Vol.2, Oktober 2023.


Innovation in Learning Islamic Religion in Early Children at Erwita
Educare Center School Medan

Fatma Gustina
, Marzaniatun
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Ar-Raudhah, [email protected]
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Ar-Raudhah; [email protected]


This research aims to analyze innovations in Islamic learning
at the Erwita Educare Center Medan kindergarten school.
This research uses a qualitative descriptive narrative method.
To obtain data, researchers conducted observations,
interviews and documentation. In analyzing data, this
research was carried out in stages, namely, data collection,
data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions in
obtaining data. The results of this research show that Islamic
Learning Innovation in this school emphasizes learning
experiences, active learning, and learning in the process. The
response to learning about Islamic Religion shown by
children is that children are responsive in learning about
Islamic Religion. This can be seen from several responses or
attitudes of children in learning, namely children think
critically, children have curiosity, children capture
information, children are orderly, children are focused,
children are independent, children are disciplined, and
children are enthusiastic about learning Islamic religion.
Article history:
Received 2023-11-22
Revised 2023-11-23
Accepted 2023-11-24
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Fatma Gustina
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Ar-Raudhah; [email protected]
Education is a process through a method that is developed so that
individuals gain knowledge, experience and various things according to their
life needs (Rizky :2017). In Indonesia, early childhood education is starting to
be considered important, because at the early childhood education stage it can
develop various things that optimize children's growth and development.
Apart from early childhood, which is the Golden Age, this period is the best
time to optimize children's growth and development, (Abdul Aziz :2017).

ISCIS2023: International Seminar and Conference on Islamic Studies


Fatma Gustina: Innovation in Learning Islamic Religion
The value education that currently exists in Indonesia still does not touch
much on the affective domain of students. Improving education is still
focused on changes to the curriculum both nationally and locally. Religious
and moral education still does not receive the portion it deserves. There are
some people who view religion and science as two different things and
separate from each other. This separation still occurs in the world of
education, even though to form a generation that has intelligence and
religiosity there must be integration between religion and science in the
learning process, ( Rizky Ananda : 2017).
The program for developing religious values is different from
implementing other basic skills learning programs. In general, the aim of
developing religious values in early childhood is to lay the foundations of
faith with a pattern of devotion to Him, and the beauty of morals,
competence, self-confidence, and readiness to live as religious social beings
and follow a path that is acceptable. -His. Imam Al-Ghazali believes that
religious education must be taught to children as early as possible, first by
educating their hearts with knowledge and educating their souls with
worship. Sometimes, parents or educators with good intentions teach children
religious values, without properly knowing their psychological and mental
condition, even though this mistake will burden the child's mental state.
Religious development from an early age requires encouragement and
stimulation just as trees need water and fertilizer. Children's interests and
aspirations need to be developed in a better and more commendable direction
through education and example. The way to provide religious education or
teaching must be in accordance with the child's psychological development.
Therefore, educators are needed who have an educational and religious spirit
so that all their movements become role models and mirrors for children. So,
children can imitate all good things and behave well in accordance with good
figures in their lives ( Rizky Ananda :2017).
The idea of developing religious values from an early age is basically
inspired by the reality of today's students, some of whom do not yet reflect a
moral personality (akhlakul karimah), namely being polite in attitude and
behavior. Religious values education is a solid foundation and it is very
important to instill it in young children so they can live their lives as devout
religious people. If religious values are firmly ingrained in a child, they will
grow and develop with the ability to prevent, ward off and protect
themselves from various negative influences. On the other hand, if religious
values are not instilled and developed optimally then what will emerge is
behavior that is not good and tends to deviate from religious rules. Therefore,

ISCIS2023: International Seminar and Conference on Islamic Studies


Fatma Gustina: Innovation in Learning Islamic Religion
there is a need for innovation in education in line with the educational process
that continues to be dynamic. It is hoped that this innovation will ensure that
the goal of educating religious values in early childhood can be achieved
optimally(Nurhafizah :2020).
In a research journal involving children as the source of the research, it
was concluded in the results of the research that the cultivation of Islamic
Character applied using the hafkan takhasus method can form positive values,
such as the values of honesty, working hard, being responsible, diligent, and
forming discipline in children (Ulya :2020) . Teachers are parents for children
while they are at school. Teachers have a responsibility and an important role
to develop religious values in children. Early childhood is a very appropriate
time for a teacher to develop aspects of religion in early childhood which aims
to shape the child's character and disposition based on the Islamic religion.
Kindergarten Erwita Educare Center (EEC) is located in Medan Selayang
sub-district, Ringroad, Medan, founded in 2012. The establishment of the
school began with 20 students, divided into 5 people in class PG ( Play Ground
) and 8 people in class KG A and 7 people in class KG B. In this school there is
no majority religion because it is almost the same as other religions, for
example 50% are Christians and 50% are Muslims. Differences in curriculum
in learning mean that Islamic religious learning is not really focused on in this
school. This is a concern for me as a teacher. As a teacher who has a history as
an alumnus of Piaud (Early Childhood Islamic Education) I contribute to
optimally developing Islamic religious education for children who embrace or
are Muslim at that school. So I made several innovations to develop Islamic
religious learning at the school. The background to this research was when I
was a teacher at a school that had a different curriculum, different language
and different learning models. In my school I teach Islam with different
innovations and different activities, that's why I raised the research title "
Teacher Innovation in Developing Islam in Early Childhood at the Erwita
Educare Center Medan School 2020/2021 academic year .

This research approach is to use a qualitative approach with a descriptive
qualitative method using a narrative strategy. Qualitative research is research
aimed at describing and analyzing phenomena, events, social activities,
attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, thoughts of people individually and in
groups(Sugiyono :2016). The use of this qualitative method is based on the
fact that with qualitative research, researchers can obtain clear and complete

ISCIS2023: International Seminar and Conference on Islamic Studies


Fatma Gustina: Innovation in Learning Islamic Religion
information from the sources directly. Apart from that, in this qualitative
research the researcher will directly conduct direct interviews with resource
persons using focus group interviews regarding a detailed and in-depth
description of the company's communication climate and employee work
motivation to obtain correct data according to conditions in the field.
This research was conducted using a narrative strategy. This strategy
positions researchers to investigate the lives of individuals and ask them to
tell stories about their lives. This information is then retold by the researcher
in a narrative chronology and in the end the researcher combines in a
narrative style his views about the participant's life with views about the
researcher's own life. Apart from that, in this research the data presentation is

:2016).Descriptive research data is data that is presented in
the form of words (mainly participants' words) or pictures rather than
numbers. This qualitative descriptive research seeks to describe, record,
analyze and interpret the conditions that are currently occurring. In other
words, it has the aim of obtaining information about existing conditions.
Meanwhile, according to Cevilla, et al, qualitative descriptive research is a
method of researching the status of a group of people, an object with the aim
of creating a descriptive, systematic, factual and accurate picture or painting
regarding the facts or phenomena being investigated.
a. Teacher Innovation in Early Childhood Islamic Learning
Several innovative learning approaches are included in developing
mark religion between other:
1) Experience Study
Learning experiences are not the same as mastery of subject matter or
activities teach teacher. Learning will be obtained if children are
actively involved in doing it learning activities. What children learn is
essentially what do, not what the teacher does. Visiting places of
worship, Possible for child which has not been Once visit him, Can
become experience extraordinary learning that can motivate children
to know more more about the place of worship, and it could be that
this is knowledge very firmly attached And very strong remembered in
his life.

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Fatma Gustina: Innovation in Learning Islamic Religion
2) Study Active
To create a child's experience of the subject matter presented, it is
necessary Efforts are made to ensure that children carry out activities
as planned, and not only become child educate the passive. Child only
will obtain experience about the substance of the material learned if
they become active students. With words other child need given
opportunity And chance as big as possible For active take part, role as
well as until they true, true can feel benefit from experience learn it.
For obtain experience Study, child need active do learning activities.
3) Study Process
Process is various method Which related with acquisition knowledge,
such as the process of making decisions, evaluating the consequences
of an action, etc. Currently, the world of education also places more
emphasis on skills the process of carrying out various learning
approaches. At the childhood level Kindergarten, the real form of
learning activities, this process can be displayed through Skills process
like child directed For do activity observe something/observation,
count, grouping, And communicate in a way verbal on What Which he
had observed.
Effort Which can done by person old And Teacher in frame develop a
love of learning in children, including affection and protection and care,
time given to children, conducive learning environment, Study behave is
Study mark, And Study moral in age early.
Scope Development according
to the early age level includes several aspects including values religion and
morals. It has been explained in the article 10 verses 2, "Mark religion and
morals as intended in paragraph 1 includes the ability to recognize the
values of the religion adhered to, do worship, behave Honest, helper,
polite, respect, sporty, guard personal and environmental cleanliness,
knowing religious holidays, respect and tolerance to religion person

Mohammed Azmi, Coaching Morals Child Age Pre-School , (Yogyakarta: Venus Corporation,
2006), p. 56.
Regulation Minister Education And Culture Republic Indonesia Number 137 year 2014 about
Standard National Education Child Early Age, p.5

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Fatma Gustina: Innovation in Learning Islamic Religion
As for the background essence innovation in the field of development
learning is appearance various constraint And weakness, as well as
incompleteness that exists in the education delivery environment itself.
Institution maintenance education, Good country nor private, should own
sensitivity And responsive to circumstances like That And willing look for
weakness curriculum And the device. For That, need looking for road the
solution, Good in facet relevance education, quality graduate of, efficiency
And effectiveness management, as well as problem structure education
Teacher including in in park child. By Because That, party practitioner
education need do innovation. That means that curriculum design and
development needs to be updated to reach quality of graduates Which
This innovation could be in the form of a child's learning experience
that is designed in a new way learning, can take the form of visits,
practices, and other things that are not many child know so that become
impression separately for child And can bring up high enthusiasm for
learning to find out various things in children. Then Study active, here a
Teacher expected make something learning Which make all students active,
whether they are active in asking questions he doesn't know yet, is active in
the ongoing learning and is also active in it all matter Which relate with
process learning. For example active in recite prayers, be active in the
practice of ablution, and practice pray. Then there is also learning
processes, here the teacher plays a role in directing children, for example
counting many beam in make A building in game. In development mark
religion need directed process before enter food into the mouth, such as
starting by washing hands in line, praying before Eat, eat with the right
hand, and pray after Eat. With innovation learning Which more emphasize
on participant educate, It is hoped that it will be able to regenerate
enthusiasm for learning in students, of course in understand and deepen
religious teachings Which in he said.
b. Principles Innovation For Development Values Religion AUD
1) Principle Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP)
DAP is taking decision in a way professional about (confession to)
existence child And his education based on knowledge about
development And Study child, strength, interest, And need child in in
groups, and the socio-cultural context in which children live. In other

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Fatma Gustina: Innovation in Learning Islamic Religion
words that on moment We will do approach learning in development
whatever including religious values We need to pay attention to:
• In accordance with child development.
• In accordance with interest.
• In accordance with ability child.
• In accordance with need child with the environment.

If person old, Teacher And practitioner preschool ignore matter That all,
naturally development whatever will leads on conclusion not enough
optimal, even though any learning should provide benefits for children That
yourself ( meaningful ).
2) Principles Enjoyable
One of the attentions we need to give to students in kindergarten-
children is to provide a pleasant living environment. Because indeed
they are born with an initial potential that they don't know much about
the fact that many problems are faced by adult humans. They deserve
to be happy above early his life. They are entitled enjoy life by happy
without face load.
According to Steven Allen Which is a representative from Unicef said
that parents and teachers should in order to educate and developing
children's potential needs to provide the best start in life for children
babies and children. So, of course things which parents really need to
have And Teacher in treat child in age zero until period preschool is
create beginning life Which joyful, pleasant, And No give load on they
in following learning.
There are several basic principles that really need to be considered in
delivery material development values religion for child park child, among
them is :
• Principle emphasis on activity child daily. Matter This in
accordance with need formation personality child in framework
for laying the foundation of children's lives in the field of
religious life child.

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Fatma Gustina: Innovation in Learning Islamic Religion
• The principle of the importance of example from the
environment and the child's parents/family. No matter how
good the program prepared by the school, if not supported by
participation active para person old in give exemplary And
consistency development values religion for child, so all it
would be a waste.
• Principle suitability with curriculum spiral. This principle
emphasizes that when teachers and parents present material
development values religion to child park child so matter That
must be delivered in a way gradually: like started with
explanation or example that is closest to the child's world to that
thing farthest from the child's side; or start from the easiest
things for children until matter Which It's a bit difficult for
children to understand.
3) Principle Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP).
This principle explains that teachers and parents should be very pay
attention to the process of presenting the material to be delivered,
namely the material Which need customized with development And
need child That Alone.
4) Principle psychology development child. Every Teacher should convey
material development values religion adapted to the psychological
science of child development educate. In review knowledge
psychology known exists tasks development so every material Which
aka be delivered should always connected with principles base
psychology education.
5) Principle monitoring Which routine. For get success Which Good so
required exists regular monitoring activities to monitor the
development process and progress child in follow program Which We
prepare. Role monitoring really helps all parties involved to obtain
data accurate in frame repair And development program furthermore.
Without these steps it will be difficult for us to obtain information
about students and their development.
a. From the results of observations, interviews and documentation
carried out by researchers at the Erwita Educare Center kindergarten,

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Fatma Gustina: Innovation in Learning Islamic Religion
namely Islamic learning innovation is emphasized by three things,
namely learning experience, active learning and learning is a process.
b. Based on the results of descriptions of observations and interviews
conducted with teachers who teach at the Erwita Educare Center
Kindergarten, children show responsiveness, think critically, have
curiosity, capture information, children are independent, disciplined,
enthusiastic and happy with the learning innovations carried out by
the teacher.
c. For schools, to place more emphasis on Islam for Muslim children. And
given the freedom to dress like a Muslim, children must wear a
headscarf to identify themselves as Muslims.
d. For teachers, in learning, always remind children when starting an
activity to pray, recite Bismillah before carrying out the activity and
thank God after carrying out the activity.
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