Educational Psychology Review [jepr] pp317-edpr-363439 November 15, 2001 13:5 Style file version Nov. 19th, 1999
Educational Psychology Review, Vol. 14, No. 1, March 2002 (C!2002)
Animation as an Aid to Multimedia Learning
Richard E. Mayer
and Roxana Moreno
How can animation be used to promote learner understanding of scientific
and mathematical explanations? In this review, we examine the role of ani-
mation in multimedia learning (including multimedia instructional messages
and microworld games), present a cognitive theory of multimedia learning,
and summarize our program of research, which has yielded seven princi-
ples for the use of animation in multimedia instruction. These include the
multimedia principle (present animation and narration rather than narration
alone), spatial contiguity principle (present on-screen text near rather than far
from corresponding animation), temporal contiguity principle (present corre-
sponding animation and narration simultaneously rather than successively),
coherence principle (exclude extraneous words, sounds, and video), modality
principle (present animation and narration rather than animation and on-
screen text), redundancy principle (present animation and narration rather
than animation, narration, and on-screen text), and personalization principle
(present words in conversational rather than formal style). Animation can
promote learner understanding when used in ways that are consistent with the
cognitive theory of multimedia learning.
KEY WORDS: multimedia; animation; technology; science education; problem solving.
Multimedia instructional environments are widely recognized to hold
great potential for improving the way that people learn (Mayer, 1999, in
press; Sweller, 1999; van Merrienboer, 1997). In multimedia instructional
environments, learners are exposed to material in verbal (such as on-screen
text or narration) as well as pictoral form (including static materials such as
University of California, Santa Barbara, California.
University of New Mexico, New Mexico.
Correspondence should be addressed to Richard E. Mayer, Department of Psychology,
University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106; e-mail: [email protected].
1040-726X/02/0300-0087/0C!2002 Plenum Publishing Corporation

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88 Mayer and Moreno
photos or illustrations, and dynamic materials such as video or animation).
Although verbal forms of presentation have long dominated education,
there is encouraging evidence that student understanding can be enhanced
by the addition of visual forms of presentation (Mayer, 1999, in press;
Sweller, 1999).
One of the most exciting forms of pictoral presentation is animation.
Animation refers to asimulated motion picturedepicting movement of drawn
(or simulated) objects. The main features of this definition are as follows:
(1) picture – an animation is a kind of pictorial representation; (2) motion –
an animation depicts apparent movement; and (3) simulated – an animation
consists of objects that are artificially created through drawing or some other
simulation method. In contrast, video refers to a motion picture depicting
movement of real objects. Similarly, an illustration is a static picture of drawn
(or simulated) objects whereas a photo is a static picture of real objects.
When used mainly as a form of entertainment, an animation can be
called a cartoon, but in this review we focus on the potential of animation as
an educational tool. Does animation promote learning? Do students learn
more from animation than from other modes of presentation? Should we
increase the use of animation in educational programs? These questions
fit within a classical tradition of media research, in which the goal is to
determine whether students learn better with one medium compared with
another. However, media researchers have concluded that media research
questions such as these are largely fruitless (Clark, 1994; Kozma, 1994; Ross,
1994; Salomon, 1979/1994).
The consensus among media researchers is that animation may or may
not promote learning, depending on how it used. For these reasons the search
for media effects has been called off. In its place is a search for the conditions
under which various media, such as animation, affect the learning process.
Taking a learner-centered approach, we aim to understand how animation
can be used in ways that are consistent with how people learn. Instead of
asking, “does animation improve learning?” we ask “when and how does
animation affect learning?”
Multimedia can be defined in terms of sensory modalities (e.g., visual vs. auditory), repre-
sentational modes (e.g., pictorial vs. verbal), or delivery media (e.g., screens vs. speakers).
In this paper, we define multimedia in terms of modes and modalities (e.g., visual/pictorial
vs. auditory/verbal), so animation is processed in the visual/pictorial channel and narration is
processed in the auditory/verbal channel.

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Animation in Multimedia Learning 89
Consider the following scenario: Alice is writing a report on film making.
To gather research information, she goes to her on-line encyclopedia and
clicks on “animation.” On the computer screen there appears a window
containing a 250-word explanation of how animated cartoons are created
and another window containing a 30-s animation depicting the process of
creating an animated cartoon. She reads the words, having to scroll down
several times, and then clicks on the “start” button to view the animation.
This is an example of multimedia learning because the material is presented
in pictoral and verbal forms, namely animation and on-screen text. In this
case animation is used in the context of amultimedia instructional message—
a multimedia presentation intended to explain something to a learner.
In our research, we have created four multimedia instructional mes-
sages consisting of narrated animations that explain how lightning storms
form, how pumps work, how car brakes work, and how human lungs work
(see Mayer, 1997, 1999, in press). The messages are short and focused, rang-
ing from 30 to 180 s. For example, the multimedia instructional message
for lightning consists of an animation that depicts the steps in the process
of lightning formation (e.g., cool moist air moving over a warmer surface,
moist air rising to form a cloud, and so on), and a corresponding narration
that describes the steps in spoken words. To test learner understanding, we
ask students to write answers to a series of four transfer questions such as,
“What could be done to decrease the intensity of a lightning storm?” or
“Suppose you see clouds in the sky but no lightning. Why not?” We score
the transfer test by tallying the number of acceptable answers the student
generated across all four problems, based on a list of acceptable answers for
each problem.
Consider a second scenario: Beth is interested in playing a new physics
game, so she calls up an educational game called “Click World” and clicks on
“level 1.” She guides a ball through a maze by pressing buttons and moving a
joystick and receives verbal feedback from a “computer coach” who talks to
her as she plays. This is an example of multimedia learning because the mate-
rial is presented in visual and verbal forms, namely animation and speech. In
this case animation is used in the context of amicroworld game, a simulated
version of a real situation. In microworld games, students may interact with
an animation-based simulation such as a game intended to teach scientific or
mathematical concepts (Dunbar, 1993; Moreno and Mayer, 2000; Moreno
et al., 2000; Rieber, 1990; White, 1993).
In our research, we have studied how students learn in two microworld
games: a mathematics game in which elementary-school children learn how
to add and subtract signed numbers by moving a bunny along a number line
(Moreno and Mayer, 2000), and a botany game in which high-school and
college students design plants to survive in various environments (Moreno

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90 Mayer and Moreno
et al., 2000). For example, in the botany game students interact with an
animated pedagogical agent named “Herman the Bug” who takes them on
a space ship to a new planet. The planet has certain environmental features
such as low sunlight or heavy rain, and the student is asked to design a plant
that would survive there—including selecting the appropriate type of roots,
stem, and leaves (with eight alternatives for each). Herman provides help by
showing an animation of plant growth while verbally describing how plants
grow. Students travel to several different planets, get to design a plant for
each, and then get to see if it survives. As a test of understanding, our transfer
test involves designing plants for new environments and telling which kinds
of environments a given plant is best suited for. The score is based on the
number of correct answers the student gives across the transfer problems.
In this review, we focus on the role of animation in multimedia in-
structional messages and in microworld games, and we ask, “How should
animation be presented to promote understanding of a multimedia explana-
tion?” We begin by examining two views of multimedia learning, and then
explore research on several design principles involving the role of animation
in instruction.
In designing multimedia presentations involving animation, instruc-
tional designers base their decisions on a theory of how students learn. In
this section, we explore two competing views of how students learn from
words and pictures.
Information Delivery Theory of Multimedia Learning
A straightforward theory is that learning involves adding information
to one’s memory (see Mayer, 1996, in press). According to this theory, the
computer is a system for delivering information to learners. The instruc-
tional designer’s role is to present information (e.g., as words or pictures,
or both) and the learner’s role is to receive the information. For example,
when an explanation is presented in words (such as narration) the learner
can store the information in memory. Adding pictures (such as animation)
should have no effect on what is learned if the pictures contain the same
information as the words. Thus, according to this strict version of the infor-
mation delivery theory, multimedia presentations should not result in better
learning than single-medium presentations. However, if some learners prefer
visual presentations and others prefer verbal presentations, then a multime-
dia presentation would be effective in delivering information effectively to

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Animation in Multimedia Learning 91
both kinds of learners. In this way, learners could select the delivery route
they prefer. Thus, according to a lenient version of the information delivery
theory, multimedia presentations should result in better learning than single
medium presentations.
Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
An alternative idea is that meaningful learning occurs when students
mentally construct coherent knowledge representations (see Mayer, 1996,
in press). The cognitive theory of multimedia learning is based on three
assumptions suggested by cognitive research: (1) dual-channel assumption –
the idea that humans have separate channels for processing visual/pictorial
representations and auditory/verbal representations (Baddeley, 1998; Paivio,
1986); (2) limited capacity assumption – the idea that only a few pieces
of information can be actively processed at any one time in each channel
(Baddeley, 1998; Sweller, 1999); and (3) active processing – the idea that
meaningful learning occurs when the learner engages in cognitive processes
such as selecting relevant material, organizing it into a coherent representa-
tion, and integrating it with existing knowledge (Mayer, in press; Wittrock,
Figure 1 summarizes the cognitive theory of multimedia learning.
Narration enters via the ears, so the learner selects some of the words for fur-
ther processing in the verbal channel, organizes the words into a cause-and-
effect chain, and integrates it with the visual material and prior knowledge.
Animation enters via the eyes, so the learner selects some of the images
for further processing in the visual channel, organizes the images into a
cause-and-effect chain, and integrates it with the verbal material and prior
knowledge. According to this theory, the cognitive process of integrating is
most likely to occur when the learner has corresponding pictoral and verbal
representations in working memory at the same time. Instructional condi-
tions that promote these processes are most likely to result in meaningful
learning. As you can see, this theory predicts that multimedia presentations
(such as narrated animation) are more likely to lead to meaningful learning
than single-medium presentations.
For the past decade, we and our colleagues at the University of
California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), have been examining the conditions
under which animation promotes learner understanding. In this section, we

Educational Psychology Review [jepr] pp317-edpr-363439 November 15, 2001 13:5 Style file version Nov. 19th, 1999
Fig. 1.
A cognitive theory of multimedia learning.

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Animation in Multimedia Learning 93
summarize the fruits of our research, namely a collection of seven research-
based principles for the design of multimedia presentations involving anima-
tion. Table I lists each of the principles, along with a summary of supporting
research studies. For each study, we compared the problem-solving transfer
performance of college students who learned with and without a certain con-
dition (such as temporal coordination of animation and narration). Specifi-
cally, we computed an effect size as the difference between the mean transfer
scores of the groups divided by the standard deviation of the group that did
not receive the condition. We used transfer as our measure of meaningful
learning (or learner understanding) because transfer taps students’ ability
to use what they have learned in new situations.
Multimedia Principle
The first principle is that students learn more deeply from animation
and narration than from narration alone. The theoretical rationale for this
principle is that students are better able to build mental connections between
corresponding words and pictures when both are presented (i.e., animation
and narration) than when only one is presented (i.e., narration) and the
learner must mentally create the other. In each of four experiments,
adding a pictoral explanation (i.e., animation) to a verbal one (i.e., narration)
resulted in a substantial improvement in learners’ problem-solving transfer
performance. The median effect size was 1.74, indicating a strong and con-
sistent effect. In these studies, animation enhanced student understanding
of scientific explanations of how pumps work, how brakes work, or how to
add and subtract signed numbers. In short, we have consistent evidence for
the multimedia principle that words and pictures are better for promoting
learner understanding than are words alone. Not all animations are equally
effective in promoting understanding in learners, so each of the next six
principles focuses on the difference between effective and ineffective uses
of animation.
Spatial Contiguity Principle
The second principle is that students learn more deeply when on-screen
text is presented next to the portion of the animation that it describes than
when on-screen text is presented far from the corresponding action in the
animation. The theoretical rationale is that learners are better able to build
mental connections between corresponding words and pictures when they
are near each other on the screen; in contrast, when they are not near each

Educational Psychology Review [jepr] pp317-edpr-363439 November 15, 2001 13:5 Style file version Nov. 19th, 1999
Table I.Seven Principles of Multimedia Learning
Effect Median Number of
Principle and comparison source Materials size effect size positive tests
1. Multimedia principle: Deeper 1.73 4 of 4
learning from animation and
narration than from narration alone
Mayer and Anderson (1992, Exp. 1) Pumps 1.90
Mayer and Anderson (1992, Exp. 2) Brakes 1.67
Mayer and Anderson (1991, Exp. 2a) Pumps 2.43
Moreno and Mayer (1999b, Exp. 1) Math game 0.47
2. Spatial contiguity principle: Deeper 0.48 1 of 1
learning when corresponding text and
animation are presented near rather
than far from each other on the screen
Moreno and Mayer (1999a, Exp. 1) Lightning 0.48
3. Temporal contiguity principle: Deeper 1.30 8 of 8
learning when corresponding narration
and animation are presented
simultaneously rather than successively
Mayeret al. (1999, Exp. 1) Lightning 1.96
Mayeret al. (1999, Exp. 2) Brakes 1.27
Mayer and Sims (1994, Exp. 1) Brakes 0.83
Mayer and Sims (1994, Exp. 2) Lungs 1.60
Mayer and Anderson (1992, Exp. 1) Pumps 1.61
Mayer and Anderson (1992, Exp. 2) Brakes 1.33
Mayer and Anderson (1991, Exp. 1) Pumps 1.00
Mayer and Anderson (1991, Exp. 2a) Pumps 1.05
4. Coherence principle: Deeper learning 0.90 5 of 5
when extraneous narration, sounds, and
video are excluded rather than included
Mayeret al.(2001, Exp. 1) Lightning 0.55
Moreno and Mayer (2000a, Exp. 1) Lightning 1.56
Moreno and Mayer (2000a, Exp. 2) Brakes 0.90
Mayeret al.(2001, Exp. 3) Lightning 0.86
Mayeret al.(2001, Exp. 4) Lightning 1.03
5. Modality principle: Deeper learning 1.17 6 of 6
from animation and narration than
from animation and on-screen text
Moreno and Mayer (1999a, Exp. 1) Lightning 1.06
Moreno and Mayer (1999a, Exp. 2) Lightning 1.28
Mayer and Moreno (1998, Exp. 1) Lightning 1.68
Mayer and Moreno (1998, Exp. 2) Brakes 0.94
Morenoet al.(2000, Exp. 1) Botany game 0.89
Morenoet al.(2000. Exp. 2) Botany game 1.37
6. Redundancy principle: Deeper learning 0.77 2 of 2
from animation and narration than from
animation, narration, and on-screen text
Mayeret al.(2001, Exp. 1) Lightning 0.66
Mayeret al.(2001, Exp. 2) Lightning 0.88
7. Personalization principle: Deeper 1.55 5 of 5
learning when narration or on-screen
text is conversational rather than formal
Moreno and Mayer (2000b, Exp. 1) Lightning 1.00
Moreno and Mayer (2000b, Exp. 2) Lightning 1.60
Moreno and Mayer (2000b, Exp. 3) Botany game 1.55
Moreno and Mayer (2000b, Exp. 4) Botany game 1.58
Moreno and Mayer (2000b, Exp. 5) Botany game 0.89

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Animation in Multimedia Learning 95
other, learners must waste limited cognitive capacity in searching for the
portion of the animation that corresponds to the presented text. In the one
experiment that we conducted, students who received on-screen text pre-
sented next to the corresponding event in the animation performed better
on problem-solving transfer than students who received on-screen text at
the bottom of the screen. The effect size was 0.48, indicating a moderate
effect. In this study, placing words near the corresponding portion of the
picture helped students understand an explanation of how lightning storms
develop, thus yielding what we call the spatial contiguity principle.
Temporal Contiguity Principle
The third principle is that students learn more deeply when correspond-
ing portions of the narration and animation are presented at the same time
than when they are separated in time. The theoretical rationale is that learn-
ers are better able to make mental connections when corresponding words
and pictures are in working memory at the same time. In all eight experi-
mental tests that we conducted, involving explanations of how brakes work,
how pumps work, how lightning forms, and how human lungs work, students
performed better on tests of problem-solving transfer when animation and
narration where presented simultaneously than when they were presented
successively (i.e., entire animation before or after entire narration). The me-
dian effect size was 1.30, indicating a strong and consistent effect that we call
the temporal contiguity effect.
Coherence Principle
The fourth principle is that students learn more deeply from anima-
tion and narration when extraneous words, sounds (including music), and
video are excluded rather than included. The theoretical rationale is that
the learner may attend to the irrelevant material and therefore have less
cognitive resource available for building mental connections between rele-
vant portions of the narration and animation. For example, we added extra
verbal details or interesting video to an explanation of how lightning works
or we added background music and environmental sounds to an explanation
of how lightning or brakes work. In five out of five experimental compar-
isons, students performed better on problem-solving transfer tests when they
studied animation and narration without rather than with extraneous words,
video, or sounds. The median effect size was 0.90, indicating a strong and
consistent effect that we call the coherence effect.

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96 Mayer and Moreno
Modality Principle
The fifth principle is that students learn more deeply from animation
and narration than from animation and on-screen text. The theoretical ra-
tionale is that the learner’s visual channel might become overloaded when
words and pictures are both presented visually, that is, learners must pro-
cess the on-screen text and the animation through the eyes, at least initially.
Thus, the learner might not have much cognitive capacity left over to build
connections between words and pictures. In contrast, when words are pre-
sented through the auditory channel (as narration) then the visual channel
is less likely to become overloaded, and learners are more likely to be able
to build connections between corresponding words and pictures. In six of six
experimental comparisons, involving explanations of how lightning forms,
how brakes work, and how plants grow, students were better able to transfer
what they had learned to new problems when animation was accompanied
by spoken words (narration) than by printed words (on-screen text). In all
cases, the corresponding animation and words were presented simultane-
ously. The median effect size was 1.17, indicating a strong and consistent
effect, which we call a modality effect.
Redundancy Principle
The redundancy principle is that students learn more deeply from an-
imation and narration than from animation, narration, and on-screen text.
It is based on the same theoretical rationale as the modality principle. In
two experiments, we compared the problem-solving transfer performance
of students who studied an explanation of how lightning forms from anima-
tion and corresponding narration versus from animation with corresponding
narration and on-screen text. In both studies, receiving less—animation and
narration—resulted in better transfer performance than receiving more—
animation, narration, and on-screen text. In all cases, the corresponding
animation and words were presented simultaneously. The median effect size
was 0.77, indicating a moderately strong and consistent effect, which we call
the redundancy effect.
Personalization Principle
The final principle is that students learn more deeply from animation
and narration when the narration is in conversational rather than formal
style. To create the conversational style we added first and second person

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Animation in Multimedia Learning 97
constructions (i.e., involving “I” and “you”) to explanations of lightning
formation or plant growth. The theoretical rationale is that students work
harder to understand an explanation when they are personally involved in a
conversation. In five of five experimental studies, students performed better
on transfer tests when words were presented in conversational rather than
formal style. The median effect size was 1.55, indicating strong and consistent
support for what we call the personalization effect.
Overall, Table I summarizes seven design principles that flow from our
program of research on multimedia learning at UCSB. The effects are most
consistent with the cognitive theory of multimedia learning rather than the
information delivery theory of multimedia learning. It should be noted that
other scholars have found similar effects (see Sweller, 1999, for example)
and that user interactivity may be another important principle (see Rieber,
This review shows that animation has great potential to improve hu-
man learning—especially when the goal is to promote deep understanding.
However, in order to effectively use animation it is useful to understand how
people learn from pictoral and verbal media. Our seven principles are based
on a cognitive theory of multimedia learning and are tested in rigorous exper-
imental studies. Yet, our principles should not be taken as rigid procedures
to be followed in all situations. Instead, multimedia presentations should be
designed in ways that promote the cognitive processes required for mean-
ingful learning, namely selecting, organizing, and integrating as indicated in
Fig. 1.
In the new millennium, pictoral forms of teaching are likely to con-
tinue to grow as a complement to verbal forms of teaching (Pailliotet and
Mosenthal, 2000). Animation is a potentially powerful tool for multimedia
designers, but its use should be based on cognitive theory and empirical
research. This article provides research-based examples of ways in which
animation can be used effectively to promote learner understanding. Yet,
animation (and other visual forms of presentation) is not a magical panacea
that automatically creates understanding. Indeed, the worldwide web and
commercial software are replete with examples of glitzy animations that
dazzle the eyes, but it is fair to ask whether or not they promote learner

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98 Mayer and Moreno
understanding that empowers the mind. Our goal is to develop a cognitive
theory of multimedia learning that will guide designers in effectively using
animation in multimedia presentations. The future of instructional animation
is bright to the extent that its use is guided by cognitive theory and research.
This research was supported by a grant from the National Science Foun-
dation entitled “Learning and intelligent systems: Animated pedagogical
agents for constructivist learning environments.”
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