International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 5 No. 1 January 2017



Elisabeth Sitepu
A Doctorate Program Students of Sekolah Tinggi Teologi of North Sumatera

This study aims to determine memory enhancement vocational students Immanuel Medan, to
determine the relationship of psychological analysis of communication to improve memory SMK
Immanuel Medan, and to determine the level of psychological analysis of communication in
improving students SMK Immanuel Medan by listening in improving learning achievement. The
study population was all students SMK Immanuel Medan 675 people and a sample of 40% X 675 =
270 people. The design of the study conducted by researchers using correlation method to search for
the significance of the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Data analysis
technique used in this research using quantitative methods. This method is used in addition to
statistical test equipment, also used descriptive analysis through frequency tables and percentages,
then every variable and dimension of research compiled based on criteria not good, not good, good,
very good. Based on hypothesis testing can be concluded there is a positive and significant
correlation between improved memory by listening in improving learning achievement. Based on
the calculation, it can be seen that the increase in memory by listening to have a direct influence on
student achievement SMK Immanuel Medan. So it was clear to listen to it extremely helpful to get
some information provided by the teacher to the student.
Keywords: Memory Improvement and Job Performance.

The quality of education in Indonesia assessed by many observers still far behind compared
with other countries, even in Asia the level of quality of education in Indonesia is still included in
the group below. If we compare the average ability of our students to nearby countries such as
Malaysia and Singapore, our education very far behind. (Kompas 2007: 14).
Today we do not need to find who is wrong in the implementation of the education, which is
important now how we together find a way out of the problems of education and trying to improve
the quality of our education so that they can be aligned even more than other countries. One effort
to improve the quality of education is to encourage students to study hard, because in this way we
can catch up. There are three objectives of education are well known in the world of education,
namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The third ability that must be mastered as a bridge to
get on the mastery of the Traffic cognitive perception, memory and thinking. Perception is a process
that involves the inclusion of the message or information into the human brain through this
perception people will relate continuously. Given that and think: a cognitive activity, where people
realize that the knowledge derived from the past. There are two forms of remembering the most

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attention are familiar return (Recognition) and recall (reproduction). Vocational High School
(SMK) is one institution that aims to prepare students / graduates enter the workforce and be able to
develop a professional attitude, able to choose a career, competent and be a middle-level manpower
to fill the needs of business and industry current and future will come.
Results of National Examination in Mathematics, English and Bahasa Indonesia SMK
Immanuel Medan is obtained that only mathematics that qualify for an international school for three
years, namely in the Academic Year 2004/2005 s / d 2006/2007, whereas subjects in English
Indonesian and does not qualify for an international school for the last four years, namely in the
academic year 2003/2004 s / d 2006/2007. Of the requirements of international schools mentioned
above, the quantity and quality of graduates of vocational high school students Immanuel Medan is
still low.
Therefore, it is necessary for efforts to improve student learning outcomes through effective
learning strategies such as increased student characteristics, among others, to improve memory,
perception, thinking ability, cognitive style, attitude, skills and others that are predicted to improve
learning achievement. From the description above, the researcher interested in lifting the title
"Master of Communication Psychology Analysis to Improve Memory Students SMK Immanuel
Medan by listening to improve Student Achievement".

Understanding Learning Achievement
The learning achievement is often defined values obtained in the process of teaching and
learning (Poerwadarminta, 1976: 786). Achievement of course means that the results achieved
every activity has a target to be achieved as well as things in the process of teaching learning
achievement is the result obtained by the students after completing a certain learning packages that
can be arranged in various forms specific evaluation process anyway. The results which can be
achieved can be shaped shutter cognitive, affective and psikomoteri all of which is reflected in
student achievement.
The learning achievement is also the result of which is a picture quality learning achievement
of learning objectives that are set or measure of the degree students of the material presented in
numbers or quality that describes the level. Factors that affect the principle of learning is internal
factors and external factors included internal factors are concerning the whole self, including
physical, or mental or that will determine the success of a learning. External factors are factors
beyond the individual, for example: learning space, teaching aids and social environment and the
natural environment. Both of these factors affect student achievement. In general, people assess
learning achievement is only seen from indicators of academic achievement in any field of study,
but there are also other indicators, such as achievement arts, sport, leadership, skills and personal
qualities of students (Mudjijana, 2004).From the above definition can be concluded that learning
achievement is the ability of a child to master, absorb and understand and understand the knowledge
and skills acquired pleased with the lesson. The point of this achievement can be seen from the
value in daily activities.

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 5 No. 1 January 2017


Psychology of Communication
Prior to impose limits on communication and communication Psychology first described about
communication and communication Psychological. Communication as the process by which a
person or communicators convey stimuli (usually symbols or shapes of words). Hovland (Effendy,
1986: 12). After that communication can also be interpreted as a process in which the parties’
participants to use the information with the aim of achieving better mutual understanding on
important issues for all parties concerned (Kincaid and Schramun, 1987: 49). From these quotations
can be concluded that the communication can be concluded is communication is a process to change
behavior and achieve a similar understanding about the information through symbols that are
presented in simple.
In the self-communicant psychology gives human characteristics of communication as well as
internal factors and external influencing the behavior of communication, psychology is also
interested in the communication between individuals, how the message of an individual into a
stimulus that causes a response in other individuals, researching the process of expressing thoughts
into symbols submitted, examined the process of expressing thoughts became a symbol, shape
symbol and emblem influence on human behavior. By the time the message reached the
communicators themselves, psychology look into the process of receiving messages analyze the
factors affecting the personal and situational and clarify various shades communicant when its
influence and clarify various shades communicant when alone or in a group. As human beings we
are very limited ability to connect with our environment and with our neighbor. We have five sense
organs (senses), vision, hearing, smell, touch and feeling. So every incoming beam on the retina of
our eyes, every vibration of air that vibrate the ear part associated with rash tentacle can potentially
be called a variety of stimuli.

The design of the study conducted by researchers using correlation method to search for the
significance of the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. This study used
survey method that is research taking sample from a population by using a questionnaire as a data
collection tool that principal (Singarimbun and Effendi, 1989: 3).
Location research by the author is at Immanuel College Foundation (YPI) Terrain: Jalan Gatot
Subroto No. 325 ZIP code 20119, Phone 061-4569548 Fax. 061-4154154 Village Sikambing D
Petisah district of Medan North Sumatra Province. The reasons for the choice of location by
researchers in accordance with observation, that the school in question has a good growth in terms
of number of students from year to year, self-contained, so the researchers are interested to knowing
how teachers educate and development of learning achievement of students, limited time and funds
The target population of this research is students SMK Immanuel 675 people to the table listed
below details the student population. In establishing sampling these study researchers used the
formula Winarno Surahman. N ≤ 1000; N = 40% of the population. Based on that as many as 675
persons, N ≤ 1000 - N = 40%, so 40% X 675 = 270 people.
Data analysis technique used in this study using Quantitative Methods. This method is used in
addition to statistical test equipment, also used descriptive analysis through frequency tables and

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percentages, then every variable and dimension of research compiled based on criteria not good, not
good, good, very good. Analysis of independent and dependent conducted through correlation
techniques of governance levels of Spearman Rank Correlation with Rho symbol (Sugiono, 2000:
229). Data on the variables measured according to the formula:
6 Σ b12
Rho = 1 -
N (N2 - 1)
Correlation Coefficient Spearman rho =
B1 = Individual Differences (rank) is awarded to individuals or the same phenomenon.
N = number of individuals or phenomena by levels (ranking).
From the results of hypothesis testing is expected to note the strong / weak high or low /
variable relations improve memory by listening to the learning achievement (Sugiono 1992: 145),
illustrated by.
Interval Coefficient Level Relation
0.00 to 0.199 = Very low
0.20 to 0.399 = Low
0.40 to 0.599 = Medium
From 0.60 to 0.799 = Strong
0.80 to 1.000 = Very Strong

As previously explained that in this research consisted of two variables (X, Y) which can be
explained as follows: The independent variable or variables influence (the independent variable)
that increase memory by listening to (X), while the dependent variable (the dependent variable is
learning achievement (Y). Spearman Rank Correlation calculation results with the help of SPSS for
Window version 10.0 result the relationship between variables in matrix form as follows:
Table 4.1. correlation

through listening
thrugh listening
Coefficient 1 ,642(**)
Sig. (2-tailed) . ,000
N 270 270
,642(**) 1
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 .
N 270 270
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 5 No. 1 January 2017


Tabel 4.2. Interpretation Correlation Coefficient


Level Relationships


Very Low








Very Strong

Based on the interpretation of the coefficient table above, then the results it can be seen in
Table 4.2. Based on the above table it is known that there is a relationship between two variables:
Improved memory by listening (X) and learning achievement (Y) of 0.642. of the relationship of
these variables is a positive result and included in the category of strong (see table above 4.2).
To determine the level of a significant relationship these variables, the results count rho
correlation coefficients of each relationship between variables will be consulted with r rho table. To
a significant level of 5% and a total sample of 270, the value of r table = 0.124 and significant level
of 1% = 0.163.
If rho count> rho table, the coefficient is significant.
If rho count <rho table, then the correlation coefficient is not significant.
Based on the above it can be seen that the entire results rho calculated for both variables is
greater than the rho table (0.642> 0.124, 0.163). So we can conclude that the relationship between
the study variables was significant. Thus it can be concluded there is a positive and significant
correlation between improved memory by listening in improving learning achievement.
Based on the calculation, it can be seen that the increase in memory by listening to have a direct
influence on student achievement SMK Immanuel Medan. So it was clear to listen to it extremely
helpful to get some information provided by the teacher to the student. Because the listening
students will be able to actualize all the conditions as a symbol, even all signals that can be heard
through the lessons delivered communicators (teachers) so that students can understand what the
teacher says and can do what is expected of students and teachers.
Listen to the words of the conversation is easier to do when watching them. If during the
teacher talk or explain listener lesson (students) do not pay attention to the speaker. For example, by
looking at others, or not concentrating, distractions. It also makes teachers are not eager to explain.
So pay attention to is very important because students should concentrate on the students' awareness

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of the stimuli of a single vote. So that students can respond to any given conversation not to look at
objects or other sounds.
A student should be able to understand the meaning of the messages delivered and the teachers
and students must be able to interpretation of the message of the most well so what the teacher
students can interpret a message so that it can understand it in earnest. Subject matter that has
listened to it must be remembered by the students, while the process of considering the question is
storing the information to be recovered. It is not a listener able to remember the entire conversation
up small things. However, students (listeners) need to remember and record the main points of the
lesson. Thus, students can capture and memorize the outlines of the message provided by the
teacher to the student.
Factors that affect the principle of learning is internal factors and external factors included
internal factors are concerning the whole self, including physical, or mental or spikopisik that will
determine the success of a learning. External factors are factors beyond the individual, for example:
learning space, teaching aids and social environment and the natural environment. Both of these
factors affect student achievement.
However, based on observations of researchers, there are several factors that can hamper
students in the process of effective listening, perhaps the most serious obstacle and most destructive
on effective listening is the tendency of students to be self-absorbed. Another inhibitor is the
tendency to focus on issues not relevant to the learning process. To maximize the listening process
needs to be removed limiting factors above before starting the learning process.


Based on the descriptions in the previous section, it can be drawn some conclusions about the
Psychology of Communication Master Relationship Analysis Improve Memory in Students SMK
Immanuel Medan with How to Listen to Improve Student Achievement as follows:
1. Memory Improvement with How to Listen to Students SMK Immanuel Medan in general
is quite good, but considering the factors inhibiting both from inside (internal) students and
from the outside (external) the results achieved have not been up as expected.
2. There is a positive and significant relationship between psychology teachers to improve
memory by listening in improving student achievement, meaning that the higher memory
by listening to the achievement of learning will increase.
3. Psychology of Communication Master in enhancing the Memory has a strong influence on
the Performance Improvement Study on students SMK Immanuel Medan.

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 5 No. 1 January 2017


To further improve student achievement / i in vocational Immanuel Medan, based on research
in the field is necessary to do the following things:
1. In order to maximize the listening process needs to be removed limiting factors, inhibiting
the most serious and most damaging on effective listening is the tendency of students / i to
be busy with other. Resistor oneself is the tendency to focus on issues not relevant to
interaction. To solve it is important to eliminate the inhibiting factors before starting the
learning process.
2. The importance of the teacher can understand what is meant or felt by students , with air-
empathy, means to feel what they felt, saw the world as they see it, only with the intention
empathy teachers understand students completely. There are some things we have strived
for example, is important for a student to know the viewpoint of teachers and equally
important that teachers know the viewpoint of students.
3. Fulfillment completeness of supporters, the atmosphere of the classroom and school
environment that is comfortable. With the fulfillment of the completeness of supporting
classroom atmosphere and a comfortable environment can further assist students to listen
more leverage.

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