in the South Sumatra
Traditional Games course had not been carried out. The suggestions that students give to improve
the quality of the learning process are the development of digital teaching materials to make it
easier for students to study these teaching materials. This follows the character of today's students
who are used to interacting with technology.
Furthermore, suggestions from supporting lecturers and teaching teams regarding
developing digital teaching material are that teaching materials must be linked to early childhood
concepts. This is consistent with the principle of relevance in the development of teaching material,
namely having a relationship with the achievement of learning objectives (Sanjaya & Inawati,
2019). The learning achievements of the course (CPMK) are that after participating in learning in
the South Sumatra Traditional Games course, students are expected to be able to skillfully simulate
and design traditional game activities based on the results of an analysis of play theory, games, and
game tools, as well as the effects of cultural studies of the South Sumatra region in building the
character of loving local culture and introducing cultural literacy in early childhood. Based on
suggestions from supporting lecturers, teaching teams, and students, the researchers designed
digital teaching material for the South Sumatra Traditional Games course related to the concept of
early childhood.
In the development stage (development), researchers produce the product as digital
teaching material for the Traditional Games of South Sumatra course. The material in digital
teaching material is developed based on the course syllabus that has been prepared. Researchers
create digital teaching material by presenting 7 (seven) components, namely: (1) Materials
descriptions that adapt to the course syllabus; (2) Learning Objectives that contain targets that are
expected to be achieved by students; (3) Teaching Materials that contain material information that
is discussed in depth and accompanied by theories related to early childhood concepts; (4) The
summary contains the results of summarizing the teaching materials; (5) Exercise to measure
students' ability to master learning material through several questions; (6) Feedback that functions
to assist students in assessing their abilities after using digital teaching material; and (7)
Bibliography to make it easier for students to find additional information.
The preparation of the material topics in this digital teaching material is in accordance with
the course syllabus for the South Sumatra Traditional Games and is linked to the concept of early
childhood, consisting of 7 (seven) materials, namely: (1) Basic Concepts of Play and Games,
consisting of the following topics: a) The Definition of Play and Games, b) Play and Game
Characteristics, c) Stages of Play Development, and d) Urgency of Play for Early Childhood; (2)
Play Theory, consisting of the following topics: 1) Classical Play Theory, and 2) Contemporary
Play Theory; (3) Educational Game Tools (APE) for Early Childhood, consisting of the following
topics: a) APE Definition, b) APE Urgency, c) Types of APE, d) Characteristics of APE, and e)
Principles of Selection APE; (4) Traditional and Modern Games, consisting of the following topics:
a) Definition, b) Characteristics, and c) Weaknesses and Strengths of Traditional and Modern
Games; (5) Regional Culture of South Sumatra, consisting of the following topics: a) Geographical
Location, b) Traditional Houses, c) Regional Dances, d) Traditional Clothing, and e) Typical Food;
(6) Regional Traditional Games of South Sumatra, consisting of 20 (twenty) types of traditional
games of the South Sumatra region; and (7) Introduction to Literacy through Traditional Games,
consisting of the following topics: a) Read and Write Literacy, b) Numerical Literacy, c) Scientific

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Literacy, d) Digital Literacy, e) Financial Literacy, and f) Cultural and Citizenship Literacy, can be
seen in Figures 2 to 5.

Figure 2. Front Cover

Figure 3. Back Cover

Figure 4. Preface

Figure 5. Contents

Furthermore, this digital teaching material was tested for validity by 2 (two) experts, a
material expert and linguist and a media expert with expertise in ICT-based learning media and
teaching materials (Information and Communication Technology). Table 1 show the validation
testing by experts, including material experts, linguists, and media experts. The validation aims to
assess the feasibility of the digital teaching material being developed and provide suggestions for
improvements to improve digital teaching material.
Table 1. Recapitulation of validity test instruments
No. Aspects Indicators
1. Material a. Content Eligibility
b. Presentation Eligibility
2. Language a. Language Component
3. Media a. Graphic Eligibility
b. Display Eligibility
Source: Modification of National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) Assessment Standards

Based on the data as presented in Table 1, it is known that there are 3 (three) aspects of the
validity test, namely: (1) Material aspects which consist of content eligibility indicators
(completeness of material, breadth of material, depth of material, suitability of material with
scientific developments, as well as the latest ), and indicators of presentation eligibility (systematic
consistency of presentation of material, practice questions, feedback, summaries, and student
involvement); (2) Language aspect consisting of indicators of language components (effectiveness
of sentences, readability of messages, conformity with students' level of understanding, accuracy
with writing conventions, and consistency in the use of terms and symbols); and (3) Media aspect
which consists of graphic eligibility indicators (appropriateness of teaching material sizes with
International Organization for Standardization/ISO standards and suitability of sizes with
materials), and display eligibility indicators (appearance consistency, color harmony, illustration
suitability, layout consistency, element completeness, typography, ease of understanding, and ease
of using digital teaching material).
Table 2. Recapitulation of Validity Test Results
No. Aspect Score (%) Category
1. Material 87,5% Very Good
2. Language 85% Very Good
3. Media 92,5% Very Good
Source: Data Processing Results

Development of digital teaching material in …
Taruni Suningsih, Rukiyah, Rindang Senja Andarini

Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Pendidikan
Volume 10, No.1, March 2023

Based on the data presented in Table 2, it is shown that the material aspect obtained a final
score of 87.5% in the Very Good category, the language aspect received a score of 85% in the Very
Good category, and the media aspect obtained a score of 92.5% in the Very Good category. So the
conclusion from this score is that the digital teaching materials developed are valid for testing and
can be used in learning.
Digital teaching material products that have been validated by experts and declared valid
for testing, then a revision and refinement process is carried out following suggestions for
improvement from experts, both in terms of material, language, and media. The product revisions
that have been carried out consist of (1) Digital teaching material is reasonable, only a little needs
to be added about the latest early childhood scientific studies; (2) Consistency in the use of words,
please readjust it; and (3) Try to use self-documented pictures and photos.
In the implementation phase (implement), researchers applied digital teaching material to
undergraduate students in the PG-PAUD FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya Study Program who took the
South Sumatra Traditional Games course. First, the researcher prepares a learning environment that
follows the policy in the conditions that are currently happening, namely the application of the
hybrid learning method (a learning method that combines online learning dan offline learning). At
this stage, the researcher conducted one-to-one trials on 6 (six) students with high, medium, and
low ability category criteria. Researchers provide learning using digital teaching materials that have
been developed. At the end of the lesson, students were asked to fill out a response questionnaire
regarding using digital teaching material.
The results of the questionnaire that students filled in at the one-to-one trial stage obtained
responses from students of 94.6% in the Very Eligible category. Next, the researcher conducted a
small-scale or small-group trial of 15 (fifteen) students with high, medium, and low ability category
criteria. Researchers provide learning using digital teaching materials that have been developed. At
the end of the lesson, students were asked to fill out a response questionnaire regarding using
digital teaching material. The results of the questionnaire that students fill in at the small-scale trial
stage or small group obtained responses from students of 91.3% in the Very Eligible category. The
results of this trial show that in the aspects of attractiveness, convenience, and usefulness of using
digital teaching material that has been developed, they are declared suitable for use by students in
the learning process in the South Sumatra Traditional Games course.
In the last stage, namely the evaluation stage (evaluate), the researcher assessed the quality
of the product in the learning process, both before and after using digital teaching material.
Researchers used questionnaires and tests (pre-test and post-test) in large-scale trials or field tests
on 20 (twenty) students to measure the practicality and potential effects of using digital teaching
material developed to increase student learning outcomes in the South Sumatra Traditional Games
course. The average pre-test score was 66.1, and the post-test average was 92.7. The results of
large-scale trials or field tests show an increase in student learning outcomes of 26.6 and an N-Gain
of 0.78 in the High category. Based on the results of large-scale trials or field tests shows that the
use of digital teaching material that has been developed is stated to be practical and has a potential
effect on the ability of student learning outcomes in the South Sumatra Traditional Games course at
the PG-PAUD FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya Study Program.
Teaching material is one of the materials that contain a description of material about
knowledge and experience as well as theory and practice, which is specifically discussed and used
by students and learners to make it easier to understand several materials or certain subjects that are
in line with the curriculum in the learning process. It is further explained that textbooks and
instructional materials are crucial in teaching and learning. These assist teachers in achieving a
lesson's objectives (Frimpong, 2021). This shows that the existence of teaching material is essential
to improving the quality of education. Teaching materials make it easier for students to obtain
knowledge and information related to teaching material in a systematic and programmed manner.
Through teaching material, students can develop competence according to the teaching material

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Volume 10, No.1, March 2023
and can motivate mastering teaching material, either with specific methods or media. Teaching
material can also make it easier for lecturers to convey material programmatically according to the
demands of the curriculum. The expected learning outcomes can be explained systematically in
teaching material so that lecturers are assisted in determining the media, methods, and assessment
tools according to plan.
The rapid advancement of information technology in education has changed conventional
teaching material into digital teaching material. Digital teaching material is a teaching material that
utilizes digital devices and is supported by specific application software. The development of this
technology influences the behavior of students who tend to use technology in everyday life.
Generally, the age range of 20-25 years is students who use computers for 35.3 hours per week to
do assignments using software, do office work, and communicate through social networks (Juraida,
2016). This is an opportunity and a challenge for lecturers to carry out the learning process
following the behavior of students accustomed to using technology. One is the development of
digital teaching material as a form of technological advancement in world education.
The results of the preliminary study that the researchers conducted with lecturers, teaching
teams, and students of the PG-PAUD FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya Study Program found that in the
learning process in the South Sumatra Traditional Games course, it was stated that the lack of
availability of literature as a source or reference for materials related to those courses. While
participating in learning in these courses, students need to go to the field (community environment
in certain areas) to gain knowledge and understanding related to learning material. These activities
reduce the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process, resulting in decreased student
learning outcomes. Because these activities require a lot of energy, time, and materials, making it
difficult for students, lecturers, and team teaching.
Based on the problems above, this study aims to develop digital teaching material for the
South Sumatra Traditional Games course for undergraduate (S-1) students of the PG-PAUD FKIP
Study Program at Universitas Sriwijaya. The development of digital teaching material is prepared
based on the course syllabus and adapted to the characteristics of its users, namely students as
prospective Early Childhood/Kindergarten educators. Digital teaching materials are developed by
utilizing technology, and this needs to be done to meet the needs of students who are digital natives
(FH et al., 2021). A digital native is a term attached to generation Z (the generation that grew up in
an all-digital and sophisticated world). The presence of this digital teaching material has a potential
effect on improving the learning outcomes of undergraduate (S-1) students in the PG-PAUD FKIP
Universitas Sriwijaya Study Program in the South Sumatra Traditional Games course.
The development of digital teaching material in the South Sumatra Traditional Games
course for undergraduate (S-1) PG-PAUD FKIP Study Program, Universitas Sriwijaya, uses the
Research and Development method. One design for the development of digital teaching material
that is often used is the ADDIE model (Cahyadi, 2019) through 5 (five) stages, namely: the
analysis stage (analyze), the design stage (design), the development stage (development), the
implementation stage (implement), and the evaluation stage (evaluate). The ADDIE model can
guarantee the quality of digital teaching material. Because the systems approach to the ADDIE
model divides the product development planning process into several steps, sequenced in a logical
sequence, then using the output of each step as input for the next step.
The results showed that the development of digital teaching material in the South Sumatra
Traditional Games course was based on validity tests from experts, namely from the material
aspect, language aspect, and media aspect, it obtained the Very Good category from the indicators
of content eligibility, presentation eligibility, a language component, graphic eligibility, and display
eligibility. Based on the analysis results obtained from experts, several suggestions are used as
reference material for improving the digital teaching material being developed (Sari et al., 2022).
Furthermore, the digital teaching material produced was field tested through 3 (three) stages,
namely the one-to-one trial stage, which was carried out on 6 (six) students, small group trials,
which were carried out on 15 (fifteen) students, and field tests conducted on 20 (twenty) students.
Researchers used student response questionnaires regarding digital teaching material in one-to-one
and small-group trials. The conclusion from the results of the response questionnaire that students
have filled in is that it is in the Very Eligible category.

Development of digital teaching material in …
Taruni Suningsih, Rukiyah, Rindang Senja Andarini

Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Pendidikan
Volume 10, No.1, March 2023
Meanwhile, at the field test trial stage, the researcher used the pre-test and post-test to use
the developed digital teaching material. The field test trials showed an increase in student learning
outcomes of 26.6 and an N-Gain of 0.78 in the High category. Students responded positively in the
practical category to learning using the developed digital teaching material. This practicality shows
the convenience of students in using digital teaching materials produced following the tools,
materials, and media used in learning that are readily available and easy to use (Suniasih, 2019).
Based on the results of validity tests and field trials, it was shown that the use of digital teaching
material in the South Sumatra Traditional Games course was stated to be valid, eligible, and
practical and had a potential effect on the learning outcomes of undergraduate students in the PG-
PAUD Study Program, FKIP, Universitas Sriwijaya.
Researchers realize that the development of digital teaching material is not perfect, so it
has limitations, namely, this research only develops teaching material in digital form. This digital
teaching material has not been developed interactively, so it is necessary to carry out further
development to create interactive digital teaching material by combining two or more media to
assist users in visualizing material clearly through pictures, videos, and animations designed
attractively and can interact with its users (Khamidah et al., 2019). Thus, it is hoped that it will
have implications for users of teaching material to be more effective (more accessible) and efficient
(faster) in understanding the materials presented.
Digital teaching material for the Traditional Games of South Sumatra course was
developed based on the results of preliminary studies conducted by researchers and adapted to the
needs of students as their users. The development of this digital teaching material has been
validated by experts (expert review) on the material aspect, which scored 87.5% in the Very Good
category, the language aspect, which scored 85% in the Very Good category, and the media aspect
which scored 92.5 % in the Very Good category. This concludes that the digital teaching material
that has been developed is valid to be used in the learning process. In the one-to-one, small group,
and field test trials, positive responses were obtained from undergraduate (S-1) PG-PAUD FKIP
Universitas Sriwijaya Study Program students regarding the use of digital teaching material in the
South Sumatra Traditional Games course. The results of the one-to-one trial were 94.6% in the
Very Eligible category, while the small group trial results were 91.3% in the Very Eligible
category. Furthermore, in the field test trials, digital teaching material improved student learning
outcomes, as indicated by an increase in pre-test and post-test scores of 26.6 and N-Gain of 0.78 in
the High category. So it can be concluded that the digital teaching material developed has been
tested as valid, eligible, and practical to be used in the learning process in the South Sumatra
Traditional Games course at the PG-PAUD FKIP Study Program, Universitas Sriwijaya. The
recommendation for further development is needed to create interactive digital teaching material
that combines two or more media (text, images, graphics, audio, and video) which are controlled by
following directions from an order. For further research, this teaching material can be developed in
an interactive digital manner so that users can understand more clearly and in detail.
The researcher would like to thank the Rector of Universitas Sriwijaya, who has funded
this research through the DIPA Budget of the Universitas Sriwijaya Public Service Board for Fiscal
Year 2021. SP DIPA - Dated December 13, 2021 Number:
0019/UN9/SK.LP2M.PT/2022 June 15, 2022, following the Phase II Science, Technology and Arts
Scheme Research Contract of LPPM Universitas Sriwijaya for the 2022 Fiscal Year Number:
0165.057/UN9/SB3.LP2M.PT/2022 June 27, 2022. Thanks to expert reviews, validator digital
teaching material aids, undergraduate (S-1) students of the PG-PAUD Study Program FKIP
Universitas Sriwijaya, and all parties involved and assisted in the completion of this research. The
researcher also thanks the Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Pendidikan team for helping and providing
input in publishing this journal article.

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