English language arts
(b-1)AAThe State Board of Education by rule shall require that the curriculum requirements for the foundation high school program under Subsection (a)
include a requirement that students successfully complete:
(1)A four credits in English language arts under Section 28.002(a)(1)(A), including one credit in English I, one credit in English II, one credit in English
III, and one credit in an advanced English course authorized under Subsection (b-2)

Minimum High School Program Recommended High School Program Distinguished Achievement Program Foundation High School Program
Four credits:
• English I
• English II
• English III
• English IV or approved alternate
Four credits:
• English I
• English II
• English III
• English IV
Four credits:
• English I
• English II
• English III
• English IV
Four credits:
• English I
• English II
• English III
• An advanced English course
One-half credit from either of the
• Communication Applications
• Professional Communications (CTE)
One-half credit from either of the
• Communication Applications
• Professional Communications (CTE)
One-half credit from either of the
• Communication Applications
• Professional Communications (CTE)

Minimum High School Program Recommended High School Program Distinguished Achievement Program Foundation High School Program
English language arts--four credits. Three of the
credits must consist of English I, II, and III.
(Students with limited English proficiency who are
at the beginning or intermediate level of English
language proficiency, as defined by §74.4(d) of this
title (relating to English Language Proficiency
Standards), may satisfy the English I and English II
graduation requirements by successfully
completing English I for Speakers of Other
Languages and English II for Speakers of Other
Languages.) The final credit may be selected from
one full credit or a combination of two half credits
from the following courses:
(A) English IV;
(B) Research and Technical Writing;
(C) Creative Writing;
(D) Practical Writing Skills;
(E) Literary Genres;
(F) Business English (CTE);
(G) Journalism;
(H) Advanced Placement (AP) English Language
and Composition; and
(I) AP English Literature and Composition.

English language arts--four credits. The credits
must consist of English I, II, III, and IV. (Students
with limited English proficiency who are at the
beginning or intermediate level of English language
proficiency, as defined by §74.4(d) of this title
(relating to English Language Proficiency
Standards), may satisfy the English I and English II
graduation requirements by successfully
completing English I for Speakers of Other
Languages and English II for Speakers of Other
English language arts--four credits. The credits
must consist of English I, II, III, and IV. (Students
with limited English proficiency who are at the
beginning or intermediate level of English language
proficiency, as defined by §74.4(d) of this title
(relating to English Language Proficiency
Standards), may satisfy the English I and English II
graduation requirements by successfully
completing English I for Speakers of Other
Languages and English II for Speakers of Other
English language arts--four credits. Three of the
credits must consist of English I, II, and III.
(Students with limited English proficiency who are
at the beginning or intermediate level of English
language proficiency, as defined by §74.4(d) of this
title (relating to English Language Proficiency
Standards), may satisfy the English I and English II
graduation requirements by successfully
completing English I for Speakers of Other
Languages and English II for Speakers of Other
Languages.) The fourth credit may be selected
from one full credit or a combination of two half
credits from the following courses:

Speech--one-half credit. The credit may be
selected from the following courses:
(A) Communication Applications; and
(B) Professional Communications.
Speech--one-half credit. The credit may be
selected from the following courses:
(A) Communication Applications; and
(B) Professional Communications.
Speech--one-half credit. The credit may be
selected from the following courses:
(A) Communication Applications; and
(B) Professional Communications.
This document was prepared for the State Board of Education as a resource for discussion purposes only and does not reflect final decisions. Page 1 of 2 Working Document

 Advanced English courses must prepare students to enter the workforce successfully or postsecondary education without remediation.
 Many of the English elective courses are one-half to one credit courses.
 Currently, AP English Language and Composition is used to satisfy English III and AP English Literature and Composition is used to satisfy English IV.
 Currently, IB Language Studies A1 Standard Level is used to satisfy English III and IB Language Studies A1 Higher Level is used to satisfy English IV.
 Students must be permitted to use a course that has been developed locally by a school district in partnership with a public or private IHE and local
business, labor, and community leaders to satisfy the advanced English requirement.
 Speech is currently an SBOE requirement, not a statutory requirement. The SBOE has authority to designate specific courses in the foundation
curriculum and speech is part of English language arts.
Decisions Points:
 Determine courses that will be eligible to satisfy the advanced English credit requirement.
 Allow AP/IB courses to satisfy the English III requirement, advanced English credit requirement, or either?
 Allow students to combine two half credits to satisfy the advanced English credit requirement?
 Continue to require one-half credit of speech?
 Designate courses from current English language arts course list as advanced courses.
 Direct development of new courses.
 Allow Business English (CTE) course to satisfy the advanced English requirement as currently allowed for the MHSP. This document was prepared for the State Board of Education as a resource for discussion purposes only and does not reflect final decisions. Page 2 of 2 Working Document