Al-Ihda’: Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab
P.Issn: 2338-4662 | E.Issn: 2829-3592
Vol. 10. No.2, Desember 2022 | Hal 84-93

Penulis 1, Penulis 2: [Judul] 84

Nidaul Jannah, Nuril Mufidah, Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah, Abdul Halim Muhammad
Stiba Arraayah,
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrohim Malang,
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrohim Malang,

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Management has an important role in education to carry out activities and programs, institutions
or organizations or any project cannot stand alone without management, Stiba Ar-raayah has
developed a curriculum and management that is different from other universities in Indonesia,
where students have to live in a dormitory for 5 years to maintain an Arabic environment. This
research uses a qualitative descriptive approach and a qualitative approach, namely the latest
picture of management for the Arabic Language Education Study Program in stiba Ar-raayah and
its organization. structure and look at the principle principles of its organization. This study aims
to describe the management of the organization for the PBA study program in stiba Ar-raayah. The
results of this study explain that the management for the PBA study program in stiba Ar-raayah in
its principle principles can be detailed: the existence of clear objectives in its vision and mission,
program planning is assigned to the person in charge of each division at the beginning of each
academic year at the work meeting, delegation of authority in writing with an organizational
structure, a wide range of control with the presence of subordinates the many, clear and detailed
job descriptions, types of line and staff organizations, as well as the presence of a clear
organizational structure, this shows that the organization in Stiba ar-raayah is well structured
Keyword: management, organization management, Stiba Ar-raayah

Manajemen memiliki peran penting dalam pendidikan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan dan program,
lembaga atau organisasi atau setiap proyek yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri tanpa manajemen,
Stiba Ar-raayah telah mengembangkan kurikulum dan manajemen yang berbeda dari universitas
lain di Indonesia, yang mana mahasiswanya harus tinggal diasrama selama 5 tahun untuk
mempertahankan lingkungan Bahasa Arab. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif
kualitatif dan pendekatan kualitatif yaitu gambaran terkini tentang manajemen organisasi Stiba
Ar-raayah dan organisasinya. struktur dan melihat prinsip prinsip organisasinya. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan manajemen organisasi di Stiba arraayah Hasil dari penelitian ini
menjelaskan bahwa manajemen organisasi di Stiba Ar-raayah dalam prosesnya dapat dirincikan:
adanya tujuan yang jelas dalam visi misinya, perencanaan program ditugaskan kepada
penanggung jawab masing masing divisi setiap awal tahun akademik di rapat kerja, pelimpahan
wewenang secara tertulis dengan struktur organisasi, rentang kendali luas dengan jumlah
bawahan yang banayk, deskripsi pekerjaan yang jelas dan terperinci, jenis organisasi lini dan staf,
serta adanya struktur organisasi yang jelas, ini menunjukkan bahwa orgasisasi di Stiba ar-raayah
terstruktur dengan baik
Kata Kunci: manajemen, manajemen organisasi, Stiba Ar-raayah

Al-Ihda’: Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab
P.Issn: 2338-4662 | E.Issn: 2829-3592
Vol. 10. No.2, Desember 2022 | Hal 84-93


Management has an important role in education to carry out activities and
programs, institutions or organizations or any project that cannot stand alone without
management, and management has several main functions: planning, organization,
leadership, and supervision, therefore Management is defined as the process of
planning, organizing, leading and controlling (Harahap, 2000) a organizational efforts
in all aspects in order to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently as
expected (Umam et al., 2019).
In an educational institution, formal or informal, there is planning that will not
be able to succeed without the organization, and the organization will not be able to
run unless there are human resources who have sufficient competence can carry out
the plan to achieve the goals of the organization (Rahmawati, 2018), because they
have strong relationships and do not can be separated from one another, and human
beings have many needs in doing important things in their lives such as studies, work,
advocacy, etc. which definitely require organization. Human beings need good
organization to achieve the desired goals. And the management of an organization i
strongly influenced by kinerja management, kinerja management is key in the success
of an organization (Astusi, n.d.).
Organization is the cooperation of two or more people in a coordinated
situation to achieve the expected results (Syafaruddin, 2015). Organization is a living
and evolving reality in human life, both in the life of the individual and especially with
regard to society, and some other management of the organization (Rifa’i, 2019).
Experts understand organizations in the sense of the possibility of carrying out
various activities, while others stipulate that an organization always consists of a
group of people who are expected to achieve certain goals together, and in addition the
organization is a unit that coordinates many interests , for which there is an
organizational management in (Agus, 2016) an educational institution in order to
determine the tasks to be carried out and who will make decisions on those tasks in
order to form a logical division of labor in a coordination system.
The process of organizing within the company, education and others includes
the restriction and summation of tasks, the grouping and classifying of tasks, the
delegation of authority among the employees of the company. Similarly, the process of
organizing in other corporate organizations, including in government organizations,
universities, banking, and others which is organizing in the field of services for the
community. Hal this is also very important because it relates to humans who benefit
from fisik or other material resources. It can be understood that organizing can be
described by the process of relationships in an organization where people are placed
to work with the internal and external environmental factors of the organization
(Rifa’i, 2019).
Organizations are needed by humans, not only to meet basic needs, but also to
fulfill the needs of social needs, to the need for existentiality. Many people are willing
to spend some of their economic ownership to build and strengthen the organization.
And others there are those who leave their relatives, families, the luxuries of their
world and others for the sake of organization. And so on, until it is mentioned that

Al-Ihda’: Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab
P.Issn: 2338-4662 | E.Issn: 2829-3592
Vol. 10. No.2, Desember 2022 | Hal 84-93

86 AL-Ihda’: Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab: Vol. 10 No. 2, Desember 2022
humans are organizational creatures derived from the instinct of group life (Agus,
The university has grown in managing Arabic language education programs in
Indonesia, including Stiba arraayah. St.iba arraaya has developed a curriculum and
administration that is different from other universities in Indonesia, its students take
five years of study at the undergraduate level in the Arabic Language Education Study
Program. The first year was a year of preparation to strengthen and develop the Arabic
language to face the lessons that were all for Arabic. The program requests that
students in the first year be prepared for lessons in Arabic and become students who
have a dual background in their competencies.
And previous research from Uril Bahruddin supports that an optimal Arabic
teaching strategy emerged from Al Raya University. As researchers see, graduates of
this university have high language skills, and Stiba arraayah has two majors, namely,
the Department of Arabic Language Education (Bachelor / S1) and the Department of
Da'wah and Media (Bachelor / S1), and (Rasyid et al., 2019) Stiba Ar-raayah College
has 30 lecturers and 760 students.
Previous studies that discussed organizational management aimed to find out
how to empower youth through the implementation of youth organization
management (Saneba et al., 2021), Organizational management consists of various
activities in the form of planning and managing organizational resources to achieve the
expected goals, and studies in the management of arabic language education
organizations and found organizations that are unclear and there is no clear structure
in them and studies look at the management of the organization of the Dar Al-Lughah
Arabic language center course program and Islamic Studies (Miftakhul Fariz, 2016)
while in markaz Al azhar there is no clear management organization structure
(Hidayati et al., 2019), and in ma'had Manbaus shalihin (Umam et al., 2019), the
management of the orgasnization of the Arb language there is clear. With the
aforementioned background, this study aims to describe organizational management
in the Arabic Language Education Study Program in Stiba ar-raayah.

This study describes the case of management organizations in the Arabic
Language Education Study Program in Stiba ar-raayah Sukabumi, West Java This
research uses a qualitative descriptive approach and a qualitative approach, namely
the latest picture of the management of the Stiba arraayah organization and its
organization. structure and view the functions of each responsible person and staff as
well as principles of its organizational principles.
And the data collection is carried out in two ways, the first is a personal
interview, with the secretary of the director Stiba arraayah and the head of the Arabic
Language Education Study Program in Stiba arraayah, and the second: field
observation, the researcher is one of the lecturers in Stiba Ar-raayah with observe
the state of Stiba arraayah and its organization, and the third: documentation, that is,
by collecting data on documents relating to the management of the Stiba arraayah

Al-Ihda’: Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab
P.Issn: 2338-4662 | E.Issn: 2829-3592
Vol. 10. No.2, Desember 2022 | Hal 84-93


organization; Data analysis starts from the process of collecting, sorting, presenting
and then drawing conclusions from it.

In organizing there are several principles that must be owned including: 1)
Organizational objectives as a reference in the process of structuring cooperation. 2)
Unity of purpose, 3) Unity of command, 4) Range of control, 5) Delegation of authority
according to the limitations of the manager's abilities, 6) Balance of authority and
responsibility, 7) Responsibility 8) Clear division of labor 9) Forming personnel
according to their functions and duties. 10) Working relationship: is a series of
functional (horizontal) relationships and authority-level (vertical) relationships. 11)
Efficiency: organizational structure refers to the achievement of optimal results. 12)
Good coordination (Mulyono 2008).
The organizational management process consists of: organizational
management goals, defining activities or programs to achieve goals, grouping or
disseminating activities, delegation of authority, scope of control, detailing work for
each individual, quality of work of the organization, and organizational structure. And
the management of the organization Stiba arraayah Based on the observations and
interviews conducted by the researcher with the secretary of the lecturer and
(Hasibuan, 1996)one of the administrators and teachers in Stiba arraayah and the
documentation of files related to the subject matter, the management of the
organization in Stiba arraayah can be described as follows:
1. Destination Stiba arraayah
The purpose of planning is to ensure the effective and efficient achievement of
organizational goals, which is, in fact, the basic criteria in theformulation of a plan to
achieve the main objectives of an enterprise. The achievement of goals always depends
on the plan and the magnitude of the organization's contribution to planning . (Dakhi,
2016)Education in Stiba arraayah begins with the first year of linguistic preparation in
which students study Arabic. In your hands is a series of teaching Arabic to non-native
speakers, tawhid, fiqh, tafsir and the Koran.
Stiba arraayah's goal is illustrated in Stiba arraayah's vision and mission: Stiba
arraayah's vision is to become a leading Arabic-based university in Indonesia, and its
mission is to organize and professional Arabic language education and learning,
conduct research and development in the field of Arabic education and learning
technology, and empower people based on Islamic values (Sukabumi, 2022).
2. Planning
Planning becomes one of the most vital management activities. This is because
planning is the starting point of the next three activities, namely organizing,
implementing, and assessing. Organizing is carried out on the basis of the results of
planning. Its implementationis carried out to realize a plan. Meanwhile, control is
carried out to ensure implementation in accordance withits planning(Wiyani, 2017).
The establishment of activities and programs in the Arabic Language Education
Study Program in stiba Ar-raayah to achieve a planned goal, as well as its grouping
becomes the responsibility of each person in charge, and each person in charge must

Al-Ihda’: Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab
P.Issn: 2338-4662 | E.Issn: 2829-3592
Vol. 10. No.2, Desember 2022 | Hal 84-93

88 AL-Ihda’: Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab: Vol. 10 No. 2, Desember 2022
plan plans and programs on At the beginning of the academic year with the data on
the costs needed to carry it out for one academic year, then they had a working meeting
with Mudir to discuss the plan and several other important things.
3. Delegation of authority
Authority is the right for every official to be able to act so that his duties and
responsibilities can be carried out properly. An official cannot possibly perform all his
own duties, so he must hand over his duties to his subordinates. The division of duties
must be accompanied by a clear surrender of authority.(Rohmah, 2019)
The transfer of responsibilities and work in the Arabic Language Education
Study Program in stiba Ar-raayah is divided between all teachers and employees in
writing with a clearly written organizational structure and is intended. According to
Syarifuddin in his book that the granting of authority and responsibility in an
organization or institution will lead to success and failure in carrying out a
responsibility, and the scope of authority is considered wide because of the large
number of members in the organization(Syafaruddin, 2015) . Hasibuan also
emphasized that in regulating the process of forming a structure with its integrated
parts so that relationships can be established with each other, this is something very
important.(Hasibuan, 2005)
4. Control range
Level of Control Level or range of control means that it is necessary that the
number of subordinates is controlled by a superior rationally. Therefore , the levels of
existing authority should Optimize Organizational Management Effectively and
Efficiently 55 be limited to a minimum so that not all feel they are on top . There are
two control ranges, namely: (a) Narrow control range consisting of 4-8 people, (b)
Wide control range consisting of 8-15 people even more than that (Candra Wijaya
and Rifa’i 2016). The range of control has a significant effect on the quality of leader
relationships and on the behavior of Organizational membership (Ahmadi 2017).
The range of control in Stiba Ar-raayah includes a wide range, where the
director is in charge of many subordinates who become managers under him.
5. Job diskription
To support employee performance, organizations must pay attention to one of
the factors that affect it, for example, job description. A job description is a series of
lists of duties, obligations, and responsibilities that are required(Syelviani, 2017) in a
particular job. The details of the work of the (Dharma et al., 2020) Arabic Language
Education Study Program in the Ar-raayah stiba of each person in charge are written
in twenty-three pages that each person in charge has a detailed task, so that it is clear,
and no one is confused by his work.
6. Types of organizational forms
There are 3 forms of organizational forms, namely:
1) Line shape: During the development of the first industry. This form of line is widely
used in military environments and small enterprise enterprises. So the line
organizational form is seen as the oldest and most widely used form. The
advantages of the line organization, all decisions can be solved directly because in
a particular situation the leader becomes one of the main goals in solving problems.

Al-Ihda’: Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab
P.Issn: 2338-4662 | E.Issn: 2829-3592
Vol. 10. No.2, Desember 2022 | Hal 84-93


Lack of line organization, what if there is a problem or problem cannot be solved
quickly becausea leader is out of place (Trio Idha et al., 2018).
This form has a characteristic; The organization is relatively small and simple, The
relationship is directly through the shortest line of authority, The chairman is
usually the owner of the company, The number of employees is relatively small and
mutually exclusive, the Chairman the source of power, the disconnection and
wisdom of the organization (Muljawan, 2019).
2) Line and Staff Forms: In small organizations, all supervisory employees are line
personnel. But when an organization begins to develop, it is necessary to have staff
who are able to provide advice and services to the work unit and this person is
called the "personnel staff". There are two kinds of personnel staff: 1). Advisory 2).
"Auxiliary personnel" who are in charge of carrying out supporting activities for
the smooth running of the mechanism of an organization (Rohmah, 2019) .
3) Functional Form A functional organizational form is when the power of the leader
is devolved to the official who leads a unit of a particular field subordinate to it. So
that each head of this unit has the power to regulate all the officials subordinate to
him aslong as they know his field, the organization based on (Rohmah, 2019)the
nature and type of work to be done, there is a division of labor based on very deep
"specialization" and each official only carries out duties or jobs according to his
expertise .(Muljawan, 2019)
From the description above, it can be concluded that the organizational form in the
Arabic Language Education Study Program in Stiba Ar-raayah is a form of Line and
Staff, because in this form there are leaders and leaders under it and leaders assisted
by staff. This type of organization is usually used for large organizations, the working
area is large, and the work is large. The authority of the leadership is to make decisions,
wisdom, and power and must be directly responsible for the achievement of company
goals. The authority of the line in the organizational structure is depicted with a line.
The authority of the staff is only to provide data, information, services and thoughts to
help smooth the tasks of the line manager. On the structure of the organization is
depicted with intermittent lines(Muljawan, 2019) .
7. Organizational structure
On the organizational structure is drawn the position of work, the division of
labor, the type of work to be performed, the relationship of superiors and
subordinates, groups, components or parts, level of management and communication
channels. An organizational structure provides a specification of the division of labor
activities and shows how the work functions or activities are and shows how the
different functions or activities are connected. The structure also shows the hierarchy
and authority structure of the organization and shows the relationship of its
whistleblowers.(Saefrudin, 2018)
Stiba arraayah's organizational structure is clear and organized, the duties of each
lecturer and employee are clear, and each should not act outside of the work assigned
to him. Here, the director of Stiba arraayah is at the highest rank and carries out all the
plans of the administration, with a secretary and under him the chairman Stiba
arraayah, and below him are three STATES: a deputy in the education department, a
deputy in the field of money, a deputy in the student affairs section with a community

Al-Ihda’: Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab
P.Issn: 2338-4662 | E.Issn: 2829-3592
Vol. 10. No.2, Desember 2022 | Hal 84-93

90 AL-Ihda’: Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab: Vol. 10 No. 2, Desember 2022
service committee, a quality assurance agency, and so on... This will be made clear in
the strukrur of the Stiba Arraayah organization:

Figure 1. Organizational structure in Stiba Ar-raayah

In the picture of the organizational structure above, the KPI study program is
also listed, but this does not affect the organizational structure in the PBA study
From the description above, it can be concluded that the management of the
organization of the Arabic Language Education Program in Stiba Ar-raayah in its
principle can be detailed: The existence of clear objectives, commissioned program
planning to the person in charge of each division at the beginning of each academic
year, delegation of authority in writing with a structure, a wide range of control in
the presence of a number of subordinates who a lot, a clear and detailed job
description, types of organization of lines and staff , as well as the presence of a clear
organizational structure.
Organization in the Islamic view requires cooperation and commitment, A job
if done regularly and purposefully, then the results will also be good. So in a good
organization, the process is also carried out in a directed and orderly manner (Safri,
Meanwhile, when compared to the results of other research on organizations in
Stiba Ar-raayah, the journal published in 2019 is only one, there is something slightly
different from the organizational structure Stiba Ar-raayah at this time. In the study,
it was stated that Stiba Ar-raayah was led by an idaroh assembly that monitored all
activities of the university. Then the managing director of all activities in it, assisted

Al-Ihda’: Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab
P.Issn: 2338-4662 | E.Issn: 2829-3592
Vol. 10. No.2, Desember 2022 | Hal 84-93


by two persons in charge, a secretary who monitors all program activities in it and an
accountant finance that manages the funds. Meanwhile, the person in charge of
teaching and learning activities is the business of the person in charge of academics
who manages teachers, class materials, and extracurricular programs. The person in
charge of the student dormitory is the Student Affairs Department which organizes
student affairs, dormitories and activities in it. Previous research and current
research say that the organization in Stiba Ar-Raayah is well structured (Rasyid et al.,
2019) .
While other studies that discuss organizational management in other places
differ in focus of discussion, some only infer results on the type of organization, the
way of handing over authority and programs There are also groupings that only draw
conclusions on the weak organizational structure by mentioning the(Umam et al.,
2019)penjababnya(Rahmawati, 2018) , and there are only two things, namely the
picture of coordination and division of tasks(Hidayati et al., 2019).


The management of the organization of the Arabic Language Education
Program in Stiba Ar-raayah in its principle can be detailed: The existence of clear
objectives, program planning assigned to the person in charge of each division at the
beginning of each academic year, delegation of authority in writing with a structure,
a wide range of control with the presence of a number of subordinates who a lot, a
clear and detailed job description, types of organization of lines and staff, as well as the
presence of a clear organizational structure.
The results of this study show that in formal and informal organizations must
have clear organizational principles, because it will affect the implementation of the
program in achieving organizational goals, For example, if the organizational structure
is not clear, it will cause problems. Therefore, a director or anyone who will establish
an organization in order to prepare everything carefully and must have quality human
resources because it is impossible to walk alone.
This research is still limited to the organizational management overview of the
Arabic Language Education Program in Stiba Ar-raayah, advice for subsequent
researchers to research more broadly in the scope of management in general, and can
also take a discussion of management other than organizations, for example TQM
management, planning management, management control, program management, and
HR management or organizational management in place other.

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