This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Received: 26-07-2021; Accepted: 26-07-2021; Published: 29-11-2021


Vol. 1, no.2 (2021), pp. 125-137
ISSN : 2798-5334
The Analysis of Formal Equivalence and Dynamic Equivalence In Little
Women Movie Subtitle

Department of English Literature, Universitas Bangka Belitung, Indonesia
Email : sudput2@gmailcom

Herland Franley Manalu
Department of English Literature, Universitas Bangka Belitung, Indonesia

Diana Anggraeni
Department of English Literature, Universitas Bangka Belitung, Indonesia

Abstract : This study aims to analyze the equivalence meaning of cultural words translation in Little
Women movie subtitle. This study uses the theory of cultural words by Peter Newmark to
analyze the type of cultural words and uses the theory from Nida to analyze the type of
equivalence in translation. The methodology of this study is descriptive qualitative to give an
explanation in analyzed the data. This study found data that categorized as cultural words
which divided into two categorize of equivalence which are formal equivalence and dynamic
equivalence. From the analysis, this study did not found the dynamic equivalence to ecology.
The cultural words of formal equivalence translation is translated by using term that exist in
target language and has the same meaning to the source language. The cultural words of
dynamic equivalence translation is translated by using natural expression in target language
that equal to the meaning in source language.
Keywords : cultural words, translation, formal equivalence, and dynamic equivalence.
Abstrak : Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesetaraan makna dari terjemahan kata budaya dalam
subtitle film Little Women. Studi ini menggunakan teori kata- kata budaya oleh Peter Newmark
untuk menganalisis jenis – jenis dari kata budaya dan menggunakan teori dari Nida untuk
menganalisis jenis - jenis kesetaraan makna dalam terjemahan. Metode dalam penelitian ini
merupakan descriptive qualitative dalam menjabarkan penjelasan dan menganalisis data.
Penelitian ini menemukan data – data yang dikategorikan sebagai kata budaya yang dibagi
menjadi dua kategori kesetaraan makna yakni kesetaraan formal dan kesetaraan dinamis. Dari
hasil analisis, studi ini tidak menemukan jenis kesetaraan formal untuk jenis kata budaya ekologi.
Kesetaraan formal kata budaya diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan istilah yang ada pada
bahasa target dan mempunyai makna yang sama dengan bahasa sumber. Kata budaya untuk
kesetaraan dinamis diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan ungkapan alami dalam bahasa target
yang memiliki makna setara dengan bahasa sumber.
Kata kunci : Kata budaya, terjemahan, kesetaraan formal, dan kesetaraan dinamis.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Received: 26-07-2021; Accepted: 26-07-2021; Published: 29-11-2021


Vol. 1, no.2 (2021), pp. 125-137
ISSN : 2798-5334

The current language has developed
rapidly along with the times. These
developments not only occur due to
human growth but also because of
technological developments. The rapid
development of technology makes it easy
for people to access various movies from
other countries. The development of
movies has influenced many aspects of
human life including in science. There are
a lot of studies and knowledge can be
learned through movie. Bottomly and Hail
stated that the movie gives an abundance
of interesting perspective on people,
periods and places
Movies from other countries have a
variety of foreign languages. in
understand the differences languages in
the movie, the audience is assisted by a
direct translation text from conversations
between characters, usually located at the

Bottomly. J & Haill. R. 2008. Using Films to Teach
Language and Culture. Retrieved from:
/268043150 Using Films to Teach
Language and Culture
bottom of the screen called subtitles.
Subtitle are the transfer of spoken
language into the text in a movie. Subtitles
help the audience in understand the movie
and provide an essential role in the
exchanged of information.
As the text that located at the bottom of
the screen, subtitles have a weakness in
the manufacturing process because they
are limited by the width of the screen and
the duration of the speaker when
speaking. Cintas and Ramael stated that
the text of subtitle have to commodate to
the width of the screen and have some 32
to 41 characters per line maximum of two
. It means that subtitle translation
may be adding or omitting according to
the screen width and speaker duration. As
the development of linguistic in the
translation, Cintas categorized subtitles as
part of audiovisual translation

Cintas, J D. & Ramael, A. 2014. Audiovisual
Translation: Subtitiling. New York,

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Received: 26-07-2021; Accepted: 26-07-2021; Published: 29-11-2021


Vol. 1, no.2 (2021), pp. 125-137
ISSN : 2798-5334
One of the problems in the subtitle
translation is the differences in social
backgrounds in each language because
language is part of the culture. Nida stated
that a language is always a part of a culture
and the meaning of texts directly or
indirectly to the corresponding culture
The process of translating words in one
language into another language cannot be
done directly without looking at the
cultural background of the term between
source and target languages. Newmark
classifies these terms as cultural words.
Cultural words are words or terms that
associated with particular language and
described in ordinary language
Newmark then classifies cultural words
into ecology, material culture, social
culture, organizations, customs, activities,
procedures and concept, and gestures and
habits. As the word that described in
ordinary language, it is essential to know

Nida, E A. 2001. Context In Translating, John
Benjamin Publishing Company

Newmark, P. 1988. A Text Book Of Translation.
Great Britain, Prentice Hall
about the cultural words. In other words,
cultural words must be one of the focuses
in translated a movie subtitle. It is crucial
to know the type of cultural words and its
meaning from source to target languages
to avoid misunderstanding the differences
in culture.
As the text that located at the bottom of
the screen, subtitles have a weakness in
the manufacturing process because they
are limited by the width of the screen and
the duration of the speaker when
speaking. Cintas and Ramael stated that
the text of subtitle have to commodate to
the width of the screen and have some 32
to 41 characters per line maximum of two
. It means that subtitle translation
may be adding or omitting according to
the screen width and speaker duration.
The relation between one culture
and another caused what is called as
equivalence. In all conversations, it is

Cintas, J D. & Ramael, A. 2014. Audiovisual
Translation: Subtitiling. New York,

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Received: 26-07-2021; Accepted: 26-07-2021; Published: 29-11-2021


Vol. 1, no.2 (2021), pp. 125-137
ISSN : 2798-5334
fundamental to ensure the messages are
delivered from a source to the receptor. As
a way of understanding the different
meanings in culture, equivalence bridges
the community in understand the
differences. In understand the meaning,
the community looks for the best meaning
equivalence of a word from another
language to be understood easily. Many
experts believe that equivalence indicates
whether a message or meaning can be
appropriately conveyed or not in the
target language. Catford states that if a
translation does not seek equivalence as a
benchmark for knowing the results of a
translation, then there is no limitation in
the translation and all results of the
translation can be said to be true. Then,
Yinhua stated that equivalence is a
limitation in the translation of whether a
text can be translated or not in the process
of translation, so that equivalence of
meaning can be obtained
. Nida divided

Xiang Yinhua, 2011. Equivalence In Translation :
Features and Necessity. International
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.
two fundamental types of equivalence
which called as formal equivalence and
dynamic equivalence.
Formal equivalence or source
oriented equivalence focus attention on
the message itself. Nida emphasized that
the receptor language message should
match as closely as possible with the
different elements of the source language.
In formal equivalence, translators must
try to produce translations as literally and
meaningfully as possible in the form and
content of the source language. In other
words, formal equivalence messages in
the receptor language culture are
compared continuously to messages in the
culture of the source language to
determine the standard of accuracy and
Dynamic equivalence is to produce the
closest natural equivalence message from
the source language to the target
. Nida also explained that
Liu Dayan. 2012. Dynamic Equivalence and
Formal Correspondence in Translation
between Chinese and English. International
Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol.
2 No. 12

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Received: 26-07-2021; Accepted: 26-07-2021; Published: 29-11-2021


Vol. 1, no.2 (2021), pp. 125-137
ISSN : 2798-5334
dynamic equivalent is not too focused on
the compatibility of the message between
the receptor language and the source
language but rather the dynamic
relationship, that the relationship
between the source language messages
must be substantially the same as what is
in the original source language including
the message. Dynamic equivalence aims at
complete the naturalness of expression
and tries to relate the receptor culture to
relevant within the context of receptor
Melkianus Pasangka in his
undergraduate thesis under the title the
equivalence and the method of the
Indonesian translation of English idiom in
the subtitle of Friday night lights movie
shows the data about the equivalence of
translated idiom in English to Indonesia
and the translation method in the movie.
Melikanus analyzed kinds of equivalence
and the method in idiom translation. By
using nida categorization, Melkianus

Pasangka, M. 2016. The Equivalence And The
Method Of The Indonesian Translation Of
stated two kind of equivalence which is
formal and functual equivalence and
stated translation method by using
Newmark’s categorization such as word
for word translation, literal translation,
faith full translation, semantic translation,
adaptation, free translation, idiomatic
translation and communicative
translation. In his research, Melkianus
found 14 idioms from the film subtitle. He
classified the equivalence on diagram and
found 3 data classified as formal
equivalence and 12 data as dynamic
equivalence. Melkianus also found 3
idioms translated by using semantic
translation method and 12 idioms
translated by using communicative
From the background of the study
stated above, the problem formulation of
this study is what are the equivalence in
cultural words translation in Little
Women Movie. The purpose of analysis in
this study is to identify the type of
English Idiom In The Subtitle Of Friday Night
Lights Movie.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Received: 26-07-2021; Accepted: 26-07-2021; Published: 29-11-2021


Vol. 1, no.2 (2021), pp. 125-137
ISSN : 2798-5334
equivalence in cultural words translation
in Little Movie subtitle. Little Women is a
2019 American drama movie directed by
Greta Gerwig. The movie chronicles March
sisters Jo, Meg, Amy, and Beth in Concord,
Massachusetts, during the 19th century.
This study uses three kinds of dictionaries,
Cambridge online dictionary and English–
Indonesia dictionary by John M. Echols in
understanding the meaning. The other
dictionary is Indonesian online dictionary
or KBBI. KBBI is use to compare the
meaning in target language that appear in
subtitle. The dictionary's use in this study
is to find the literal meaning or definition
of a word or phrases from both source and
target languages.
This study categorized to descriptive
qualitative research because it used
explanations with words in solving the
problem. Descriptive research includes
surveys and fact-finding inquiries of
different kinds. Descriptive qualitative
usually explained the phenomenon in

Bodgan, B R. & Knoop, S. 2007. Qualitative
Research For Education: An Introduction to
words. Qualitative research focuses on
process rather than outcome and also on
the meaning in research results. As
emphasized by Biklen & Knoop, the
meaning is an essential part of qualitative

B. Finding
This study discusses the equivalence
analysis in the translation of cultural
words in movie subtitles from English to
Indonesia. This study's translation focuses
on the Little Women movie's cultural
words. This study uses two fundamental
theories to analyze to deeper extent the
translation of cultural words and their
equivalence. The equivalence analysis
process to the translation of cultural
words is carried out by checking the literal
meaning of cultural words and
juxtaposing the meanings that appear in
the film subtitles. By doing this method,
the equivalence in the meaning of the
Theory and Methods. Fifth Edition, USA,
Pearson Education

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Received: 26-07-2021; Accepted: 26-07-2021; Published: 29-11-2021


Vol. 1, no.2 (2021), pp. 125-137
ISSN : 2798-5334
cultural word translation in the film
subtitles could be obtained.
1. Formal Equivalence
Formal equivalence attempts to
reproduce several formal elements such
as grammatical units which is translating
noun to noun, verbs by verbs, keeping all
phrases and sentences intact and
preserving all formal indications such as
marks of punctuation, paragraph breaks
and poetic indentation. To reproduce
consistency of word usage which often
renders specific terms in the source
language that existed in the target
language and to reproduced meanings in
terms by not make adjustments in idiom
but rather to reproduce such expressions
more or less literally.

Data 01 : Carriage
SL : Stop the carriage!
TL : Hentikan keretanya!
The word carriage in the source language
is translated into the word kereta in the
target language. The term carriage is a
cultural word that refers to material
culture, which is transportation. The
definition of carriage, according to the
Cambridge dictionary, is vehicle pulled by
a horse. Meanwhile, the term kereta in the
target language based on
KBBI, is kendaraan yang beroda yang
biasanya ditarik oleh kuda or vehicle
pulled by a horse. In the English-
Indonesian dictiona ry, the
term carriage means kereta yang ditarik
kuda or vehicle pulled by a horse. From the
definition, the word carriage in the source
language has same meaning of kereta in
the target language. based on Nida’s
theory, this translation is categorized in
formal equivalence because the translator
translates the term in source language by
using the term that exist in target language
which has the same meaning to the source

Data 02 : Cat House
SL : you could run a cat house,
TL : kau bisa membuka rumah bordil,
This sentence was spoken by Aunt March
to Jo as a way to become a woman who
makes her own money without having to
get married. The cat house is a cultural

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Received: 26-07-2021; Accepted: 26-07-2021; Published: 29-11-2021


Vol. 1, no.2 (2021), pp. 125-137
ISSN : 2798-5334
word categorized in the material culture
category, which is house. In the movie cat
house is translated into rumah brodil in
the target language. According to the
Cambridge dictionary, the cat house is a
place where men used to go to have sex
with prostituted women. In the target
language, according to KBBI, rumah brodil
is tempat pelacuran or house of
prostitution. Based on this definition,
rumah bordil is a term for cat house in the
target language. The term rumah bordil
has a meaning commensurate with the cat
house. This translation is categorized as
the formal equivalence because the
translator uses terms in the target
language that have the same meaning as
the words from the source language.

Data 03 : Santa Clause
SL : Santa Clause
TL : Sinterklas
This sentence was uttered by Beth when
she and her sister were surprised to see so
many dishes on the table on Christmas
Day. In that sentence, the phrase Santa
Clause translated into the target language
to sinterklas. In the source language,
according to Cambridge dictionary, Santa
clause is the imaginary old man with long,
white hair and beard and a red coat who is
believed by children to bring presents at
Christmas. In the source language,
according to KBBI, sinterklas is tokoh suci
dalam agama Kristen yang sangat sayang
dan selalu memberi hadiah kepada anak-
anak pada hari – hari tertentu or a holy
figure in Christian who is very loving and
always gives presents to children on
special days. Based on the meaning of the
definition of santa clause, it can be known
that the translator uses the term is target
language that has the same meaning as the
source language. This translation is
categorized in formal equivalence because
the translator translates the word and
reproduce the consistency of word usage
in target language.

Data 04 : Good Angels
SL : It is good angels come to us
TL : Malaikat – malaikat yang baik datang
This sentence was uttered by Mrs. Tumnel
when Marme and her four daughters

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Received: 26-07-2021; Accepted: 26-07-2021; Published: 29-11-2021


Vol. 1, no.2 (2021), pp. 125-137
ISSN : 2798-5334
brought their breakfast as a meal for Mrs.
Tunmel's family on Christmas day. In that
sentence, the phrase good angels
translated into malaikat- malaikat yang
baik. Phrases of good angels are cultural
words that categorized in organization,
custom, activities, procedures and
concepts, namely believe and concepts.
The word good is an adjective that
describes the noun in the phrase, which is
angels. The word angels are the plural
form of the word angel. So that in the
translation of the phrase good angels in
the target language, the plural form is
used, namely malaikat – malaikat yang
baik. In the source language culture,
angels are supernatural beings that are
believed by certain religions and usually
have guardian characteristics for humans.
In the source language, according to
Cambridge dictionary angels is a spiritual
being in some religions who is believed to
be a messenger of God, usually
represented as having human form with
wings. Another meaning of angels in
Cambridge dictionary refers to someone
very good, helpful, or kind. The term
malaikat in the target language based
KBBI has the meaning mahluk Allah yang
taat, mempunyai tugas khusus dari Allah or
God's being who is obedient, has a special
task from Allah. In the English - Indonesia
dictionary by John M Echols and Hassan
Shadily, angel means malaikat.
Based on this meaning, the word angel is
the relevant of the word malaikat. In this
translation, the translator translates
expressions in the source language into
the target language literally and used the
terms that exist in the target language
with a meaning is equivalent to the source
language. Based on Nida's theory, this
translation is included in the category of
formal equivalence translations where the
translator translates the expression in the
source language literally in the target
language so that the message in the phrase
can be conveyed properly.

2. Dynamic Equivalence
Dynamic equivalence attempts to produce
the closest natural equivalence message
from the source language to the target
language. In dynamic equivalence not too

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Received: 26-07-2021; Accepted: 26-07-2021; Published: 29-11-2021


Vol. 1, no.2 (2021), pp. 125-137
ISSN : 2798-5334
focused on compatibility of the message
between source and target languages but
rather the dynamic relationship. The
relationship must be substantially same as
the message in the source language.

Data 05 : Dress Maker
SL : I know just the dress maker to send
you to.
TL : aku tahu penjahit yang tepat untukmu.
This sentence spoke by Sallie to
Meg when Meg was looking at the fabric
for dress. Phrase dressmaker is a cultural
word that is included in the category of
Social Culture. In that sentence, the phrase
dressmaker is translated into penjahit or
tailor in the target language. In this
sentence, the term penjahit is used as the
equivalent of the phrase dressmaker. In
this translation, penjahit or the tailor leads
to a more general job, while the meaning
of the phrase dressmaker is more specific.
The word penjahit can be used as an
equivalent of the phrase dressmaker
because penjahit is a job that is still related
to the process of making clothes or
dresses. In this translation, the translator
uses the term that is more natural in the
target language so that the audience can
more easily convey the message in the
sentence. This translation categorized as
dynamic equivalence where the translator
uses natural expressions in translating
phrases from the source language to the
target language.

Data 06 : Spicy
SL : Tell her to make it short and spicy
TL : Suruh dia buat singkat dan menghibur
This sentence spoke by Mr. Dashwood
to Jo requested that the story was written
by Jo to be more acceptable to society
during civil war. In the subtitles of the
movie, the word spicy is translated into
menghibur in the target language. Spicy is
cultural words categorized into
organization, customs, activities,
procedures and concepts namely
concepts. In the Cambridge dictionary
spicy is contains strong flavor from spices.
In the English - Indonesian dictionary by
John M Echols and Hassan Shadily, the
word spicy means pedas. In the translation
of the word spicy to menghibur the

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Received: 26-07-2021; Accepted: 26-07-2021; Published: 29-11-2021


Vol. 1, no.2 (2021), pp. 125-137
ISSN : 2798-5334
translator changes the literal meaning of
the word and adjusts the meaning to the
topic being discussed in the context of the
conversation. Based on Nida's theory, this
translation categorized of dynamic
equivalence because the translator use
natural expression in target language to
deliver the message from source language.

Data 07 : At 8
SL : Pick me up at the hotel at 8
TL : Jemput aku dihotel pukul 20.00
That sentence spoke by Amy when she
asked Laurie to pick her up at the hotel at
8 o'clock to go to a New Years' eve party.
The mention of time is cultural words that
categorized to organization, customs,
activities, procedures and concepts
namely concepts. In that sentence, the
time at 8 o'clock translated into pukul
20.00. In this translation, there is a
difference in the statement of the time
between the source language culture and
the target language culture. The term
pukul 20.00 in translation equal as 8 pm in
source language culture. In the culture of
the target language, in this case,
Indonesian culture, is used the concept of
24 hours a day which is different from the
culture in the source language, which uses
the concept of 12 hours with
differentiators A.M and P.M. In this
translation, the translator adjusts the
timing in the source language to the target
language so that messages in the source
language text can be conveyed to the
audience in the target language. Based on
Nida's theory, this translation is included
in the category of dynamic equivalence
because the translator uses natural
expression in target language.

Data 08 : Scarlet Fever
SL : Scarlet fever
TL : Demam berdarah
This sentence was said by the doctor to
March's family after examining the
condition of Beth with scarlet fever.
Phrase scarlet fever is a cultural word that
categorized to organization, customs,
activities, procedures and concepts,
namely concept. In this sentence, scarlet
fever is translated into demam berdarah
or dengue fever in the target language. In

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Received: 26-07-2021; Accepted: 26-07-2021; Published: 29-11-2021


Vol. 1, no.2 (2021), pp. 125-137
ISSN : 2798-5334
the source language, according to the
Cambridge dictionary, scarlet fever is an
infectious fever usually with a sore throat
and red rash. Scarlet fever is a disease
caused by a bacterial infection, also known
as scarlatina. In the subtitle translation,
the translator translates scarlet fever into
demam berdarah or dengue fever. Demam
berdarah or dengue fever is a fever caused
by a certain mosquito bite and is
characterized by red spots on the body.
Scarlet fever and demam berdarah are
different types of diseases. In this
translation, the translator translated
scarlet fever into demam berdarah
because demam berdarah is a common
disease in the target language countries
and has the same symptom to scarlet
fever. Based on Nida's theory, the
translation is categorized of dynamic
equivalence because the translator
translates as natural as possible phrases
in the source language into the target

A. Conclusion
This study focuses to find the equivalence
meaning of cultural words translation in
little women movie subtitle. This study
uses the theory of Peter Newmark to
identify the type of cultural words. The
cultural words translation then classified
into two category of equivalence in
translation which are formal equivalence
and dynamic equivalence based on Nida’s
theory. In order to analyze the meaning of
the translation, this study uses the
Cambridge learner dictionary to analyze
the meaning of cultural words in source
language and KBBI to analyze the meaning
of cultural words in target language. This
study also uses the English - Indonesia
dictionary by John M Echols and Hassan
Shadilly to analyze type of equivalence of
cultural words translation.
This study found all type of cultural words
which are ecology, material culture, social
culture, organization, customs,
procedures, activities, and concepts, and
gestures and habits. According to the
analysis, this study found all type of
equivalence translation in translated the

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Received: 26-07-2021; Accepted: 26-07-2021; Published: 29-11-2021


Vol. 1, no.2 (2021), pp. 125-137
ISSN : 2798-5334
cultural words from source language to
the target language which are formal
equivalence and dynamic equivalence.
In formal equivalence the translation for
this type of cultural words uses the term
that existed in target language and
translated noun by noun, and reproduced
meaning in term in the target language.
According to the data obtained, the
dynamic equivalence of cultural words
translation is translated by using natural
expression in target language that has
relevant meaning to the source language.
This type of equivalence is used because
the translator adjusting the term in target
language to the context and situation in
the movie.

Bodgan, B R. & Knoop, S. 2007. Qualitative
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Fifth Edition, USA, Pearson Education
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Liu Dayan. 2012. Dynamic Equivalence and Formal
Correspondence in Translation between
Chinese and English. International Journal of
Humanities and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 12
Newmark, P. 1988. A Text Book Of Translation.
Great Britain, Prentice Hall
Nida, E A. 2001. Context In Translating, John
Benjamin Publishing Company
Pasangka, M. 2016. The Equivalence And The
Method Of The Indonesian Translation Of
English Idiom In The Subtitle Of Friday Night
Lights Movie.

Xiang Yinhua, 2011. Equivalence In Translation :
Features and Necessity. International
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Cambridge Online Dictionary, 2021. Retrieved
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Retrieved from