Katalog Dalam Terbitan (KDT) Perpustakaan Nasional Jakarta
Editor: Tim Center for Indigenous & Cultural Psychology, UGM
ISBN: 978-979-95876-6-4
Diterbitkan pertama kali: Juli 2010
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Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Recently, psychology celebrated its 120
anniversary of the founding
of psychology by Wilhelm Wundt in 1879. Wundt helped to establish
the experimental method in psychology and emphasized the importance
Völkerpsychologie (i.e., cultural psychology). He regarded cultural psychology
to be a “more important branch of psychological science which was destined
to eclipse experimental psychology” (Danziger, 1983). He devoted the latter
part of his life documenting sociocultural influences in his 10 volume work,
Völkerpsychologie (Wundt, 1916).
The goal of the First Conference is to understand people in culturally
diverse contexts, continuing the legacy established by Wundt. The second
goal is to examine the content of human thoughts, emotions and actions in
local and cultural context. The third goal is to examine the role of agency,
intentions and goals in explaining behavior. The fourth goal is to integrate
arts and humanities with social sciences. The fifth goal is to contribute
to development of psychological knowledge that is relevant, useful and
The conference will cover the following topics:
1 Psychological analysis of local knowledge and indigenous concepts.
2 Indigenous and cultural analysis of psychological theories, concepts
and knowledge.
3 Development of indigenous methods and research design.
4 Life-span development in indigenous and cultural context.
5 Application of psychological knowledge in family, education,
organizations, and health.

Book of Abstracts
6 Application of indigenous and cultural knowledge to promote societal
7 Cultural diversity as a source of creativity, knowledge and innovation.
8 Intergroup relations, intercultural contact and acculturation.
9 Cross-indigenous research and application.
10 Linkages of art, music, and humanities with scientific understanding of
human behavior.
Indonesia is ideally suited to host the First International Conference on
Indigenous and Cultural Psychology, with its diverse cultures, religions and
way of life: Indonesia has more than 100 languages, 250 dialects and five
officially recognized religions (i.e., Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity
and Confucianism). Indigenous way of life is dominant and culture provides
a basis for achieving unity in diversity.
Around 43 symposia (234 oral presentations) and 63 posters will be
presented during the conference. Around 450 participants from 30 countries
join the conference. During the opening ceremony of the conference, The
Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology will be launched
and the selected presentations from the conference will be published in the
Asian Journal of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology in 2011. Research and
institutional collaborations are encouraged and will be strengthened to
realize the vision of the association. The goal is to map our own features and
strength which will help us to understand people in context and contribute
to application of psychological knowledge to improve quality of life and
enrich scientific and universal psychology.
Scientific and organizing committee
Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology &
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Table of Contents
1. Introduction. ...................................................................................iii
2. Table of content. ...............................................................................v
3. Keynote address
a. Leadership Traits: Indonesian Indigenous Perspective (Djamaluddin
Ancok). .......................................................................................1
b. Mission of Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology
(Kwang-Kuo Hwang) . ................................................................3
c. Globalization of indigenous psychologies: A lesson from Japanese
scholars (Susumu Yamaguchi) . ...................................................5
d. Thinking Competence: An Indigenous Perspective (Girishwar
Misra) . .......................................................................................7
e. Examining the scientific based indigenous psychology (Madelene
Sta. Maria) . ................................................................................9
f. Indigenous Psychology: What is it and why do we need it? (Uichol
Kim) ........................................................................................11
4. Invited symposium 1: Indigenous Chinese psychology in the age of
a. Quality of life as social representation in China: A Qualitative
study (Li Liu) . ..........................................................................12
b. A qualitative exploration of internet-based mass event in China
(Fang Wang, Pingping Wang, Yongyuan Chen & Yan Zhang)
c. A comparison of children from Wenchuan earthquake-stricken
areas and those from non-affected areas in dynamic House-Tree-
People Test (Yan Xu, Pingping Wang & Qifeng Wang) . ...........14
d. People do business in the way they understand life: A study on
value of Chinese entrepreneurs (Shenghua Jin). ........................15
e. Workplace ostracism and its relationship to employees’ mental
health, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior
(Jiang Jiang) . ............................................................................16

Book of Abstracts
5. Invited symposium 2: The potential of indigenous and cultural
approach in studying social cognition and representation
a. Perception of responsibility and the use of language: Implications
from a Japan-France comparison (Minoru Karasawa) . ..............17
b. A group-based blaming (crediting) logic in Japan: Extending
organizational responsibility to causally uninvolved organizational
leaders (Yuriko Zemba) . ...........................................................18
c. Super-ordinary bias in Japanese self-predictions of future life events:
An approach from indigenous psychology (Megumi Ohashi) . ..19
d. Exploring the Chinese-Filipino social identity: A social
representational framework (Angela Yu) . ..................................20
6. Symposium 3: Cultural and indigenous perspectives of gender and
woman issues
a. Cultural transformation of women’s images in Qajar Era (19th
century) in Iran (Maryam Lari) . ...............................................21
b. West meets East: Malay Muslim women perception on singlehood
(Jamayah Saili, Rosie Rooney & Lyndall Steed) . ......................23
c. Reflection for the development of indigenous psychology:
Responding to the issue of violence against women (N. K. Endah
Triwijati) . .................................................................................25
d. To be “Istiqamah” - harmonizing work, family, society, and leisure:
A case study among Muslim women lecturer in Jogjakarta (Dian
Sari Utami & Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti) . ..............................27
e. Subjective well-being in Indonesian women with multiple roles
(Nina Z. Situmorang) . .............................................................29
f. Dilemma of working women experienced with long distance
marriage (Artiawati Mawardi) . .................................................30
7. Symposium 4: Studies of adolescents’ characters in educational setting
a. The development strategy of character education models based on
local wisdom (Tri Rejeki Andayani) . ........................................32
b. Emotional intelligence and belief in just world among engineering
students (Alpana Vaidya) . ........................................................34
c. The correlation between social skills and stress on gifted children
(Dona Eka Putri & Zikrayati) . .................................................35
d. Explorative study of character strengths on Indonesian people
(Java, Sunda, Minahasa, Betawi, Bugis, and Batak) (Fivi Nurwianti
& Imelda Dian Oriza) . ............................................................36

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
e. The relationship between self efficacy and academic achievement
(Esti Hayu Purnamaningsih) . ...................................................37
8. Symposium 5: Social identity across cultures
a. Multigroup ethnic identity measure scores in a sample of adolescents
from Indonesia (Irene Tarakanita) . ...........................................38
b. Constructing identity through identification and differentiation
from assimilation: A case study among Magars of Nepal in social-
cultural aspect. (Shyamu Thapa Magar) . ..................................39
c. Social identity and prejudice of Muslim and Hindu adolescents in
traditional and modern schools (Shabana Bano) . .....................41
d. Being bicultural: How does Chinese young adults’ traditionality
and modernity influence moral judgment in moral dilemma
(Xiaomeng Hu & Li Liu) . ........................................................42
e. A tale of two groups: Social identity and social structure in the
Bangsamoro and MOA-AD debate (Judith de Guzman) . .........44
f. Karonese cultural psychology: Preliminary findings about
personality and psychocultural aspects of Karo people behavior
(Hendy Ginting) . .....................................................................45
9. Symposium 6: Perspectives on school guidance and counseling
a. Developing multicultural counseling in Indonesia: As a means to
comprehend the indigenousness of Indonesian students (Nanang
Erma Gunawan) . .....................................................................47
b. Self adaptation for children with learning difficulties (Amitya
Kumara) . .................................................................................49
c. The assessment of the relationship of knowledge management and
the empowerment of high school teachers (Zahra Sabbaghian,
Azadeh Fatemi & Robabeh Sabbaghian) . .................................51
d. Functional empowerment of psychological skills for guidance and
counseling teachers (Nuryati Atamimi) . ...................................52
e. What makes adolescents happy or sad: Indigenous psychological
analysis (Benedikta Fibriani, Moordiningsih & Uichol Kim) . ..54
f. Emotional intelligent and mental health among students: A
preliminary finding based on ethnic in Sabah (Lailawati Bte
Madlan) . ..................................................................................55

Book of Abstracts
10. Symposium 7: Acculturation and adaptation
a. Group performance psychological health: Intergroup relations,
intercultural contact and acculturation (Cholichul Hadi) ........56
b. Attachment styles, sociocultural, and psychological adjustment
among Indonesian immigrants in the United States (Virgo
Handojo) . ................................................................................59
c. Analysis of perceived inferiority as one of the sources of acculturation
(Sandeep Jain) . .........................................................................60
d. Indigenous constructs of individual religiosity and their impact on
acculturation (Halina Grzymala-Moszczynska) . .......................61
e. Adaptation: A research on stereotypes, culture clashes and identity
compromises. (Tiara Adisti Herwanto) . ...................................62
f. Melayu Riau society in the process of cultural transformation
(Syarifah Farradinna) . ..............................................................63
11. Invited symposium 9: Education policy, program and assessment in
korea: advances, refinements and accomplishments
a. Mission and activities of Incheon Education Science Research
Institute (Kab-soon Chung) . ....................................................64
b. Effectively management of research schools in Incheon (Myo Sung
Kim & Kab-soon Chung) . .......................................................66
c. Promoting scientific mentality through the use of Incheon science
museum (Gui Won Lee, Hyun Bo Shim & Kab-soon Chung)
d. Overview of the cyber home learning system in Korea (Gyo Joung
Ku & Lim Ja Kim) . ..................................................................69
e. Factor influencing occupational achievement and satisfaction
among Korean teachers (Eun-sil Park, Young-Shin Park & Uichol
Kim) ........................................................................................70
12. Invited symposium 10: Psychological dimensions of cultural products
a. Creativity research and indigenous psychology for innovation and
knowledge creation (Ai-Girl Tan) . ............................................71
b. “Agungiyong Ni I-Kalinga”: Exploring connections of well-being
and music of the Kalinga people (Arvin Manuel R. Villalon) . ..72
c. Malang mask dance: An ancient personalities symbolism (Hetty
Rahmawati) . ............................................................................73
d. Cultural diversity as a source of creativity (Suzanne Wazzan) . ..74

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
e. Linkages of art, music, and humanities with scientific understanding
of human behavior: Cultural psychology and the burden of easing
international tensions (Mohzen Karimian Azimi) . ...................75
13. Symposium 11: Parents-childs relation across cultures
a. Attitudes toward fathers and mothers participation in household
tasks and child care in young couples Javanese family (Jati Ariati)
b. Correlations between child rearing disagreement with the quality
of friendships on psychology students of Airlangga University who
derived from multicultural marriage (Rizqy Amelia Zein, Jony Eko
Yulianto, Adinda Nurul Triaseptiana, Dwi Krisdianto & Ilham
Nur Alfian) . .............................................................................79
c. Trust to parent in early adolescence: An indigenous psychological
study on Javanese adolescents (Sri Lestari & Sutarimah Ampuni)
d. Mother-child interaction and language production in toddlers
when playing together (Mayke Sugianto T.) . ............................82
14. Symposium 12: Industrial and organizational behavior and culture
a. Paperless office: It’s a matter of culture rather than technology
(Neila Ramdhani) . ...................................................................84
b. How quality of group relationships influences empowerment
among members of KUNITA in Selangor (Intan Hashimah Mohd
Hasyim) . ..................................................................................86
c. Staffing the right staff: The relationship between personality,
counter productive work behavior and job satisfaction among
workers in Malaysia (Alfred Chan) . ..........................................87
d. Goals setting of consumption behavior for honeymooners in
Indonesia (Hanie Amalia & Rahmat Hidayat) . ........................89
e. Narcissism: Making organizations opulent (Avinash Kumar) . ..91
f. Status of psychologists and requirements for licensure in ASEAN
countries. (Norris Smith) . ........................................................92
15. Symposium 13: Studies of personal characters on multicultural
a. ‘Kemandirian’ (Independent) personality in Indonesia society and
culture from psychoanalytic perspective (Titik Muti’ah) . .........93

Book of Abstracts
b. Variations in interdependent behavior across different social groups
(Delia Belleza) . ........................................................................94
c. “Nak Mula Keto”: An indigenous phenomenon of meaningfulness
among the Balinese (Kristianto Batuadji) . ................................95
d. Effect of televised ethnic stereotypes on children (Alay Ahmad)
e. Java culture in a Chinese Indonesian jamu company, an interpretative
case study of the CSR implementation (Jap Tji Beng) . .............98
f. The role of personality trait (conscientiousness) as an antecedent of
workplace deviant behavior (Hadi Farhadi & Fatimah Omar)
16. Symposium 14: Cultural issues in community mental health
a. A developmental perspective on mental health: Role of ecology
and gender (Aradhana Shukla) . ..............................................100
b. Role of indigenous institutions of local deities in the mental health
of people of Naor Valley (Randhir Singh) . .............................102
c. Community empowerment initiatives through sinergy between
“Posyandu” cadres and community health center psychologists
(Endah Puspita Sari) . .............................................................103
d. “Gotong royong” and mental health in Indonesia (Adi Cilik
Pierewan & Sujarwoto) . .........................................................104
e. “Nrimo” and the resilience of humanitarian volunteers in
post-earthquake of Yogyakarta and Central Java (Nelden D.
Djakababa) . ...........................................................................105
17. Invited symposium 15: The importance of cultural and individual
perspectives for research on stress and health: experimental and
interventional studies in Japan
a. Biopsychosocial approaches to stress and health: From a
multicultural perspective (Akira Tsuda) . .................................106
b. No awakening cortisol response in caregivers with high intensity
caregiving situations (Hisayoshi Okamura, Akira Tsuda & Jumpei
Yajima) . .................................................................................108
c. Stress and sleep (Maki Furutani) . ...........................................109
d. Application of transtheoretical model (TTM)-based stress
management to Japanese university students: Subjective well-being
perspectives (Yoshiyuki Tanaka & Akira Tsuda) . ....................110

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
e. Cross cultural differences in stress/mental health assessment:
comparisons across East Asia, North and South America (Noboru
Iwata) . ...................................................................................111
18. Invited symposium 16: Indigenous or indigenizing psychology in
a. Indigenous or indigenizing psychology in Indonesia (Tri Kusdwiratri
Setiono). .................................................................................112
b. Pre-marital education program to improve marriage preparedness
among pre-marital couples (Priscilia T. Novena) . ...................114
c. Designing reproductive health education in local setting
(Pujiarohman & Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti) ........................115
d. The emotion and the behavior of the students’ low achievement:
Implication for the Suryamentaram counseling approach (Adi
Atmoko) . ...............................................................................116
e. Patience in completing theses among UNIKOM and ITENAS
final year students . .................................................................117
19. Symposium 17: Culture and economic development
a. Cultural belief system and pattern of poverty in the poorest province
of the Philippines (Bernadette Gavino-Gumba). .....................118
b. Tourist movement in Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur as a destination of
choice (Badaruddin Mohammed & Masitah Muhibudin) . .....121
c. Measuring holiday satisfaction of international and domestic
travelers in the Pahang, Malaysia (Badaruddin Mohammed)
d. Traditional market: The Sundanese point of view (Sianiwati Sunarto
& Nina Hidayat) . ..................................................................124
e. Clan: Socioeconomic security of the Hmong in Northern Thailand
(Kwanchit Sasiwongsaroj) . .....................................................127
f. The well-being of the traditional fishermen at Kenjeran, Surabaya
after Suramadu bridge construction (Sylvia Kurniawat Ngonde, F.
Desi Christanti & G. Edwi Nugrohadi) . ................................129
20. Symposium 18: Indigenous psychology in social and political context
a. Achievement of Javanese adolescents based on sourced of support,
form of support, sex, and parent’s education level (Irine Kurniastuti,
Faturochman, Helly P. Soetjipto, Sri Kurnianingsih & Uichol
Kim) ......................................................................................129

Book of Abstracts
b. The effect of values of life in Batak culture (Hagabeon, Hamoraon,
Hasangapon) on achievement motivation of Bataknese high school
students (Sukardi W. Hasugian & Frieda Mangunsong) . ........131
c. Age, gender and creativity as predictors of academic achievement
among Iranian students in Malaysian universities (Habibollah
Naderi) . .................................................................................132
d. Evening out your vote: The effects of vote equalization strategy in
Taiwanese political campaign (Chia-Jung Lee) . ......................133
e. Political psychology, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, relying on theories
Karen Horney (Seyed Mehdi Taheri) . .....................................136
f. Indigenous psychological perspective on political and economic
transformation in Poland (Joanna Grzymala-Moszczynska) . ...137
21. Symposium 19: Parenting subjective wellbeing in cultural contexts
a. Subjective well being and family functioning among Moslem early
adolescence (Susilo Wibisono) . ..............................................138
b. The mediating role of self-esteem on perceived parenting approaches
and depression among Chinese college students (Cintia Chan de
Noronha & Imelu G. Mordeno) . ...........................................139
c. Parenting in multicultural settings: Experiences of the Indonesian
mothers (Yopina G. Pertiwi & Nandita Babu) . ......................140
d. The relationships between cultural beliefs and practices during
pregnancy and three dimensions of negative delivery outcomes for
the Javanese mother (Margaretha Sih Setija Utami) ............... 141
e. Study of mental disorders in child abuser and non-abuser parents
and relation of child abuse with behavioral disorders in children
(Gholam Hossein Jvanmard, M. Abbasi & J. Mamaghani) . ...143
f. Health anxiety in Indonesia and the Netherland (Theo Bouman)
22. Symposium 20: Culture and human values
a. Values structure of Indian and Nepalese couples: A cross-
national study (Usha Kiran Suba) . .........................................145
b. Family resiliency: A case of “Cina Benteng” (Benteng Chinese)
community (Fransisca Iriani R. Dewi & Samsunuwiyati Mar’at)
.............................................................................................. 146
c. Forgiveness in Javanese and Batak ethnic (Fuad Nashori, Kusdwiratri
Setiono, Ike Agustina) . ...........................................................148

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
d. The cosmology of people from Ambon island (Jenne Jessica
Revanda Pieter) . .....................................................................151
e. Descriptive study on the Chinese values of Chinese-Indonesians
college students in Bandung, Indonesia (Agoes Santosa) . ........153
f. The correlation between character strength and happiness on
Indonesian people (Imelda Dian Oriza & Fifi Nurwianti) . .....155
23. Symposium 21: Culture influences on counseling process
a. Understanding the interrelatedness of anger control in context of
culture (Trida Cynthia & Anita Zulkaida) . ............................157
b. Traditional Sri Lankan methods for psychosomatic ailments (Asha
Nimali Fernando) . .................................................................158
c. The ethno biopsychosocial model as a conceptual tool for
counseling and psychotherapy in health care: Asian perspectives
(Waseem Alladin) . .................................................................159
d. The therapeutic relationship: Cultural issues from an Indian
context. (Kiran Rao) . .............................................................161
e. Cultural differences between client and counselor and counseling
outcomes (Tan Soo Yin & Toh Yinniang Germaine) . .............163
f. ‘Keikhlasan’ as a part of self conception on village midwives in
Garut - West Java, Indonesia (Ade Iva Wicaksono) . ...............165
24. Invited symposium 22: The Pagdadala Model
a. The Pagdadala Model (Edwin T. Decenteceo) . .......................166
b. Kalakbay sa Pagdadala at Pagsibol ng mga Naulila ng Guinsaugon
Landslides (Journeying with the orphans of the Guinsaugon
landslides: Collective experiences of burden-bearing) (Lyra
Verzosa) . ................................................................................168
c. Pagdadala and understanding triadic relationships: A case study of
a Japayuki and her partners (Anna Muriel T. Mangaran) . .......169
d. “PINTAKASI”: An Indigenous community empowering process
(Rhodius T. Noguera) . ...........................................................171
e. “Pagpapatawad”: A descriptive study of the concept and its processes
(Leah L. Valbuena) ................................................................173
25. Invited symposium 23: Testing “Pakikipagkapwa”: Multiple approaches
and new insights
a. Testing “Pakikipagkapwa: Multiple approaches and new insights
(Cherrie Joy F. Billedo) . .........................................................175

Book of Abstracts
b. Construing Filipino social interaction: A second look at the
Santiago & Enriquez (1976) model of “Pakikipagkapwa” (Jay A.
Yacat) . ....................................................................................176
c. Categorizing people as “Ibang Tao” or “Hindi Ibang Tao”: Surfacing
underlying dimensions of Filipino social interactions (Jay A. Yacat,
Christine Anne A. de Villa, Jose Antonio R. Clemente & John
Toledo) . .................................................................................177
d. From “CTC” to “TC”: A look at Filipino social relationships online
using the Filipino social interaction model (Cherrie Joy F. Billedo)
26. Symposium 24: Psychological testings and applications
a. Asian depression scale: Integration of indigenous and western
symptomatologies (Invited Speaker: Weining C. Chang & Jessie
Bee Kim Koh) . .......................................................................179
b. The measurement of Pancasila: An effort to make psychological
measurement from Pancasila values (Eko A. Meinarno & Christiany
Suwartono) . ...........................................................................181
c. The development of a psycho-moral and self-regulation scale
for Filipinos and a validation of the self-regulation factor for
Singaporeans (Monica Walet) . ...............................................183
d. The validity of cyclothymic hypersensitive temperament in a non-
clinical sample in Malaysia (Siamak Khodarahimi, Intan H. M.
Hashim & Norzarina Mohd-Zaharim) . .................................185
e. Cultural adaptation process of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression
Scale (EPDS) in Indonesia (Anastasia Silalahi) . ......................186
27. Symposium 25: Emotional experiences in cultural contexts
a. The three meanings of “Nrimo” (Invited Speaker: Koentjoro)
b. Gratitude in college students (Anita Zulkaida & Trida Cynthia)
c. Psychology of Duda: Laying the foundation for studying the
Filipino experience of doubt (Divine Love A. Salvador) . ........192
d. Seeking forgiveness among university students in Jakarta (Christiany
Suwartono & Venie Viktoria) . ...............................................196
e. Failure in Javanese Society: An indigenous psychological analysis
(Medianta Tarigan) . ...............................................................198

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
f. Intuitive perception of politicians loob (Marshaley Baquiano)
28. Symposium 26: Adolecents’ development
a. Needs profile and parenting style of teens motorcycle gang members
in Bandung (Susandari, S. Rositawati & A. Mahardhika) . ......200
b. Death concept, life concept, and death anxiety among adolescents
(Kornelia Larasati Suhardi & Julia Suleeman) . .......................202
c. It’s all about the family: Conceptualizing adulthood in Pontianak,
West Kalimantan, Indonesia (Wenty Marina Minza) . ............203
d. Predictors of adolescents’ premarital sexual behaviors: Parent-
adolescent relationships, exposure to pornographic media and
religiosity (Christiana Hari Soetjiningsih) . ............................204
e. Involvement in spiritual, knowledge and attitude towards sex
among adolescent Malaysia: A study in government higher
education (Chua Bee Seok, Jasmine Adela M & Tan Chen Ho)
29. Symposium 27: Mental illness across cultures
a. The silent victim: Children of incarcerated mothers (Dian Veronika
Sakti Kaloeti & Endang Fourianalistyawati) . ..........................207
b. The study of schizophrenic patients with negative and positive
and healthy people functions in the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
(WCST) (Gholam Hossein Javanmard) . ................................208
c. Dysfunctional attitudes and responsibility in Iranian people
with Obsession Compulsion Disorder (OCD) (Amina Daqiqi
Khodashahri) . ........................................................................210
d. Child abuse in Azerbaijani provence of Iran families and relation
of mother’s and father’s child abuse in the family (Gholam Hossein
Javanmard) . ...........................................................................212
e. Psychological stress, coping and life satisfaction: A comparative
study of Indian and Srilankans (Abhai Kumar Srivastava) . .....214
30. Symposium 28: Cultural practices and psychotherapy
a. Buddhist religious practice and emotional regulation of Thai
adolescents (Usa Srijindarat) . .................................................215
b. Chinese spiritual healing in Singapore: Lessons for indigenous
psychotherapy (Boon Ooi Lee) . .............................................216

Book of Abstracts
c. Effect of Yogic practices on some psychological factors among
adolescents. (Surendra Nath Dubey) . .....................................218
d. “Guru Si Baso” and ritual: Indigenous practice in soul balance
management on Karo People. (Case study of shaman’s ritual on
Karo People). (Sri Alem Sembiring) . ......................................219
e. Therapeutic values of Engklek traditional game for school-aged
children in Indonesia (Iswinarti) . ...........................................221
31. Invited Symposium 29: In search of theory: future of indigenous
a. In search of theory: Advances in indigenous theorizing in psychology
(Invited speaker: Rogelia Pe-Pua) . ..........................................222
b. National psychologies and indigenous psychology: New Zealand’s
biculturalism and its historical narratives as symbolic resources for
local identities (Invited speaker: James Liu) . ...........................223
c. Indigenous clinical psychology in the Philippines: From practice to
theory building (Invited speaker: Violeta Bautista) . ...............225
d. The challenges in developing an indigenous psychology: Kapwa
revisited (Invited speaker: Cecilia Gastardo-Conaco) . ............226
32. Invited Symposium 30: The javanese coping strategies toward natural
a. The Javanese coping strategies toward natural disaster (Invited
Speaker: Johana Endang Prawitasari) . ....................................227
b. Listening to Javanese children voices to be included in the policy
making? (Nindyah Rengganis) . ..............................................231
c. Improving psychological and social health after disasters in
developing countries: The contribution of qualitative evidence
and the example of Bantul three years after the 2006 Yogyakarta
earthquake (Tri Hayuning Tyas & Gavin B. Sullivan) . ..........233
33. Symposium 31: Leadership and management accross cultures
a. Human resource management style of Chinese Indonesian
businessmen (Verina Halim Secapramana) . ............................235
b. Human resources managers responsibilities in Lieu of generation X
and Y in Iranian organization (Nazrin Jazzani) . ......................236
c. University autonomy and its relation with the functions of
the university in the point of view of the faculty members and

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
administrators of Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran (Mehdi
Adeli Naservand) . ..................................................................237
d. Beyond hegemony: Leveraging organizational effectiveness through
diversity (R K Singh) . ............................................................239
e. The role of leadership practices on job stress among Malaysian
university academic staff: Two step analysis (Triantoro Safaria &
Ahmad Bin Othman) . ............................................................240
f. A spiritual dimension of Gajah Mada leadership style: The missing
dimension in Western leadership styles (Yohanes Budiarto) . ...242
34. Symposium 32: Developing indigenous psychology
a. Applications of psychology with indigenous North Americans:
Lessons from neo-colonialism (James Jordan) . .......................244
b. Indigenous psychology in multicultural Indonesia: Are we there
yet? (Danny Irawan Yatim) . ...................................................245
c. Cultural psychology and phenomenological method (Josef Raco)
d. An empirical analysis of trends in psychology research in the
Phippines: Implications for Sikolohiyang Pilipino (Filipino
psychology) (Jose Antonio Clemente). ...................................248
35. Symposium 33: Culture in educational settings
a. “Ngalap Berkah” among students of traditional boarding school
(Susilo Wibisono & Annisa Miranty Nurrendra) . ..................249
b. The analysis of Islamic elementary school teachers’ efficacy: An
indigenous psychology perspective (Muna Erawati) . ..............251
c. Culture and the psychology of educational engagement:
Experiences of children from tribal areas of Himalaya (Akanksha
Lall & Aradhana Shukla) . ......................................................253
d. The instructor’s and students’ perspectives towards cooperative
classes according to some social concepts of the Malaysian culture
(Hayder Mohseen, Omar-Fauzee, Soh Kim Geok & Roselan Bin
Baki) ......................................................................................255
e. Study of the effectiveness of the culture on memory (his own
memory and others one) among Afghans, American and Iranian
students (Bagher Rezai) . .........................................................256
f. “Maido”: the good, the bad, or the ugly of Javanese culture (Bagus
Riyono) . ................................................................................258

Book of Abstracts
36. Symposium 34: Close social relationship
a. Intimacy in cross-sexual friendship among single young adult (Lyly
Puspa Palupi Sutaryo) . ...........................................................259
b. Linkages between mental strength and involvement in physical
activities with academic performance (Mastura Johar) ..........260
c. Understanding people in context: The influence of social networking
among young people in Jakarta and its impact to emotional
attachment and “Budaya Guyub” (Indonesias collectivism value)
(Esther Andangsari & Saurma Imelda Christ Hutapea) . .........262
d. Emotional experience in interaction among close friends (Intan
Hashimah Mohd Hashim) . ....................................................263
e. Explaining why we like gossip (Cristiany Suwartono & Eko A.
Meinarno) . ............................................................................264
f. Emphatic concern differences between students in psychology and
non-psychology majors (Sigit Prayogo & Dona Eka Putri) . ....266
37. Symposium 35: Psychological health and illness accross cultures
a. Relationship between perceive ethnic discrimination, anxiety and
depression among Malaysian students (Invited speaker: Rosnah
Ismail, Vincent Pang, Kntayya Mariappan, Balan Rathakrishnan,
Ferlis Bahari, Budi Anto Mohd Tamring, Joki Perdani Sawai &
Flearence Arifin) . ...................................................................267
b. The differences of the worries domains between men and women of
college students of psychology faculties (Wijayanti Retnaningsih
& Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti) . ..............................................268
c. Psychology of “Kesurupan”: Understanding and handling trance
possession in Indonesia (Asep Haerul Gani) . ..........................270
d. Cultural notion of depression in Nepal (Usha Kiran Suba) . ...271
38. Symposium 37: Peace and conflicts
a. Relationship between conflict resolution style with affiliation
motive in Batak Toba in Jakarta (Rani Nainggolan & Frieda
Mangunsong) . .......................................................................273
b. Chinese – European conflict management (Karolina
Mazurowska) . ........................................................................274
c. Listening to terrorist justification on jihad decision (Mirra Noor
Milla & Faturochman) . ..........................................................275

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
d. The meaning of land from Amungme people perspective in
Indonesia modern life (Yulius Yusak Ranimpi) . ......................276
e. A social representations approach to understanding peace in
Mindanao, Philippines (Judith de Guzman) . .........................277
f. Psychological harmony and its different level indicators in China
(Xiaopeng Ren, Rui Zheng & Xinwen Bai) . ...........................278
39. Symposium 38: Psychological aspects of religion and cultural practices
a. The relationship between preaching (Dakwah) approach and
religious orientation (Ferlis Bahari) . .......................................279
b. The relationship between practical bond in religious beliefs and
occurrence of crime (Malek Mohammad Ghadimi Moghaddam &
Foozieh Hosseini Tabatabaee) . ...............................................280
c. The correlation between social identity, religious orientation and
quantity of social contact with quality of social contact: A research
conducted in Mataram city (Gazi Saloom) . ............................282
d. Granting forgiveness among university students in Jakarta (Venie
Viktoria & Christiany Suwartono) . ........................................283
e. Grief intensity after the death of a family member (Lifina Dewi
Pohan) . ..................................................................................285
f. Duelling perceptions of the sacred and spiritual dimensions of
nature (Bas Verschuuren) . ......................................................286
40. Symposium 39: Culture-specific thinking toward realities
a. “Kota Tua Riwayatmu Kini” (The old Batavia, today): A qualitative
research on social perception toward indigenous architecture
(Juneman & Koentjoro) ........................................................288
b. Thinking process and cultural dimension in thinking among Batak
Toba people (Riris Simangunsong & Julia S. Chandra) . .........290
c. Judgments of attractiveness based on foot size among the Karo
Batak (Geoff Kushnick) . ........................................................291
d. Research on images of self as determinant factor of the mentally
healthy behavior of five ethnic groups in western part of
Indonesia (Elmira N. Sumintardja, Rismiyati E. Koesma, Tutty I.
Sodjakusumah, Marisa F. Moeliono & Efi Fitriana) . ..............292
e. Agimat: Integration of power and spirituality (Teodulo Gonzales)

Book of Abstracts
f. Application of indigenous and cultural knowledge for effectiveness
local and societal development; the case of indigenous people in
Riau Province, Indonesia (Elviriadi) . ......................................295
41. Symposium 40: Indigenous psychological analysis of subjective well-
a. What is happiness? An exploratory study (Nida Ul Hasanat)
b. The spiritual involvement and happiness explaining life satisfaction
among university students across religion, race, and gender (Chua
Bee Seok, Jasmine Adela M, Tan Chen Ho) . ..........................297
c. Happiness and smiling country (Nina Z. Situmorang) . ..........298
d. Javanese traditional values as reflections of psychological well-
being related to everyday life needs fulfillment (Sunu Bagaskara &
Endang Fourianalistyawati) . ...................................................299
e. An integrative model of happiness: Indonesia and indigenous
psychology perspectives (Moordiningsih & Uichol Kim) . ......301
42. Symposium 41: Relationship and emotion among students
a. Effect of relaxation on Treatment of premenstrual syndrome in
students of Mazandaran Medicine University 2009 (Mandana
Zafari) . ..................................................................................302
b. Anger and adolescence from Indigenous Psychology perspective
(Endah Sri Wahyu) . ...............................................................303
c. Who contribute to the adolescents happiness: Indigenous psychology
approach (Annisa S. Hamka, Moordiningsih, Kwartarini W. Y. &
Uichol Kim) . .........................................................................304
d. What makes adolescents happy? An exploration study approach
to indigenous psychology (Ardi Primasari, Kwartarini W.Y.,
Moordiningsih & Uichol Kim) . .............................................305
e. The dynamics of trust to close friend during adolescence: An
indigenous study of trust in friendship (Sutarimah Ampuni, Sri
Lestari, Insan Rekso & Uichol Kim) . .....................................306
f. The impact of personality traits on academic dishonesty among
Pakistan students (Muhammad Shakeel Aslam & Mian Sajid
Nazir) . ...................................................................................307

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
43. Symposium 42: Understanding students’ achievement & social life in
the cultural contexts
a. The psychological preparedness of the Indonesian police rookies: A
comparative study on the psychological features of the high-school
graduates and the university graduates entering the Indonesian
police academy (Reza Indragiri Amriel) .................................308
b. The reasons for Muslim students to distrust politicians based on
personal characteristics and social economic status (Zakwan Adri,
Helly P. S, Indrayanti & Uichol Kim) . ...................................310
c. Achievement motivation of college students from Betawi tribe
(Zarina Akbar) . ......................................................................311
d. Factors that influenced internalized Sundanese culture through
subject matter of Sundanese language (Yufiarti & Rita
Retnowati) . ............................................................................312
e. Understanding career indecision in Javanese high school students
based on career decision self-efficacy level (Dian Ratna Sawitri)
44. Invited Symposium 43: Where cultural concepts emanate from: their
roots and necessity
a. Where cultural concepts emanate from: Their roots and necessity
(Samir Parikh, Lovepreen Kaur, Isha Singh, Kamna Chhibber)
b. Seeking psychological support: Cultural attitudes, an Indian
perspective (Lovepreen Kaur, Kamna Chhibber, Samir Parikh &
Isha Singh) . ............................................................................315
c. Cultural aspects of therapy: An Indian perspective (Kamna
Chhibber, Isha Singh, Samir Parikh & Lovepreen Kaur) . .......316
d. Working with the underprivileged: Bringing a sense of empowerment
(Isha Singh, Samir Parikh, Kamna Chhibber & Lovepreen Kaur)
45. Poster Presentation
a. The meanings and influencing factors of honesty among education
students (Anna Armeini Rangkuti & Herdiyan Maulana) . .....360
b. Emotional support group for promoting well-being: Community
intervention for children with incarcerated parents with their
caregiver (Dian Veronika Sakti Kaloeti) . .................................361

Book of Abstracts
c. Construction and psychometric properties evaluation of instrument
to measure well being based on indigenous psychology approach:
A multitrait multimethod study (Wahyu Jati Anggoro & Wahyu
Widhiarso) . ............................................................................362
d. The Javanese self-concept about neighbors, how interact in daily
life: Indigenous psychological analysis (Angelina Nityasa) . .....364
e. Marital relationship and spousal conflict among married women in
Korea (Gwi-Ok An & Young-Shin Park) ...............................365
f. Stage-based expert systems to guide a population of university
students to manage stress (Shigeko Tsuda) . ............................366
g. Exploring trust to stranger with similar and difference religion
among adult in Yogyakarta: Indigenous psychological analysis
(Irrestry Naritasari) . ...............................................................368
h. Relation between admit in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
and post-partum blues (Azar Aghamohammady) . ..................369
i. Pregnant women belief’s in pregnancy myths: A case study in
Tumpangrejo village - Indonesia (Diantini Ida Vitriatie & Syarifatul
Alawiyah) ..............................................................................370
j. Does mother’s educational background influence their children’s
future aspiration? (Niken Rarasati, Banyu Wicaksono, Indra A.S.
Djanegara, Ardian Praptomojati, Sri Kurnianingsih & Uichol
Kim) ......................................................................................371
k. Assertiveness of passive smoker in “ewuh pekewuh” culture (David
Hizkia Tobing & Kwartarini W. Y) . .......................................372
l. “Ngudi kasampurnan” the Javanese man’s ways to erach self
existence (an exploratif phenomenologic study to “Perguruan
Sangkan Paraning Dumadi”) (Yusuf Ratu Agung & A. Khudori
Soleh) . ...................................................................................374
m. Javanese value in the “Paguyuban Ngesti Tunggal (Pangestu)”
teaching which can help individu to reach self-existence (Yohanes
Kartika Herdiyanto) ..............................................................375
n. Trust of public institution in Indonesia: Indigenous psychological
analysis (Aina Handayani) . ....................................................377
o. Analyzing Javanese society’s trust in politician: Indigenous
psychological analysis (Medianta Tarigan) . .............................378
p. Factors influencing achievement of Indonesian adolescents (Niken
Hartati, Achmad M. Masykur, Luthfi Fathan Dahrianto, Sri
Kurnianingsih & Faturochman) . ............................................379

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
q. Relational influence on Indonesian adolescents’ achievement,
failure, and future aspiration (Muhamad Taqiyudin, Mohamad
Iksan, Muh. Untung Manara, Sri Kurnianingsih & Faturochman)
r. The social role of Javanese religious leader (Kyai) in shaping the
concept of ideal family (Moh. Abdul Hakim & Ahmad Zainul
Anam) . ..................................................................................383
s. Expectancy-value beliefs as sources of achievement motivation on
Faculty of Psychology ‘X’ University’s students (Fifie Nurofia)
t. A study of health status and responses to illness across the religions
(Anshula Krishna) . .................................................................387
u. Conception of filial piety of elementary school students towards
their parents: indigenous psychological analysis (Young-Yee Shin,
Young-Shin Park & Uichol Kim) . ..........................................388
v. How middle school students express their filial piety towards their
parents: Indigenous psychological analysis (Yim Soon Lee, Young-
Shin Park & Uichol Kim) . .....................................................389
w. How Korean adolescents and parents view filial piety: indigenous
psychological analysis (Mi-ae Yoo, Uichol Kim, Young-Shin Park
& Daniella Kupor) . ...............................................................390
x. Perception of filial piety among parents of university students:
Indigenous psychological analysis (Ja-Young Ahn, Young-Shin
Park & Uichol Kim) . .............................................................391
y. Conception of sacrifice among parents of kindergarten and
elementary school students: indigenous psychological analysis
(Tai-ou Kim, Young-Shin Park & Uichol Kim) . .....................392
z. Indigenous psychological analysis of happiness and unhappiness
among Korean students and parents (Sun Young Baak, Young-Shin
Park and Uichol Kim) . ...........................................................393
aa. Respect for parents among middle school students: Indigenous
psychological analysis (Sang-Hee Lee, Young-Shin Park & Uichol
Kim) ......................................................................................394
bb. “I’m still a little baby!”: How mothers acts toward adolescents
and adult in Indonesia ( Sulasmi Sudirman, Moh. Abdul Hakim,
Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti). ...................................................395

Book of Abstracts
cc. Mother as a source of children’s morality: Indigenous psychological
study in Indonesia ( Hanum Swandarini, Moh. Abdul Hakim,
Kwartarini W. Yuniarti). ..........................................................396
dd. “Asih” values: Childrens’ dominant perception to their mother in
Indonesia ( Ghozali Rusyid Affandi, Moh. Abdul Hakim, Kwartarini
W. Yuniarti). ...........................................................................397

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Leadership Traits:
Indonesian Indigenous Perspectives
Djamaludin Ancok
Gadjah Mada University
Ideal and effective leaders are the ones who become good role
model, set the direction where an organization should go, and challenge
the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart. Leadership both
builds individual ability and organization capability.
Javanese culture posses valuable leadership philosophies which represent
characteristic of Gods of Nature: Sun, Moon, Star, Sky, Wind, Ocean,
Fire, and Earth. The Sun shines brightly, playing role the source of energy
for organization life. Moon shines in the dark night represents a leader
role in encouraging the heart of the folowers. Stars twinkle, being placed
in a high position with a certain configuration with the purpose of leading
the way. A leader role is guiding the follower to pursue the vision, mission
of organization. The sky, unlimited in wide, that is able to accommodate
anything comes to it. A leader should have a sincere heart and able to accept
diversity among followers in cultures, personality and ideas. The wind which
is being present everywhere without differentiating the place and being able
to fill in the empty space. A leader should be around the followers , without
differentiating their level and status. The ocean is where all the rivers flow
and go. Ocean is large and flat in its surface, contaning salt that purify dirty
and poisoneous water from the river. A leader should love their follower and
develop them to be a better follower. The fire, being able to burn everything

Book of Abstracts
it touches. A leader shall have a courage to show the truth and to bring
into justice the followers who violate rule and regulation. The earth with
the characteristics of supporting the growth of followers. A leader should
be generous in serving his people and organization, in ordert to grow the
This paper will discuss how the characteristics of eight aspects of nature
being applied in organization, and analyze the similarities with the recent
theories of leadership.
Key-words: Leadership, organizational effectiveness, and human capital

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Mission of Asian Association of Indigenous
and Cultural Psychology
Kwang-Kuo Hwang
National Chair Professor
Recently, a new University of British Columbia study published in
Nature and Behavioral Sciences shows that, between 2003 and 2007, 96% of
psychological samples came from the U.S. and other Western nations with
only 12% of the world’s populations. Compared to the global population,
the psychological tendencies of those research subjects from the Western,
Education, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic countries are highly unusual,
therefore, they are called as WEIRD samples from WEIRD societies.
The establishment of Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural
Psychology is aimed to study the mentalities for social actions of people in
non-WEIRD societies all over the world. Understanding that the popular
research paradigms in contemporary scientific community of the world
are products of Western civilization, we recognize that comprehending the
ethos of Western philosophy of science may enable us to study the wisdoms,
cultural values, and worldview in support of people’s social actions in non-
WEIRD societies so as to construct psychological theories which may
represent both universal minds of human beings and particular mentalities
in a specific culture. The indigenous theories of analytical-empirical science
thus constructed may be used not only as guidelines for empirical research,
but also as basis of hermeneutic or critical science that can satisfy our
communicative or emancipative interests.

Book of Abstracts
I do believe that the indigenization movement of psychology advocated
by non-WEIRD countries is now initiating a revolution in all fields of social
sciences. The theories and research paradigms of social sciences which have
been constructed on the presumption of individualism will eventually be
replaced by those constructed on the presumption of universal relationalism
which may become mainstream of academic community in non-WEIRD
countries. This is the most important mission of Asian Association of
Indigenous and Cultural Psychology. Let’s devote ourselves to the actualization
of this mission.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Globalization of Indigenous Psychologies:
A Lesson From Japanese Scholars
Susumu Yamaguchi
University of Tokyo
Indigenous psychologies attempt to understand mental processes of
people in each culture based upon their own theory and concepts. This does
not and should not mean that indigenous psychologies remain domestic.
Rather, the indigenous psychologies need to be internationalized in the
sense that they can be understood by people outside the culture, in which
each indigenous psychology has developed. In the age of globalization,
intercultural contacts are indispensable for economical development. For
this reason, there have been widespread interests in other cultures among
intellectuals as well as lay people. Japanese people and Japanese culture,
for example, have been a target of such interests. To reveal the “secrets” of
Japanese rapid economic development, researchers were involved in research
in various academic fields (such as economics, management sciences, and
social psychology). As a result, Western researchers have written extensively
about Japanese and Japanese culture. Unfortunately, those writings are often
full of misunderstandings: They spread myths and misunderstandings rather
than facilitate mutual understandings . In such situations, it is a mission of
indigenous psychologies to correct misunderstandings by presenting their
theories and findings internationally. With a few exceptions, unfortunately,
Japanese scholars in humanities and social sciences have been inactive and
unsuccessful in having their voices heard internationally: the impact of their

Book of Abstracts
research in international academia has been deplorably low. Nevertheless, we
can learn a lesson from their failures as well as their exceptional successes.
In my address, I will focus on a failure by a Japanese scholar in evolution
science and a success by a Japanese psychoanalysist and discuss what we can
learn from their success and failure. Then, I will suggest a future direction for
indigenous psychologies in Asia.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Rethinking Competence:
An Indigenous Perspective
Girishwar Misra
Department of Psychology
University of Delhi - Delhi-110007
[email protected]
Competence is a core concept in the Euro-American tradition of
psychology. It is often posited as an innate psychological need for effectance
or to influence and control others. There is rich body of literature celebrating
its varied incarnations (e.g. primary control, self-determination, locus of
control, self-esteem, internal attribution, independence) and their positive
consequences. Any attempt to thwart this desire results in hopelessness and
ill-being. However, a critical analysis suggests that this notion of competence
is rooted in a specific kind of partitioning between ‘Self’ and the ‘Other’.
Rooted in Western individualistic way of thinking the notion of ‘Other’
is reduced to something for the ‘Self’. In contrast, the indigenous Indian
notion holds the idea that selfhood is based on responsible participation.
Thus ‘Self’ requires the ‘Other’ to define itself. There exists an ontological
primacy to the concern for and commitment to promote an inclusive form
of well-being. In so doing one’s individuality becomes identical to one’s
responsibility. One’s individuality lies in listening to the call of others.
To be competent, therefore, one must be knowledgeable of the ‘Other’.
Competence involves Yoga or the capability to be in tune with the ‘Other’
(e.g. surrounding environment, people, global consciousness) and grow in

Book of Abstracts
the valued spheres of life. In this model a combination of individual well-
being and positive societal involvement is envisaged. Individual’s growth
is envisioned as movement towards increasing encompassing identity
(true self) which is over and above one’s body, ego, and membership in
social groupings. It shares some form of universal ontological reality. The
implications of this perspetive for a comprehensive conceptualization of
competence are indicated. It is concluded that living in the globalizing world
requires a dynamic and holistic style of collaboration at different levels of
functioning. In this context the indigenous models from diverse cultures
may be treated as illustrations of human creativity and as such they need to
be understood as important resources to be deployed for future making.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Examining the Scientific Bases of
Indigenous Psychology
Madelene Sta. Maria, Ph.D.
De La Salle University, Manila
The shifts in global political and economic conditions, as well as the
emergence of psychological disciplinary perspectives to allow for the study of
processes in context (e.g, human development, applied social psychological
approaches) mark what Valsiner (2009) called the “return to culture in
psychology.” The study of indigenous psychologies is one move to achieve
a more culture-inclusive psychology. This move, however, has produced
a host of issues that essentially have to do with a definition of its nature
within a scientific discipline of psychology. This paper examines some of
the main issues confronting work in indigenous psychology and the various
positions taken to address these. How these issues have become evident in
investigations in Sikolohiyang Pilipino is likewise examined. It is argued that,
to date, efforts at indigenization have not provided the means to firm up the
scientific bases of indigenous psychology. This is partly caused by the confusion
about the nature of indigenous psychological phenomena, deficiencies in
systematizing the methodological requirements and the limited discussion
among researchers regarding psychological knowledge that can be produced
in the study of such phenomena. It is proposed that another phase in the
indigenous movement beyond integration should take place so that progress

Book of Abstracts
of indigenous psychology within the enterprise of scientific psychology
becomes evident. In this next phase, development of context-bound models
of psychological functioning will be of central importance. The suggested
paradigmatic stances and methodological requirements to achieve this goal
are elaborated in the paper.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Indigenous Psychology:
What is it and why do we need it
Uichol Kim
College of Business Administration, Inha University, Korea
In this presentation, I will outline the scientific foundation of
indigenous psychology. First, I will review the historical and scientific
foundation of indigenous and contrast it with general and cross-cultural
psychology. Second, I define indigenous psychology as a transactional
model of science in which human beings are viewed as agents of their own
action. Third, I will point out the importance of understanding creativity
and culture as basis for developing indigenous psychology. Fourth, I
will define culture and point out that differences in cultures exist due
to different goals that cultures pursue, methods people use to attain the
goal, and the differential use of natural and human resources. Fifth, I will
outline the East Asian religious and philosophical perspectives in which
relation and harmony, rather than individuals and self-fulfillment, are
viewed as the unit of analysis and life-goals. Fifth, I will provide a review
of empirical studies conducted in Korea to show the scientific validity of
indigenous psychology. Sixth, I will provide a review of application of
indigenous psychology to show the power of indigenous psychology.

Book of Abstracts
Quality of Life as Social Representation in China:
A Qualitative Study
Li Liu
School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University
The aim of this study is to identify, describe and analyse the structured
content and meaning of quality of life which are entrenched in Chinese
society and communicated by ordinary Chinese people. The data were
collected from individual interviews and focus group discussions. The
qualitative methods employed in this study allowed the researcher not only
to overcome the chauvinistic and ethnocentric straps in the mainstream
QOL literature, but also to explore the social representation of quality
of life in China from the perspective of social actors. The research shows
that quality of life as a social representation in China is organised around a
central thema of “to be” / “to have”. This thema has overarching generative
and normative power over discourses about quality of life. It is through
the hybrid of “economic logic” and “existential logic” that this thema spills
over, permeates and underpins the critical domains of life: health, family,
work, social relations and environment. The thema of “to be” / “to have”,
intertwined with the coexistence of rival cultural, political and economic
systems – Confucianism, Marxism and capitalism – in China’s current social
transition, provides the framework within which lay people organise their
everyday life, assess of their own QOL and develop aspirations.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
A Qualitative Exploration of Internet-based
Mass Event in China
Fang Wang, Pingping Wang, Yongyuan Chen, & Yan Zhang
School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University
This study aims at exploring the general rules of Internet-based Mass
Event in the Chinese socio-cultural context. We obtained semi-structured
interview data from 16 netizens who participated in at least one Internet-
based Mass Event. Thematic analysis of the data revealed a model which
describes how the Internet-based Mass Event emerges, grows, explodes,
retains, and declines. Initially, a certain social event happened in real world,
the event contained accordant role expectation with mass but goes against
people’ stereotype which was noticed by netizens in the context of huge
information on internet. Then emotional contagious through network
inspire irrational behaviors, such as human flesh searching. Ultimately, the
voice of netizen could exert huge pressure on the government or persons
involved throughout the whole event and to some extent change the final
result of the original event. Meanwhile, personality, motivation of individual
netizen functioned as moderating or mediating factors.

Book of Abstracts
A Comparison of Children from Wenchuan
Earthquake-Stricken Areas and those from Non-affected
Areas in Dynamic House-Tree-People Test
Yan Xu, Pingping Wang & Qifeng Wang
School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University
This study assessed 71 child survivors from disaster areas and 126
children from non-affected areas using the dynamic House-Tree-People test
to compare their mental health one year after the Wenchuan Earthquake.
The result showed that about half of the indexes which we concerned were
significant differences between the two samples, especially in psychological
trauma and depression; there are significant differences in psychological
trauma, anxiety, depression, interpersonal adaptation and aggression. These
results indicated that, the psychological trauma caused by the earthquake and
its negative impact has affected the mental health of children in the disaster
areas, which made these children’s mental health worse than the children
in the non-affected areas. The trauma was deeply implicit and interlaced
recently. Although the child survivors had come through the earthquake
about one year time long, their hearts have not yet gotten rid of it. They
can not use right and effective actions to overcome their negative emotions
instead of regression.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
People Do Business in the Way
They Understand Life:
A Study on Value of Chinese Entrepreneurs
Shenghua Jin
School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University
3,112 legal representatives of Chinese enterprises from overall China
a joined the study. Two value scales were used with the study. One was
the questionnaire “The Value Orientation and Spiritual Beliefs of Chinese
People”(Jin, 2004), which contained 31 items measuring four dimensions
of fundamental values, including “integrity”, “money & power”, “career
& achievement”, and “law & social norms”, the other one scale measuring
business values containing 16 items developed by experts and methodologists
including senior businessmen, psychologists, and sociologists. It measuresd
values with typical business activities, philosophy and styles among Chinese
entrepreneurs. The main findings of this study were as following: 1. The
fundamental value orientations of Chinese entrepreneurs were (from high
to low): character and self-transcendence, career and achievement, law
and social norms, money and power; 2. The business value orientations of
Chinese entrepreneurs were (from high to low): identification with business
obligation, identification with organizational values, suspicion of the business
ethics of others, pursuit for short-term success; 3. Chinese entrepreneurs’
fundamental value orientations had guiding influence upon their business
value orientations: the way s/he understands his life, the way he manages his

Book of Abstracts
Workplace Ostracism and Its Relationship to
Employees’ Mental Health, Job Satisfaction, and
Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Jiang Jiang
School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University
Up to now, researches about ostracism mainly carried out in virtual
laboratory, and relatively little research examined workplace ostracism.
However, it is not uncommon to find ostracism in workplace. A survey
conducted by in China indicated that 71.2% of employees had
been excluded in different forms, but little is known about the impact of
ostracism on employees in Chinese workplace. Based on employees in different
occupations as participants, this research investigated: (1) the specific forms
and severity of workplace ostracism in China; (2) the relationship between
workplace ostracism and employees’ mental health, job satisfaction, turnover
intentions, and organizational citizenship behavior; and (3) the mediating
effects of sense of belonging and Organizational-based Self-esteem.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Perception of responsibility and the use of language:
Implications from a Japan-France comparison
Minoru Karasawa
Nagoya University, Japan
In this presentation I will propose that the study on the relationship
between causal inference and the use of language may provide a useful
framework for understanding indigenous as well as universal psychological
principles. Research in causal attribution and blame has identified
psychological processes that govern responsibility judgments across different
cultural communities with a substantial level of universality. Specifically,
the locus of causality and perceived controllability seem to be among the
fundamental causal dimensions that commonly determine judgment of
responsibility and blameworthiness. On the other hand, specific patterns of
relationship between such psychological processes and the use of language
expressing blame are inevitably constrained by linguistic rules such as syntax
rules and pragmatic norms. These rules can be seen as cultural constraints on
our cognition and behavior. On the basis of experimental data collected in
Japan and France, I will demonstrate such commonalities as well as indigenous
aspects of inferential processes and linguistic behavior. Implications for other
areas in social sciences are also discussed.

Book of Abstracts
A Group-Based Blaming (Crediting) Logic in Japan:
Extending Organizational Responsibility
to Causally Uninvolved Organizational Leaders
Yuriko Zemba
Waseda University
Most psychological research on responsibility judgments deals with
the responsibility of individuals who made some causal contribution to the
outcome. The logic of blaming an individual based on personal causality is
undoubtedly common across cultures. However, this logic alone may not fully
capture responsibility judgments by East Asian perceivers (e.g., Japanese),
who are known to be oriented to focus on the causal influence of groups. We
have been studying a group-based blaming logic used by Japanese perceivers:
Japanese perceivers tend to assign blame to a group and then extend it to
an individual representing it (Zemba, Young, & Morris, 2006). In this
talk, a model of this indigenous blaming logic will be described and cross-
cultural studies testing it (Japan-U.S. comparison) will be reported. Also
the on-going cross-cultural studies that examine how this blaming differs
from the well-known phenomenon of scapegoating will be reported. Finally,
the implication of this logic in developing culturally relevant responsibility
model will be discussed.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Super-Ordinary Bias in
Japanese Self-Predictions of Future Life Events:
An Approach From Indigenous Psychology
Megumi Ohashi
Tokyo Future University
Prior research has shown that North Americans and Europeans
have optimistic bias in their future self-predictions (i.e., they tend
to expect that they would experience desirable events more than the
average person), while Japanese are less likely to show this bias.
Such findings may lead researchers to conclude that Japanese are
more pessimistic people than Westerners are. However, indigenous
perspective provides a more culturally relevant interpretation.
Based on indigenous perspective, Ohashi & Yamaguchi (2004)
hypothesized and showed that Japanese, who value ordinariness,
have another type of bias in their future self-predictions—super-
ordinary bias. Japanese tend to expect that they would experience
common events more than the average person, and rare events less
than the average person. Further, this bias is more prominent among
perceivers who see themselves as ordinary. In this talk, research
on this super-ordinary bias among Japanese will be presented,
and the cultural generalizability of this phenomenon will also be

Book of Abstracts
Exploring the Chinese-Filipino Social Identity:
A Social Representational Framework
Angela Yu
University of the Philippines-Diliman
The research explores self-perceptions and social identity representations
of the Chinese in the Philippines using the social representations framework.
In particular, it seeks to understand how Chinese culture and personal
and group migration history are translated into the ethnic minority’s self-
construal and social identity. Additionally, it investigates the influence
of various communication processes (education, linguistic ability, social
interactions and adherence to customs and traditions) as well as individual
(age and gender) and environmental attributes (migration status and
parents’ cultural background) in self- and social identity development. It will
likewise explore Chinese in the Philippines’ subgroup social representations
using correspondence factor analysis. A combination of qualitative and
quantitative methods will be utilized: in-depth interview of ethnic Chinese
respondents will be done in Study 1 to elicit social representations of the
social identity as well as sub-group classifications; survey questionnaires
will be fielded in Study 2 with the aim of understanding the variances in
the social representations of the subgroups, as well as the attitudinal link
between self- and social identity.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Cultural Transformation of Women’s Images in
Qajar Era (19th Century) in Iran
Maryam Lari
Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr Branch
This research surveys the images of women in Qajar paintings. There is
a strong relationship between the changes in women’s images and the social-
political improvements during Qajar period (19th century). The west-East
opposition as the most important challenge of the period caused significant
alterations in context and visual expression of images. On the other hand
, the intellectuals and artists who were greatly influenced by the ideas of
Modernism and Constitutionalism, played a considerable role in changing
minds about images of women in Iran. The main base of this survey has been
the literary texts (travels, historical documents, analysis, etc..) and visual texts
(up to 900 paintings and photos of women). For reading the texts, the reader
(surveyor) has been considered as an active and influential element who tries
to discover the meaning hidden in different layers. The survey, as an intertext
itself, with the help of Intertextuality approach tries to find the intertexts of
women’s images and rouse new reading in contemporary artistic society. In
an overview, images of women in Qajar paintings were changed as the result
of social circumstances for example women’s images as mistress and dancer
appeared in early Qajar paintings, changed into more realistic ones. Image
of woman as symbol of freedom which was appeared in newspapers, was
one of the result of cultural transformation in 19th century in Iran. On the
other hand, in terms of style, new techniques such as lithography merged the

Book of Abstracts
artistic works from royal court and more ordinary people could have a copy
of these images. Qajar era was a critical point for basic changes in women’s
position in Iran which was reflected in paintings and photography of this
Key words: Cultural Transformation, Iranian Art, Women’s Images, Qajar
Painting, Intertextuality.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
West Meets East:
Malay Muslim Women Perception on Singlehood
Jamayah Saili, Rosie Rooney, & Lyndall Steed
Curtin University of Technology
Changes in marital trends and family life in Malaysia and other South
East Asian countries do not mirror those that have occurred in the west.
According to the western ideology of marriage and family, greater happiness
and fulfilment is associated with being married people than for those who
are not married. Surprisingly, despite the relatively high degree of research
in this area in the west, there remains a lack of research on psychosocial
cultural issues faced by non-western people such as professional Malay
Muslim women. A review of the relevant literature in the western context in
particular also reveals the stereotypical views of singleness as evident in the
connotations of spinsters and old maids as social failures, and social deviants.
Much of the research on single women in the west has only looked at singles
based on their ‘civil status’ and failed to distinguish between single women
who have never married and women who are divorced, widowed, separated or
cohabitating. Within this contact, this paper addresses a particular definition
of ‘single’ which is prevalent in contemporary Malay society. Drawing on
in-depth qualitative interviews with 20 single, professional, Malay Muslim
women in Malaysia and cultural definition of single, the researcher argues that
further work is needed to understand the relationship between ‘not married’
and ‘never married’ and to consider how being single Malay Muslim may
have specific meanings in comparisons with being single in different context

Book of Abstracts
and culture. In the presentation, the intent is not to analyze the reasons for
the growing rates of single Malay women in Malaysia; but to comprehend
some explanations based on the women’s experience to the question: “why
are they single?” and set out to understand “what went wrong?”. The findings
indicate that various inter-related reasons explain the single women’s state of
remaining single over the normal marriageable age. Also, it is apparent that
although they enjoy their personal freedom, being single is not a personal
choice. Rather, they believe in the concept of Jodoh (soul-mate as fated
by God). This paper thus highlights how the Malay Muslim women vary
significantly with respect to their decision in remaining single or to marry
due to cultural expectations and religious values.
Keywords: Singlehood, Malay, Muslim women, Marriage and Gender,

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Reflection for the Development of
Indigeneous Psychology: Responding to the Issue
of Violence Against Women
N.K. Endah Triwijati
Why is it so important for the development of indigeneous psychology
to give significant contribution to the elimination of gender based violence,
particularly domestic violence (DV) which is recognized worldwide as one
of the most common forms of violence against women? And how it can be
I would focus more on answering the latter, after outlining the first.
This paper is basically aimed to share my reflection toward my on going
research on the Prevention of DV in the primary health care services: the
potential of the integral consciousness of health care providers to transform
personal-cultural-social barriers.
Globally, violence against women is recognize as the most pervasive
yet least recognized human rights violation in the world. It also is a
profound public health problem, sapping women’s energy, compromising
their physical health, and eroding their self-esteem (Heize, 1999). It
also gives significant impact on their dependents. Children who witnessed
DV in their family, very likely also become indirect-direct victim, which
inevitably affects their developmental process, their ability to deal with their
interpersonal and social problems, as well. Intergenerational effect of DV is
a common issue to those who provide services to women victims.

Book of Abstracts
The ecological framework which is used by researchers on this issue
shows the interplay of personal, situational, and social-cultural factors that
perpetuate and condone DV. I would argue that working to understand how
the interplay of those factors expressed in the subjective and intersubjective
realm of victims, perpetrator as well as health provider the integration of
those factors.
It is not the intention of this paper to argue the aim of Indigeneous
psychology, as it shows quite diverse depends on its own epistemological
foundations (Hwang, 2004). Yet through out this paper in accordance to my
perspective on this issue, I would posit indigeneous psychology from critical
social science particularly feminist perspective.
My standpoint in looking at this issue has moved from exclusively
dichotomizing “woman-victim – male-perpetrator” to the construction of
“gender and power relation”. Using integral ‘Wilber’ psychology and Listening
Guide Analysis, indigeneous psychology could develop as a psychology that
responsive to the context of the power play within the subjectivity, inter-
subjectivity and social system.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
To be Istiqamah:
Harmonizing Work, Family, Society and Leisure
(A Case Study among Muslim Women Lecturer
in Jogjakarta)
Dian Sari Utami
Department of Psychology, Islamic University of Indonesia
Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Gambles, Lewis, and Rapoport (2006) mentioned that some critical
tensions on paid work, family, society, and leisure will become a challenge
for mothers who also have fulltime work. This was caused by the increasing
demand and invasive of paid work in people’s. In this context, the ways in
which women experience and negotiate their roles, identities, and relationships
with each other are crucial to ways in which paid work and other part of
life are harmonized. In the pre-study interview with some Muslim women
with profession as architects and university lecturer said that the reason they
chose their job as a lecturer because it has a flexible work so that they still
can manage their time with family, society, and self. Some of these women
also said that their challenge, as a working mother is to balance the demands
between family and work. There is an obligation for Muslim women to obey
the husband without complaints. Sometimes this will cause some conflicts.
Such was the case, some Muslim women use some strategies as their attempts
to achieve their work-life balance. This phenomenon is interesting to be

Book of Abstracts
explored in order to understand their strategy which will be carried out in
accordance with their religious belief. The research approach is a qualitative
research with case study design in the Department of Architecture in one
Islamic University and the data was collected with in depth interview and
observation to all of the participants. There were four participants involved
in this study with characteristics as follows: age range between 35-55 years-
old, fulltime Muslim lecturer in the same department at the same university,
married women with children, having a working couple, and having above
average performance scores at work. The results showed that istiqamah is
the strongest factor, which consists of: faithfulness to Allah, self-control,
commitment, and enjoyment in doing something. Istiqamah become the
important role of their life to support their strategies to achieve work-life
balance. Keywords: Istiqamah, muslim women lecturer, work-life balance

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Subjective Wellbeing in Indonesian Women
with Multiple Roles
Nina Z. Situmorang
Universitas Gadjah Mada
In Indonesia, women more 50% from the population but quality of
life is lower than women. One of kind quality of life is known subjective
wellbeing (SWB). SWB is the scientifict analysis of how people evaluate
their lives-both at the moment and for longer periods such as for the past.
Married and working women experience a considerable amount of strain
multiple roles. The research indicate that they enjoy a low level of SWB.
Women working need family support to balance their roles. Culture in
Indonesia with nuclear families still have problem to manage between work
and family. The problem is spouse not support the wife because women
works but domestic problem still her responsible.
Keywords: Subjective wellbeing; multiple roles; women working; family

Book of Abstracts
Dilemma of Working Women Experienced
with Long Distance Marriage
Artiawati Mawardi
Faculty of Psychology, University of Surabaya
Women, who choose to participate in public sector, are often confronted
with problems relating to the functions in performing that role. Patriarchal
culture, patterned in the minds of Indonesian society is often being an
obstacle for working mother. Negative labels always seemed to accompany,
especially for women who must experienced with long distance marriage.
Problems encountered are more complex. This study is aimed at exploring
reasons behind the decision to live with long distance marriage and strategies
in dealing with problems as a result to chose working separately from
family. More specifically, the phenomenon of work-family conflict is further
explored. Participants of this study are four women who work and live apart
from their husbands. The four informants have different work backgrounds.
Two people are managers. The other participants are the finance staff and the
entrepreneur. This study uses a qualitative approach with a critical feminism
paradigm. The process of data collection was done by interviews and
observation. Results from this study indicate that beside to meet the needs
of families, the decision to choose working separately from their husbands
influenced by parenting systems adopted by the working mother, which is
demanding independence. Values internalized by participants are to meet
parent’s expectation to succeed in work as their parents have spent effort to
support them to have high level education. Parents also serve as a model of

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
hard worker. However, the problem often occurred is a time-based conflict.
Time owned only be used to conduct activities in a particular role can not
fulfill duties in other roles. Social support, particularly support from husband
play vital role in the process of dealing with the problems that arise in the
life of participants. In addition, the presence of a child is also an important
factor to survive. Another interesting finding is that the bargaining power
held by women depending on their position on the job. The higher level of
job, the stronger power gained by women. They are better able to manage
their life because they are used to manage subordinates, set the time and firm
in making a decision related to their job. This is certainly influential in the
daily life in the family, how they manage time for my husband and children.
Participant with the lowest level of job has the lowest bargaining power. She
tends to avoid confrontation with husband when having problems. Letting
go and accepting all decisions made by her husband. Finally, well-being of
working mother experienced with long distance marriage depends on how
she values her life as independent women. They enjoy their roles, which can
actualize their potentials and freely enjoying their time without obligation to
care husband

Book of Abstracts
The Development Strategy of Character Education
Models Based on Local Wisdom
Tri Rejeki Andayani
Department of Psychology, College of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University
It is undeniable that globalization has positive impact on humans, but
also cause negative impacts that need to be aware of. Crisis of ethics and morals
of the nation, or the emergence of conflicts originating from differences and
conflicts of different cultures is one of the negative impacts. Disparity of
values between generations in which young generation increasingly leaving
values, language and culture of Indonesia.
Education as part of efforts to produce quality human resources should
not only equip individuals from the aspect of knowledge and technology, but
also teaches life values, including values of honesty, compassion, tolerance,
responsibility, and unity. Educational of living values became one of the
strategies in anticipate of pluralism, liberalism and secularism in order not to
develop in certain groups of individuals and egocentrism.
Indonesia with diversity has a variety of potential local knowledge should
be developed in an effort to develop living values education. As one of the
multicultural of Indonesia, Java has a philosophy of life is high and laden with
lofty values which can be applied in the education process for the cultivation
of values, including live peacefully and respectfully, tepa sarira, and shame
culture as self control. Realizing that the availability of instructional model
which values rooted in the cultural complexion of Indonesia, especially Java

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Culture is still very limited then it is time we develop a variety of character
education models based on local wisdom to support the achievement of high
quality human resources and competitive at the global level. As Alvin Toffler
said that think globally, act locally.

Keywords: Character Education, Local Wisdom

Book of Abstracts
Emotional Intelligence and Belief in Just World
among Engineering Students
Alpana Vaidya
Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce, Pune
Emotions play an important role in individual’s life. In today’s world
EQ is given more importance than IQ (Goleman, 1995). Similarly, the
world is full of suffering and evil. Belief in a Just World (BJW) is considered
as a naïve faith or hope of a close connection between one’s character or
one’s behavior and one’s fate (Dalbert, 2001). Review of literature has shown
that the relation between BJW and Emotional Intelligence has received little
attention in the Indian context. Therefore, an attempt has been made in the
present study to find out relation between Emotional Intelligence and Belief
in Just World among engineering students of Pune city. The sample consisted
of 217 second year engineering students from various engineering colleges
of Pune city. Emotional intelligence was measured with the help of one of
the popular measures of emotional intelligence developed by Schutte et al.,
in 1998 (SEIS). Belief in Just World (BJW) was measured with the help of
(Dalbert et al., 1987) General Belief in a Just World scale. Both the tools have
satisfactory reliability and validity. Pearson’s Product moment correlation
was used to find out correlation between BJW and Emotional Intelligence.
Obtained results showed a significant positive correlation between BJW and
emotional intelligence. The results demonstrated sex differences in general
belief in a just world and also on emotional intelligence. Implications of the
study in the light of engineering course have been discussed.
Key words: BJW, Emotional Intelligence

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Correlation between Social Skills and
Stress on Gifted Children
Dona Eka Putri & Zikrayati
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gunadarma
The Correlation between Social Skills and Stress on Gifted Children
Zikrayati and Dona Eka Putri Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gunadarma
Jakarta Abstract Education system in Indonesia is still oriented to the
development of rational intelligence and less oriented to the development
of emotional intelligence in teaching and learning. In fact the role of IQ in
the success of a person only takes the second position after the EQ (social
skills). On gifted children, lack of social skills is one reason these children are
vulnerable to problems. The purpose of this study is to empirically examine
whether there is a negative correlation between social skills and stress on
gifted children. Subjects were 38 high school students who followed the
accelerated program. The measurement used is the scale of social skills and
stress scale. Data analysis using Pearson’s correlation technique (one-tailed).
The results showed a negative significant correlation between social skills
with stress on gifted children. Viewed from the description of participants,
it is known there are differences in the mean value of social skills based on
Key words: social skills, stress, gifted children

Book of Abstracts
Explorative Study of Character Strengths
on Indonesian People
(Java, Sunda, Minahasa, Betawi, Bugis, & Batak)
Fivi Nurwianti & Imelda Dian Oriza
Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia
Description. Research aim is to investigate about character strengths
on Indonesian peoples. We took six ethnic groups to our subject : Java,
Sunda, Bugis, Betawi, Minahasa, and Batak people. Character strengths
consisted of 24 character are creativity, curiosity, open mindedness, love of
learning, perspective, bravery, persistence, integrity, vitality, love, kindness,
social intelligence, citizenship, fairness, leadership, forgiveness, humility,
prudence, self regulation, awe of beauty, gratitude, hope, humor, and
spirituality (Peterson & Seligman, 2004).
Methode. Quantitative research, on 1066 subject (male 526, female
540), age 18 – 55 years. Character strenghts is measured with Values in
Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS). Statistic analysis utilized descriptive
mean ranking, t-test, and analysis of variance.
Result. There are 5 highest character strenghts on all of people from
6 ethnic groups : gratitude, kindness, fairness, integrity, and citizenship.
But, no significant differences found between etchical groups. Regardless of
their ethnic group, we also found significant differences on ages and marital
status on gratitude, fairness, and integrity; and also, educational graduate on
gratitude, kindness, citizenship, fairness, and integrity.
Key words: character strengths; ethnic groups;

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Relationship Between Self Efficacy and
Academic Achievement
Esti Hayu Purnamaningsih
Universitas Gadjah Mada
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between self
efficacy and academic achievement. The Participants are 391 high school
students from various schools in Yogyakarta. The instrument used was
the self efficacy scale developed by Albert Bandura and Uchol Kim. The
Indicator of academic achievement is avarage score in that semester. Results
from this study is there are significant relationship between Self Efficacy
and academic Achievement, both from each aspect of self-Efficacy, and total
scores obtained from subject. The other results are: a. There are difference Self
Efficacy views of gender, female students have higher self efficacy than male
students’ academic achievement. b.There are differences in terms of gender,
female students have better academic achievement than male students .c.
There are significant differences in students’ self efficacy in terms of areas
where the student was raised. Students who grew up in rural areas had the
highest self efficacy, followed by students who grew up in the city and then
who grew up in the big city .d. There are significant differences between
student academic achievement in terms of area where the student was grew
up. Students who grew up in the city has the highest academic achievement,
followed by students who grew up in rural areas, and then students who
grew up in the big city.
Keyword : self efficacy, academic achievement.

Book of Abstracts
Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure Scores in A Sample
of Adolescents from Indonesia
Irene Tarakanita
Faculty of Psychology, Maranatha Christian University
This study examined the structural validity of score on the 20-item
Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM: Phinney, 1992) in a group
260 students from private university in Bandung-Indonesia. MEIM scores
yielded 2 factors (Ethnic Identity, and Other Group Orientation) as in
previous studies, with the EI factor being more viable. Factor analysis of the
14 EI items resulted in a single factor, in contrast to findings of previous
studies. The authors suggasted that the the OGO factor may be less viable in
majority groups, that the EI items may best be explained by a single factor,
and that the MEIM would benefit from more scale development work.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Constructing Identity Through Identification and
Differentiation from Assimilation:
A Case Study Among Magars of Nepal in
Social-Cultural Aspect.
Shyamu Thapa Magar
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
While studying Indigenous Ethnic Identity Construction Process in
Nepal, ethnic movement of 1990s is seen as the milestone for the people’s
movement along with cultural content of the emotion, cognitive perception
and self concept, motivation, memories, developmental process are linked
up with people’s behavior (Ratnar, Carl, 2008) to raise their voices against
government discrimination system. Due to not having freedom of speech,
restriction on collective actions for one’s own right to establish indigenous
ethnic organization, people start raising their voices for equal participation
and representation brought awareness among Magars, one of the largest
indigenous ethnic group among 59 government identified are, also third
largest group covers 7.14% of total population speak three Magar dialects
are scattered all over Nepal, placed under the lowest level among four varnas
but under water acceptable groups, assimilated into all Hindu cultural
practices under social structure based on caste system with declaration of
“Nepal is the only one Hindu country in the world”, deprived Magars
from every development and affirmative actions, starts working collectively
by establishing Central Magar Association along with 65 district chapters.
Magars started to construct their identity claiming themselves to be Buddhist

Book of Abstracts
declared to write Magars behind their Name and subclan and Buddhist in
the religion section results decrease of Hindu population percentage and
increasement of Buddhist Population percentage in 2001 census. These
days, Magars started to reinvent their old tradition using cultural codes such
as dress, cultural and religious practices which were almost forgotten after
many years of affiliation and trying to identify themselves as a separate group
and wanted to be identified by others.
Key words: indigenous ethnic, identity construction, identification,
differentiation and assimilation

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Social Identity and Prejudice of Muslim and Hindu
Adolescents in Traditional And Modern Schools
Shabana Bano
Department of Psychology, K. N. Government P. G. College
The present study examined social identity and prejudice of Hindu
and Muslim adolescents in relation to their schooling background. The
study was conducted at Varanasi city with 102 Hindu and 106 Muslim
boys, age 14-19 years, drawn from Traditional Urdu (n=52), Traditional
Sanskrit (n=50), and Modern (n= 106) schools. The findings revealed that
overall Muslim participants displayed a stronger social identity than Hindu
participants. However, the social identity of adolescents in traditional
schools, particularly of those belonging to Hindu group, was stronger
than of those attending modern schools. With respect to prejudice, the
findings revealed that while there was no significant difference between
Hindu and Muslim participants, the difference with respect to school type
was significant (Traditional>Modern), only in the Hindu group, not in the
Muslim. The findings are discussed with reference to the social context
of schooling.

Book of Abstracts
Being Bicultural:
How Does Chinese Young Adults’ Traditionality and
Modernity Influence Moral Judgment in
Moral Dilemma
Xiaomeng Hu & Li Liu
School of Psychology Beijing Normal University
Individual traditionality and modernity had been paid sustained
attention by social psychologists, especially in society under rapid cultural
change. In early years, Inkeles and Yang established the constructs of
individual traditionality and modernity as well as their psychological and social
implications. Nevertheless, the specific cultural psychological mechanism
underlying traditionality and modernity still remain unclear. With respect to
the unprecedented economic growth and dramatic cultural transformation
of China during the past three decades, Chinese young adults (mainly Post-
80s) could be regarded as “bicultural individuals” who are influenced by
both Chinese traditional cultural values and Chinese modern cultural values.
Thus, it is critical to investigate the psychological effects of traditionality
and modernity. Meanwhile, previous studies have confirmed that westerners
gave priority to justice expectations in moral judgment, while easterners gave
priority to role-related interpersonal expectations. It is valuable to examine
whether this culture-moral link is applicable for “bicultural Chinese” with
different extent of traditionality and modernity. Moreover, existing literatures
suggested Chinese people were more collective and had interdependent self-
construals. Whether collectivism and interdependent self-construals vary

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
along with traditionality and modernity in Chinese cultural context, and
how these two aspects interfere moral judgment remain unknown.
By conducting questionnaire research, we measured individuals’
traditionality, modernity, collectivism, self-construals and moral judgment
(priority to justice rule or relation rule). Results showed individuals’
traditionality positively correlated with modernity (r=0.40, p=0.00).
Individuals’ modernity showed trend to significance with justice priority
(r=0.16, p=0.09), while traditionality didn’t show the corresponding effect
(r=0.07, p=0.47). In addition, participants with high traditionality and
modernity also have high collectivism, interdependent and independent
self-construals. It is also noteworthy that individuals with high collectivism
gave priority to relation rule rather than justice rule (r=-0.18, p=0.07). Our
findings implied traditionality and modernity were closely related, but these
two aspects influenced moral judgment in dissociate way. We speculated
traditionality may influence Chinese young adults in a more subtle way.

Book of Abstracts
A Tale of Two Groups:
Social Identity and Social Structure
in the Bangsamoro and MOA-AD Debate
Judith de Guzman
Using a social identity and social structural perspective, we examined
people’s attitudes towards two contentious social concepts in the Mindanao
conflict: Bangsamoro and Memorandum of Agreement on Ancestral Domain
(MOA-AD). We collected data from Christian and Muslims respondents in
Cotabato and Jolo in the region of Mindanao. The qualitative aspect of this
research was undertaken using thematic analysis whereas the quantitative
portion was conducted using independent samples t-tests and discriminant
analysis. Results showed that Christians held more ambivalent attitudes
towards the Bangsamoro and MOA-AD whereas Muslims manifested
more positive attitudes towards these two social concepts. We also observed
differences on the meanings of these two contentious social concepts according
to group membership. These results are further discussed in relation to social
identity, social structure and the Philippine peace process.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Karonese Cultural Psychology:
Preliminary Findings about Personality and
Psychocultural Aspects of Karo People Behavior
Hendy Ginting
Faculty of Psychology, Maranatha Christian University
Karo is an ethnic group in Indonesia which has strong patrilineal
orientation. Its traditional homeland is located in the highlands of North
Sumatra. All Karo people are members of one of five exogamous patrilineal
clans: Ginting, Karo-Karo, Perangin-Angin, Sembiring, and Tarigan. First of
all, two papers discuss two pilot findings about general characteristic of the
Karo people. It applies four behavior styles from the Marston model to 2,126
senior high school students in the Karo Region and looks at personality
differences between clans using the Big Five Personality from Eysenck to 154
local people in the villages of Karo. Secondly, a paper discusses a qualitative
study of Karo people tendencies through associative paradigm. Approximately
529 quotes, statements, or proverbs that are written on public and private
cars or buses in Kabanjahe, the capital city of the Karo Region were recorded
and analyzed in order to identify and categorize their personality type using
Jung’s typology concepts. Thirdly, another paper reviews findings about
parenting and offspring behavior regarding the Karo people. The results are
as follows: Karo people have the combination of Steadiness, Complaint, and
Influent behavior style which is indicated by people orientation, patience,
and compliance with rules but resistance to change. The clan of Karo-karo
has agreeableness personality, the clan of Perangin-angin has neuroticism

Book of Abstracts
personality, the clan of Ginting has conscientiousness personality, the clan of
Tarigan has extraversion personality, and the clan of Sembiring has openness
personality. In general they also tend to express their feelings to others
through indirect communication. The socio-cultural context of inheritance
may influence Karo people behavior especially in regard to parent-offspring
conflict which is suggestive rather than decisive. These findings could help
the Karo people to be more understanding of each other which would in
turn allow them to more easily live together in peace and harmony.
Keywords : Karonese, behavior styles, personality types, clans, parenting,
and offspring

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Developing Multicultural Counseling in
Indonesia as a Means to Comprehend
the Indigenousness of Indonesian Students
Nanang Erma Gunawan
Yogyakarta State University
Indonesia have more than hundreds of ethnics which have their special
values leading to people behaviors in facing personal-social problems.
Henceforth, it is possible that presented or discussed information would be
possible to form basic stereotype, prejudice and also misleading among the
different background people. When the diversity forms inhabitants behavior,
understanding people based on their context would be valuable for counselor
who have a duty to do counseling services upon students. A counselor would
have chances to encounter different students whom they come from other
cultural backgrounds with inner values. This is going to be more important
to answer the counselor performance in helping students by understanding
their context. Rotted from concepts of indigenous and cultural psychology
and multicultural counseling, building Indonesian indigenous counseling
would be prospective in regard to improve human resources in this country.
With regard to the understanding that human behavior or mind is native,
scientific study could not be transported from other territory and that is
designed specifically for the people. The mean of the statement meets with
Indonesian condition in which counselors are highly possible to dedicate
their multicultural knowledge toward their various students. Furthermore,
counseling skills would also be the main strategy in conducting accepted

Book of Abstracts
counseling practice. This article would discuss the strategies for improving
multicultural counseling in Indonesia which encompasses building
awareness, knowledge and skills of school counselors. Of those three main
concerns, available indigenous knowledge of Indonesian would be presented
as reference need to meet. Furthermore, these would also be formulated as a
way in order to construct indigenous counseling approach of Indonesian in
the prospective future.
Keywords : Multicultural counseling, indigenous psychology, Indonesian

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Self Adaptation for Children with
Learning Difficulties
Amitya Kumara
Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology,
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Student with learning difficulties need special treatment to help them
to achieve the optimum result in their study. However, their special needs are
often neglected by public schools, in this school they are treated as normal
children. The failure to fulfill the needs of these special students will cause
learning difficulties and low achievement.
The research was conducted at some elementary schools which were
classified by the local department of education office as elementary schools
with the lowest rank, these schools are located in Depok sub –district of
Sleman, Yogyakarta. The subjects of this study were 52 students with learning
difficulties. The procedures for the subject sampling were: (1) searched
information from the local office of Department of National Education
about the existence and information of the lowest- rank elementary school
in Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta; (2) choose the schools that would be used
as the subjects of the research; (3) used the student’s learning difficulties
identification instrument; (4) administrated the CPM intelligence test from
The research subjects were comprised of 36 male students and 16 female
students, the average age was 11 years old. The IQ score (in percentile) was
72.143 for male with SD 15.892 while the female students IQ score was

Book of Abstracts
75.682 and 12.459 on the SD. All of the research subjects suffered from
learning difficulties which include: (1) general learning difficulties 76.92%;
(2) language comprehension difficulties 71.15%; (3) language expression
difficulties 21, 15%; (4) reading difficulties 75.0%; (5) writing difficulties
50.0%; (6) arithmetic difficulties 38.46%; (7) orientation disorder 3.85%; (8)
motor disorder 17.31%; (9) attention and concentration disorder 42.31%;
(10) emotional and behavioral disorder 25.0% and, (11) communication
disorder 9.62%.
The result of the study showed that the controversial nomination was
the most prevalent nomination of all with 14 students or 26.9% showing
controversial nomination, this was followed by 13 average students (25.0%),
11 rejected students (21.2%), 8 neglected students (15.4%) and 6 popular
students (11.5%). The nomination comparisons among male students
were: 11 controversial students, 8 neglected students, 8 average students,
4 neglected students, and 3 popular students. While on the female side,
there were 5 average students, 4 neglected students, 3 rejected students, 3
controversial students, and 3 popular students.
Key words: self adaptation, learning difficulties, neglected students, popular
students, controversial students

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Assessment of the Relationship of Knowledge
Management and the Empowerment
of High School Teachers
Zahra Sabbaghian, Azadeh Fatemi, & Robabeh Sabbaghian
Shahid Beheshti University
The objective of this research was to identify the knowledge
management components and its, relationship with empowerment of high
school teachers in Tehran city. The factors of knowledge management are
knowledge production, knowledge expansion and knowledge application
and the factors of empowerment are target clearance, morale, fair behaviors,
identification and appreciation, team working, cooperation, communication
and healthy environment. The research method was descriptive-integration.
A sample of 375 teachers was selected by stratified random sampling method.
Two questionnaires were used: 1-knowledge management questionnaire,
2-Empoverment questionnaire. In this research the stability coefficient of the
questionnaires which was acquired by applying Cronbach alpha coefficient
were 0.86 and 0.92 for knowledge management and empowerment
questionnaires respectively. For data analysis inferential statistics such as
Pearson coefficient, multivariable regression and Anova were used. The
results indicated that there were significant relationships between all factors
of knowledge management and each factors of empowerment. It means that
by promoting knowledge management, the teacher’s empowerment will be

Book of Abstracts
Functional Empowerment of Psychological Skills for
Guidance and Counseling Teachers
Nuryati Atamimi
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Education is an important indicator to measure the progress of a
nation. Guidance and Counseling (GC) teachers have an important role in
improving the quality of the students as an indicator of the quality of teaching
and learning activities. BK PROAKTIF model of psychological skill training
is designed with the aim to help improve the function of GC teachers in
particular and GC institution into an environment that is effective, efficient,
safe, and comfortable for students in particular and related circles in general
(parents, fellow teachers, school personnels). This research method is
designed in four stages, namely: survey, experimental activities, monitoring
and research data analysis. As independent variables: BK PROAKTIF model
of psychological skills training; as dependent variable: the perception of self,
perception of the profession as a GC teacher, self-esteem, self-confidence, job
satisfaction and work motivation are selected based on the need assessment
in research and theoretical concepts that stresses on the role of the six
variables in the individual self-improvement. The BK PROAKTIF model of
Psychological skill training activity is conducted on the basis of modules that
have been constructed based on the need assessment in the field of research.
The subjects of the experiment are 21 guidance and counseling teachers from
junior high schools in Bangka District while the control group consists of
20 junior high school GC teachers in the district of Central Bangka. The

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
training was done within three days and two nights in 30 effective hours. The
data collection tool is the scale of psychological measurement, which consists
of Scale 1a (Self-Perception); Scale 1b (Perception of the Profession); Scale
2 (Self-Esteem); Scale 3 (Self-Confidence) Scale 4 (Job Satisfaction), and
Scale 5 (Work Motivation). The experimental design is using the untreated
control group design with pre-test and post-test. The data analysis technique
is One Way Analysis of Variance. It is found in the results of data analysis
that there were significant differences between the control group and the
experimental group in the average scores of all dependent variables by
controlling the pre-test average score. This means that the BK PROAKTIF
model of psychological skill training has the effect of increasing the average
score of the dependent variables. In the post-test 1 and post-test 2 follow-
ups, all the dependent variables show an increase in the average score that
is significant (p <0.05). This indicates that the BK PROAKTIF model of
psychological skills training can improve the perception of a proactive self,
perception of the profession, self-esteem, self-confidence, job satisfaction
and work motivation of GC teachers. If seen from the rough average score,
there is a visible decrease in the average and SD scores in the post-test follow-
up 2 after the interval of 10-12 months post-training. This shows that the
BK PROAKTIF model will become more effective if carried out regularly to
maintain the stability and consistency of GC teachers’ quality improvement,
particularly in the studied dependent variables which are self-perception,
perception of the profession as a GC teacher, self-esteem, self-confidence,
job satisfaction and work motivation.
Keywords: BK PROAKTIF model of Psychological Skill.

Book of Abstracts
What Makes Adolescents Happy or Sad?
Benedikta Dina Fibriani & Moordiningsih
Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology, Faculty of Psychology,
Universitas Gadjah Mada - Indonesia
Uichol Kim
College of Business Administration, Inha University
Just as black is the opposite of white, happiness seems to be the
opposite of sadness. The two emotions differ in almost every respect. Those
who are statisfied with their current state typically feel happy; those who
are disstatisfied feel sad (Russell &Carroll, 1999). Those who get what they
want feel happy; those who do not feel sad (Schaver, Sachwartz, Kirson &
O’Connor, 1987). The purpose of this study is to know what young people feel
happy and sad. A total 467 senior high school students from many schools in
Yogyakarta, Indonesia (male =190, female = 269) completed an open-ended
questionnaire developed by Kim (2008) that asks what event that made you
most happy and what event that made you most sad. The data was analyzed
using indigenous psychological approach of analyzing the content of open-
ended responses and do the categorization of the responses. This research tell
to us that family is first causal factors that made Indonesian young people
happy ( gathering); other causal factors are achievement, love and
to be loved, spirituality, friendship, money and leisure time. And what makes
they sad? The answers are failure, lost significant others, death of significant
others, disappointing others and family problems. The detail results and
implications will be discused later.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Emotional Intelligent and mental health
among students:
A preliminary finding based on ethnic in Sabah
Lailawati Bte Madlan
Universiti Malaysia Sabah - Malaysia
Email: [email protected]
This paper presents a relationship between emotional intelligence
and mental health among students. The research conducted in Universiti
Malaysia Sabah. Altogether 60 students participated in this research. The
researchers used Emotional Intelligence (BarOn EQ-i:YV) instrument by
BarOn (2000) and Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (2006).
The result shows student with high level in Emotional Intelligence (EQ) also
high level in mental health. A finding also shows that ethnic Melayu more
higher in emotional intelligence compared to another ethnic. As conclusion,
finding in this research can be used as a guide for future prevention
mechanisms introduce by the authorize body particularly the aspect of
Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health.

Book of Abstracts
Group Performance Psychological Health:
Intergroup Relations, Intercultural Contact
and Acculturation
Cholichul Hadi
Faculty of Psychology, Airlangga University
The value systems underlying competitive, individualistic, and
cooperative situations exist as a hidden curriculum beneath the surface
of school life. This hidden values curriculum permeates the social and
cognitive development of children, adolescents, and young adults. Each
type of interdependence has a set of values inherently built into it and those
values determine whether diversity is viewed as positive or negative. When a
situation is structured competitively, individuals work against each other to
achieve a goal that only one or a few can attain (Johnson & Johnson, 1989).
Individuals’ goal achievements are negatively correlated; each individual
perceives that when one person achieves his or her goal, all others with whom
he or she is competitively linked fail to achieve their goals. Thus, individuals
seek an outcome that is personally beneficial but detrimental to all others
in the situation. Inherent in competition is a set of values that is taught and
retaught whenever a person engages in competition. Group performance in
this study, group adjustment of Airlangga psychology student in Surabaya
from three different groups: Ethnic Jawa and Batak Sumatra, and Bugis
Sulawesi. We compare these groups in Psychology Student settings. The aim
of the study was to test cultural explanations of ethnic differences in success
and well-being in school. Acculturation attitudes were a central focus as a

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
possible explanatory ground for diversity in educational profiles. Faculty
adjustment, our findings suggest highly selective acculturation effects for
specific ethnic groups in specific contexts (home vs. Faculty). We found that
acculturation effects are highly context-dependent.
The samples studied included student in psychology Airlangga
University, 2009, In the recent millenium, it cannot be denied that all
of the part of the world are multicultural. It can be seen in the reality of
society that there are diverse cultural backgrounds. The conclusion also can
be seen in Indonesian society. Indonesian society is a truly multicultural
society. The fact can be seen in the diversity of the multicultural background
in the Indonesian society. To manage social interdependence, individuals
must correctly perceive whether interdependence exists and whether it is
positive or negative, be motivated accordingly, and act in ways consistent
with normative expectations for appropriate behavior within the situation.
The samples studied included student. The results indicated that (a)
interculture working cooperatively with peers and valuing cooperation
result in greater performance than does competing with peers or working
independently and (b) intergroup cooperative attitudes are highly correlated
with a wide variety of indices of performance psychological health,
competitiveness was in some cases positively and in some cases negatively
related to psychological health, and individualistic attitudes were negative
related to a wide variety of indices of performance psychological health.
Cooperativeness is positively related to a number of indices of psychological
health, such as emotional maturity, well-adjusted social relations, strong
personal identity, ability to cope with adversity, social competencies, and
basic trust in and optimism about people. Personal ego-strength, self-
confidence, independence, and autonomy are all promoted by being involved
in cooperative efforts.

Book of Abstracts
Based on theoretical review, and previous findings it could be
hypothesized that intergroup relations, intercultural contact and
acculturation could improve group performance specially psychological
The sampling technique that was used in this research was multistage
sampling. The questionnaires were administrated. The questionnaires were
distributed through the first harvest during the season. All of the items after
try out were valid. The real experiment were conducted in the second The
subjects of the experiments were 23 in Surabaya (Java, 10, Batak, 8, Bugis/
Sulawesi/Celebes 5). The psychological health team performance with
interdependence was the best, followed by the performance of dependence
an independence social.
Keywords: intergroup relations, intercultural contact and acculturation,
performance group team Psychological health.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Attachment Styles, Sociocultural,
and Psychological Adjustment
among Indonesian Immigrants in the United States
Virgo Handojo
California Baptist University
United States of America
The study attempts to show that attachment style might be predictive
how individuals respond to sociocultural and psychological adjustment. By
framing immigration and acculturation as a “strange situation,” this study
provides a theoretical intersection between intercultural and psychological
adjustment. Specifically, the present study sought to explore the association
between adult attachment styles, acculturation modes, and stress among
297 Indonesian immigrants. Acculturation was conceptualized according
to Berry’s multicultural model resulting in four acculturation modes:
integration, assimilation, separation, and marginalization. Overall, securely
attached individuals were more positive toward Indonesian and American
cultures, less stress due to separation from mother culture and showed
greater acculturation and less marginalization than insecurely attached
people. In contrast, fearful persons who relatively have both negative self
and other-model showed high level of anxiety, marginalized themselves from
both home and other culture and relatively experience the most stress. The
dismissive-avoidant persons who are low on Anxiety and high on Avoidance,
experienced low level of separation anxiety or stress and expressed less close
with both mother culture and other culture. Preoccupied who are high on
Anxiety and low on Avoidance, experienced relatively high degrees of anxiety
and reported relatively more marginality than secured.

Book of Abstracts
Analysis of Perceived Inferiority as One of
the Sources of Acculturation
Sandeep Jain
Department of Psychology, Dr. HS Gour University Sagar
Present study was carried out in 5 districts of Bundelkhand, a region
of State Madhya Pradesh in India, to study acculturation of Bundeli culture.
Districts were coded as A, B, C, D, and E randomly. All five districts
were rated on acculturation by experts like Psychologist, sociologist and
anthropologist including some old aged persons. District A and D were
rated as highly acculturated districts. Whereas District B and C were rated as
least acculturated district and E was rated in between of high and low. 250
persons, 50 persons from each district, were randomly interviewed to know
their perception about their culture. It was found that in highly acculturated
districts more persons perceived themselves inferior as being part of Bundeli
Culture comparative to participants of least acculturated districts.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Indigenous Constructs of Individual Religiosity and
Their Impact on Acculturation
Halina Grzymala Moszczynska
Jagiellonian University
Since 2004 it is estimated that at least half a million Polish immigrants
have settled in Great Britain, most of them Roman Catholic. Somewhat
under one million native British Catholics attend Holy Mass regularly on
Sundays, therefore immediately presence of Poles in British parishes become
very distinct. Paper presents results of the qualitative field study conducted
in 2009 among members of this group. The study presents role of religion
in acculturation process of both groups: hosts and immigrants. The study
was designed to take a mainly Grounded Theory approach, using a variety
of methods to collect data. These include structured interviews, participant
observation and the use of the Internet as an important communicative
resource.The determination of Poles to hang on to their own way of being
religious - with emphasis on certain religious rituals and ways of participation
in the Sacraments created a major stumbling block in their acculturation in
the same-faith parishes. British religiousness has been perceived by Poles as
far too secular, informal and deprived of proper attitude to sacred, while
Brits perception of their new co-parishioners from Poland pointed to the
fact that Polish religiosity is largely old-fashioned, ritualistic , distant from
real spirit of religion. Analysis will present reasons for such a massive conflict
occurring among followers of the same religion and preventing successful
acculturation of both hosts and immigrant population. Discussion of the
results will be informed by Relative Acculturation Extended Model (Navas, 2005).

Book of Abstracts
A Research on Stereotypes,
Culture Clashes and Identity Compromises
Tiara Adisti Herwanto
More and more people from out of state are coming to Jakarta, Jogjakarta,
and Surabaya to study. One of the most distinct differences between these
cities and their hometowns is the culture, which includes traditions, customs,
inter-personal relationship style, and ways of verbal communication. My
research studies the change these “out-of-towners” make in order to adapt
in these new cities and how it shapes them in terms of identity as well as
attitudes and behaviour. Using observations, interviews, and questionnaires
on 50 subject in each city, we can see whether or not they hold on to their
ethnicity or transform into completely different people. This presentation
also tries to point out differences in the attitudes, behaviours, and lifestyle of
the people who come to live in Jakarta, Jogjakarta, and Surabaya.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Melayu Riau Society in the Process of
Cultural Transformation
Syarifah Farradinna
Changing times, progress of science and technology, immigrants
flooded into Riau, causing its changes occurred in the shift in cultural
values and social norms in public life Malays today. People are talking about
Malays, the Malays it is on mainland Riau and Riau Islands, which now has
many experienced a renewal, change and progress over time. Malay people
in Indonesia alone live, grow and develop together with people from various
other ethnic. This research is to formulate how the cultural transformation
of society affects Malay Riau. Research methods used and considered
appropriate in its execution is a form of qualitative ethnographic research.
Therefore, it can give the people of Riau Malays in the face it PT process of
cultural transformation that occurred.

Book of Abstracts
Mission and activities of
Incheon Education Science Research Institute
Kab-soon Chung
Incheon Education and Science Research Institute
Incheon Education and Science Research Institute opened on March 1,
1983. It has 64 staff members. It is operates four departments; Planning and
Research Department, Educational Information Data Department, Science
Education Department, and General Affairs Department. The Planning
and Research Department is responsible for supporting the Office for
Educational Research, overseeing volunteer groups for student counseling
for intervening adolescents problem behavior and personality development,
supporting the improvement of teaching methods, publishing the social
study textbook, and creating the teaching materials for career education, and
operating the Vocational Information Center. The Educational Information
Data Department operates the Incheon e-school for cyber home learning,
the Teaching and Learning Service Center, exhibition of teaching materials,
the educational information system, and internet homepage for the Digital
Library System. It also develops the instructional materials and educational
screen materials for distribution. The Science Education department operates
the Incheon Student Science Museum, one day science inquiry class, and
astronomical observation class. It holds various science fairs and supports
teacher training for the science professional development. The General

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Affairs Department is in charge of the work, budget, accounts and Material
and Equipment Management. Incheon Education and Science Research
Institute is doing its best to be promote high quality education that can
meet the broader educational the students, schools and the nation.

Book of Abstracts
Effectively management of research schools
in Incheon
Myo Sung Kim & Kab-soon Chung
Incheon Education Science Research Institute
The purpose of administrating research schools is as follows. First, it
needs to diffuse and apply research findings and results which are related to
education policy, curriculum, the school system, and the development of
educational content. Second, it needs to make the educational environment
and overall educational quality better by adopting an appropriate education
policy. There are total of 171 (elementary 64, middle and high schools 107)
research schools in Incheon in 2010. To fulfill these goals, there are several
ways of administering a research school. First, schools should conduct their
research within the margins of the general school’s academic curriculum.
They should designate a school supervisor and an educational researcher and
train them accordingly. It is recommended that designated schools hold an
administration conference at least once every quarter. Scientific Education
Research operates the administrative contents and the guidelines. The
municipal and local offices of education may conduct any other administrative
or operational matters. In these conferences there is careful consultation
about various matters, such as the general contents and results of research
studies individual practiced facts the analysis of problems in practice; and the
revision and complementation of these issues. In these briefing conferences
about research schools, there should be a variety of meetings to consider
some of the features of the research and make suggestions about holding

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
further combined briefing conferences according to region, classes, and
topics. It is advisable to use a variety of different briefing conference styles
according to the various topics in question. The administered results of the
research school should then be posted on the website, Scientific Education
Research, and applied on a wider and more general scale

Book of Abstracts
Promoting scientific mentality through the use of
Incheon science museum
Gui Won Lee, Hyun Bo Shim, & Gab-soon Chung
Incheon Education and Science Research Institute
The Student Science Museum was opened in 2002 in order to let
students have hopes and dreams for science. It is managed by Incheon
Education Science Research Center. This museum aims to have students
experience and research related to science, which leads students to understand
scientific principles with ease and interest. All of this is done with the idea
of nurturing creative future scientists. This museum is open about 300 days
including every weekend. It displays over 200 exhibits, which anyone can
experience. This center runs ‘a day science program’ and ‘a weekend event for
experiencing science’ for the elementary, middle, and high school students.
About 120,000 students and citizens visit the center every year. This museum
offers various scientific experiences to students who can’t have these kinds
of chances at school. This center eventually will develop students’ scientific
mindset and inspire creative future scientists.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Overview of the cyber home learning system
in Korea
Gyo-Joung Ku & Lim Ja Kim
Youngjong Middle School
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of a cyber home
study program tailored to learner level on cutting private education spending
and academic achievement improvement. The subjects in this study were
students in eighth-grade classes and their parents in Gajwa Middle School.
After a cyber home study program was provided to the students from March
to December, 2009, the effects of the program was checked. The findings
of the study were as follows. First, the Internet was utilized in a learning-
oriented manner, and the use of games and pursuit of entertainment were
avoided. Second, they expressed relatively strong satisfaction with the learning
management system of the program, but they had a doubt whether the
students were actually encouraged by that to study on their own. Third, the
self-directed learning capabilities of the students in the cyberspace was above
the average, which contributed to boosting their academic performance in
the regular exams. Specifically, most of the underachieving students made
a better academic achievement thanks to sustained learning management.
Fourth, different subjects were integrated to cut down on private education
spending, but it didn’t make a great contribution to that.

Book of Abstracts
Factor influencing occupational achievement and
satisfaction among Korean teachers
Eun-Sil Park, Young-Shin Park, & Uichol Kim
Inha University

This study examines factors influencing occupational achievement and
satisfaction among Korean teachers by focusing on the role of social support
and self-efficacy. A total of 355 elementary school teachers completed a
questionnaire developed by Park and Kim (2005). The results are as follows.
First, self-efficacy and social support had positive influence on occupational
achievement. Second, social support received from administrators had a
positive influence on occupational satisfaction. Those teachers who had high
self-efficacy and who receive social support from the administrators were
more likely to have higher occupational achievement and satisfaction.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Creativity Research and Indigenous Psychology for
Innovation and Knowledge Creation
Ai-Girl Tan

In this invited address, i will provide an overview of the creativity research
for the past six decades. I argue that creativity researchers shall be aware of the
importance to include culture and context as variables of their studies. I also
advocate that creativity research integrate, synthesize, and innovate research
methodologies of cultural/iindigenous psychology to facilitate knowledge
creation as well as cultural and technological innovations.

Book of Abstracts
Agungiyong Ni I-Kalinga:
Exploring Connections of Well-Being and Music of the
Kalinga People
Arvin Manuel R. Villalon
University of the Philippines Baguio
This research explores how the worldview of well-being is reflected
in the music culture of the Kalinga people, an indigenous group in the
Philippines. Research methods from Sikolohiyang Pilipino (Filipino
Psychology) and ethnomusicology are applied. Fieldwork was conducted
in Tanglag, Lubuagan, Kalinga. 20 key informants from the community
participated in the interviews and focus-group discussions. The participants
identified luta (land), kalidudwa (spirituality), ili (community) and the
koppyan (lifecycle) as key elements in promoting well-being in the collective
domain. The concept of mampija (that which is good) relates well-being to
the sensory-aesthetic, mental-emotional, relational and valuing dimensions
of the good life as seen in the individual domain. Music works in both
domains by reflecting and promoting indigenous worldviews of well-being
of the community. Emerging issues include the concept of ‘unwell-being’,
identity and the impact of mainstream Philippine culture on the pervading
worldviews, traditions and practices of the Kalinga.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Malang Mask Dance:
An Ancient Personalities Symbolism
Hetty Rahmawati
Malang State University
Malang mask dance is an inherited traditional theatrical art performance
that all the dancers representing some characters wear masks.This research
use qualitative methods with in-depth interview and observation technique
to collect the informations. Content analysis about personality symbolism
use to descript the personality dynamics of four main figures : Panji, Ragil
Kuning, Gunungsari, Jenggolo Manik (Klana) Malang masks are unique,
they are different from any other mask art found in Java with five typical
colurs used to decorate the masks. The red colour symbolizes courage, the
black colour symbolizes determined ambitions, the yellow colour symbolizes
wisdom, the white colour indicates purified character and the green colour
indicates peace. The main figure of the tales is Pandji Asmorobangun, and
the typical, phylosophical themes of the tales are that the bad are always
de feated by the truth, eventhough there are a lot of sacrifices and miseries
during the struggling process.

Book of Abstracts
Cultural Diversity as a Source of Creativity
Suzanne Wazzan
Umm Al-Qura University
Saudi Arabia
This paper examines the relationship between cultural diversity and
creativity in society, economy, literature, etc. Both concepts will be defined
eloquently in their context. There will be an analysis of the assumption that
Cultural diversity allows us to select and absorb elements of other cultures,
helping to produce new ways of thinking. Cultural diversity broadens our
vision and makes us appreciate the different ways of seeing and doing things
in other cultures. This openness allows us to select and absorb elements of
other cultures, helping to produce new ways of thinking, seeing, imagining
and creating. How is this link fostered today in society, tradition, literature,
language, economy and beliefs? Differing voices and viewpoints are powerful
factors in steering innovation. For example, Asian-American poetry is
exceedingly varied. Americans of Japanese, Chinese, and Filipino descent
may have lived in the United States for seven generations, while Americans
of Korean, Thai, and Vietnamese heritage are likely to be fairly recent
immigrants. Each group grows out of a distinctive linguistic, historical, and
cultural tradition. Asian-American poets have drawn on many sources, from
Chinese opera to zen, and Asian literary traditions, particularly zen, have
inspired numerous non-Asian poets.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Linkages of Art, Music, and Humanities
with Scientific Understanding of Human Behavior:
Cultural Psychology and the Burden of Easing
International Tensions
Mohzen Arimian Kazimi
Shahed University
Officially there are close to 200 nations or rather countries on the
globe, as the UN declares, and thousands of minor human cultural sects or
communities exist, and are naturally dispersed in various parts of the world
for which there is an ongoing need to have safety valves to ease tensions
and stop clashes or probable explosion. The aim of this paper is to propose
that Cultural Psychology is the most relevant discipline that can address
such issues and its role is pivotal to such an undertaking provided that the
following are fulfilled: First, Cultural Psychology should seek to find its place
as an interdisciplinary domain because of the immenseness of diversities and
complexities involved arising from the cultural aspects of man’s life on earth.
Second, Cultural Psychology should redefine itself in order to be able to
respond to the need to grapple with a series of challenging issues involved
in such an endeavor. Third, experts of other disciplines should relinquish
part of their autonomy of their fields and come to believe that the gradual
compartmentalization of various disciplines has not been all positive and
that we somewhat have imagined ourselves as isolated islands defending
from which is a must. We seem to have lost a panoramic picture of man and
what exists within him and their surroundings inclusive of whatever one

Book of Abstracts
feels, senses, and supposedly understands of the outside world. Finally, the
paper comes to grippes with its conclusions with raising some challenging
questions for prospective prudence, work and research. A framework of
reference seems to be needed for conflating common cultural aspects of
communities in order to find the shared parts and arrive at a common core
so that reliance on those shared aspects help us reduce global and regional
tensions. To live at peace and happy, we have no way but to first find what
we all agree on, and then try to settle what we seem to disagree on. Cultural
Psychology alone cannot carry out the task and other disciplines should help
it in a comprehensive framework as a blueprint.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Attitudes toward Fathers and Mothers
Participation in Household Tasks and Child Care
in Young Couples Javanese Family
Jati Ariati
Faculty of Psychology, Diponegoro University
Very little is known about today’s families in which one parent stays
home full time with the children and the other parent works outside the
home. The traditional one career in family is slowly diminishing with
the increased participation of women in the labor force, with the greatest
increase in labor force participation among married women with young
children. One, might expect women’s increase labor force participation to
influence men’s and women’s participation in the household tasks. There are
a general liberal trend of incresing support for agalitarian roles, eventhough
in family with javanish background. Collective/javanish gender roles are
more rigid, and here is a high degree of differentiation in household tasks
and child care. There is a clear power distribution: women are defined by
their allegiance to men rather than by their independent accomplishments.
In the javanish culture, as the symbolic head of household, father represents
the family and makes decision concerning the family. Father represents a
link between the family and the outside world. Father is the head of the
family and thus has the authority to decide most of the family issues. Mother
roles are full involvement in household tasks and child care.Nowdays, there
have been advance that women toward equality in public and private sector

Book of Abstracts
and movement by a men to be more involved with their children. It could
be assumed that when women have more resources (e.g education, income,
occupation), belong to higher social class, and contribute more to household
income, they would have more liberal attitudes toward participation in
household tasks. On the other hand, it could be assumed that the more
resources men have, the less liberal their attitude toward participation in
household tasks would be. Women with gain resources, they expect there
to be more equal divison of household tasks and childcare responsibility.
Egalitarian attitudes toward participation in household tasks and childcare
may lead to actual greater involvement of fathers and mothers in household
tasks and childcare and this, in turn, might lead to greater intimacy in
parent-child relationships. In sum, the person with more material resources
derived from outside the home will have more marital power and hence do
less household works. These conditions could be explained by exchange/
resource theory. According to assumption in exchange/resource theory that
the social organization of married couples family role dynamics is based on
continual exchange on reward and gratification. Household members use
their resources to bargain for lower involvement in household tasks. The
increasing movement of married women into the labor market should lead
to an egalitarian divison of labor in families and a move in the direction of
equal partners marriages.
Keywords: egalitarian attitudes in household tasks and chilcare, equal
partners marriages

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Correlations between Child Rearing Disagreement with
the Quality of Friendships on Psychology Students of
Airlangga University Who Derived from
Multicultural Marriage
Rizqy A. Zein, Jony E. Yulianto, Adinda N. Triaseptiana, Dwi
Krisdianto, & Ilham N. Alfian
Departement of Personality and Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology,
Airlangga University - Indonesia
Parents who derived from multicultural marriages have a greater
potential for a negative co-parenting appearance than the couples who
come from the same culture (Chen, et al., 1998).  One of the forms from
the negative co-parenting that become the benchmarks in this research is
child-rearing disagreement. Presence of child-rearing this disagreement
enlarges the potential occurrence of various behaviour problems in children
and adolescents (Chen, 2009).  These behavioural problems are likely having
some effects on the child’s social life even until late adolescence and early
adult (Jouriles, et al. 1991).  It is interesting to see how much significance
relationship between child-rearing disagreements, which is a representation
of parental influences, with the quality of friendship, which was then
understood as a social affect.  This study aimed to see how big the significance
of the relationship between child-rearing disagreement with the quality of
friendships on students of the Faculty of Psychology Airlangga University.
The sample in this study were students of Airlangga University Faculty
of Psychology in the first, second, and third comes from a multicultural
marriage (different tribe or race).  Collecting data used in the form of

Book of Abstracts
psychological scales that measure child-rearing disagreement (CRD scale)
and quality of friendship.  Data analysis was performed using point-biserial
correlation with the help of statistical program SPSS version 16.
From the analysis of research data in mind the relationship between
child-rearing disagreements with the quality of friendship has a low
significance.  According to analysis conducted by the authors, the high
disposition of child-directed individual disagreement rearing late adolescence
and early adult maladjustment social conditions, which is one of the
contributors to the poor quality of friendship.
Keywords: quality of friendship, child-rearing disagreement, multicultural
marriage, students of Airlangga University Faculty of

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Trust to Parent in Early Adolescence:
An Indigenous Psychological Study on Javanese
Sri Lestari & Sutarimah Ampuni
Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology, Faculty of Psychology,
Universitas Gadjah Mada - Indonesia
This research was aimed to investigate the nature of trust to parent in
early adolescence. As many as 458 secondary students in Surakarta, Central
Java, Indonesia (Male: 228, Female: 230) participated in this research.
Indigenous psychological perspective was used as the approach in this
research. Data was gained using an open-ended questionnaire developed by
Kim (2005), asking how much they trust their mother and their father and
the reason why they trust their mother and father. Thematic analysis was
used as the main method of data analysis, combined with cross-tabulation.
The results showed that the main reasons of trusting mothers are because of
their reliability (19.57%), consanguinity (15.48%), honesty (12.26%) and
closeness (12.26%). To fathers, adolescents’ trust was primarily attributed
to fathers’ reliability (15.12%), guidance (13.82%), honesty (12.74%),
and care (10.37%). Implications of this study to parenting and adolescent
development will be discussed.
Keywords: trust, parent, adolescent, indigenous psychology

Book of Abstracts
Mother-Child Interaction and Language Production in
Toddlers When Playing Together
Mayke Sugianto T.
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia
Language is a tool of communication between humans. With the
growth of language, social opportunities will open up, and in some way,
it will contribute to a successful life in this modern era. Children need to
be stimulated of language since early in life, because in the period from age
one to three, the development of language is remarkable. This momentum
will give a big impact for children because the development of language
production will widen their chances for socializing with their friends or
adults around them. Language also helps children to have some preparation
to enter the school world.
In general, mothers have the biggest part in caring and stimulate
children at the early age. There are many researches for stimulation and
learning of languages in western and others countries. On the contrary, in
Indonesia this kind of research still limited. Even the sequence of language
development is universal, but in different cultural there is a big possibilities
that the speed of language development and the earning or gain of languages
is different, because it is depend on the interaction between parents (specially
mother) and their children. How the interaction is happening between the
mother and child, how is the form of conversation, how mother react to the
child action and words, what words that is mention in the interaction are the
results that will be look in this research

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
This research is a qualitative research that is done to some mother-child
in Depok area, with middle economy class. The main methods for this is
observation, with video recording to mother-child activity when they play
together, also interviewing the mother and the significant others. When this
abstract is written, the result of the research is being consumed.

Book of Abstracts
Paperless Office:
It’s a Matter of Culture Rather Than Technology
Neila Ramdhani
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Paperless Office or PLO was created to facilitate work demands which
strongly requires speed, accuracy and also relates with issues concerning
paper use reduction in several organizations in the world. In UGM, PLO
has already been used since 2009. There are at least 15 out of 18 faculties
in UGM that have installed PLO programs. Has this particular technology
actually fulfilled the aforementioned expectations above? If it has, then what
types of issues are well discussed through this system? Are there issues that
are difficult to discuss using this system? Why is that so? Does PLO usage
develop well in all faculties? If not, which faculties have succeeded in using
PLO to enhance informational exchange?
This study aims to describe the use of PLO systems among faculties in
UGM. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are applied in the study.
Quantitative methods are conducted using descriptive technique towards the
PLO database followed by the categorization of the users, discussed topics
that support daily office work, as well as the completeness and order of topics
that are discussed. Following the categorization of users, data collection is
further carried out by interviewing faculty members that are both active and
non-active in using the PLO system. The interviews aim to further explore
the reasons for using/not using the PLO. Other issues that are to be studied

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
include the fluent exchange of information for each of the discussed topics
based from the categorization process. Content analysis is performed towards
the data obtained from this interview.
The results of the analysis demonstrate that PLO usage reaches 30%.
Topics most interestingly discussed concern social topics, for example news
of an ill member, birth of a baby, and promotion. The topic least responded
to, related with academic career opportunities. The percentage of PLO usage
provides a description related to the cultural issues that hold importance in
innovation diffusion in office work.
Keywords: Paperless Office (PLO), Diffusion, Innovation Culture, Sharing

Book of Abstracts
How Quality of Group Relationships Influences
Empowerment among Members of
KUNITA in Selangor
Intan Hashimah Mohd Hasyim
Universiti Sains Malaysia
In this study 73 women who were members of KUNITA (Fishermen’s
Wives Association) in Selangor, Malaysia were interviewed. Mean of age
of the women in this sample was 46.6 with standard deviation of 10.1.
Almost all of these women were Malays and Muslim and have low education
level (94.2% have secondary school level and below). In this part of the
study, quality of group relationships was assessed in terms of perception on
closeness, level of interaction and perceptions of similarities. Empowerment
was assessed in terms of self-determination, self-efficacy and self-esteem.
Findings indicated that there is a general significant relationship between
quality of relationships and empowerment (r=.318*). More detailed analysis
indicated that each elements of quality of relationships have significant
correlation with empowerment. They have particularly strong relationships
with self esteem. This study found evidence on the benefit of joining an
organization for women in the disadvantage group and contributes to the
development of more localized psychological theory and knowledge.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Staffing the Right Staff:
The Relationship Between Personality,
Counter Productive Work Behavior
and Job Satisfaction Among Workers in Malaysia
Alfred Chan
The main objective of this research is to study the relationship between
the Five Factor Model of Personality (FFM), Counter Productive Work
Behavior (CWB) and Job Satisfaction (JS) in Sabah. The variable of Job
Satisfaction was taken as a whole and studies as a moderator variable between
the Five Factor of Model of Personality and Counter Work Productive
Behavior. The respondent comprised of 145 respondent (73 male and 72
female) aged between 18 to 55 years old who have been selected from a utility
organization. The observation method of correlation using the Neurotic-
Extraversion-Openness Personality Inventory – Revised (NEO-PI-R)
instrument had been used to measure the Five Factor Model of Personality,
Counter Work Productive Behavior Questionnaire (CWB-constructed) to
measure counter productive work behavior and the Job Satisfaction Survey
(JSS) to measure job satisfaction among the workers. Results of the study
show a significant relationship between the Five Factor Model of Personality
and Counter Work Productive Behavior but no significant relationship
between Job Satisfaction with Five Factor Model of Personality and Counter
Productive Work Behavior. The findings also indicate that overall, Job

Book of Abstracts
Satisfaction was not suitable to act as a moderator towards the Five Factor
Model of Personality and Counter Work Productive Behavior among workers
in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Goals Setting of Consumption Behavior for
Honeymooners in Indonesia
Hanie Amalia & Rahmat Hidayat
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
The purpose of this study was to identify the goals of consumption
behavior among the honeymooners, then organized this goals into a
Hierarchical Value Map developed by Webley (2001). 23 lectures of
Diponegoro University Semarang-Central Java Indonesia (male=14;
female=9) were involved in this study. All of participant were married and
had no children yet. The laddering interview procedures was used to ask
the participants about where did they allocate the money, the goal that they
try to strive for this allocation, and why this goal is important. Twenty five
salient goals were identified and constructed into Hierarchical Value Map.
At the bottom of the map there were 8 Focal goals (Social expenditures,
picnic, for appliances, to buy the basic needs repay debt, to save, recognition,
and to pursue achievements). Eleven intermediate goals found to connect the
concrete to the abstract goals, they are Social worthiness, self gratification,
necessities, self-realization, fulfilling basic needs, being free of debt, increasing
expenditures, housing, having quality home, for children, and obedience.
And seven goals sat at the top of the map as the abstract or super ordinate
ones including social relationship, being productive, self-competency, being
prepared, family harmony, safe and healthy, and happiness. The results shown
the uniqueness of the goal setting among the honeymooners in Indonesia.
Recognitions, necessities, and to pursue achievements which usually sit in the

Book of Abstracts
super ordinate goals among the Western, in Indonesian context took place as
the focal and intermediate goals. This phenomena is analyzed further by the
cultural interpretation.
Keywords: goal setting, consumption behavior, honeymooners, HVM

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Narcissism: Making Organizations Opulent
Avinash Kumar
Narcissism is a personality dimension, not just a clinical disorder and
it is as dynamic as the personality itself. It is believed that narcissism may
have important consequences for the organizations and its interactions
with narcissistic employees along with the performance of employee
himself/herself within the organization. Exposing the/ this darker side of
personality this paper attempts to describe narcissism as a personality
dimension and explores its relationship with perceived organizational
justice, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and job involvement.
It also examines these three as possible predictors of narcissism within
organizations. A sample of 80 male participants representing two levels
of management, officer and non-officer, was chosen purposively from
two public sector organizations. Four standardized scales (1) Narcissistic
Personality Inventory by Raskin and Hall, 1979 (2) Organizational Justice
Scale by Niehoff and Moorman, 1993 (3) OCB Scale by Podsakoff,
MacKenzie, Moorman and Fetter, 1990 (4) Job Involvement Scale by
Lodahl and Kejner, 1965 were administered on the participants. The
results showed that narcissism is significantly and positively correlated
with a) perceived organizational justice (r = 0.492, p< 0.01) b) OCB
(r = 0.707, p< 0.01) and c) job involvement (r = 0.319. p< 0.01) and
OCB emerged as an important predictor of narcissism for high-level
management (officers)

Book of Abstracts
Status of Psychologists and Requirements for Licensure
in ASEAN Countries
Norris Smith
Webster University Thailand

We examine licensure requirements, or efforts to enact a licensing
requirement, to practice psychology in all ASEAN countries, and the
approximate number of psychologists in each country as of 2010. Statistical
and anecdotal evidence reveal that despite concern for human rights and the
increased use of Western psychological assessment and treatment methods,
traditional mindsets remain prevalent.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
‘Kemandirian’ (Independent) Personality in Indonesia
Society and Culture from Psychoanalytic Perspective
(Object Relation Theory)
Titik Muti’ah
Faculty of Psychology, University of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa (UST)

This article presents the development of independent personality
in Indonesia from the psychoanalytic perspective combines with a cross-
cultural perceptive to explore how independent personality develops. The
style of human experiencing their worlds and within themselves will perform
their independences, as well as depend tremendously on the given culture
and society to which they belong. Object relation theories have been used to
elaborate the interrelationship of development. It is noted that child rearing
in Indonesia foster capacities for intense dependence and preference on
empathy to others, with both the physical and the emotional nature of close
relationship. From this study, it was found that Indonesians characteristic of
personality and the development of internal representations tend to create
less independent people, which contrasts with the personality characteristic
of Western people, which tends to more independence implicitly rather than

Book of Abstracts
Variations in Interdependent Behavior Across
Different Social Groups
Delia Belleza
University of San Carlos
The present study focuses on the interdependent behavior that is
commonly observed among Filipinos. Interdependent behavior in this study
is regarded as a consequence in the way we construe our self, as connected to
others. This other-oriented construal has been a characteristic of Filipino social
behavior. The aim of this paper is to determine whether such behavior varies
across different target groups (family, relatives, friends, strangers, others). A
quasi experimental method was employed, priming 250 university students
to either of the target groups. Interdependent behavior towards each target
group was then compared. Results revealed that interdependent behavior
significantly varies across these groups. Moreover, it showed that this other-
oriented behavior varies even among groups that are commonly considered
in-groups (family, friends, and relatives) and that it can also extend to out-
groups (strangers). Vital inferences were then drawn with regards to how
Filipinos interpersonally relate to different groups.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Nak Mula Keto:
An Indigenous Phenomenon of Meaningfulness among
the Balinese
Kristianto Batuadji
Department of Psychology, University of Surabaya
Western research on meaningfulness found the cognitive, affective,
and behavioral dimensions as the three dimensions involved the processes
of searching for meaning. This research investigates the concept of
meaningfulness and the processes of searching for meaning among the
Balinese Gandhian. The participants are the Balinese Gandhian from the
Gedong Gandhi Ashram. Ethnographic and phenomenological methods
were applied. The search for meaning among the Balinese Gandhian
involves the jnana (cognitive), bhakti (affective), karma (behavioral), and
raja (transcendental) dimension. It is related to the Vedic concept of catur
marga. This research also identifies ‘nak mula keto’ as a Balinese indigenous
phenomenon of meaningfulness. This phenomenon refers to a condition
when the Balinese people still find meaningful daily rituals without cognitive
awareness. In Bali, Gedong Gandhi Ashram builds facilitation for its
members, so they can grow the four dimensions of meaningfullness equally.
Keywords: Gandhian Ashram, meaningfulnes, catur marga, cultural
psychology, indigeneous psychology, Balinese.

Book of Abstracts
Effect of Televised Ethnic Stereotypes on Children
Alay Ahmad
Department of Applied Psychology and Mass Communication, Kohat-Peshawar
Review of the earlier researches show bias role of television regarding
stereotyped portrayals of specific race particularly minority group. Television
programmes in general and cartoons in particular present negative race
stereotypes. Several studies showed portrayals of undesirable characteristics
of American blacks and their effects on television watching children. Earlier
studies, for example, Gerbner (1972), Donaghar et al. (1975), and Graves
(1975) found negative roles of blacks depicted on TV which developed
unfavorable attitudes among white TV children towards televised race. In
Pakistan no scientific study has been conducted on this problem. Ahmad
(1985) carried out two studies in this regard. He supported earlier studies
conducted elsewhere. He concluded that communication may change person
The major purpose of the present investigation was to find out effects
of televised ethnic stereotypes on television watching children. It was
hypothesized that those children who watch television cartoon depicted
stereotyped characteristics of minority race would develop negative attitude
towards televised member of the race.
Independent variable was portrayal of stereotyped race operationally
defined as negative characteristics such aggressive, dishonest, disobedient,
and lazy. Twenty boys of grade 5
served as subjects .Half of them randomly

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
assigned to experimental group and remaining subjects acted as control group.
Present author produced two cartoons .The first cartoon showed stereotyped
characters of X race while second cartoon depicted neutral characters of the
same race (X). Experimental group watched TV cartoon depicted stereotyped
characters while control group viewed neutral TV cartoon. Immediately
after exposure of television cartoons, pre-tested adjectives check list (Ahmed,
1985) administered on all subjects .They were required to put a cross on
those adjectives which they considered most suitable.
The present study was undertaken to investigate effects of televised
ethnic stereotypes on children .It is evident that televised stereotyped racial
characters develop negative attitude. Further study on a lager sample is

Book of Abstracts
Java Culture in a Chinese Indonesian Jamu Company,
an Interpretative Case Study of
the CSR Implementation
Jap Tji Beng, Sri Tiatri, Rahma Hastuti, & Meike Kurniawati
Tarumanagara University, Jakarta
Jamu is originally a part of Javanese culture, and through the Chinese
Indonesian business culture, the process of jamu creation becomes a business
(Tiatri et al., 2010). A Chinese Indonesian family established a jamu industry
which now has survived for 92 years. One of the company’s philosophies is
“rukun agawe santoso” means well behaved lead to wellbeing. The aim of
current study is to understand the implementation of the philosophy in the
jamu company. This study employed a qualitative approach toward the data
which was collected by interviews, observations, and analysis of documents
at four research sites. The research found that one of implementation of
“rukun agawe santoso” philosophy is the implementation of a Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR). While other business companies in Indonesia
started to apply CSR mainly to follow the government regulation in 2007,
this company have applied CSR since the beginning of its establishment.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, business, culture, qualitative

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Role of Personality Trait
(Conscientiousness) as an Antecedent of
Workplace Deviant Behavior
Hadi Farhadi & Fatimah Omar
School of Psychology and Human Development
Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, National University of Malaysia (UKM)
[email protected]
This study investigated the relationship between personality trait
(contentiousness) and workplace deviant behavior (WDB). The influence
of gender, race, and tenure on the relationship between contentiousness and
WDB was also examined. Specifically, it was anticipated that employees
with stronger conscientiousness would be more strongly reported WDB
than would weaker conscientiousness. Data were collected from 162
employed subjects who are working as civil servants in Malaysia using a set
of questionnaires that measure the variables series studied. All participants
in this study were selected randomly from employees of an organization
in Malaysia. A set of questionnaire that consist of forty nine items was
measure the related variables.Results from a sample of employed civil servant
(N=162) indicated that WDB were significantly related to gender, race, and
organization tenure. Findings also indicated partial support for the influence
of moderating variables and the role of correctly specifying variables.
Keywords: Workplace deviant behavior, personality trait, conscientiousness

Book of Abstracts
A Developmental Perspective on Mental Health:
Role of Ecology and Gender
Aradhana Shukla
Department of Psychology, Kumaun University, Almora
Health and well-being are found to be significantly influenced by the
specific cultural milieu in which people grow. It is shaped and experienced
differently across the different life stages. From this perspective childhood
and adolescent stages are critical as they form the foundation for the
subsequent experiences during adulthood. This , however, takes place in
the cultural context. The diverse cultures provide different kinds of scripts to
its members and create relevant occasions for their enactment. In a serious
manner, therefore, ‘health’ and ‘ill health’ become culture-bound concepts.
The various components of culture such as ecology, child rearing practices
and values offer mechanisms that sustain these notions. The understanding
of health related issues in the cultural landscape of multicultural societies
like India raise certain questions that need to be attended to if effective
health related interventions are required. As a country India is facing many
challenges in the health sector and many of them need inputs from culturally
informed investigations of various health related phenomena. The health
psychological investigations, however, have been predominantly dominated
by a culturally less inclusive approach and there has been hegemony of
the Western approach as a kind of mainstream. Against this backdrop this
investigation aimed at understanding the pattern of mental health in the
tribal children and adolescents (n=180) from the communities of Bhotias

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
from Kumaun Hills situated in the Himalaya. In view of the significance of
urbanization they were drawn from three ecological settings i.e. village, town
and city. With the help of a culturally relevant measure of well-being and a
problem behavior checklist the data were collected. Analysis revealed that
health status of was influenced by ecological setting, developmental stage
and gender. The findings implicate the need to attend to within and sub
cultural variations in health processes and outcomes.

Book of Abstracts
Role of Indigenous Institutions of Local Deities in
the Mental Health of People of Naor Valley
Randhir Singh
Himachal Pradesh University Summer-Hill
The present study was conducted to investigate the Role of Indigenous
Institutions of local Deities in the Mental Health of People of Naor Valley.
The first objective was to study the beliefs of people of Naor Valley in
their local deities, and its relationship with their general well-being. The
second objective of the present study was to compare the mental health of
people having some psychological problems with normals. Lastly, the study
explored two cases to know about the nature of mental and behavioural
problems as well as the role of indigenous institutions of local deities in cure
of such problems. Both quantitative as well as qualitative methods were used
to explore these objectives. The results showed that people have firm belief
in their local deities, and positive correlation was found between the scores
on belief ratings and general well-being. There was significant difference
between the scores of problem groups and normal group on the measures of
mental health. Two cases were explored to get deeper insight into the nature
of mental and behavioural problems, and the role of indigenous institutions
of local deities in the mental health of people.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Community Empowerment Initiatives through Synergy
between Posyandu Cadres and Community Health
Center Psychologists
Endah Puspita Sari
Psychology Study Program, Indonesian Islamic University
The presence of psychologists in the first level health care structure
(Community Health Centers) is deemed considerably important to
enable the community to achieve optimal levels of health. In the health
sector, psychologists endure the tasks to improve the living qualities of the
community. One way of achieving this is through preventive initiatives
of promoting healthy life styles as well as forming appropriate attitudes
towards people suffering particular disorders/ illnesses. Success of such
programs relies on the cooperation between psychologists with parties who
have considerable knowledge concerning the living conditions of the local
community. With regards to this, the presence of Posyandu cadres must not
be ignored considering that they come from the target region and engage in
daily interactions with community they live in.
Keywords: Community empowerment, posyandu cadres, community
health center psychologists

Book of Abstracts
Gotong Royong and Mental Health in Indonesia
Adi Cilik Pierewan & Sujarwoto
Institute for Social Change, University of Manchester
United Kingdom
Gotong royong has become an important ethic in Indonesia. This term is
used by Indonesian people to represent either local ethic or collective action
organized in community or neighborhood. This paper empirically examines
the relationship between gotong royong, as a form of indigenous mutual
cooperation, and mental health in Indonesia. Data come from Indonesian
Family Life Survey (IFLS 4) 2007 in which more than 29,000 individuals
that are taken from 13 of 33 provinces in Indonesia. Mental health is
measured by the SF-36 Health Survey which assesses detailed symptoms,
such as sadness, anxiety, and short temper, while gotong royong is identified
by using the participation of individual in these activities in community.
A probit regression model is used to investigate the association between
gotong royong and mental health at the individual level. We find a robust
empirical association between gotong royong and mental health. As an
indigenous concept, gotong royong may be beneficial for further development
of indigenous psychology in Indonesia and need to be explored rigorously.
Keywords: Gotong royong, mental health, IFLS

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Nrimo and the Resilience of
Humanitarian Volunteers in Post-Earthquake
Yogyakarta and Central Java
Nelden D. Djakababa
University of Amsterdam, and Pulih Foundation, Jakarta.
Nrimo, as a Javanese philosophical concept of acceptance on a deep
level, has often been attributed as the way a Javanese person would ideally
take when facing adversity. The expected outcomes of embracing nrimo
include, among others, the ability to acknowledge the positive aspects of
the adversity at hand in addition to the usually more obvious negative ones
(finding hikmah), an increased sense of surrendering one’s fate into God’s
hands (tawakal), and more strength to carry on with life.
The aims of this study are to gain more understanding on the meaning(s)
of nrimo as defined by humanitarian volunteers who have worked in post-
earthquake Yogyakarta and Central Java, and how they think nrimo has
affected them in dealing with the difficult situations in the aftermath of the
2006 earthquake. Possible links between nrimo and relevant western-defined
psychological constructs like resilience and post-traumatic growth are also

Book of Abstracts
Biopsychosocial approaches to stress and health:
From a multicultural perspective
Akira Tsuda
Department of Psychology, Kurume University, Fukuoka, Japan
Biopsychosocial approaches are widely recognized as suitable strategies
for the study of complex biological responses to various stress-related
psychological and social factors, which attempt to make the connection
between stress and ill-health outcome. Emerging data from our laboratory
and cooperative institutions has indicated that these approaches are useful to
predict various markers of health, thus may be clinically relevant.
This invited address will contain several findings from our laboratory
and cooperative institutions that focus a cultural approach relevant to health
outcomes. Topics will cover a wide range of measures that are currently
being employed inn psychobiological research and how they might be used
to understand important mechanisms of stress and health from the point of
view of Health psychology.
We summarize results from our research program into the biological
correlates of positive and negative affects with a line of cross-cultural
perspective. There is considerable interest in the relationship between
affective states and cortisol output such as cortisol awaking response, but little
evidence connecting the cross-cultural consistency of these associations.
The results indicate that greater happiness is associated with lower
salivary cortisol on nonworking days, but higher depressive mood is related

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
with higher cortisol awaking responses on working and nonworking days in
women. In addition to these findings, in the United Kingdom data, cortisol
was significantly lower on nonworking than on work days, but there were no
differences between the two days in the Japanese sample.
Cortisol levels were higher in the Japanese sample on both work
and nonworking days. Positive affect measured by ecological momentary
assessment methods was significantly lower in the Japanese sample on both
days. We conclude that differences in positive affect over the day between
samples in Japan and the UK are associated with differences in cortisol
We also show that wide variations in depressive symptoms were observed
in university students between countries, with lower levels in Western
Europe and higher levels in Asian samples including Japan, Korea and
Taiwan. Poor socio-economic background and lower sense of control were
related with depressive symptoms within countries. Personal circumstances,
beliefs and cultural factors may all contribute to depressive symptoms in this
The significance of behaviour and life style for health and well-being
is now widely acknowledged. There were various significant findings from
an international comparison of tobacco smoking, beliefs and risk awareness
in university students. Smoking prevalence varied widely, being higher in
samples from South European countries and lowest in developing countries.
Awareness of specific health risks of smoking was very variable, with
particularly low levels in Asia and developing country samples.
These topics will not only be of interest to health psychology, but will
also be relevant to social psychologists, epidemiologists and public health

Book of Abstracts
No awakening cortisol response in caregivers with high
intensity caregiving situations
Hisayoshi Okamura
Cognitive and Molecular of Brain disease, Kurume University
Akira Tsuda
Department of Psychology, Kurume University
Jumpei Yajima
Department of Human Studies, Beppu University
Recently, it is thought that the salivary cortisol awakening response
(CAR) can serve as a reliable marker of HPA axis to respond to stress. A
number of studies reported that the daytime cortisol levels in caregivers are
higher than in healthy subjects. However, there are no studies that investigate
the relationship between the CAR and caregiving stress.
The present study was to investigate the relationship between the
CAR and demographic, psychosocial factors of 175 women caring
for a family member with dementia. CAR was smaller in Hispanics
than Caucasians. In addition, caregivers with high intensity caregiving
situations, characterized by long hours of care and co-residence with
the care recipient, were associated with decreased CAR. These results
indicated that Hispanics with high intensity caregiving situations tended
to have less adaptive cortisol patterns due to allostatic load that reflects
the consequences of sustained or repeated activation of mediation of

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Stress and Sleep
Maki Furutani
Graduate School of Human Life Sciences,
It is known that sleep is very important factors for human brain.
However, recently timing of sleep has been delayed and irregular because
of light civilization development. Especially, Japanese is the most short
sleeper and poor quality in the world. These characteristics are life style
issue, as well as personal trait and stress coping. This is not excepting
child and adolescent. In this symposium, the speaker will present (1)
a general review of stress and sleep in child and adolescent, (2) the
relationship between anxiety as a stress response before sleep onset and
sleep structure, and (3) the examination of coping useful for improvement
of life style.

Book of Abstracts
Application of Transtheoretical Model (TTM)-based
Stress Management to Japanese University Students:
Subjective Well-being Perspectives
Yoshiyuki Tanaka & Akira Tsuda
Tokyo University and Graduate School of Social Welfare, Kurume University
TTM-based Stress Management was developed originally for the US
populations. It is provided on a population basis to enhance participants’
health and to reduce social costs. In this presentation, (1) how to provide
the program for Japanese university students, (2) the effects of the program
on stage of stress management behavior, and (3) the role of subjective well-
being in the program will be presented. Over 600 students participated in
the internet-based program. At the first access to the Web, they assess their
stress and coping levels, and four basic components of TTM. Based on
the assessment provided every three-month periods, they challenged each
work in a self-help workbook at their own pace. The results showed that,
even for the Japanese students whose cultural context is different from
original subjects, TTM-based stress management is effective to improve
one's mental health. Moreover, several results indicated that practitioners
and researchers should concern their subjects’ subjective well-being in
order to plan health practices.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Cross-cultural Differences in Stress/
Mental Health Assessment: Comparisons across
East Asia, North and South America.
Noboru Iwata
Department of Clinical Psychology, Hiroshima International University
As a conventional measure for assessing psychological stress reactions
and mental health/ill-health, many self-administered questionnaires have
been constructed and used. Most of them have been originally developed
and standardized in the western countries, and thus, it would be widely
recognized that these instruments are available in cross-cultural/national
comparisons. Ideally, standard or widely accepted measurements should
be equivalent across race/ethnicity, cultures, and regions. That is, items
of such measurements should be free from item- and scale-level bias by
exogenous variables such as gender, race/ethnicity, and culture. However,
a series of my empirical studies have shown the robust Japanese response
tendency/bias that responses to positive affect questions could be biased
in the Japanese population; i.e., the expression of positive affect might be
inhibited in Japanese culture, while enhanced in North American culture.
Thus, positive affect items should be used with a particular caution or
rather excluded on cross-cultural studies.

Book of Abstracts
Indigenous or Indiginization of Psychology
in Indonesia
Kusdwiratri Setiono
University of Padjadjaran
Indigenous Psychology studies the issues and concepts that forms the
needs and reality of a certain social-cultural environment. Indigenization of
Psychology is the process leading to indigenous psychology; an example using
concepts from Western Psychology for research, while greatly modifying
instruments to include local indigenous perspectives. The social-cultural
condition in Indonesia, which consists of various ethnic groups as well as
differences between village and town life, suggest the necessity for developing
an Indigenous Psychology. However the question is whether we are ready ,
or need to first implement indigenization or conduct both simultaneously ?
The psychological research condition in Indonesia is that efforts have been
made to study the concept of Indigenous Psychology, among others by
the University of Gadjah Mada research team about local knowledge and
about some psychological concepts : self, happiness, achievement, and trust.
Learning conditions in the study of Psychology at Padjadjaran University
show the stages in introducing the study of Indigenous Psychology through
the following : mainstream psychology at the undergraduate stage, cross-
cultural psychology at the graduate stage, indigenous psychology at the post
graduate stage. In order to consider the right steps for developing psychology
in Indonesia, specifically whether Indigenous Psychology or Indigenization of
Psychology comes first, in this symposium the following research experiences
will be presented :

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Indigenous Psychology research by Kwartarini W. Yuniarti, University
of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
The Emotion and behavior of the student’s low achievement :
Implicastion for Suryamentaram Counseling Approach : Adi Atmoko,
State University of Malang, Indonesia
Psychological concepts and Islamic concepts : Umar Jusuf, Bandung
Islamic University, Indonesia
The concept of Parenting and Developmental Psychology in the Javanese
Culture, Endang Ekowarni, University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Explorative Study on Marital Readiness in Indonesia: Pricillia T
Novena, University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Designing Reproductive Health Education in Local Setting:
Pujiarohman, University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Book of Abstracts
Pre-Marital Education Program to Improve Marriage
Preparedness Among Pre-Marital Couples
Priscilia T. Novena
The choice of this theme is made based on the researcher’s experience
when conducting field work in the Moyudan Community Health Centers
(Puskesmas), Sleman. Pre-marital counseling has apparently been ineffective,
possibly due to the absence of manuals for Community Health Center
Psychologists. In addition, several couples report a sense of unpreparedness
in entering marriage, for example feelings of worry, fear, and confusion in
dealing with their changed status. Based on this phenomenon, Pre-marital
Education Programs can be used by psychologists in providing assistance for
pre-marital couples. The aforementioned program comprises of evaluation of
relationships as well as increasing understanding and skills of the participants
related with the complexities of marriage life. The objective of the current
study is to identify how the Pre-Marital Education Program is able to improve
the couples’ preparedness to enter marriage life. A total of 30 pre-marital
couples living in the Mlati, Ngaglik and Sleman sub-district. Participants are
divided into the experiment and control group. The instruments used for the
measures include the Marriage Preparedness Scale of which are distributed
during the education program, following the education program and one
month follow-up after the education program. The results of the analysis use
a t-test that indicates an increase of marriage preparedness for the experiment
Keywords: Pre-Marital Education, Marriage Preparedness, Pre-Marital

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Improving Assertive Behavior among Adolescents
to Refuse Pre-Martial Sex
Kwartarini W. Yuniarti
Data gathered from several local, national and international institutions
indicate the increasingly concerning rates of non-marital pregnancy. The
current study aims to discover program effectiveness to improve assertive
behavior among adolescents to refuse pre-marital sex. Participants include
30 adolescents aging 13-15 years along with their parents. Participants are
divided into the experiment group and control group (waiting list). Data
collection is conducted by using the assertiveness scale towards pre-marital
sex and is given for pre- test, post –test and follow up. Results of the mixed
design Anava are expected to demonstrate improved assertiveness to refuse
pre-marital sex for the experiment group compared to the control group
(waiting list).
Keywords: assertive behavior to refuse, pre-marital sex

Book of Abstracts
The Emotion and the Behavior of
the Students’ Low Achievement: Implication for the
Suryamentaram Counseling Approach
Atmoko Adi
This paper is based on qualitative research findings of a low achiever
student’s emotion and behavior in the Suryamentaram theoretical perspectives.
The research findings show that a low academic student’s achievement is
not because of his intelectual capacity; rather it is because of the negative
emotion he established towards his classroom learning process and his task-
completion avoidance behavior. On the other sides, he developed a positive
emotion and behavior that did not orient to the achievement of academic
goals. Then, he developed Kramadangsa (the personality, the self) putting
himself as “I am not a student” with the ego defense that “I am always
right”, which has an effect that he failed to introspect and to take others’
perspectives (lectures, academic goals, friends, etc). Besides a negative
emotion with a pragmatic examination orientation, some students develop
the pseudo positive emotion to their lecture and their class. These students
had developed a pseudo self adaptive attitude to achieve academic goals.
These emotions and behavior reactions, in the Suryamentaram theoretical
perspectives, show that the student did not have Kramadangsa at stage IV,
that is the healthy personality as the foundation to achieve the academic
goals. Based on these results, the Suryamentaram approach of counseling is
established which is an indegenous concept of Indonesia.
Key word: emotion, behavior, academic achievement, Suryamentaram
Counseling Approach.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Patience in completing theses among UNIKOM and
ITENAS final year students
Umar Yusuf, Lilim Halimah et al,
Bandung Islamic University
Students face many obstacles in completing their theses which is one
of the requirements for achieving a degree. Every university has applied
different rules and regulations in the procedures of writing theses. ITENAS
and UNIKOM both are private university which are popular due to programs
offered. However, the final year students face problems in completing
their theses. The aim of this research is to analyze and describe the degree
of patience among the final year students who are completing their theses
viewed from Qur’anic and Hadith perspectives.The concept of patience in
obtaining knowledge is described in three general dimension: resilience,
firmness, and perseverence. Open-ended questionnaires were constructed
for the data collection by the researchers based on the framework of the
Qur’an and Hadiths. Results showed that students from the two universities
have very high degrees of patience. Factors influencing success in completing
their theses were: students’ faith in their tasks, students’ courage in taking
risks, optimism that every problem has a solution, students’ discipline in
executing the rules, students’indurance, fighting spirit, high frustration
tolerance, capability of learning from experiences of failure, willingness to
receive feed-back or improving behavior, students’ anticipatory capability,
planning capability and self direction.
Key Words : patience, firmness, resilience, perseverence

Book of Abstracts
Cultural Belief Systems and Pattern of Poverty in
the Poorest Province of the Philippines
Bernadette Gavino-Gumba
Ateneo de Naga University
Poverty is a deprivation of essential assets—human, physical, natural,
financial, and social capital—that could keep people out of poverty (ADB,
2001) . The study attempted to identify pattern of poverty and cultural belief
systems of the people of Masbate, the poorest of the eighty provinces in the
Philippines. First, it determined the population size and population density
of the 21 municipalities of the province. Then, with the municipality as
unit of analysis, income and non-income data were analyzed using Pearson’s
correlation statistics. Masbate’s poverty incidence is 51%, its poorest town
has 75.5% and most well-off has 41.2% (NSCB, 2007). Poverty incidence
is positively related with total population and population growth rate while
it is negatively and significantly relation with population density. Positive
association exists between poverty and malnutrition, infant mortality and
maternal mortality rates, proportion of households without access to potable
water and proportion of households without access to sanitary toilets.
Negative correlation exists between poverty and school participation and
cohort survival rates while positive association is observed between poverty
and school dropout rate. Poverty is positively correlated with proportion of
households with makeshift housing and negatively correlated with proportion
of households with house owned/ amortized, proportion of households with
lot owned/ amortized, proportion of households with strong wall materials,

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
proportion of households with strong roof materials and proportion of
households with at least one household convenience. Poverty incidence had
negative correlation with number of non-government organizations in the
area, number of cooperatives, estimated internal revenue allotment per capita
and income class, number of crimes against person and property. Filipinos in
general value the family so much since it is a support structure throughout
one’s life. In times of crisis and in times of glory, Filipinos run to the family.
That is why Filipinos love children and big families. As majority Catholics,
Filipinos are less receptive to family planning programs. The Philippine
population is one of the fastest growing in the world. One particular trait
of people in Masbate is their excessive tendency toward fun -- they want
fiestas and parties even for small occasions. An informant from the academe
claimed that her town’s lifestyle is eat, drink, gamble and be merry; live today,
die tomorrow. People are carefree, complacent, lax, generally contented with
a simple life, up to the extent of being lazy that resembles a contentment
of being poor. According to a representative of the Church, Masbate
people are afraid to risk, generally tolerant, timid and lives in a culture of
silence. In most areas which are engaged in pasture, families are usually
attending to the territories of hacienderos who dominate the place, not only
economically but also politically. The arrangement resembles that between
the feudal Spaniards and the colonized Filipinos which existed two centuries
ago. Respondents declared that people value and preserve their traditions.
They are bound by their cultural beliefs and are very particular with the
practices and norms of their forefathers. They are very conservative, do not
readily accept change, traditional toward work, and hostile to technological
advancement. A personnel from the local government unit said that since
people react negatively to change, any alteration to their customary practices
will be subject to harsh comments and even hatred. That is why at most
times, it is very difficult to get people’s cooperation in the implementation

Book of Abstracts
of new government programs. This traditionalism brings about the people’s
preference to albularyos over doctors. People are superstitious, believes in
miracles and extraordinary creatures like aswang. All these are consistent with
the study’s theoretical basis (Bradshaw, 2006) that cultural belief systems such
as non-productive values and values contrary to norms of success are passed
on from generation to generation, perpetuating the condition of poverty.
Keywords: poverty, population, basic services, cultural traits

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Tourist Movement in Malaysia:
Kuala Lumpur as a Destination of Choice
Badaruddin Mohammed
Masitah Muhibudin
Universiti Sains Malaysia
The concentration of various activities as in administrations, businesses,
services, and education, make city centres an ideal destination around the
world for both local and international tourists. Moreover, the tourism sector
is regarded as one of the major contributors in the economic development of
a particular tourist destination. However, the significance of tourist visitation
on the development of tourism products and facilities in these areas still
remain sketchy. Therefore, various studies were conducted evaluating the
trends and prospects of the tourism sector in a particular destination by
identifying tourists’ travel behaviour, segmentation, choice of transportation
and accommodation, preferred activities, and so on. Lesser studies on the
subject matter has been found in Malaysia, thus, a study regarding Kuala
Lumpur as a destination of choice for international tourists was conducted
as an initiative to enhance the tourism development in the Malaysia City
centre. This study describes the tourists’ travel pattern, as well as, the factors
that influence their choice of destination. Also, it will determine whether or
not Kuala Lumpur is their main destination of choice in Malaysia. And if
not, it will identify the potential of city tourism in Malaysia based on their
other destination of choice. Finding will have implications toward future
planning, development, and management of tourism products and facilities,
as well as, in the arrangement of events in city destinations.

Book of Abstracts
Measuring Holiday Satisfaction of International and
Domestic Travelers in The Pahang, Malaysia
Badaruddin Mohamed
Universiti Sains Malaysia
The study of tourists’ expectations and experiences are crucial
in tourism planning since expectations significantly determine the
perceptions of tourism products and performance of services, as well as
influence the perceptions of destination experiences. The results of the
comparison between tourist’s experience at the destination visited and
the expectations about the destination could help determining the level
of holiday satisfaction.  This study aims to measure the gap between
tourists’ expectations and experiences of 51 destination attributes of the
East Coast State of Pahang, Malaysia, drawing on the results of surveys of
389 international and domestic tourists via a questionnaire survey which
utilized the HOLSAT instrument. HOLSAT (Holiday Satisfaction)
model was used to compare the performance of positive and negative
holiday attributes against tourist’s expectations. The study categorized the
attributes into six groups, namely; accessibility, accommodation, tourist
amenities, tourist activities, food/meal and tourism attraction. The data
were analyzed using matrices, which showed the mean score of expectation,
which then plotted against experience onto two-dimensional graph for
positive and negative attributes.  Significance of results was determined
by the paired t-test at 1:1000.  Based on the findings, a few strategies are
proposed to the local tourism authorities and tourism industry players

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
toward improving the development of tourism products and services in the
study area.
Key Words: holiday satisfaction, expectation, tourist experience, interna­
tional tourist, domestic tourist, Pahang

Book of Abstracts
Traditional Market: The Sundanese Point of View
Sianiwati Sunarto
Faculty of Psychology, Maranatha Christian University
Nina Hidayat
Taylor’s University - Malaysia
The Indonesian rapid development, especially marked by the growing
number of new buildings, has led to the demise of old buildings, both still in
function and abandoned. One group of buildings which are still in function
but becoming extinct as a result of the development are the traditional
markets. More and more traditional markets have now been replaced by
modern retail stores.
In traditional markets, henceforth referred to as markets, cultural
processes occur. People of different cultures come in contact. This may have
various consequences, particularly acculturation. In the markets there are
ingroup and outgroup relationships with their unique traits which are not
always ethnic-based. Some informal but detached relationships are based on
distrust, competitiveness and power struggle; but some others are based on
trust, closeness and cooperation. Such relationships take their forms in the
Sundanese culture with its values of being wise in using the language; being
discern in the speech, being good in the deeds and taking the bone without
waking the dog, or in Sundanese: hade basa; hade gogog, hade tagog and
herang caina beunang laukna.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The sellers in the markets, most of whom are women, demonstrate
a different gender behaviour compared to their everyday domestic role.
In their daily activities and at home, the status of women (wives) is below
men (husbands). At the marketplace, on the contrary, it is the opposite. In
the marketplace, it is acceptable for women to show their “masculinity” in
the business context without having to worry that people will see them as
misbehaving (mahiwal or minculak).
This paper serves as a reflection with the intention of encouraging people
to appreciate their local culture as seen in the marketplace interaction. The
greater objective is to achieve a harmonious relationship among the people
of various ethnicities. In terms of science, it is hoped that this reflection will
inspire future researches.
Keywords: acculturation, ingroup-outgroup relationships, gender

Book of Abstracts
Clan: Socioeconomic Security of the Hmong in
Northern Thailand
Kwanchit Sasiwongsaroj
Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University
The Hmong is one of Asian ethnic groups living in China, Laos,
Vietnam, Myanmar, and Thailand. Despite having been settled in Thailand
for a very long time and acculturating certain dominant aspects of the
majority Thai, they still maintained their traditional kinship system. This
cross-cultural investigation explores how the clan plays a role in terms of
socioeconomic security in Hmong society. It is based on in-depth interviews
with 16 members of four clans (Yang, Xiong (or Yiong), Thao, and Kue)
and free-form discussion with clan leaders in two selected Hmong villages
in Northern Thailand. The results show that almost all participants have
changed their Hmong surnames (“sae”) into Thai (“namsakul”), but continue
to represent their previous clan. Also, the contemporary Hmong clan
continues to function as a social network for all families within the clan and
facilitates its members in three significant respects. Firstly, clan membership
provides social support to the members, offering mutual assistance to care
for young children and the elderly, including emotional and financial
support. Secondly, the clan also works as a means of regulation of the group.
Clan leaders serve as disciplinarians and typically involve themselves in
any disputes to reconcile disagreements between Hmong within the same
or different clans. Lastly, the clan system offers economic security for the
Hmong, indicating that clan members share reciprocal assistance in labour
and investment for cultivation, as well as sharing information in order to
access resources.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Well-Being of the Traditional Fishermen at
Kenjeran, Surabaya after Suramadu
Bridge Construction
Sylvia K. Ngonde, F. Dessi Christanti, G. Edwi Nugrohadi
Faculty of Psychology, Widya Mandala Catholic University, Surabaya
Surabaya has Suramadu Bridge – its new landmark. This bridge
connecting Java and Madura islands is 5.4 km and becomes the longest one
in Indonesia.
This newly built Suramadu Bridge has many complex dimensions
such as economic, social and cultural. This sort of transportation has
a big influence in the way of thinking and the activities of its adjoining
community: Kenjeran, Surabaya and Bangkalan, Madura. The biggest effect
is seen in the concept of the well-being of the traditional fishermen nearby.
They give up their life to God as their destiny in the survival of the fittest and
in the dynamic progress of modern life hence forcing them to make a choice
between making life adaptation and surrendering.
The research site is a traditional fishermen’s kampong at Kenjeran,
Surabaya. This qualitative research is carried out by employing in-depth
interviews to the fishermen who have maintained their profession for at
least 20 years and who perceive their life as a part of fate. This research will
portray the way of thinking of the fishermen in adapting to the fast process
of change of a city growth. Their way of thinking has influenced them in
making a decision related to the choice of survival schemes for their life.

Book of Abstracts
This research provides a profile of a traditional fishermen’s kampong
which is influenced by a city development. Therefore, as its significance, this
research is expected to contribute to the decision making of Surabaya city
planners in culturally and socially maintaining the indigenous characteristics
of its surrounding society.
Key word: well-being

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Achievement of Javanese Adolescents Based
on Source of Support, Form of Support, Sex, and
Parent’s Education Level
Irine Kurniastuti, Faturochman, Helly P. Soetjipto, Sri Kurnianingsih
Center for Indigenous & Cultural Psychology, Faculty of Psychology,
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Uichol Kim
Inha University
The goal of this study is to explore Javanese adolescents’ achievement.
In this research, 284 Javanese adolescents (89 males and 195 females) were
asked to complete questionnaire developed by Kim and Park (2005). The
questionnaire ask about achievements he/she is proud of, the person who
was helpful and what kind of support which was given/provided by the
person. The data was analyzed using indigenous psychological approach by
analyzing the content of open-ended responses, categorizing the responses
and cross-tabulating the responses with background information. The result
shows that most of Javanese adolescents put academic achievement as the
primary achievement that make them proud, then sport achievement, art
achievement, self development, wish-fulfillment, and religious attainment.
Parent and family play a key role in influencing their children’s achievement
rather than friend and teacher, while emotional support is the most
important support they receive compared to informational, material, and

Book of Abstracts
spiritual support. Boys and girls have different tendencies in their kind of
achievement. But, there is no different tendency regards to their parents
education level.
Keywords: achievement, sources of support, form of support, parent’s
education level, Javanese

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Effect of Values of Life in Batak Culture (Hagabeon,
Hamoraon, Hasangapon) on Achievement Motivation
of Bataknese High School Students
Sukardi W. Hasugian & Frieda M. Mangunsong
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia,
The purpose of this research is to know the effect of values of life in Batak
culture on achievement motivation of Bataknese High School Student.
The partisipants of this research are 868 High School Students with
age ranging 14 - 19 year (first and second grade), that spans in six high
schools in five districts in North Sumatera Province. Bataknese Values of live
which used in this research are three terminal values in Bataknese Culture.
While the achievement motivation theories that applied are McMclelland’s
achievement motivation theories.
The result of multiple regression analysis with enter method have proven
that values of life altogether has a significant effect on high school students
achievement motivation up to 21.2%, while the remaining achievement
motivation are induced by other factors. Hagabeon (having many children to
become successor and continue the clan) is the most contributing values and
followed by hamoraon (the richness and wealthiness of life) values. Therefore,
with the yielded small result, instrument and other factors that induces
achievement motivation, such as family background including parent’s
occupations, could be considerated for further study.
Keyword: Values of life in Bataknese Culture, achievement motivation,
high school students in North Sumatra Province.

Book of Abstracts
Age, Gender and Creativity as Predictors of Academic
Achievement among Iranian Students
in Malaysian Universities
Habibollah Naderi
Department of Educational Studies, University of Mazandaran, Iran
Abdullah Rohani
Department of Human Development & Family Studies, University Putra Malaysia,
This research examined age, gender and creativity as predictors of
academic achievement. Participants (N= 153, 105 = male & 48= female)
completed creativity test. Cumulative grade point average (CGPA) was used
to select the participants. A multiple regression analysis revealed age, gender
and creativity explained 0.143 of the variance in academic achievement but
there is a significance relation (F= 8.294, sig=000, P<0.01) between those
variables and academic achievement. Finding the relationship between age
and academic achievement is also decreased (r=.345). However implications
of the findings to investigate in age, gender and creativity are discussed.
Keywords: Age, Gender, Creativity, CGPA

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Evening Out Your Vote:
The Effects of Vote Equalization Strategy in Taiwanese
Political Campaign
Chia-Jung Lee
University of Wisconsin-Madison
United States of America
Vote Equalization is a unique strategy originating from Taiwan and
has not been found in Western cultures. It has been prevailed in Taiwanese
electoral campaigns for years and also been used in Hong-Kong political
campaign recently. The use of vote equalization is associated with the
electoral system (Wang, 1995). Vote equalization is usually employed in
a Single Non-Transferable Vote (SNTV) election, in which more than
one candidate will win the election. Thus, a party usually nominates
several candidates in a given district. If the votes across a party’s
candidates in a certain district are concentrated around a few candidates
or unevenly distributed, candidates who could win the election may lose
it at last—because of lacking sufficient votes which could be switched
from the votes for intra-party competitors who are certain to win (Fu,
1993; Sheng, 1999). For not wasting votes, each party makes its efforts
to distribute votes evenly to get as much seats as possible (Wu, 2002).
Vote equalization is therefore developed in this situation. Yu Qingxin
(2000) calls vote equalization a request from a party or candidate in the
final stages of the campaign for a more evenly distributed vote across
candidates from the same party or coalition so that no votes are wasted.
The methods used by each party differ substantially, and there is no

Book of Abstracts
set method; the methods used change according to the circumstances
surrounding the contest, candidates, and voters. Although advertisements
to ask for evening out votes for candidates among a party are a common
sight during elections in Taiwan, little research has explored the causes
and the effects of the strategy. The paucity of research in this regard leads
one to wonder whether this is the result of cultural differences. Therefore,
this study highlights the causes of the strategy from the perspective of
Confucianism in reference to three psychological traits: the sense of in-
group interests priority, in-group favoritism, and autonomy of vote. It also
investigates voter attitudes toward and potential reactions to the strategy,
and examines the mediating role of voter acceptance to vote equalization
in the mayoral and councilor elections in Kaohsiung in 2002. Hypotheses
one through three infer that the stronger sense of in-group interests
priority and in-group favoritism, and weaker sense of autonomy of vote
are in a voter, the more accepting that voter will be of vote equalization
strategy; hypothesis four infers that the more accepting that voter will be
of vote equalization, the more willing they will be to support a candidate
or follow a party’s directions on voting (hereafter referred to as support
willingness). As such, vote equalization acceptance plays a mediating
role between these three psychological factors and support willingness,
which is examined through hypotheses five and six. This study used a
convenience sample, and the participants were eligible voters in the 2002
Kaohsiung mayoral and council elections. Both online and in-person
surveys were conducted between the 30th of November and the 6th of
December 2002. A total of 742 valid surveys were returned, of which 201
were online and 541 were in-person. The results of the mediating effect
show that in-group interests’ priority and in-group favoritism have not only
mediating influences on support willingness through the acceptance of the

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
vote equalization, but also direct influences on it, whereas autonomy of
vote shows a mediating influence through acceptance of vote equalization
strategy. Overall, the hypotheses of the research are largely supported.
The strengths, limitations, and the implications are also discussed in this

Book of Abstracts
Political Psychology, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi,
Relying on Theories Karen Horney
Seyed Mehdi Taheri
Almostafa International University

In this article, personality and political behavior, Mohammad Reza
Pahlavi, on the basis of psychological theory Horney Karen has been studied.
The most important concept in Horney idea, the concept of basic anxiety is
formed on the basis of anxiety in children with parents in the lives of deviant
people, 10 major type of shape is needed and never fully satisfy these needs
and not conflict with MS and source Internal conflicts are located. These
people relief from anxiety, basic, 3 triple anxiety tactics, isolationism and
hegemony are adopted, or are suffering Khvdshyftgy. While none of these
tactics, strategy alone is not realistic to deal with anxiety, but ordinary people
as a balanced strategy for each of the three cases of interest are needed.
In this article the author attempts to Karen Horney based on theory,
basic anxiety dominant personality of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and needs
based on its various aspects and tactics mentioned alongside Khvdshyftgy
will be discussed.
Key Words: Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Karen Horney, anxiety Basic Principe
of Anxiety.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Indigenous Psychological Perspective in Political and
Economic Transformation in Poland
Joanna Grzymala-Moszczynska
Psychology Institute, Jagiellonioan University, Cracow
Transformation is not only marketization and privatization, but a
delicate complexity of sociopolitical and psychological change, a switch
of values and public sprit (Berend, I.,1993). The Role of Non-Economic
and External Factors in East Central European Economic Transformation.
In: R. Schonfeld (ed.) Transforming Economic Systems in East Central
Europe. Munich: Sudosteuropa-Gesellschaft, p.185. In this paper I would
like to present meta-analysis of data concerning cultural changes that
happened in Poland after political and systemic transformation of 1989.
Young people raised up in 90s’ are now entering their adult lives in much
more individualistic way than generation of their parents. I would like to
analyze reasons and consequences of this change. My main hypothesis is
that families experiencing intergenerational conflict are in fact experiencing
intercultural conflict. In this paper I would like to present analogy between
these two types of conflict and its consequences for successful resolving of
this widespread conflict. Also I would like to stress other consequences of
political and economic changes in Poland such as changing frequency of
morbidity of specific mental illnesses and what’s more surfacing of new,
unknown before social problems as i.e. euroorphancy.

Book of Abstracts
Subjective Well Being and Family Functioning among
Moslem Early Adolescence
Susilo Wibisono
Psychology Department, Islamic University of Indonesia
In the tradition of Muslim societies, happiness is a long-term
orientation that is not limited to the life of the world, but also life after
death (akhirat). This is manifested in a prayer often readen by every Muslim,
that they hope happiness in the world and the Hereafter. It was be taught to
the children in the Muslim family. In addition, the Islamic tradition was very
glorify the institution of family as a formal institution that contains a series
of responsibilities among its members. Therefore, the family functioning
have a major influence on subjective well-being of its members, especially
on early adolescence. This study aims to analyze how the linkages between
family functioning and subjective well being on moslem early adolescence.
Measurement of subjective well being conducted by using four approach of
measurement, i.e. Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), the Positive Affect
and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), and the WHO well being index.
The use of these measures is designed by considering cultural context of
Muslim societies, especially in Indonesia. Family functioning was measured
by using the Family perception Scale (Tiffin, Kaplan, Place, 2010). Data’s
analysis showed significant influence of family functioning variables to all
dimensions of subjective well being in moslem early adolescence.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Mediating Role of Self-esteem on
Perceived Parenting Approaches and Depression among
Chinese College Students
Cintia Chan de Noronha & Imelu G. Mordeno
Universidade de Sao Jose, Macau
This study explored the relations between parenting, depression and
self-esteem. In particular, the study examine if self-esteem mediates the
relationship between parenting and depression. College students from different
universities completed a set of questionnaires for parental authority, parental
bonding, depression and self-esteem. Results showed that both paternal
and maternal care negatively predicted depression while overprotection
positively predicted it. Maternal permissiveness and authoritativeness and
paternal permissiveness are significantly related to depression. Accounting
for self-esteem as a mediator, the results indicated that self-esteem partially
and significantly mediated the relationship of paternal and maternal care,
overprotection and permissiveness on depression. These results provide more
clarity on the role of self-esteem as to how parenting influence children’s
Keywords: Parental Authority, Parental Bonding, Self-esteem

Book of Abstracts
Parenting in Multicultural Settings:
Experiences of the Indonesian Mothers
Yopina G. Pertiwi & Nandita Babu
Department of Psychology, University of Delhi
This study was an attempt to explore the experiences of mothers in
parenting children in multicultural settings. Six Indonesian women, two of
the participants’ spouses, and one of the participant’s son participated in
this qualitative study. The multicultural setting in this study was represented
by the variations of the mother-father cultural backgrounds. While all
the participants were Indonesian origin, their spouses were from different
countries, i.e. India, Japan, Netherland, USA, Scotland, and Germany.
The participants were interviewed following a semi-structured interview
schedule. The interview data was transcribed and coded following thematic
analysis method. The participants and their spouses differ in their parenting
strategies, which can be attributed to the cultural difference between them.
However, it was also observed that the spouses manage these differences by
applying several strategies, such as learning from each other, tolerating each
other’s standards, and mixing up the cultural values. The acculturation effect
of the partner’s culture is being discussed in this study. The language practice
at home as well as the children’s self-identity was also considered as one of
the interest areas in this study.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Relationships between Cultural Beliefs and
Practices during Pregnancy and Three Dimensions of
Negative Delivery Outcomes for
The Javanese Mother
Margaretha Sih Setija Utami
Centre for Research and Development of Health Psychology
Psychology Faculty, Soegijapranata Catholic University Semarang
There are many cultural beliefs and practices of Javanese pregnant
women. Most Javanese pregnant women practice their beliefs related with
pregnancy and giving birth because they want to avoid many problems of
their pregnancy and delivery process. The aims of the research were to measure
the relationships between cultural beliefs and practices during pregnancy and
three dimensions of negative delivery outcomes for the mother. The three
dimensions of negative delivery outcomes for the mother included problem
during delivery, problem after delivery, and the duration of delivery. The
subjects of this research were 50 Javanese pregnant mothers in Semarang City
as urban people and 50 Javanese pregnant mothers in Pemalang Regency as
rural people. They filled cultural beliefs and its practices scale. All of the
subjects were interviewed their condition after giving birth to measure the
three dimensions of negative delivery outcomes for the mother. The data
was analysed by rank spearman correlation. The result showed that there was
positif correlation between the cultural belief and the duration of delivery (r
=.23; p<.05). The more pregnant mother belived cultural rules for pregnant
women, the longer delivery duration they got. But there was negative

Book of Abstracts
correlation between practicing praying together to ensure a safe pregnancy
and the problem after delivery (r=.24; p<.05). The more pregnant mother
practiced praying together to ensure a safe pregnancy, the less problem after
delivery they got. There was no significant correlation between the cultural
belief and the problem during delivery, neither was between the practicing
praying together and the problem during delivery.
Key words: Cultural beliefs, problem during delivery, problem after
delivery, duration of delivery

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Study of Mental Disorders in Child Abuser and
Non-Abuser Parents and Relation of Child Abuse with
Behavioral Disorders in Children
Gh. H. Javanmard, M. Abbasi, & J. Mamaghani
Payam Noor University
The purpose of this research is to compare mental disorders in child
abuser parents with non abuser parents among Azerbaijani families. From
these provinces, 6 cities and from these cities 612 children were selected
from kindergartens and day-nurseries by cluster sampling method. For any
child three inventories were administrated; 1. Child abuse inventory 2. SCL-
90-R (for children parents), and 3. Behavioral disorders inventory. Results
indicated that average scores of 9 scales SCL-90-R were significantly different
between two groups of parents. Only in somatization scale between scores
of emotion abuser and non-abuser fathers weren’t significantly different. In
the end, it showed that there was a significantly positive correlation between
abusiveness of children and their behavioral disorders.
Key words: child abuse, mental disorders, behavioral disorders, children,

Book of Abstracts
Health Anxiety in Indonesia and The Netherlands
Theo K. Bouman
Dept. Clinical Psychology, University of Groningen,
The Netherlands
From a universalist point of view, physical health is of primary
importance for every human being. The way people are dealing with their
health and health concerns, however, differs widely across cultures. In the
Western world, health anxiety (classically defined as hypochondriasis)
has received a lot of scientific attention over the past two decades. A
literature survey showed that this is not matched by and equal amount of
attention in South-East Asia, and in particular Indonesia. For that reason
we set out to investigate health anxiety and its contributing factors in
a questionnaire study among psychology students in Indonesia and The
Netherlands. The main hypothesis is that health anxiety is promoted
by specific worries about health themes, which in turn are assumed to
be influenced by culturally specific health attributions (i.e. the role of
oneself, medical professionals, and Devine beings). The empirical results
testing these hypotheses will be presented and specific methodological
issues in this specific domain will be highlighted.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Values Structure of Indian and Nepalese Couples:
A Cross-National Study
Usha Kiran Suba
Trichandra Multiple Campus, Tribhuwan University
The present research investigated the value structure of couples of
India and Nepal. These couples were married parents, with similar religious
and cultural backgrounds, as both of them are Hindus. India is a secular
democratic republic and Nepal is a Hindu country with democracy, also
both the countries are different in terms of their eco-geographic, political
and socio-economic levels. However, there are close relationships between
the nations too, may be because of neighboring nations or religious
commonality. A value scale constructed by Sinha and others, RVS (1981)
for developing societies was used on a total sample of 160 couples of India
and Nepal.                                              
The results indicated that out of 40 values among Indian couples,
values - comfortable life, a world of peace, freedom, self-respect, intellect,
courageous had significant differences. Among Nepalese couples, there were
significant differences in - freedom, social recognition power, and ambition.
It was also found that Indian and Nepalese males differed significantly on
values- comfortable life and intellect. However, there was no significant
difference in any of the 40 values between Indian and Nepalese females. The
findings are discussed in the light of the cultural and traditional determinants.
The implication of the research is to understand the level of transmission of
values from the parents to their children and impact of social change.

Book of Abstracts
Family Resiliency: A Case of “Cina Benteng”
(Benteng Chinese) Community
Fransisca Iriani R. Dewi, & Samsunuwiyati Mar’at
Faculty of Psychology
Tarumanagara University
The aim of this study is reviewing the literature of the protective
factors contributing to family resiliency, of the Cina Benteng’s families,
in Tangerang, Banten province. This community have lived in rural area
Tangerang after revolution in Batavia in the year of 1700. Their population
were assumed about 15.350 people in the year 2002. The name Cina Benteng
is used because they have lived outside Makasar defence fort built in the
colonial regime.
At the moment they work as peasant, altough their agricultural land is
not enough to support their daily living. Economically the Cina Benteng’s
family is far from the stereotype of common Chinese Indonesia which are
generally higher social economic status. Most of the Cina Benteng’s families
have low income. They have experience the situation that make them
marginalized due to (1) the development of Jakarta as a metropolitan in
which Tangerang located next to Jakarta; (2) marginalization occur because
of the lost agricultural areas, for the growth of industrialization. Most of
them change the job from peasant to new jobs in the informal sectors such
as driver, traditional shop. With this unfavorable situation, they can survive,
and become resilient to overcome the situation. What factors caused this
family resiliency?

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Theoretically, they have some protective factors based on the ecological
model consisting of three factors namely indvidual, family and community
factors. The three factors are discussed thoroughly in this paper. This effort
will be followed up by empirical data from the population.
Keywords: resiliency, Cina Benteng, ecological model

Book of Abstracts
Forgivenes In Javanese and Batak Ethnic:
A Theoretical Framework
H. Fuad Nashori
Islamic University of Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Kusdwiratri Setiono
Padjadjaran University
Ike Agustina
Islamic University of Indonesia
Forgiveness is one of positive character which helps the individual
to reach the optimal level in physical, psychological, social and spiritual
health. In some years, forgiveness is used as psychotherapy to accept and
release negative emotions such as anger, depression, guilty feeling as the
result of unfair, facilitating the healing, self improvement, and interpersonal
reconciliation in any kind of situations (Walton, 2005). Further more,
forgiveness is also institutionalized so it is not only occurred on individual
relationship context but also organized by institution/organization (Carroll,
2004) or even by government/country (Yancey, 2003).
Forgiveness then directly influences stabilization and mental health
by reducing the level of anger, enhances immunities on cells and neuro-
endocrine, releases the antibody and influences the process in central nervous
system (Worthington & Scherer, 2004), forgiving enhances the healing of
heart and blood vessel diseases (Worthington, 2005).

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Anger, resentful, hateful which are felt by Indonesian people are
interesting to be more explored, especially related to values of life and
the pattern of special behavior of ethnics in Indonesia in responding the
problems. Ethnic Java is known as the ethnic that gives a priority to the
harmony (Koentjaraningrat, 1999). By its harmony values on Java people,
every individual is demanded to place their personal necessity on second
level or even release it for people’s necessity. Suseno (1999) described, Java
people are expected to be able to do self-control so they can be calm and do
not show their surprise or confuse when they meet the people or unpleasant
Java people are trained not to express unpleasant things directly. In
general, Java people are considered polite if they can avoid the frank opinions
(Suseno, 1999). The reactions that are developed in facing the traumatic
event always show the toleration. Toleration is very useful in avoiding the
conflict and keeping the interpersonal relationship or relationship between
individual and group run normal.
However, the tendency of Java people to manage the traumatic event in
themselves results anger and resentful in their soul. The research by Ekawati
and Nashori (2006) showed that Java ethnic has aggressive and hateful which
are saved in their soul.
Research by Ekawati and Nashori (2006) showed the different emotional
map on Batak ethnic. Batak ethnic does not keep their aggressive too much
in anger and hateful, but they show them directly. Specifically, this research
showed that Batak ethnic has the more verbal and physic aggressive. These are
based on their values of life. Masrun et. all (1986) revealed that Batak people
more appreciate the people who are frank, dynamic and brave. Assenting to
Masrun et. all (1986), Mulder (1996) described that Batak people are critical
and frank. Meanwhile, Bangun (1999) revealed that Batak Karo tribes are

Book of Abstracts
honesty, undoubtful and brave, confident, not greedy and knowing their
rights, pragmatic, polite, keeping the reputation of their family-name and
self-esteem, rational, critical, adaptable, persistent in study and jealous. They
like to express their opinion. If their self-esteem is broken by others, they will
use the force as a way to prove that they are more powerful than other.
Related to the forgiveness in Java and Batak ethnic, it is interesting
to investigate is the tendency of tolerant on Java ethnic will be followed by
forgiving or vice versa? Is the frank in expressing the thought and feeling on
Batak ethnic makes them do not like to keep anger and hateful so they easy
to forgive other?
In perspective of Pennabaker (2002), when the individuals do self-
express, especially when they express negative emotion verbally, it will help
them release their disappointed, hatefulness, hostility, and many more. Batak
ethnics who accustomed themselves to express emotion will not keep the
negative emotions on themselves. Further more, negative emotion will not
destruct their thoughts and feelings. If it is needed, the individuals can ask
for ask for forgiveness directly, they will easy to forgive.
It is different form Java ethnic. As mentioned, Java people are considered
polite if they can avoid the frank (Suseno, 1999). In this situation, people
should manage their negative emotions. When they keep them, there are
two possibilities. First, they release them or forgive them. Usually it is for
ones who are wise and religious. Second, they trapped to keep the negative
emotions, which will make them become worst because unexpressed. The
serious effect is the appearance of unpredictable aggressive behaviors and no
Key words: forgiveness, negative emotion, Javanese, Batak

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Cosmology of People from Ambon Island
Jenne Jessica Revanda Pieter
CRCS Universitas Gadjah Mada
“Upu Ama Karupera Sei Lesi Sou, Sou Lise Sei,
Sei Hele Hatu, Hatu Nese Sei”
This paper examines about the cosmology of people from Ambon
Island, the cosmology is shown at their myth in Kapata (The Folk Song)
and Pasawari (The prayer with adat /custom style). People in Ambon Island
divide their god and goddess at two levels; In the first place is the high god
called Upulanite and the second place is goddesses. In the second place, at
the goddesses’ place there are ancestors or Tete Nene Moyang. The function
of Tete Nene Moyang is the mediator for the highest god, also as the person
who establishes the village and gave their adat. Adat for Ambones is the first
phenomenon in their live to control their society. Although Monotheism
become their religion now, but adat still place the first role in their live.
Ambon Island according to history is an Empty Island. Ambon ancestor
came from many other places and discovered Ambon. They established
villages and gave adat to their generation. This myth showed at Kapata and
Pasawari. From Kapata and Pasawari, we also get the information how their
ancestors have big contribution at their live. According to Cassirer’s, Myth is
the part of human nature, not only a transient but also a permanent element
1 This is quotation from Pasawari or prayer in adat/custom style before adat oath
(sumpah adat). Upu Ama Karupera in English is “this is what the ancestor has

Book of Abstracts
in human culture. In myth, the primitive people construct their thought
and their knowledge. They put their whole ideology and form of their live in
their myth. This research is based on my research conducted for 3 months
at Ambon Island. This paper argues that the cosmology concept in Ambon
Culture which is mentioned in their myth, construct their group or clan

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Descriptive Study on The Chinese Values of
Chinese-Indonesians College Students in Bandung,
Agoes Santosa
Maranatha Christian University
This study attempts to depict Chinese Values of Chinese-Indonesians
college students in Bandung. Chinese Values can be defined as a set of values
which is used by ethnically Chinese people to live their lives. Michael Harris
Bond and a group of research workers known collectively as the Chinese
Culture Connection (1987) developed the concept of Chinese Values in
response to their perceived need to measure and evaluate cultural values
within a Chinese value system. Other studies on values, such as studies
by Rokeach (1973) and Schwartz (1992), used values that are Western by
nature as the base of their assessments. Those values do not fit with Eastern
life values. The values measured by Bond and his colleagues remain universal
in nature, but they also include some values which are uniquely Confucian
(Hofstede, 1991). This study is a quantitative research that used the Chinese
Value Survey (CVS) developed by Bond (1987). The Chinese Value Survey
contains 40 values, which is designed to be used with people living in
regions where Eastern life values are pre-eminent. Participants will be asked
to respond to the Chinese Value Survey using a Likert type scale of 1 to 9.
One (1) represented a value which was not important to me, and nine (9)
very important for me. The participants of this study are college students of
a public university in Bandung, all of them are Chinese-Indonesians aged 18

Book of Abstracts
to 22 years old. The sampling method used in this study is disproportionate
stratified random sampling. Data analysis used descriptive statistics using
mean scores and percentage scores of each value to give information about
the Chinese value hierarchy and Chinese value priority of the Chinese-
Indonesian college students in university, Bandung.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Correlation of Character Strengths and
Happiness on Indonesian People
Imelda Dian Oriza, & Fivi Nurwianti
Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia
The purpose of this study is to know the correlation between character
strengths and happiness on Indonesian people, especially on 6 ethnic group
(Javane, Sundanese, Betawinese, Minangnese, Bataknese, and Bugisnese).
Character strengths are classified into 24 strengths: creativity, curiousity, open
mindedness, love of learning, perspective, bravery, persistence, integrity, vitality,
love, kindness, social intelligence, citizenship, fairness, leadership, forgiveness,
humility, prudence, self regulation, awe of beauty, gratitude, hope, humor, and
spirituality. Happines is defined satisfation about past time, enjoy for now,
and optimis to the future, This research method use quantitative approach
with questionnaire made by researcher for happiness variable by Seligman
theory (2004) and modified the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-
IS) for character strengths (Peterson & Seligman, 2004). Multiple regression
is used to answer the main problem.
The participants of this research are 1066 subject (male 540, female
526), about 18-55 years old, living in Jakarta, Medan, Bandung, Padang,
South Sulawesi, Semarang, and Yogyakarta. Research result indicates
that there is correlation between character strengths and happiness
for all of subject on 6 ethnic group. Majority of participant have an
high level of happiness. Character strengths altogether give significant
contribution to happiness up 37.7%, while 12 caracter strengths

Book of Abstracts
that most contribute to happiness on Indonesian people are vitality,
hope, persistence, leadership, gratitude, curiosity, creativity, spiritual,
prudence, perspective, bravery, and forgiveness.
Key Word: Happiness, Character Strengths.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Understanding the Interrelatedness of Anger Control
in Context of Culture
Trida Cynthia, & Anita Zulkaida
Faculty of Psychology, University of Gunadarma
The purpose of the research is to analyze anger control in the context
of culture. The analysis taken from journals that have interrelatedness
with anger control, for example the perception of human being about his
ideology, believes, and self concept in some cultures, will be difference
with his strategy to value things and how they regulated or control the
anger. Some research indicated that concept of multidimentional cultural
syndrome (individualism-collectivism) attitude, believes, norms, regulation,
self concept, also groups norms have an influence to cognitive response and
how someone control his anger. To the collective society, bounding is an
important thing, this is why, when they are in conflict they still concern of
how to maintain the relationship (mediation). Difference from individualist
society, which is feeling of how to have a justice is an important thing, so
when they are in conflict, the best way to solve problem is in court.
Key words: anger control, culture, individualism-collectivism

Book of Abstracts
Traditional Sri Lankan Methods for
Psycho-Somatic Ailments.
Asha Nimali Fernando
Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Sri Lanka
Exorcism to expel evil out of persons or places had been a practice in
our ancient civilization for a long time. It has continued to effect the lives
and civilization of our social, economic, political and life style even today.
In the ancient times they did not have the modern therapeutic methods
to overcome mental disturbances which were in fact psychological problems.
Villagers turn to an exorcist without any awareness of the mental problems
of the victim.
The exorcism was done using music, song, dance, puppetry which
attracted crowds and kept them spell- bond while the exorcist was indulging
in his performance.
The affected person was also fascinated by this performance and
sometimes used to come out of comedic feeling and joined on the revelry.
When comparing modern western therapeutic methods for Psychologi­
cal disorder, like Post Trauma Stress, Frustration, illusion, it is seeing that they
advocate the use of drama therapy, Music therapy etc.. which are actually
quite similar to our ancestral forms of Psychological healing for stress and
traumatic problems.
Objective of this paper is to emphasis that exorcism a practice in ancient
times in Sri Lanka was effective in solving many Psychological problems that
are based on scientific and theoretical foundations even today.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Ethno Biopsychosocial Model as a Conceptual Tool
for Counselling and Psychotherapy in Health Care:
Asian Perspectives
Waseem Aladin
Centre for Work Stress Management
England, UK
This paper presents a nine-dimensional model for health care which
is multi-facted in that it takes into account biological, psychological,
social and spiritual aspects of functioning within the context of ethnic and
cultural identities. The model is consistent with both the client-centred
and cognitive behavioural approaches of counselling and psychotherapy in
health care and grounded in a humanistic theoretical framework. Designed
for application with individuals of diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds,
it can be implemented universally. The nine dimensions are: 1. sickness
conception, 2. body funciton beliefs, 3. well-being criteria, 4. causal/
healing beliefs, 5. health practice efficacy beliefs, 6. recognition of health
need, 7. reliance on self-treatment, 8. acceptance of suggestions for health
care and 9.cooperation with health advice. An advantage of this model is
that it can be more universally applied than the traditional eurocentric
medical model without doing violence to indigenous cultures. Next, there
is a human rights perspective underlying this model by placing emphasis on
humanistic values of (i) unconditional poositive self-regard(“I honour your
unique personhood”), (ii) compassion (“I offer my genuine care for you”)
and (iii) empathy (“I do not judge your actions”). Finally, the model honours
human rights in the context of common spiritual values(from the major

Book of Abstracts
world religions), pledging to (i) do no harm in dealing with others and (ii)
respect the dignity of others and their ways of being and relating in a global
world. The presentation will be illustrated using a case example and video-

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Therapeutic Relationship:
Cultural Issues from an Indian Context
Kiran Rao
Consultant in Mental Health & Human Development
It is often debated whether there is a psychotherapy of the East or West.
From a historical or cultural perspective, every society has had its methods of
psychological healing. Faith healers and spiritual leaders have administered
healing techniques within a magico-spiritual-religious context and continue
to play a significant role in the reduction of distress. Modern psychotherapy,
as we know it, has been dominated by theories and techniques developed
in the West. Today, however, there is increasing acknowledgement and
recognition of the contributions from the East and much cross-fertilization
is taking place. While, psychotherapeutic techniques have universal
applications, one needs to be aware of the socio-cultural context in which
these therapies have evolved and be culturally sensitive to the context in
which they are administered. Psychotherapeutic approaches have shifted in
emphasis from being predominantly dynamic-insight-oriented to structured-
behavioural to nurturant-humanistic-existential to collaborative-cognitive-
interpersonal. The large variety of models and techniques has resulted in
the practice of therapy becoming more integrative-eclectic, with therapists
using techniques in a flexible manner to address client’s needs . This practice
has been substantiated by the paradoxical fact that therapy outcomes are
equivalent, even when different techniques are used. Much research has,
therefore, focused on the central role played by the therapeutic relationship

Book of Abstracts
in contributing to positive outcome in therapy. Since the therapist is the
main instrument of change, the conduct of therapy depends heavily on the
personal characteristics and the interpersonal style of the therapist. Therapist
qualities, such as being friendly, accepting, tolerant and committed, and an
interpersonal style of being warmly involved and active-collaborative have
been found to be related to good outcome across cultures (Eunsen, Kim &
Orlinsky,1994). In the Indian context, the relationship between the therapist
and client has been described as being akin to that of a Guru and Chela
or teacher and disciple (Neki,1973) reflecting a more collaborative, active-
directive relationship. The paper provides empirical evidence from qualitative
interviews with psychotherapists and quantitative data from clients seeking
help to support the argument that an empathic and collaborative relationship
is central to making therapy work! Implications of the findings for training
and supervision will be highlighted.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Cultural Differences Between Client and Counselor
and Counseling Outcomes
Tan Soo Yin
National Institute of Education
Toh Yinniang Germaine
Nanyang Technological University
The influence of cultural differences between counsellor and clients on
counselling outcomes have long been discussed in the counselling literature.
Many research findings show that when counsellors are sensitive to cultural
differences during the counselling process, it yields positive counselling
outcomes. The present study aims to investigate the impact of different
cultural background within the client-counsellor dyad. Specifically, this study
explores the influence of language on clients satisfaction on counselling.
The findings of this research suggest that compatibility in language has
the potential to increase clients satisfaction with counselling. A few aspects
that warrant counsellor attention are to recognize the existence of cultural
differences in the form of language, experience and background; adopt a
flexible approach in adapting their language to suit the different cultural
groups; and effort to acquire more knowledge of the client’ language
and culture would also be useful. With enhanced knowledge and awareness,
counselling professionals would be able to modify and integrate it into their
counselling practice, meeting the needs of their clients as well as making

Book of Abstracts
counselling more effective. In striving to provide culturally responsive services
in a multicultural nation like Singapore, it is important for counsellors to
have a good cultural knowledge and possess the ability to communicate
effectively in the languages of the culturally different groups. However,
difficulties that counsellors encounter in accommodating to idiosyncrasies
and the complexities of differing levels of language abilities across clients will
be a limiting factor and needs to be anticipated. In order to provide culturally
responsive services in a multicultural nation, it is necessary and beneficial
to carry out training for counselling professionals to be proficient in more
than one language. Furthermore, language variables such as vocabulary and
grammar are also important elements that should be included in training to
aid effective cross-cultural counselling exchanges.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
‘Keikhlasan’ as a Part of Self Conception on Village
Midwives in Garut - West Java, Indonesia
Ade Iva Wicaksono
Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia
Health Psychology as a newly emerging domain in Psychology has
moved forward to echance the objective path of psychology as a branch of
science. The main concept of its “health behavior” has been challenged by
so many studies or empirical inquiries. Especially the concept of health care
professionals (HCP), the concept brings about a mechanistic and deterministic
view that is not easily tranferred to many cases alongside cultural groups.
This study tries to give a different view on how the performance of village
midwives (as health care professionals) construed an alternative concept.
This study was intended from the very beginning as an indigenous study in
health psychology. ‘Keikhlasan’ is one of several findings from the study that
will challenge the western concepts of health care professionals. Concepts
: health behavior, health care professionals, self conception, self awareness,
health psychology

Book of Abstracts
The Pagdadala Model
Edwin T. Decenteceo
Department of Psychology, University of the Philippines
The Pagdadala model was born because I needed to train para-
professional counselors who did not have a college education. Some had
only an elementary school education or none at all. I was then working
with victims of human rights violations. These victims usually were poor and
from the rural areas. They understood very little English, speaking instead
in the different Philippine languages. There were so many victims that para-
professional counselors had to be trained. Counselors who had finished
college or had some college training were not very effective. They usually
spoke of Freud, Rogers, Jung, or Maslow. They spoke of catharsis, reflection,
empathy, and self-actualization. Translating these terms and explaining
the theoretical background of each was extremely difficult. Moreover, the
victims did not think they had psychological problems. They insisted instead
that they were suffering from “wounds of war.” They had become victims
of human rights violations because of a dictator who headed a martial law
regime. Most of them had fought against that regime and its agents. Theories
of psychotherapy are not usually based or designed for this type of client.
As I continued to see clients in different parts of the Philippines
some terms and ideas began to come to the fore. One of the first terms
was “mahihingahan” or someone to whom one could release one’s breath.
Another was the idea of “nabibigatan” or of “things being heavy.” The clients
often spoke of themselves as “carrying things” (may dinadala) and that they

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
were “carriers of things” (nagdadala). I began to use these terms, and other
terms that emerged, in my work. The terms did not need explaining. The
clients and the trainees understood them right away. More importantly, they
were more willing to talk to me because I was using terms familiar to them.
It was only after I tried to write about what I was doing-- several attempts
that took more than a year—that I realized that the clients were telling me the
story of their lives, a story of burden bearing. This story has different parts.
It is about (a) a burden bearer, (b) the burden, (c) where the burden is being
taken to, (d) the manner by which the burden bearer carries the burden, (e)
the path the burden bearer has chosen to take towards the destination, and
(f) events and situations that the burden bearer encounters along the way.
For each of these parts there is a term in the different Philippine languages.
As I continued to use the story for counseling and training, I saw other
possibilities. From the client’s telling of the story I could tell when he or she
needed help. I saw different ways of helping the client depending on which
part of burden bearing the client was having difficulty with. I saw processes
that I my western training did not allow me to see. I could see that clients
were more open to receiving assistance because difficulties in burden bearing
were seen as normal. Also, the types of assistance I could give went beyond
what my training considered “psychological.”
The clients and the para-professional counselors were very receptive
to the model. Since I spoke in their terms they were more open to me,
seeing me less as an expert but “one of them.” I began to use the model for
team building and for project planning and management. I also saw that the
model “explained” some short comings of Filipinos.

Book of Abstracts
Kalakbay Sa Pagdadala at Pagsibol Ng Mga Naulila
Ng Guinsaugon Landslides
(Journeying With the Orphans of the Guinsaugon
Landslides: Collective Experiences of Burden-Bearing)
Lyla Verzosa
In the aftermath of the Guinsaugon landslides of February 17, 2006
in the Philippines, 1,119 individuals perished leaving 271 orphaned
children and adolescents. Psychosocial service providers from the academe,
church and non-government organizations responded by facilitating stress
debriefing, pastoral and spiritual counseling to the survivors but left the
community without initiating sustainable and mental health programs. A
year later, municipal officials attributed the unusual number of incidents of
truancy, drinking problems, pre-marital pregnancies, suicidal ideation and
an alleged demonic possession among the orphans to be after-effects of the
disaster. Utilizing the Pagdadala Model that recognizes the burdens and
the character of the burden-bearers in the faces of the orphans and their
care-providers who journeyed with them, this paper presents the unique
way of pagdadala (burden-bearing) among these stakeholders. On one end,
burden-bearers include fellow orphans, village health workers with limited
formal education, and social workers who had no background on trauma
and conventional counseling skills, whereas other co-burden bearers include
municipal officials with partial training on critical incident stress debriefing,
a psychiatrist, and this author-psychologist who acted as a transient conflict
mediator, counselor as well as a pastoral and community worker. Implications
on the limitations and adverse effects of short-term and debriefing-focused
psychosocial response to disasters are also given focus.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Pagdadala and Understanding Triadic Relationships:
A Case Study of a Japayuki and Her Partners
Anna Muriel T. Mangaran
Department of Psychology, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy,
University of the Philippines
Dee is a japayuki, a Filipino woman entertainer working in Japan. Her
work in the club involves flirting with Japanese customers. They may, with
her consent, touch her or embrace her. They may, again with her consent,
take her out on daytime dates. Sex is a possibility. She is paid for every 45
minutes that she keeps a customer entertained in the club. The customer
may choose to keep her for several sets of 45 minutes each until the club
closes. She may see more than one customer within each 45-minute set. She
also earns when the customer buys drinks for her or tips her. On daytime
dates, the customer may buy gifts for her.
Dee has a Filipino partner, Andy, back in the Philippines. Andy knows
about Dee’s Japanese customers and what she does with them. (She often
calls him via her mobile phone when she is with her customers.) In fact,
when Dee left to work in Japan, Andy knew that this is what she would be
One Japanese customer has helped her build a house and an apartment
in the Philippines. Her parents and her daughter and son live in the house.
She also stays in that house whenever she comes home to the Philippines.
She rents out the apartment. The same Japanese bought a van for her. When
she is back in the Philippines, she receives a monthly allowance from him
and another Japanese. She uses the money to support her family and her
partner’s. When the two Japanese visit the Philippines, they stay with her

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mother while Dee serves as their escort. Andy discretely stays away as both
Japanese have no idea about Dee having a partner back home.
Dee is now back in Japan. To get a visa she married a Japanese who was
paid by her employment agency to marry her. Andy also knows about the
wedding and that Dee lives a few blocks from her Japanese “husband.”
Dee and Andy’s case is not a solitary one. Many female overseas
workers in Japan are in the same situation as Dee – having a Filipino partner
back home and a Japanese partner or partners in Japan (whom the Filipino
partner knows about because the female tells the Filipino partner about the
Japanese partner and what she does with the latter).
I am personally repulsed by this kind of arrangement and I believe
many of my countrymen – and women – would react in the same way. But
if I judge Dee and her partner this way, I would also be judging many other
women and their partners. And the numbers of women and men in the
same situation are increasing. How am I, as a social scientist, supposed to
view this situation?
The Pagdadala model is about burden bearing. Relationships are one
kind of burden. Perhaps by using the model I can take a less judgmental
stance toward the relationships of Dee and many other women like her.
This paper then is an attempt to use the Pagdadala model to examine the
relationships of Dee. What brought Dee and her partner to a point where
they chose to have this kind of relationship? Where are they going with
this relationship? How will they sustain it? How will they deal with the
difficulties that this kind of relationship brings?
Hopefully, the model will help me be less judgmental and more
understanding of Dee. Perhaps as a social scientist I will be able to see Dee’s
relationship from her perspective and even help her and her partner sustain
it, while easing the difficulties they are bound to face. Perhaps in helping
Dee and her partner I will also be helping other women and their partners.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Pintakasi :
An Indigenous Community Empowering Process
Rhodius T. Noguera
This paper is a exploratory qualitative field research of a community
phenomenon called pintakasi, an indigenous community activity in
Kalamansig, Sultan Kudarat, in the southern part of the Philippines. In
pintakasi, the people in a community help each other: no money is involved,
personal interests are set aside, for the benefit of the entire community.
Pintakasi was originally used on farm activities: farmers would take turns
spending a day at each other’s farms carrying out the tasks necessary for
planting or harvesting.
As the parish priest I went all over the community talking to people
about pintakasi and observing how they practiced it. I summarized my
findings to present to the people but I added two components, planning and
evaluation. Traditional activities, on which pintakasi has been used for a long
time, do not need the components of planning and evaluation. But it was
my aim to help the community use pintakasi on non-traditional community
During the course of the study, parts of Kalamansig were attacked
several times by elements of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).
Using pintakasi as modified, the community reactivated an organization
of Muslims , Christians, and ethnic peoples from Mindanao (called the
Tri-people organization). Through this organization the community used
pintakasi to

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• keep their members (who had relatives and friends on both sides of the
conflict) from actively taking sides and participating in the conflict.
• help the members of the community voice their concerns for peace by
holding community consultations.
• plan their reaction (including evacuation plans) to the impending man-
made disaster
• plan and conduct ecumenical prayer meetings
• organize activities for the evacuees at the evacuation center
The community through the use of pintakasi, an indigenous process,
was able to work together to respond to the peace and order problem.
They also provided psychosocial support for children affected by the armed
In my more than 15 years in community work, this research has made
me realize that the communities in the Philippines have different ways of
carrying their burdens. Pintakasi in Kalamansig is one way of pagdadala
(community burden bearing). Decenteceo (2009) stressed that community
also defines the different aspects of the Pagdadala Model. In the Philippines,
aside from pintakasi, there are different ways of community burden bearing.
Psychologists and other social scientists have to discover those community

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
A Descriptive Study of the Concept and Its Processes
Leah L. Valbuena
De La Salle University
This study attempted to capture the meaning of Pagpapatawad, the
Filipino approximate equivalent of Forgiveness. The study was qualitative;
sampling was purposive. There were twenty participants (ten males and ten
females) who underwent in-depth interviews that were semi-structured.
The Pagdadala or Burden-bearing Model was used as a framework.
In this view Pagpapatawad (forgiveness) is about making burden bearing-
-specifically, the bearing of relationships and painful experiences—easier.
Faced with a difficult relationship or having a painful experience (caused by
someone with whom one has a relationship) the individual can terminate
the relationship or let go of the painful experience or both. Pagpapatawad
allows an individual to stay with the relationship or experience. But if the
individual chooses not to forgive, he/she will let go of both burdens, the
relationship and the experience.
Pagpapatawad—staying with the relationship and the experience—
involves a) justifying to oneself why the relationship must continue
(pagjajastifay), b) trying to understand the motives or reasons of the other
that resulted in the painful experience (pag-iintindi), c) giving meaning to
or making sense of the painful experience (pagpapakahulugan). These three
processes constitute coming to a realization (pagririyalays).

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One may let go of a relationship or painful experience (pagbitaw). A painful
experience can be let go passively (pagpapalipas, roughly meaning to leave an
experience behind) or actively (pagkalimot, roughly meaning to push aside
an experience).
By this analysis, pagpapatawad is not the equivalent of forgiveness. It
will be noted that the root of pagpapatawad is tawad, which means to reduce
or discount. Extended further, it means to reduce or discount the heaviness
of a burden.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Testing Pakikipagkapwa:
Multiple Approaches and New Insights
Cherrie Joy F. Billedo
This symposium tackles four current investigations of the
pakikipagkapwa construct as proposed by Santiago and Enriquez (1976).
The model identifies eight levels of social interaction moving from the
superficial pakikitungo to the deepest level of oneness in pakikiisa. However,
very few empirical work has been done to test the assertions of the model.
This series of studies represent attempts to validate the model by using
different methodological (e.g., cognitive sorting procedures, free-listing tasks,
repertory grids, online survey questionnaires) and analytic approaches (e.g.,
cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling, KJ analysis) to gain new insights
into how Filipinos think about and behave in social relational contexts.

Book of Abstracts
Construing Filipino Social Interaction:
A Second Look at the Santiago & Enriquez (1976)
Model of Pakikipagkapwa
Jay A. Yacat
University of the Phillipines, Diliman
This study seeks to validate some of the major assertions of Santiago
and Enriquez’s (1976) model of Filipino social interaction. Using a sorting
procedure, 60 University of the Philippines Diliman undergraduate students
arranged the eight identified levels of social interaction along a babaw-lalim
dimension. Data were analyzed using hierarchical cluster analysis and multi-
dimensional scaling (MDS). Cluster analysis revealed an initial five clusters
instead of the eight levels in the model. The final cluster solution supports
the ibang tao-hindi ibang tao categorization in the model. Also, the MDS
supports the HCA findings. Implications on the Theory of Kapwa and future
research directions will be discussed.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Categorizing People as Ibang Tao or Hindi Ibang Tao:
Surfacing Underlying Dimensions of
Filipino Social Interactions
Jay A. Yacat
University of the Philippines, Diliman
Christine Anne A. de Villa
University of the Philippines, Los Baños
Jose Antonio R. Clemente
University of the Philippines, Diliman
John Toledo
This study seeks to surface the underlying dimensions of the constructs
ibang tao and hindi ibang tao from Santiago and Enriquez’s (1976) model
of pakikipagkapwa. Study 1 looks into the features of ibang tao and hindi
ibang tao relationships based on a free-listing task. Both qualitative and
quantitative analytic approaches were used to come up with the underlying
dimensions. Study 2 compares four groups (2 groups of students and 2
groups of professionals) on their collective representations of levels of social
interaction using a modified repertory grid procedure. Originally developed
as idiographic approach to analyzing meaning-making systems (Kelly,
1955), the repgrid analysis has recently been used to investigate collective
representations and for theory-testing.

Book of Abstracts
From “CTC” to “TC”:
A Look at Filipino Social Relationships Online Using
the Filipino Social Interaction Model
Cherrie Joy F. Billedo
University of the Phillipines, Diliman
The Filipino Social Interaction Model of Santiago and Enrique (1976)
is continually being empirically validated in in-person context. In recent
years, however, Filipinos are maintaining relationships and establishing
new ones online through Internet Relay Chat (IRC). This paper explores
the application of the Filipino Social Interaction Model in the formation
of online social relationships. The data is based on a survey questionnaire
administered online and in person to 133 IRC chatters. Results show that
Filipino chatters transcend superficial levels (ibang tao) and form deep and
meaningful relationships (hindi ibang tao) online with people they met
through IRC. The study shows that physical/face to face interaction is not a
prerequisite in determining the people we would consider as our kapwa.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Asian Depression Scale:
Integration of Indigenous and Western
Weining C. Chang
Nanyang Technological University
Jessie Bee Kim Koh
Cornell University
A sample of three hundred and sixty-two Singaporean Chinese
university students (Mean age = 21.61, SD= 1.57; 85 males and 241
females) participated in the study which compared depression measures
using Zung’s Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) and an indigenously
constructed Asian Adolescent Depression Scale (AADS). Participants took
the SDS and the AADS in succession. When the two scales were combined,
EFA and CFA found six factors: Loss of Life Direction, Negative Social Self,
Loss of Cognitive Efficacy, Loss of Motivation, Affective Manifestation and
Psychosomatic Symptoms. Comparing the two factor structures, Negative
Social Self consisted only of AADS items, Loss of Cognitive Efficacy and
Motivation consisted of items from the Loss of Self-efficacy items from
SDS and Affective Manifestations most consisted of items from the SDS.
Higher order factor analysis confirmed the fact that these two scales belong
to the same higher order factor-depression. These results suggest that
there were cross-culturally applicable symptoms: Loss of Life Direction,
Loss of Self-efficacy-which includes cognitive efficacy and motivation,

Book of Abstracts
Affective Manifestations and Psychosomatic Symptoms. The indigenously
constructed factor-Negative Social Self factor, which was absent from the
SDS, was found to contribute significant amount of variance (8.29%) of
the combined measure, remains a culture-specific factor. The present study
illustrated the significance and practical utility of conducting indigenous
psychological research in the Modern Asian context.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Measurement of Pancasila: An effort to
Make Psychological Measurement from Pancasila Values
Eko A Meinarno
Universitas Indonesia
Christiany Suwartono
Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
Pancasila is a national point of view for nation and country life of
Indonesian people. Digging by founding fathers of the nation and stated as
the nation foundation. As a way of life, could be said, it is very indigenous.
In other side, nowadays, Pancasila is more often studied as political construct
and citizenship. Therefore, the authors develop this scale. This scale will be
the tool for researcher, especially in social and political psychology area in
Indonesia. This scale also can contribute to get overview of Pancasila in the
society and can serve as a reference to public decision maker, especially in
developing national identity.
The development of this measurement based on values that contained
in five principles and particles held in Pancasila. The try out was conduct
towards 41 students from faculty of psychology. For data collection, we used
QuestionPro as online survey software. From the item analysis, the initial
scale consists of 37 items, and then reduced to 32 items. The reliability
coefficient using Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.848. One of item, namely item
no.30, has the highest correlation coefficient among all items. Overall, we
found high corrected item-total correlation in the fifth principle of Pancasila.

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This result has linearity from Meinarno (2010) finding in folklore values.
The fifth principle of Pancasila frequently appears in folklore in Sumatra and
Keywords: Pancasila, indigeneous, national identity, fifth principle,

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Development of a Psycho-moral and
Self-regulation Scale for Filipinos and a Validation of
the Self-regulation Factor for Singaporeans
Monica Wallet
Raffles College of Higher Education
The initial study centered on the development of a Psycho-Moral
and Self-Regulation Scale (PMSRS) that measured the value-laden traits
and self-regulatory behaviors of Filipinos in the work setting. It was an
attempt to contribute to the growing inventory of indigenous tests in
the area of Philippine psychological measurement particularly useful in
the industry. The researcher adapted the philosophical - anthropological
framework “Loob” as representing the Psycho-Moral disposition
of Filipinos and the cognitive-social framework of Self-regulation. The
instrument development project consisted of three major phases: the first
was focused on the development of the content domain of the PMSRS; the
second was devoted on the organization, validation and standardization
of the prototype form of the PM-SRS; and the third concentrated on the
refinement of the instrument, as well as the construction of a norm table in
terms of percentile ranks and stanines. Findings revealed the following: A
total of 1,830 respondents participated in the study from the initial stage to
the latter stage in the development of the PMSRS. Analyzing the reliability
of the inter-judge ratings, the Kendall’s coefficient was computed.
Results revealed a reliability coefficient of 0.86, which connoted high
level of consistency of decisions among the experts. The summary of inter-

Book of Abstracts
item correlations among the PM-SRS subscales demonstrated internal
consistency. Inter-subscale correlations were likewise computed, which
revealed the moderate and positive correlations among the variables of
the PM-SRS. All correlations were significant at 0.01 levels. Moreover,
the PMSRS obtained a 0.94 coefficient alpha, which indicated high
level of reliability. Concurrent validation revealed very low correlation
coefficients that imply uniqueness and originality. Further research on the
applicability of the scale was performed in Singapore validating the Self-
regulation factor of the PMSRS scale. There were 116 professionals in the
business and social service sectors who participated in the study using the
26-item test prototype of the Self-regulation scale. The outcome revealed
a reliability coefficient alpha of 0.78, which was the equivalent reliability
coefficient achieved with the Filipino normative sample. This interesting
and consistent finding showed evidence of effectively measuring the
construct of self-regulation among Filipinos and Singaporeans, which
come from comparatively the same cultural and social background. An
extensive study is recommended to establish a tool that would identify
and discriminate value-traits among Singaporean. Alternatively, norm
procedures may be constructed using an adaptation of the PMSRS to be
made available in Singapore.
Key Words: Psycho-moral, Self-regulation, Value-laden traits, Test
Development, Indigenous test, Reliability, Validity

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Validity of Cyclothymic Hypersensitive
Temperament in a Non-clinical Sample in Malaysia
Siamak Khodarahimi, Intan H.M. Hashim and
Norzarina Mohd-Zaharim
Universiti Sains Malaysia
The purpose of this research was to examine the validity of cyclothymic
hypersensitive temperament (CTHT) and to investigate the roles of gender
and ethnicity in this construct.Resulting data demonstrated that CTHT is
a multidimensional construct with nine factors. Emotion regulation was
significantly positively correlated with hypersensitivity and mood cyclicity
subscales and they were negatively related to risky urge subscale of CTHT.
Gender and ethnicity played a significant role in CTHT. Ethnic differences
found in mood cyclicity and excitation variability subscales and Malays had
higher mood cyclicity and lower excitation variability than the Chinese and
other ethnic groups.

Book of Abstracts
Cultural Adaptation Process of the Edinburgh Postnatal
Depression Scale (EPDS) in Indonesia
Anastasia Silalahi
Universitas Indonesia
Background: The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) is
a-commonly-used screening tool for postpartum depression in women.
The cultural adaptation process of the EPDS is important because of PPD
is a subjective experience therefore can be experienced differently in every
culture. The rationale of this research is to obtain an adaptive EPDS based
on cultural setting in Indonesia, especially Jabodetabek. Methods: The EPDS
is a self-report scale consisting of 10 items. The introduction (including
instruction) and the 10 items in the EPDS will be culturally adapted through
the process proposed by Manson & Flaherty. This process which consists of
several stages: i) translation, ii) back-translation, iii) expert judgments, iv)
focus-group discussions, v) expert judgments, vi) back-translation, and vii)
pilot study. This process has been adapted to existing conditions in the field.
To analyze the changes in EPDS, researcher is using a qualitative analysis
technique. Results: EPDS cultural adaptation process have been carried
out in accordance with the existing phases. From the results obtained,
there are some things that need to be given special attention, namely the
introduction and format of the answer choices. For some participants who
could not understand the written instruction, the researcher will repeat
the instructions using everyday language which is more understandable.
To help the participants to have a better understanding, the researcher will

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
read the original format which is the multiple choices instead of the bullets
(â—‹). From the 10 items, item number 6 have difficulty in the process
of translation. This is due to the lack of equivalences of English idioms in
Indonesian language. However, these have been dealt properly. Conclusion:
The EPDS in the Indonesian language has been adaptive in the Indonesian
setting, especially Jabodetabek. EPDS can be used as one of the screening
tool for postpartum depression on postpartum women in Indonesia. The
EPDS translation version is expected to have a high sensitivity so it can be
optimally functioned and can determine the appropriate treatment for each
condition. Keywords: EPDS, PPD, Cultural Adaptation Process.

Book of Abstracts
Three Meanings of Nrimo
Koentjoro Soeparno
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Nrimo is one of the many concepts of life that javanese people have.
It is because of the nature of Javanese teachings that values are taught orally
and thus there is little written, the meaning of nrimo is varied upon context
and usage. In daily conversation, we can often hear Javanese expressions such
as: Nrimo ing pandum (accept what is meant to be); “.. ya wis kowe kudu
nrimo..” (You have to accept what you get in your life).
Apparently the meaning of nrimo is somehow different between experts,
and Javanese people themselves. Debates at a website indicate no agreement
on the meaning of nrimo. Wardana states that nrimo is supposed to be a
great concept of life that teach Javanese people to accept everything they
deserve as the reward of their behavior (http://betweendalines.wordpress.
com/2008/02/18/ nrimo -javanese- concept-of-life/22 Juni 2010). Although
nrimo is supposed to be a great value in one’s life, disappointment to such a
value also exist in a member of the people, who regrets being born Javanese.
People around would make one think “yo wis, kalo ndak dapet yo ndak popo,
santai wae.” (it’s okay if you don’t get what you want, just take it easy) http:// (21 Juni

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
But does it really mean so?
This paper is made based on researches conducted by the author in
1985–1998 and in 2010. The 1985–1998 researches in a prostitute producing
community found that nrimo is a strategic coping behavior. Therefore, nrimo
is to accept fate or to be passive or to submit to the will of God, hence,
nrimo is always followed by the word tabah dan tawakal (steadfast and trust)
(Koentjoro, 1998). Nevertheless, it can also be found that nrimo can also be
a fatalistic coping behavior. This is apparent from the disappointment over
the meaning of nrimo that was discussed above. A research conducted by
several Magister Sains graduate students in slums in Panggang (2010) shows
that poverty doesn’t always correlate with crime, as long as the people are
willing to nrimo and resign to God for their hardship and helplessness.
In summary there are three meanings of nrimo
Nrimo as strategic coping behavior.
Nrimo as a response of resigning to God in coping with helplessness.
Nrimo as a desperation caused by the hardships and helplessness upon

Book of Abstracts
Gratitude in College Students
Anita Zulkaida & Trida Cynthia
Nowdays the concept of gratitude is an interesting topic to explore.
The purpose of this research is to see the gratitude from college students. The
subjects were 164 students in the second grade. The assessment was using
GQ-6 from McCullogh that adopted to Bahasa, also with an open questions
to know what was things in their life that made them felt gratitude for.
The result, in empirical mean feeling of gratitude more higher than in
hypothetical mean. there are no significant differences in gratitude between
male and female subjects. Also, we ordered the etnics groups that have a
higher gratitude to lower, they are Batak (North of Sumatera), Malay, Betawi,
Sundanese, Javanese, and Minangkabau. Overall, there are no significant
gratitude differences in all ethnic groups.
Based on the answered to an open questions, there are five things
that made the subjects felt gratitude for, have a wonderfull parents, have
a harmony and supportive family, being born to the world and live a life,
could go to college, also still have a complete parent (father and mother).
Based on gender, most of all male subjects felt gratitude to be born and
live their life, also having a have a harmony and supportive family. Female
subjects felt gratitude for having a wonderfull parents and have a harmony
and supportive family
Based on Javanese ethnic groups, the most thing that made them felt
gratitude for are being born and could live their life, from Sundanese and

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Betawi are wonderfull parents, Minangkabau are a have a harmony and
supportive family and could go to college, from Malay is health, Batak
(North of Sumatera) are have a harmony and supportive family and the
experience in life.
Key words: gratitude, college students, gender, ethnic groups.

Book of Abstracts
Psychology of Duda: Laying the Foundation for
Studying the Filipino Experience of Doubt
Divine Love A. Salvador
University of the Philippines – Diliman
A preliminary study aimed to lay a conceptual foundation for
studying the Filipino experience of pagdududa, or doubting, and the
role it plays in Filipinos lives and well-being. Employing a narrative
methodology, it extracted insights from a broad review of relevant
literature on doubt and associated concepts like uncertainty and trust, and
from content analysis of in-depth interviews with six individuals, 3 men
and 3 women, from different backgrounds, 30 to 59 years old, recruited
through network sampling. Results of the content analysis showed: 1.
Not all participants used the terms “pagdududa” and “duda”
to describe their experiences. One used “pag-aalinlangan” (“to
hesitate”). 2. Pag-aalinlangan was essentially the same process as
pagdududa, except that: a) pagdududa referred to relational experiences,
and pag-aalinlangan referred to decisions; b) pag-aalinlangan did not have
a negative connotation. 3. Participants made distinctions between little
and big doubts, which implicated trust and faith. 4. Some participants saw
duda, or doubt, as helpful to their lives provided a person experiencing
it does something to move forward from it. 5. Two participants were not
sure about whether their experiences can be described as pagdududa. The
study proposed a conceptual framework for studying pagdududa, which
defines duda as an uncertain, transitional, condition that temporarily

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
stops and situates a person in between two seemingly incompatible
states accompanied by varying levels of confidence (including distrust,
trust, and faith). Pagdududa is the experience of being in this condition.
The Kwento ng Pagdududa, or Story of Doubting, suggests that people
have stories of pagdududa with these interwoven aspects: nagdududa
(doubter), pinagdududahan (doubted), ikinadududa (content), pahalaga
(what the nagdududa values), nararamdaman (what the nagdududa feels),
ginagawa (what the nagdududa does), kahihinatnan (consequence/s), and
pakahulugan (meaning/s). It also considers pagdududa a basic process
that people go through in navigating a world full of uncertainties. The
framework was proposed as a means to further look into the possible
ways negative and positive that Filipinos understand and experience
duda. This has theoretical relevance, by adding to the library of constructs
in Philippine and cross-cultural psychology, and practical relevance,
specifically in clinical and counseling psychology.

Book of Abstracts
Seeking Forgiveness Among University Students
in Jakarta
Christiany Suwartono and Venie Viktoria
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
When a person has done wrongdoings, he/she has a guilty feeling and
they need to ask forgiveness. In the process, they came at the point where
they saw the importance of seeking forgiveness. Sandage, Worthington,
Hight and Berry (2000) defined seeking forgiveness as motivation to accept
moral obligation and tried to fixed the interpersonal relationship that
once broken due to the wrongdoing. Individual behavior that genuinely
to seek forgiveness from someone or groups of people intentionally or
unintentionally, big or small cases, short term or long term damage, needs
affective and cognitive preparation (Mullet, 2007). In this research, we tried
to understand what the meaning of seeking forgiveness in lay people in every
day life, this research was parallel with Viktoria and Suwartono (2010).
We believed that no matter the theory in Psychology said about seeking
forgiveness, we still needs lay people’s point of view. The respondents were
collected through accidental sampling. They were recruited in university
setting. Of the 117 participant were 11.97 % males and 88.03% females. In
every day life, respondents said that they have experience to do wrongdoing
that they perceived as serious transgression (71.05%). The transgressions
include disappointing their parents, hurting others with words they said,
betraying others, ignorance to others, etc. They said the most frequent they
asked their family to give them forgiveness (34.48%). They realized that

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
with seeking others for their forgiveness is important because they attributed
it that it was form of awareness of their wrongdoing to others (18.07%), also
they regret it (13.65%). Moreover, seeking forgiveness for them were to make
peace with the victim and it marked that he/she didn’t do the transgression
again in the future (12.85%). Most of the respondents (95.62%) declared
their willingness to reconcile with the victim. This maybe due the ethnic
background 42.30% were Indonesian-Chinese and 23.93% were Javanese.
These two ethnic were put emphasis on interpersonal harmony. With this
research, we could make a recommendation to counselor, to get more
alternatives from various point of view about seeking forgiveness. It takes
courage to seek forgiveness from others. When people realized that seeking
forgiveness not only enhanced the interpersonal relationship but also can
benefit for themselves (like experienced by 40.91% of the respondents),
maybe there’s hope that conflict among people will be reduced. Keywords:
seeking forgiveness, conflict, transgression

Book of Abstracts
Seeking Forgiveness Among University Students
in Jakarta
Christiany Suwartono and Venie Viktoria
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
When a person has done wrongdoings, he/she has a guilty feeling and
they need to ask forgiveness. In the process, they came at the point where
they saw the importance of seeking forgiveness. Sandage, Worthington,
Hight and Berry (2000) defined seeking forgiveness as motivation to accept
moral obligation and tried to fixed the interpersonal relationship that
once broken due to the wrongdoing. Individual behavior that genuinely
to seek forgiveness from someone or groups of people intentionally or
unintentionally, big or small cases, short term or long term damage, needs
affective and cognitive preparation (Mullet, 2007). In this research, we tried
to understand what the meaning of seeking forgiveness in lay people in every
day life, this research was parallel with Viktoria and Suwartono (2010).
We believed that no matter the theory in Psychology said about seeking
forgiveness, we still needs lay people’s point of view. The respondents were
collected through accidental sampling. They were recruited in university
setting. Of the 117 participant were 11.97 % males and 88.03% females. In
every day life, respondents said that they have experience to do wrongdoing
that they perceived as serious transgression (71.05%). The transgressions
include disappointing their parents, hurting others with words they said,
betraying others, ignorance to others, etc. They said the most frequent they
asked their family to give them forgiveness (34.48%). They realized that

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
with seeking others for their forgiveness is important because they attributed
it that it was form of awareness of their wrongdoing to others (18.07%), also
they regret it (13.65%). Moreover, seeking forgiveness for them were to make
peace with the victim and it marked that he/she didn’t do the transgression
again in the future (12.85%). Most of the respondents (95.62%) declared
their willingness to reconcile with the victim. This maybe due the ethnic
background 42.30% were Indonesian-Chinese and 23.93% were Javanese.
These two ethnic were put emphasis on interpersonal harmony. With this
research, we could make a recommendation to counselor, to get more
alternatives from various point of view about seeking forgiveness. It takes
courage to seek forgiveness from others. When people realized that seeking
forgiveness not only enhanced the interpersonal relationship but also can
benefit for themselves (like experienced by 40.91% of the respondents),
maybe there’s hope that conflict among people will be reduced. Keywords:
seeking forgiveness, conflict, transgression

Book of Abstracts
Failure In Javanese Society’s; An Indigenous
Psychological Analysis
Medianta Tarigan
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
[email protected]
Failure is an important experience for human being. This study aims
to look at the meaning and the dynamic of failure among Javanese people.
A total of 156 participants completed open-ended questionnaire developed
by Kim (2008). The respondent who participated in this study aged over
25 years old and located in Special Region of Yogyakarta Province. The data
is analyzed using indigenous psychological approach. Study shown that
the most painful failure experience are: academic (38%) and career (17%).
Beside that, results also revealed major reason of why the failure is paintful:
unpleasant feeling (26.5%) and disturbing future live (19%). Results also
shows that Participants also thought that their failure is not caused by a
certain person (51%). Those findings showed that academic becomes a
focus among the Javanese adult nowadays. This possibly because the study
conducted in yogyakarta, which is well-known as the city of education. This
research also indicated that Javanese feel responsible about their own failures
instead by other.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Intuitive Perception of Politicians Loob
Marshaley Baquiano
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
This study explored the concept of loob (core of one’s personhood)
and investigated how Filipinos intuitively perceived the loob of some of
Philippines’ leading political figures. The purpose was to determine the
elements of loob and find politicians that would best exemplify each of these
elements. Forty-nine freshman college students rated 7 politicians on 15
loob adjectives. Principal component analysis revealed four categories of
loob: Kaaya-ayang loob (pleasant), Hindi Mapagtotoong loob (not genuine),
Malakas ang loob (hard, determined) and Malambot ang loob (soft-hearted,
sensitive to others). Correspondence analysis showed Escudero and Roxas
as examples of Kaaya-aya ang loob, Estrada as Hindi Mapagtotoo ang loob,
Lacson as Malakas ang loob, and Villar and de Castro as Malambot ang loob.
Implications on the process by which we perceive the loob of politicians are

Book of Abstracts
Needs Profile and Parenting Style of Teens Motorcycle
Gang Members in Bandung
S. Rositawati, Susandari, & A. Mahardhika
Universitas Islam Bandung
This research was based on the phenomenon of the increasing in
number of teenagers who join motorcycle gangs in Bandung, big city nearby
Jakarta. The differences between these groups with others in general, is their
destructive behaviour. Not only do juveniles commit vandalisms but also
they act of aggression against other people such as wounding and even killing
for merely trivial reasons. This study explored whether the motorcycle gang
members are coming from Permissive Parenting Style or the other ones. In
addition, the Needs Profile of them are explored as well.
The population of this research is the adolescents who become member
of a motorcycle gang in Bandung. The measurement tool was based on
Baumrind theory of Parenting, consists of Authoritarian, Authoritative, and
Permissive Style. Edward Preference Personality Scale was used as well to
cover their Needs..
The results indicate (1). The Authoritarian Parenting Style is the largest
percentage which takes 72% of the population, followed by Permissive and
Authoritative with 18% and 10% from the population respectively. (2). The
Profile Needs of the members coming from Authoritative Parenting Style,
from the highest percentage in consecutive are Deference, Intraception,
Nurturance, Affilition and Exhibition. Whereas the lowest percentage are

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
in Aggression and Autonomy. This indicates that in Authoritative Parenting
Style, members destructive conduct was carried out only to follow their
peers or the group’s will, not because of their own decisions.
(3). While in Permissive and Authoritarian type of Parenting, there
was similar Profile of Needs of members, namely the low level of Affiliation,
Nurturance, and Intraception and a high degree of Aggression. It indicates
that in these Parenting Style, destructive conduct was more likely caused by
their own decisions based on negative profile of needs i.e. aggression and lack
of prioritizing other needs.

Book of Abstracts
Death Concept, Life Concept, and Death Anxiety
Among Adolescents
Kornelia Larasati Suhardi & Julia Suleeman Chandra
Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia

Compared to children, adolescents start to think about death more
seriously as they also start to develop more abstract concepts. In this particular
study, the relation between death concept, life concept, and death anxiety is
examined in 108 adolecents of 15 to 22 years old. Death concept and life
concept are studied qualitatively by asking the participants to describe how
much they know about death and life. Death anxiety is measured using an
attitude scale developed by Asri, Imanuel, Dotulong, Pratesianingrum, Putri
N.W., Putri, U.S., and Ramadion (2008). Results show that there is not
significant relationship between death concept and death anxiety (r = 0.052).
However, qualitative analyses about death concept and life concept reveal
dimensions of personal experiences, cultural and religious understandings in
addition to components of death concept as revealed by earlier investigators
(see for instance, Kastenbaum & Costa, 1977; Slaughter, 2007). Implications
for this study include suggestions for developing programs to help grieving
adolescents, as conversation on death is often avoided by adults.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
It’s All About the Family:
Conceptualizing Adulthood in Pontianak,
West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Wenty Marina Minza
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada
This paper intends to identify the markers of adulthood among youth
in a provincial town in Indonesia. Instead of defining what adulthood is
‘supposed to be’ and what young people are supposed to achieve based on
‘Western’ notions, it will draw upon youth’s own conceptualization and
experience in their transition to adulthood. It focuses on subjective accounts
from university educated youth in their 20s until their 30s mostly Malays.
Based on a qualitative research approach, the findings show that there are
similarities to ‘Western’ markers of adulthood in Pontianak youth’s account
of adulthood. Psychological aspects such as responsibility and independence
are often mentioned, but the meanings derived from these aspects are based
on a ‘collective orientation’, with the family in its center. Social indicators
of adulthood were also presented in youth’s account, mostly focusing on
marriage and work. However, marriage and work were closely related to
independence from the family and at the same time, responsibility towards
the family. Other indicators that were mentioned, though to a lesser extent,
was self control in the domain of clothing (the jilbab) and dating. Self
control was especially aimed at constructing the concept of ‘adult women’ to
maintain their family’s dignity.

Book of Abstracts
Predictors of Adolescents’ Premarital Sexual Behaviors:
Parent-Adolescent Relationships,
Exposure to Pornographic Media, and Religiosity
Christiana Hari Soetjiningsih
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of parent-
adolescent relationship, exposure to pornographic media, and religiosity on
the adolescents’ premarital sexual behaviors. The research subject were 398
students consist of 202 males and 196 females, age span 15 to 18 years old,
10 th to 12 th grade student of high school that were randomly sampled
from 48 high schools in Yogyakarta. Four scales were used in collecting data.
Regression analysis, using SPSS 15.0 program were applied to analyzed the
The important result of this study was the parent-adolescent
relationship, exposure to pornographic media, and religiosity as predictors
of the adolescents’ premarital sexual behaviors.(F=445,661, p<0,01) The
factors affecting the adolescents’ premarital sexual behaviors as indicated
by the effective contribution of 77,1 % ( R=0,879, p<0,01, Adjusted
R Square=0,771). Result also shows that the average level of the male
adolescents’ premarital sexual behaviors is higher than that of the female
adolescents’ premarital sexual behaviors.
Based on the result of research, it was suggested that the efforts of
preventing the adolescents’ premarital sexual behaviors should simultaneously
take the above mentioned factors into account by improving the quality

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
of the parent-adolescent relationship, the adolescents’religiosity, and by
minimizing the exposure to pornographic media.
Key words: premarital sexual behaviors, parent-adolescent relationship,
exposure to pornographic media, and religiosity.

Book of Abstracts
Involvement in Spiritual, Knowledge
and Attitude Towards Sex Among Adolescent Malaysia:
A Study in Government Higher Education
Chua Bee Seok, Jasmine Adela M, & Tan Chen Ho
Psychology and Social Health Research Unit, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
There is always a risk behind adolescents’ sexual activities. This paper
is to determine the relationship between involvement in spiritual, sex
knowledge, attitude towards sex and the influence of subjects’ gender and
religion among adolescent (N=213) Malaysia. Result showed that subjects’
religion and gender give a significant influence on attitude towards sex but
not significant factors toward sex knowledge. Moreover, involvement in
spiritual and sex knowledge were significantly associated with their attitude
towards sex as sex is still deemed as a sensitive issue among Malaysians.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Silent Victim:
Children of Incarcerated Mothers
Dian Veronika Sakti K
Faculty of Psychology, Diponegoro University
Endang Fourianalistyawati
Faculty of Psychology, YARSI
The number of children who experience parental incarceration
continue to rise in Indonesia. Children of incarcerated parents are the silent
victims of their parents crimes, and become a group who experience serious
emotional,behavioral and psychological suffering. This article focuses on
children of incarcerated mothers because children of most incarcerated
males remain with their mother when father enters prison, but when mother
is sent to prison, her incarceration will most likely have a greater effect to her
The article addresses the psychological impact of mothers incarceration
and its implications to their children life. Recommendation for local
community and interventions are presented.

Book of Abstracts
The Study of Schizophrenic Patients
With Negative and Positive and Healthy People
Functions in the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST)
Gholam Hossein Javanmard
Payam Noor University
The goal of this study was to investigate of schizophrenic patients with
negative and positive and healthy people functions in the Wisconsin Card
Sorting Test (WCST). For this purpose, 36 schizophrenic patients that based
on DSM-VI-TR criteria have diagnosed schizophrenic, and 36 healthy
people that no one have a mental and neurological illness background were
selected. Two groups were matched on the basis of age, sex and education
levels. WCST was administrated for each group. Scorings criteria that were:
numbers of categories, numbers of trials for success on the first category,
the time of necessary for succeeds on the first category, total trials related to
attention shift and numbers of perseverative errors. Differences for Means
of groups with negative and positive symptoms and healthy and patient
group were tested in each criterion with t-test for independent groups.
Results indicated that schizophrenic patients with negative and positive
symptoms only had in two criteria of numbers of categories (t=0.67, p<0.01)
and numbers of perseverative errors (t=2.01, p<0.01), compared to healthy
group, succeeded on fewer categories (t=3.78, p<0.001), for success at the
first category needed to more time (t=2.45, p<0.05) and more trails (t=2.44,
p<0.05), did have more total trails related to attention shift (t=2.59, p<0.01),
and made more perseverative errors (t=2.18, p<0.05). The findings of this

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
study are consistency with frontal lobe dysfunction hypothesis and indicated
that schizophrenic patients act weaker in hypothesis testing, current behavior
inhibition and speed data processing related to non-default mode, that Stuss
and Night (2002) and Mesulam (2000) believed that the transcendence
of default mode is the function of prefrontal and patients with negative
symptoms were weaker than patients with positive symptoms.
Key word: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), schizophrenia, negative
and positive symptoms, frontal lobe, prefrontal

Book of Abstracts
Dysfunctional Attitudes and Responsibility in
Iranian People With Obsession Compulsion Disorder
Amina Daqiqi Khodashahri
Islamic Azad University of Tehran Markaz
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety and neurological
disorder. The person suffers from unwanted repetitive thoughts and behaviors.
These obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are very difficult to
overcome. scientists have discovered that people with OCD show under-
activation of brain areas responsible for stopping habitual behavior. If severe
and untreated, OCD can destroy the ability to function at work, school,
or home. Most disturbances and anxieties in every person’s life and his/her
characteristics are made of some unreal and illogic ideas. This paper surveys
the comparisons of Dysfunctional attitudes and responsibility acceptance
in Iranian people with OCD and normal individuals in Shiraz city. sixty
volunteer (30 people with OCD and 30 normal people) participated in the
study. Their age was between 17-32 years. All people with OCD diagnosed by
three psychiatrists and examined with the Maudsley Obsessive Compulsive
Inventory (MOCI), Salkovskis Responsibility Scale (2000) and Dysfunctional
Attitude Scale (DAS). This study had three aims: first, to compare the
Dysfunctional attitudes of subjects with OCD (n =30) to the people of
normal controls (n = 30) second, to compare the responsibility of individuals
with OCD to the normal people, Third, to examine the relationships among
severity of obsession compulsion disorder and responsibility in an OCD

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
population.The data were analyzed through t-test and Pearson correlation
and SPSS software that the results showed that: 1) Dysfunctional Attitudes
in the people with OCD are more widespread than normal people. 2) The
people with OCD have stronger feeling of responsibility than normal people.
3) There is a positive and meaningful relation between the severity of this
disorder and taking responsibility in people with OCD. The findings suggest
that attitudes to obsessive-compulsive problems are likely to be complex and
that help-seeking influences may vary across the different subtypes of this
disorder. The implications for people seeking help for obsessive-compulsive
problems are pointed out.
Key Words: Obsession Compulsion Disorder (OCD), Dysfunctional
Attitudes, Responsibility.

Book of Abstracts
Child Abuse in Azerbaijani Provence of
Iran Families and Relation of Mother’s and Father’s
Child Abuse in the Family
Gholam Hossein Javanmard
Payam Noor University
Objective: Child abuse could be focused of attention as a significant
source of anxiety for children and parents. The purpose of this research was
to estimating of child abuse rate within the eastern and western Azerbaijani
families. Method: From these provinces, 6 cities and from these cities 612
children were selected from kindergartens and day-nurseries by cluster
sampling method. For any child, Inventory of Child Abuse was completed
by her or his mother. Results: indicated that 64.5% of mothers and 33.3% of
fathers acted as physical and 88.7% of mothers and 79.6 of fathers acted as
emotional abusers. The most current kind of physical abuse for mothers were
slapping (6.5%), pinching (5.9%), and for fathers were slapping (4.2%),
pushing and following (2.1%). The most current kind of emotional abuse for
mothers were shouting (16.3%) and threatening for punishment (15.5%) and
for fathers were threatening for punishment (10.2%) and shouting (9.6%).
Also there was a significantly positive correlation between abusiveness of
father and mother of a family (emotional abuse r =. /63, physical abuse r
=. /599). Conclusion: These findings indicate the child abuse prevalence and
suggest that mothers more than the fathers perform abusive acts and physical
child abusiveness for mothers were about two times of fathers. Also there are

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
a significant relation between the rate of child abusiveness of mother and
father of a family.
Key words: child abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, children, parents,

Book of Abstracts
Psychological Stress, Coping and Life Satisfaction:
A Comparative Study of Indian and Srilankans
A. K. Srivastava
Banaras Hindu University
The study examined whether people of Indian and Sri Lankan
societies differ in psychosocial stress they experience in their day to day life,
coping strategies they adopt to deal with their stresses, and life satisfaction
in general they experience. Each of the two samples comprised 200 male
and female school teachers and bank employee. Psychometric tools were
employed to assess the extent of psychosocial stress, coping strategies and life
The study revealed that Sri Lankan experience higher degree of
psychosocial stress (M=56.91) in comparison of Indians (M=52.14). It was
also noted that health related problems, interpersonal relationships and
liabilities were dominant stressors for both the samples.
Regarding the use of coping strategies both groups were found using
maximally the problem –focused coping strategies, least the negative
coping, and moderately the emotion-focused coping strategies to deal with
their stresses. However Indians predominantly turn to religion and make
planning, while the Sri Lankans most frequently use the strategies of positive
reinterpretation and active coping. The results also indicated that Indians
feel more life satisfaction in general (M=24.21) in comparison to SriLankan

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Buddhist Religious Practice and Emotional Regulation
of Thai Adolescents
Usa Srijindarat
Behavioral Science Research Institute, Srinakharinwirot University
Approximately 95% of Thais are Theravada Buddhists. This research
was undertaken to assess the relation between Buddhist religious practice
and emotional regulation of adolescents in Bangkok. Participants were
recruited from public middle and high schools in Bangkok; 558, age range
14.3 to 18.3 years. The correlations between the variables reported separately
for boys and girls and middle and high school students are discussed.

Book of Abstracts
Chinese Spiritual Healing in Singapore: Lessons
for Indigenous Psychotherapy
Boon Ooi Lee
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University
In contemporary societies, spiritual healing is utilized alongside
psychotherapy and biomedicine, suggesting that it may serve certain
therapeutic functions beyond the reach of modern health care systems. The
persistence and popularity of spiritual healing may imply its effectiveness
in fulfilling its therapeutic functions. Therefore, instead of dismissing it
as quackery, we should attempt to understand its process and outcome.
If spiritual healing is found to be effective, its concepts may be used to
enrich and culturally sensitize psychotherapy. This paper focuses on a form
of Chinese spiritual healing called dang-ki in Singapore. A dang-ki is a
person who enters trance to be possessed by a helping deity offering aid to
supplicants. Research in Singapore and Taiwan has shown that dang-ki is
generally perceived as helpful by its users (clients). It works probably because
it is accessible and able to mobilize social supports as a communal form
of healing. The healer is able to enact a mythic world consistent with the
clients’ belief systems, or to persuade the clients that their condition can
be defined in terms of a given mythic world. He or she attaches the clients’
emotions to the transactional symbols particularized from the general myth,
and then manipulates the symbols to emotionally transform the clients.
The most common healing symbols in dang-ki healing include words and
phrases (e.g., advice, recommendations) based on Taoist and Confucianist

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
philosophies, fu (talismans), physical manipulation (acupuncture, massage),
herbs, and rituals. These culturally meaningful healing symbols may provide
guidelines for developing indigenous psychotherapy for certain groups of
Chinese clients.

Book of Abstracts
Effect of Yogic Practices on Some Psychological Factors
Among Adolescents
Surendra Nath Dubey
K.S.Saket P.G. College,Avadh University,Faizabad
A group 0f 30 boys and 20 girls aged between 16 to 18 years similar in
education and economic status was tested on seven psychological factors,viz
;aggression,tolerance,self- concept,ahimsa,truth,faith and fidelity.The group
was devided in two having equal number of boys and girls and similar on
scores on measured above factors.One of the group known as experimental
group was given Yogic practices of Asanas,Pranayama and Yogic Jogging for
15 days,daily for 1:30 hours in the morning 5:00 to 6:30 hours while the
other grous,the control one was set free to follow its origional life styles.
On 15th day both the groups were again tested on seven psychological
factors. It was found that the experimental group of subjects have signifently
lower scores on aggression but were significantly better on self-concept,
tolerance,Ahimsa,truth,faith and fidelity as compared to their scores on these
variables before the start of Yogic Practices but there was no change in the
scores of the control group of subjects on these factors.Therefore, it may be
inferred that Yogic Practices may help the adolescents to a better lifestyle.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Guru Si Baso and Ritual: Indigenous Practice in Soul
Balance Management on Karo People
(Case Study: Shaman’s Ritual on Karo People)
Sri Alem Sembiring
Anthropology Departement, Social and Political Science
North Sumatera University
This article discusses indigenous ways in soul balance management on
Karo People who lives in Karo Regency, North Sumatera,Indonesia. This
article is included ethnopsychiatry study about how the local community
perceives and handles the soul balance of illness. Analysis conducted on the
role of shaman (who known as guru si baso) in some indigenous ritual practice
of Karo and also her role in daily life of Karo Community. This soul balance
management concept has deep connection with the concept of soul (tendi)
in Karo traditional religion which called Pemena. The concept of normal
and abnormal becomes important in this case. These rituals can be viewed
as a preventive and curative attempt for individual soul healthiness and also
balance in social relation. Guru si baso is an actor that has a supernatural
power which is as a spirit medium, master of ceremony and as an actor
that redesign individual soul balance which is disturbed and redesign social
individual relationship in social life. Reconstruction of these relations is to
produce safety feeling, peace, pleasant and proud for the ritual promoter
or the patient of guru si baso. Karonese calls that feeling as ukur malem
(peace of mind) and malem ate (peace of heart) and malem pusuh (peace of
feeling). Karo people values this ritual as an ‘individual medication therapy’

Book of Abstracts
if it has relation with balance disturbance in individual as a result of soul
lost, illness that caused by personalistic elements, stress, dread, traumatic and
Karo people also seen it as a ‘communal therapy’ or ‘conflict therapy’ if the
disturbance in social relationship interrelated with conflict cases in kinship
relationship. For Karo people, guru si baso is seem as an actor who mastered
the knowledge about cosmos (‘micro’ and ‘macro cosmos’) and functions
as consulting agent, in Karo terminology it call biak penungkunen. This
phenomena shows that a community of an ethnic group needs an actor who
has the function to maintain balance in their community in order to keep
creating sustainable social and cultural life and for this reason the role guru si
baso from Karo traditional religion still exists until now. This case shows that
cultural studies that use emic point of view approaches and ethnographic
studies can collaborate with psychology to identifies a phenomenon in
certain behaviors that can be understood in the context of their culture.**

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Therapeutic Values of Engklek Traditional Game
For School-Aged Children in Indonesia
Psychology Department of Muhammadiyah Malang University
Previous research found that Engklek Traditional Game has a lot of
forms, complex procedures, and the most populaire game compared to other
games for children in Indonesia. This research aimed to know the therapeutic
values of this game for school-aged children. This research used a qualitative
approach. Subject in this study were 30 elementary school children in the
third and fourth grade. Data were obtained through observation and interview
to children who played 11 kinds of Engklek game in Malang, a town in East
Java Province. Data were analysed using qualitative interpretative method.
The result showed that therapeutic values of Engklek Traditional Game
were: (1) detection tool to identify children with psychological problems;
(2) improving physical develompent, mental health, problem solving ability,
and social-skill ability.
Key words: Therapeutic values, engklek traditional game, school-aged

Book of Abstracts
In Search of Theory: Cross-indigenization and
Theoretical Contributions
Rogelia Pe-Pua,
University of New South Wales (Australia)
The concept of cross-indigenization is derived from the framework
of recognizing the value of indigenous psychologies with an end in view
of comparing the various indigenous psychologies. This is in contrast with
a common practice in cross-cultural psychology of imposing a dominant-
culture sourced structure and involving various cultures in collecting data to
support verify a theory. In this address, I will outline the prerequisites of cross-
indigenization, and the advantages of utilizing this approach in increasing
the universality of indigenous theories. I will then present an illustration of
how this can be done from my research on the theoretical contributions of
indigenous psychology in the Philippines, Taiwan and Japan.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Asian Social Psychology and Asian Epistemologies:
Potentials for Global Psychology?
James H. Liu,
Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)
Asian tertiary institutions were constructed during the peak of Western
imperial power relative to the rest of the world, and as an aftermath and
residue, Asian social sciences have been crafted in the image of Western
institutions. In recent years, international movements in cross-cultural
and indigenous psychology have both augmented and challenged Western
theories and methods and injected some vitality into the discipline. Under
the backdrop of extensive Western influence, the first unique element of
Asian social psychology is its ongoing scientific cross-cultural debate with
American social psychology as to the universality of mainstream findings
and theory. The second unique element is the development of indigenous
psychologies as systems of thought and practice rooted in a particular
cultural tradition and expressed in the language of that culture. Different
Asian indigenous psychologies have emphasized different elements of praxis:
the Philippines focuses on ethnographically oriented and community-
based research, while Taiwan focuses on indigenous theory development
using empiricist methods. A highly pragmatic approach to methodology
can be said to characterize Asian indigenous psychology, where researchers
routinely move between quantitative and qualitative methods, and use
scientific methods to address social constructionist issues. This appears
to be characteristic of Asian epistemologies, or theories of knowledge,

Book of Abstracts
that are rooted in highly holistic and humanistic philosophical traditions
rather than analytical traditions. I introduce the work of Mou Zongshan,
the most important among contemporary neo-Confucianist philosophers
in constructing a non-dualist epistemology, and argue that this eclecticism
forms a fundamental starting point, not a point of contentious debate for
Asian social psychologists.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Indigenous Clinical Psychology in the Philippines:
From Practice to Theory Building
Violeta Bautista,
University of the Philippines (Philippines)
The paper traces the movements of clinical psychology in the
Philippines within the frame of its practitioners’ increasing passion to
find enhanced reliability and relevance in their work. Drawing from local
literature and actual experiences of clinicians in diverse settings, the paper
shows the development of the discipline from being dominantly reliant on
western theories and tools to being more cognizant of local concepts and
intentional in developing a practice rooted on the psychology of its people,
and yet conversant with global developments in the discipline. It identifies
attitudes, individual and social processes, and local/international conditions
which encourage the growth of more indigenous perspectives and practice in
the field. It also identifies indigenous concepts and developing approaches
that can be seen as the field’s significant contributions to the growth of cross
cultural psychology. It closes by mapping out ways by which the discipline
and its practitioners can continue to grow with an eye for local and global

Book of Abstracts
The Challenges in Developing an Indigenous
Psychology: Kapwa Revisited
Cecilia Gastardo-Conaco,
St Theresa’s College (Philippines)
Kapwa or ‘shared identity’ (Enriquez, 1978) was one of the early
constructs studied in Philippine indigenous psychology and was the
centerpiece in Enriquez’s kapwa (translate as relational) psychology. It held
promise as an indigenous theory of social relations. Unfortunately, as has
been pointed out by various authors (Sta. Maria, 1996; Kim& Park, 2006;
Church & Katigbak, 2007), ambiguity in the concept’s definition, loose
connections to other ambiguous local concepts, and limited empirical data
have been inhibitory factors in the development and utility of this construct
and the envisioned indigenous theory of Philippine social relations. The
purpose of this paper is to review Enriquez’s kapwa psychology, to critically
examine recent empirical work, and to evaluate alternative approaches to
studying this and other indigenous constructs.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Javanese Coping Strategies Toward Natural
Johana E. Prawitasari-Hadiyono, Tri Hayuning Tyas, Lucia Peppy
Novianti, Tiara Widiastuti, & Nindyah Rengganis
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada and Institute for
Community Behavioral Change (ICBC)
There was a heavy earthquake struck Yogyakarta Special Province,
specifically the heaviest effect was in Bantul District on May 26, 2006. To
revive indigenous knowledge in the context of coping with life in aftermath
of the quake, a play was developed by people in a sub village in Bantul.
The former people’s theatre that had been discontinued for years, called
Srandul, was recreated. During the play, people from the village performed
monologues, dialogues, songs, dances, used everyday instruments as tools to
produce rhythmic sound, and acted out role reversals of various characters
in their community as they existed before, during, and after the natural
During the presentation in this conference, two studies will be
discussed. The first study focused on the indigenous wisdom and people’s
theatre. The second study explored Javanese coping strategies three years
after the natural disaster that occurred in that village. Four presentations
during the symposium will discuss in more detailed the coping strategies of
different groups of community members in the district.
These studies show that local knowledge and traditional people’s theatre
can be used as a form of social capital. They can be revitalized to bridge and

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reflect differences that at times create horizontal conflicts in the community
in any disaster, whether natural or created by humans. Collaborating with
local authorities, this communal capital can be explored and restored to
be used in the prevention of further damage, management of any future
disaster as well as to improve psycho-social health and well-being in the

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Social Inclusion and Exclusion as Coping Strategies
After Natural Disaster:
A Case Study in Bantul, Yogyakarta
Tiara R. Widiastuti
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
The following study is embedded in an international research project
investigating long-term effects of an earthquake and its relief processes in
Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The 2006 earthquake and the following aid
had a huge impact on the individual level, such as extreme suffering caused
by loosing loved ones, as well as on the community level, such as changes
in values and social dynamics. This case study which was done in a village
showed how the earthquake functioned as a trigger of social inclusion and
exclusion of certain individuals in the community who had strong religious
Results using qualitative approached suggested several crucial
determinats. Those were (1) one’s internal changes in values, (2) the intensity/
extent of these changes, and (3) the impact of these changes on one’s daily
life behaviour. Based on these factors the neighbours evaluated how they
would perceive and interact with the individuals.
One example of social inclusion is the gentho, a Javanese term for people
acting against social norms – e.g. getting drunk and doing gambling. Due
to their deviant behaviours they used to be socially excluded, but after the
earthquake an integration process of gentho could be observed. An opposite

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example of social exclusion showed the case of fanatic adherents of religion.
Before the earthquake, they were common villagers and actively involved in
village activities. But afterwards they seemed to become too religious to be
part of the village. Detailed dynamic of the processes will be further discussed
during the presentation.
Keywords: social inclusion and exclusion, earthquake, internal changes,

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Listening to Javanese Children Voices to Be Included
in the Policy Making?
Nindyah Rengganis
Institute for Community Behavioral Change (ICBC)
Indonesia sits on a major geological fault zone and experiences dozens
of quakes and mount eruption every year. The 2004 quake that spawned
Asian tsunami killed 230,000 people, originated on the fault. The list of
major natural disasters suffered by Indonesia continues from 2006 quake
in Yogjakarta and Central Java, until the recent disaster happened on 30
September 2009 in Sumatra which caused almost 1,000 causalities. Children,
as one of vulnerable survivors cannot avoid from this situation. Listening to
children’s voices to be included in the disaster management is important
since they have different risk perspectives.
The aim of this study is to gather children’s perspectives toward their
psychological reactions toward disasters. Mosaic Approach technique was used
in this study. Results showed that there were several sources of information in
the way children understanding the earthquake. The first context was social
cultural information that was explained by stories from ancestors and adults’
experiences. The second context was religious information about earthquake
as one of God’s wrath. The third one was scientific context that explained
earthquake as a natural-geophysical process.
The focus of presentation will be the process of how children become
more understanding and more aware of earthquake in the land and the

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society where they live, and how these improvements, by choosing from
many source of information, are contributing to improve their wellbeing
aftermath earthquake. Children’s voices, that will become important sources
of disaster management policy, will also be discussed.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Improving Psychological and Social Health
after Disasters in Developing Countries:
The Contribution of Qualitative Evidence and
the Example of Bantul Three Years after the 2006
Yogyakarta Earthquake
Tri Hayuning Tyas & Gavin B. Sullivan
Natural disasters in developing countries generate national and
international responses which attempt to address the short-term relief and
long-term recovery needs of communities. The clear need for assistance in
the case of events such as hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes begs the
question of whether internal and external aid works and how it can be
improved. In this paper, a brief review is presented of current policies and
practices for interventions to assist post-disaster communities in the short and
long-term. A particular focus is on the degree to which multiple agents and
organisations deliver culturally-appropriate aid and whether this aid might
be better used for and by affected communities. In addition, we explore
assumptions that underlie frameworks for addressing material, health, social
and psychological aspects of community responses and recovery in the
aftermath of a disaster. A range of policy documents, quantitative research,
ethnographic and qualitative research that specifically explores earthquakes
in developing countries is reviewed. Taking the case of example of qualitative
research in the post-earthquake area of Bantul in Indonesia, we examine what
transferable lessons can be learned from such interdisciplinary work in a rural
location. Interviews with ten key informants three years after the earthquake

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revealed their views of what was most helpful and what could have been
better. The results support the view that ethnographic and qualitative work
can highlight unanticipated social, political and cultural issues which should,
in turn, influence the delivery of global disaster medicine assistance.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Human Resource Management Style of Chinese
Indonesian Businessmen
Verina H. Secapramana
Universitas Surabaya - Indonesia
Human behaviour is always understood in cultural contexts.
Western philosophy differ in some respects with Eastern philosophy.There
is a dichotomy of Chinese style versus Western Style in human resource
management. Chinese style in management is characterized by paternalistic
autocracy, trust in interpersonal relationship (shinyung), and family-based
networking (guanxi). Western style in management is characterized by
democratic value, legalism, and individualism. This study tried to examine
what kind of human resources management style used by the Indonesian
Chinese businessmen.
4 Chinese Indonesian businessmen were assessed using guided-interview
method. Findings from this study indicate that Chinese values, which based
on Confucianism ideology, still dominating their management style, while
Western values in some cases also influenced their way in managing people,
especially for younger businessmen.
Key words : Chinese management style, Western management style,
Chinese Indonesia

Book of Abstracts
Human Resources Managers Responsibilities in Lieu of
Generation X and Y in Iranian Organization
Shahid Beheshti University
The purpose of this article is to find about out factors which affect the
productivity of generation X and Y in Iranian Organization and the role of
human resources managers in this regard. The main questions are as follows:
1. are there any differences between needs and expectations of generation X
and Y with Baby Boomers in workforce In Iran? 2. What are the needs and
expectations of generation X and Y in organizations in Iran? 3. Are human
resources managers aware of their needs and expectations in our organizations?
4. What mechanism can we use to promote their productivity? 5. What
mechanism can we use to promote their commitment? The population of
research were young employees aged 30-45. The sample of research was 485
employees in different organizations in Tehran the capital city of Iran. The
tools for gathering information were questionnaires and interviews.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
University Autonomy and Its Relation
With the Functions of the University in the Point
of View of the Faculty Members and Administrators of
Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran
Mehdi Adeli Naservand
Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran
One of the factors that resulted in development and activity of the
distinguished universities of the world was the issue of their autonomy.
Therefore this research is studying the autonomy of the university and its
effect on its functions in the point of view of the faculty members and
administrators of Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran. The statistical group
was composed of the faculty members and administrators of Shahid Beheshti
University of Tehran and the method used in this research was descriptive and
survey. In this research the method of stratified random sampling method
has been used for determining the sample of the faculty members and simple
random sampling method has been used for determining the sample o f the
administrators .According to the Morgan table 223faculty members and36
administrators were selected as samples. For collecting the data two surveys
which had been made by the researcher with the help of some experts have
been used. The questionnaires first one was the questioner of the autonomy
of the university and the second one was about university functions.
For achieving the goals of the research the obtained data from the
questionnaires has been analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient,   the
independent T-test and Anova.

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 The obtained results showed that:
There was a significant positive relationship between university
autonomy and improvement of educational activities(r = 0.80)
There was a significant positive relationship between university
autonomy and improvement of research activities (r =0 .672)
There was a significant positive relationship between university
autonomy and improvement of university services (r= 0.704)
There was a significant and positive relationship between university
autonomy and improvement of the condition of entrepreneurship of
There was a significant difference between the view point of the faculty
members and administrators about university autonomy which explains the
more positive attitude of the faculty compared to the administrators.
There was not any significant difference between the view points of the
faculty members according to their scientific positions.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Beyond Hegemony:
Leveraging Organizational Effectiveness Through
R K Singh
University of Delhi
Notwithstanding the fact that globalization has made organizations
realize that the flow of culture is central to organizational functioning
across cultures/nations such discourses often ignore within nation cultural
variations. The societies vary in the degree of actual and perceived cultural
heterogeneity and make people tuned to diversity appreciative mind sets in
different degrees. Being culturally diverse along many variables (e.g. caste,
class, region, language, and religion) diversity appreciation is advanced as
a critical variable in moderating interpersonal and intergroup functioning.
With this in view the relationship between diversity-appreciation and
organizational effectiveness was investigated in a sample of middle level
managers (n=304) from private and public sector organizations in and
around Delhi, the capital of India. The results revealed that appreciating
cultural diversity was positively associated with values, job competence, and
leadership and facilitated organizational effectiveness. The implications of
diversity appreciation for organizational theory and practice are discussed.

Book of Abstracts
The Role of Leadership Practices on
Job Stress among Malaysian University Academic Staff:
Two Step Analysis
Triantoro Safaria
PhD student University Malaysia Pahang
& Faculty of Psychology Ahmad Dahlan University
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Ahmad bin Othman
University Malaysia Pahang - Malaysia
[email protected]
Globalization brings change in all aspect of human life, including in
how job and organization operate. All of these changes create much strain
and stress not only among employee at business organization, but also among
university academic staff. The dean of faculty or department at university
has important role in buffer the effect of job stress among their academic
staff by giving support, motivation, and creating policy to reduce job stress.
This study aims is to examine the role of leadership practices on job stress
among Malay university academic staff. Design of this study is survey
research with quantitative approach. As much as 124 questionnaires from
500 questionnaires were completed. Then data from questionnaire was
analyzed in two step process. First step, data was analyzed using multiple
regressions. Second, the result of regression analyses was tested and confirmed
with structural equation modeling method. All data will be processed using
SPSS 15 and Amos 18 program.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The result of multiple regression and structural equation modeling
suggests that four dimension of leadership practices show unique pattern
of relationship with four dimension of job stress. The multiple regression
analysis find a significant relationship between challenging the process and
inspiring a shared vision dimension of leadership practices with behavioral,
emotional, cognitive and physiologic stress responses. Whether modeling
the way dimension of leadership practices is significantly a predictor of
emotional and cognitive stress responses. In step two, the significant
relationship between exogenous and endogenous above was tested using
structural equation modeling (SEM). The result of SEM analysis just
confirm four exogenous variable that significantly have relationship with
endogenous variable, those are challenging the process with behavioral, and
emotional stress responses, modeling the way with cognitive stress response,
and inspiring a shared vision with physiologic stress responses. Overall, the
proposed model achieve a fit model with empirical data. The mechanism of
relationship among exogenous and endogenous variable will be discussed in
a paper below.
Key word : leadership practices, job tress, Malay academic staff

Book of Abstracts
A Spiritual Dimension of Gajah Mada
Leadership Style
(The Missing Dimension in Western
Leadership Styles)
Yohanes Budiarto
Universitas Tarumanagara
In studying organization, small organization to biggest organization
called nation, leadership is fundamental factor since leadership identifies the
fact that leaders play many roles within an organization. Even though many
literatures in leadership styles reflect the values and thoughts of western
countries, many researchers in Indonesia adopt them in their research,
‘adjusting’ to Indonesian leaders’ profile. A wide range of leadership theories
from Carlyle’s Great Man theory to Bass and Bass’ Transformational and
Transactional leadership styles (2008) have been introduced in higher
education class within various study fields in Indonesia. This fact is a
challenge for students and lecturers in Indonesia to explore, introduce
and composing typical Indonesian leadership inventories qualitatively and
The most noticable leadership in history of Indonesia is the leadership
of Gajah Mada, the prime minister of Majapahit Kingdom within 14

centuries (1313-1364 AD). Under his leadership, Majapahit had successfully
organized three levels of organizational structure: Negara Agung (the
capital city where the king resided and ran the governance), Mancanegara

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
(regions around Majapahit kingdom which were controlled and governed
directly), and Nusantara (regions outside Java without direct control from
The success of Gajah Mada was mainly due to his holistic leadership
(Hendratmoko, 2007) which covers three dimensions of his leadership:
spiritual, moral and managerial. The three dimensions are discussed
thoroughly into eighteen behavioral indicators. The spiritual dimension of
Gajah Mada leadership is something rare found in major western leadership
theories and is explored in this writing. The comparison grid of western
major leadership dimensions and Gajah Mada leadership dimensions is

Book of Abstracts
Applications of Psychology with
Indigenous North Americans: Lessons from
James Jordan
Institute of American Indian Arts
A summary of the most recent Native oriented psychological
research and application of indigenous healing methods in the U.S. Native
Americans comprise about 1% of the population of the United States, yet
their influence on the general population remains high. Recent literature
investigates concepts related to American colonialism, such as Historical
Trauma, a controversial concept because of the difficulties sorting out present
vs. past trauma, and accurate assessment of the concept. Other indigenous
topics include, Concepts of Self and Enculturation and Acculturation in
assessment. The two major issues with Native Americans are presented:
Alcoholism and a high suicide rate among the youth. A culture-specific
intervention developed on the Zuni reservation is summarized as a model
for other indigenous communities.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Indigenous Psychology in Multicultural Indonesia:
Are We There Yet?
Danny Irawan Yatim
Indigenous psychology is defined as the scientific study of human
behavior or mind that is native, that is not transported from other regions,
and that is designed for its people (Kim & Berry, 1993). Criticism have
been raised towards psychology as a Eurocentric science (Khaleefa, 1997) or
even a racist one (Bempah, 1995). Discussions on the need of an indigenous
psychology in Indonesia is not new. Jatman (1980) proposed the concept of
an ‘Indonesian psychology’ 30 years ago, and yet we still have not yet reached
the stage of being able to say that there is such a thing at present. The challenge
lies on how we define Indonesia itself. If indigenous psychology advocates
examining knowledge, skills and beliefs people have about themselves and
studying them in their natural contexts, which Indonesians are we talking
about? The Indonesian Psychological Association (2010) has suggested a
redefinition of psychology after 50 years of practice in Indonesia, and at
its 11th Congress in March 2010, there have been efforts to accommodate
papers on indigenous psychology. Yet, many of the papers have only looked
at Javanese culture. This is not in itself incorrect, since the studies were
conducted in natural contexts of the Javanese, but we need more than that
if an indigenous Indonesian psychology is to emerge. It should be developed
on the premise that this is a multicultural, multiethnic, multilingual island
nation, not too mention that there has also emerged a national, urban

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culture, particularly in Jakarta, which still needs intensive study before one
can say there is an indigenous psychology. Indigenous psychology should
also take caution of not being chauvinistic but adopt the principle that the
science of psychology is still interested in learning about universal behavior

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Cultural Psychology and Phenomenological Method
Josef Raco
President University - Indonesia
Cultural psychology offers excellent ways to understand the relationship
between cultures and mind. It was commonly aware that individual mental life
was constituted by culture and vice versa. Culture and mind are inseparable.
To understand people way of thinking, behaviors and actions, one should
understand their cultures. Culture and mind mutually relate. This is the
central issue of the cultural psychology. Understanding people and their
culture means looking them from their context. Culture is not out there, but
inside the heart of the individual. It lives in the mind and being expressed
through people behavior and actions. Culture will determine people’s
beliefs and ideas. Neglecting culture to understand people is totally wrong,
meaningless and illogical. Research on this issue aims to get the meaning and
understanding about those relationships. Data of this research very much
depends on the information given and shared by participants. The right
method to understand the cultural psychology is phenomenological method.
Phenomenological method very much emphasizes on Verstehen or meaning
and understanding. It places experience as the central of its analysis. The
participants should have lived experience of the phenomena being searched.
Understanding people behavior is only possible if we put them into their
context. This paper will present the importance of phenomenology as a
method appropriate for cultural psychology study. It looks at the human lived
experiences and examine, comprehend, explain the meanings and set aside

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any pre-judgments regarding the phenomena to avoid preconceptions. The
presenter will discuss the phenomenological method works. This method will
provide an intimate and in-depth meaning based on individual experience.
This method will produce insights and findings, which is not available in
other methods, and will be helpful to understand the relationship between
the mind and culture and vice versa.
An Empirical Analysis of Trends in Psychology
Research in The Philippines:
Implications for Sikolohiyang Pilipino
(Filipino Psychology)

Jose Antonio Clemente
Department of Psychology, University of the Philippines
This archival study reviewed three decades’ worth of published
psychology research in the Philippines in an attempt to determine the extent
in which psychology in the Philippines has been reflective of the goals of
Sikolohiyang Pilipino (SP). Using 220 empirical articles from the Philippine
Journal of Psychology (PJP) as datasets, I argued that a) majority of published
work in PJP can be considered as SP; b) there are different ways to contribute
to SP research, with addressing social issues as the most popular; and c) work
in the past three decades are still consistent with the goals of SP as a discipline
and movement. The results were used as a springboard for a discussion on
possible research directions for SP.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Ngalap Berkah
among Students of Traditional Boarding School
Susilo Wibisono & Annisa Miranty Nurrendra
Psychology Department, Islamic University of Indonesia
As an educational institution, the boarding school have a special dynamic
when compared with other educational institutions in Indonesia. Education
model developed in the boarding school (pesantren) not only emphasizes on
knowledge transfer alone, but also to build spiritual interaction among the
Kyai and students. This is partly manifested by the ritual to recite sura Al
Faatihah to Kyai and families done by the students at strategic times, such
as Thursday night. In addition, Kyai will always pray for students in the
same strategic times, such as after praying. Another peculiarity founded in
boarding school’s education is a strong pattern of obedience from students
to the Kyai. This Obedience pattern based on motive to seeking the blessings
of the Kyai. In local term, this is known as ngalap berkah. This research has
focused on the motives and forms of student’s behaviors reflected ngalap
berkah from the students to Kyai, both the living and the passed away.
Tracing of the respondents in this study carried out by using the snowball
sampling method with the criterion that the respondent is a student of the
traditional boardig school in Indonesia. This study uses qualitative methods
with phenomenological approach. Technique used to collecting datas is
interview and observation. Based on data’s analysis, the behavior of ngalap
berkah is driven by spiritual motives. It was based on the understanding
that pious people are washilah (medium) for Blessing of God the students

Book of Abstracts
themselves. In addition, the motives to seek inner peace is also a driving for
the behavior of ngalap berkah. Indicators for behavior of ngalap berkah is
reflected in the form of a high adherence to the command of Kiai, helping
Kyai’s housework, and pray for the Kiai who had passed away. Furthermore,
this behavior of ngalap berkah is influenced by internal and external factors
from the students. The internal factors are the belief that Kiai is a figure
closer to God so as to be washilah (medium) of blessings of God for the
students and also modeling from the behaviors of students who have lived
in a boarding school since the previous. External factors are family tradition
accostum students to do ngalap berkah for the pious people, Understanding
from Yellow Book (Kitab Kuning) that students must improving adherence
to the figure of the teacher as the medium of knowledge from the God. In
Islamic tradition is also believed that every knowledge come from God, so
that the teacher who mediates the coming of knowledge should be glorified.
It was based on the orientation of the acquisition of knowledge in Islamic
tradition that not just ‘to know’, but rather how to keep the knowledge
bring benefits for all creation (manfa’ah). This is sourced from entrenched
doctrine in Islamic boarding schools that “Al-Ilmu bilaa ‘amalin Ka as-syajari
bilaa tsamarin”, knowledge that not implemented, like a tree without fruit
Keywords : ngalap berkah, Kyai, Students of Traditional boarding school

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Analysis of Islamic Elementary School Teachers’
Efficacy: An Indigenous Psychology Perspective
Muna Erawati
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Nowadays, the government paid more attention on Islamic elementary
school teachers. The teachers were assumed as vital agent of community
transformation, because of their dedication in educating marginal people
from lower Moslem family in Indonesia. In 2006, there were 220.742
teachers with graduate degree and 303.801 with diploma (The General
Directorate of Islamic Education of The Ministry of Religious, 2009).
Unfortunately, they were still in low qualification. Teacher’s personality
was one factor which contributes to the low qualification. Empirically,
we meet some negative teacher’s characteristics such as, passive attitude,
pessimistic, low adversity, less effort, etc. Sudarma (2007) emphasizes the
need of attention to the teachers as personal components in order to improve
service quality and output quality of educational programs. The tendency
of this teacher’s fatalism (Yusuf, 2006; Sudarma, 2007) was a challenge for
Islamic elementary teacher school development.
This study tried to understand the efficacy dynamic of Islamic
elementary school teachers in Central Java. Efficacy is a psychological
construct which describes personal belief of their capabilities to organize and
decide some stages needed to achieve particular purpose (Bandura, 1986,
1997). Meanwhile, teacher efficacy means teacher belief of their capabilities

Book of Abstracts
to organize and decide some stages in order to complete instructional tasks
in certain context (Tschannen-Moran et al., 1998).
There were 100 Islamic elementary school teachers as respondents. Scale
technique was used to collect data. Instrument derived from Bandura’s work
(with Mr. Kim permission). Descriptive statistic was used as data analysis
and indigenous psychology as perspective.
Keywords: teacher efficacy, teacher personality, Islamic elementary school

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Culture and the Psychology of
Educational Engagement:
Experiences of Children from Tribal Areas
of Himalaya
Akanksha Lall & Aradhana Shukla
Department of Psychology, Kumaun University - India
Formal Western - type modern education has increasingly assumed a
significant place in the civilized world of the contemporary period. However,
its relevance often depends on the degree to which the processes of teaching -
learning are culturally embedded. In case the participation in such processes
does not match with the culturally sanctioned goals the same may prove
stressful and dysfunctional. The spread of this kind of education needs to be
analyzed and understood in the manner it enables or constrains the cultural
competence of the people. The hilly regions of Himalaya which inhabit
various cultural groups that have survived in those difficult terrains are
now being brought in the mainstream Indian society and culture through
the process of brining the children and adolescents within the fold of
modern schooling system. It was expected that due to acculturative stress
the children from Bhotia and Raji tribal communities who live in remote
areas with greater cultural continuity would experience a different pattern
of academic motivation, academic stress and stress management than the
non-tribal (general Kumaunies) children and adolescents. The results based
on self report measures (n=180) revealed that academic motivation as well
as academic stress of Bhotia and Raji children was lower and their and

Book of Abstracts
stress management was less effective than their counterparts from non-tribal
urban children. It was also observed that the level of academic motivation
and stress management was better among girls than boys. The implications
of the findings are discussed.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Instructor’s and Students’ Perspectives Towards
Cooperative Classes According to Some Social
Concepts of the Malaysian Culture
Hayder Mohseen, Omar-Fauzee, Soh Kim Geok, & Roselan Bin Baki
University Putra Malaysia
Despite the vast research on the cooperative learning in physical
education and sport activity, little is known about the benefits and the
role of this approach from the perspective of students and the teachers.
This study provides a clear vision of the process of changing in teaching
and learning process from the ancient to modern views’. This study covers
some of the Malaysian university students’ perspectives and their instructor
through qualititative multiple interview with seven subjects participated
in six volleyball units. An observation, field note, and pertinent literature
were combined with the interviews’ analyzes to make an intellectual study
discussion. As a result, four main dimensions were showed the success of
cooperative learning approach to improve the social, communication,
cooperation, and physical skills. This study manifests that the cooperative
classes holds much promise for physical education and sport activities, but
its implementation is not easy or trouble free. Furthermore, it will be a great
challenge if it were adopted throughout Malaysian schools and universities
as a strengthened and adjuster to the Malaysia’s social culture according to
educational modern direction, especially in the physical education and sport

Book of Abstracts
Study of the Effectiveness of the Culture on Memory
(His Own Memory And Others One)
among Afghans, American and Iranian Students
Bagher Rezai

This study had primarily been considered to highlight the effect of
the culture on memory (his own memory and others one) on Afghan,
Iranian, and American students. And, this hypothesis was taken into
account during a quasi-experimental research. Sample consisting of
male and female students from three countries Afghanistan (15 male, 15
female) USA, Iran (15 male, 19 female (18 male, 16 female), the
country where they were born and live is the same, and all of them
were psychology students, (mean age= 22/75) and (SD= 4/5). These
groups were selected by access sampling (voluntary).the subjects sat
in front of the computer in separate room free from any auditory and
visual distraction such a noise or other distractions, so that they
could do their assignment accordingly to process of sentimental effect
words as they were been asked to do so.  Data were analyzed by using
of SPSS version 15.
The results of this study have been showed that with respect to the
speedy of recognition the whole words; there are significant
differences among three groups. Also there is a significant difference
between recognition speedy mean of the words between Afghans students
on the one side and Iranians and Americans students on the other side.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Furthermore, result of this study highlighted that unlikely the
scrutinizes done at field of inter-culture in oriental countries upon
study of their one’s and the other’s memory, the words of self-related
and those which belongs to their friends produced by participants have
been recognized more speedily than the ones belongs to mothers
(mother-related- words). But, there was no significant difference
regarding effect of the kind of process in interaction with groups and
main effect of sentimental effect words in interaction with groups.
This implies that the Middle Eastern countries like Afghanistan and
Iran have unique psychological structure and ability that and this
unique qualification set them apart from Eastern Asia countries and
Western ones.
Key worlds: level of processing, long term memory, culture. Self - and
other- reference.

Book of Abstracts
“Maido” The Good,
the Bad or the Ugly of Javanese Culture
Bagus Riyono
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Within Javanese culture, there is a specific and unique attitude, which
is commonly mentioned in daily conversation called “maido”. Eventhough
it is a common expression in the Javanese daily life, Javanese people has
multiple interpretation for its true meaning. This study is done to uncover
the multiple perceptions of Javanese people on the term “maido”.
Using the phenomemological approach, this study interviewed
respondents concerning their perceptions and understanding of “maido”.
The study found that there are three categories of meanings for the term
“maido”, that could be named as “the good”, “the bad”, and “the ugly”. On
the positive part (“the good”) it is justified to be the critical thinking attitude
of Javanese people. On the negative side (“the bad”) it is sometimes resulting
in denial attitudes toward anything which is not “me”. The ugly thing
about “maido” is that it creates an atmosphere with lack of appreciation and
“analysis paralysis” within discussions.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Intimacy in Cross-Sexual Friendship among
Single Young Adult
Lyly Puspa Palupi Sutaryo
School of Psychology, Atma Jaya University
Friendship is one of a form of relationship which is developed by
people in their young adulthood phase. In this relationship, people make the
intimacy and strong bond between them and their friends.
There are 2 types of friendship: same-sex friendship and cross sex
friendship. Cross sex friendship is a pure, genuine, non-sexual, non-romantic,
and non-love orientation. Now, in general people still doubt if men and
women can be friends. The main characteristic of friendship is intimacy,
which defined by the experience of closeness, warmth, and communication.
The aim of this research is to explore the description of intimacy in cross-
sex friendship among single young adult, the description of any problems in
that relationship, and how they cope with the problems to maintain the
friendship. This research used qualitative method, using interview as tool
collecting data. There were 4 people as subjects.
This research results showed that the intimacy in cross-sex friendship
was expressed by self disclosure, trust, freedom to express own emotions,
support in good and bad times, and doing activity together. In other hand,
in its relationship people faced some problems, such as making a distinction
about friendship and love relationship, controlling the feeling of attraction
to each other, and facing the people’s perception which doubt of the cross-
sex friendship.

Book of Abstracts
Linkages between Mental Strength and Involvement in
Physical Activities with Academic Performance
Mastura Johar
University Tenaga Na
Linkages between mental strength and the involvement of students in
physical activities with academic performance have been examined, based
on a systematic review of currently available literature in psychology scope.
This study is to find out about contribution of mental strength in sports
and physical activity as (independent variables) on academic performance
(dependent variables). Mental strength is on how the brain works and
sustain to certain changes adapting to our surroundings, and the factors
measures are Attitude, Motivation, Goals, People- skill, Self-talk, Mental
Imagery, Dealing with anxiety, Dealing with Emotions and Concentration.
Meanwhile, academic performance is measure by the Cumulative Grade Point
Average an educational ranking/evaluation method (CGPA). Quantitative
study using questionnaire approach on mental strength by Kruer K.L (2002)
was established in this study. 100 respondents of final year undergraduate
students were involved in the study. The study has found out that overall
student with higher CGPA <2.5 have high mental strength level compare
to the lower group. Additionally, student with CGPA 3.00-3.49 (Group B)
frequently doing more than 3 times per week of sports & physical activates
achieved higher imagery factors 36%, emotional factor 26% and goal &
commitment 29% compare to group with CGPA 3.5-4.00 imagery factors
25% emotional factor 25% and goal & commitment 28%. However,

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
the lower (Group E) with CGPA 0.00-1.99 had scored higher 15% on
emotion factor compare to the group D of CGPA 2.00-2.49 scored only
12%. Therefore, there is a linkage between the mental strength, frequency
of performing sports & physical activities on academic performance among
final year students in UNITEN.
Key words: Mental Strength, Academic performance, Physical Activity &
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

Book of Abstracts
Understanding People in Context:
The Influence of Social Networking among
Young People in Jakarta and Its Impact to Emotional
Attachment and Budaya Guyub
(Indonesias Collectivism Value)
Esther Andangsari & Saurma Imelda Christ Hutapea
Department of Psychology Bina Nusantara University
Growing popularity of the internet access unbearably brings impact
to our society (Young, 2004). The phenomenon of the easiness access of
this social networking such as Facebook and Twitter apparently has been
a life style especially among young people in urban living such as Jakarta
city. The changing of innovation in technology touches social relationship
aspects among those young people not only in their social relationships
but also in their emotional attachment. Known as a multicultural nation,
Indonesia’s society has to prepare itself for this rush of cyber trend. Since the
young people love to gather with friends or relatives which also describing
Indonesia’s collectivism value/budaya guyub (Soekanto, 2001) .This cyber
phenomenon seemingly has already influenced the meaning of guyub/kumpul
in emotional attachment aspect among young people in Jakarta. This article
will try to understand young people and social networking as psychological
phenomena explanation in its context (Kim, Yang, & Hwang, 2006) and
its explanation of changing emotional attachment related to budaya guyub.
More detail and discussion about this article will be explained further.
Key words : social networking, young people, emotional attachment,
budaya guyub (Indonesia’s collectivism value)

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Emotional Experience in Interaction among
Close Friends
Intan Hashimah Mohd Hashim
Universiti Sains Malaysia
The main objective of the study was to examine the occurrence of
emotionally-discharged events in day-to-day interactions among close
friends. Thirty pairs of self-identified close friends took part in the study. They
were university students from Malaysia. Participants were presented with 15
descriptions of emotional states (e.g., cheerfulness, thankfulness, sadness,
frustration) and asked to report how frequently their friend invoked these
feelings in them. They were also asked to describe the events or situations
leading to the emotions, their reactions to these events or emotions and how
the emotional states ended. Positive emotions (e.g., happiness, appreciated,
loved) elicited by positive events were reported to occur more frequently
compared to negative emotions (e.g., hurt, frustration) and negative events.
Negative emotions were not resolved openly but rather were left alone until
things turned back to normal. Culture may play an important role in how
emotions were expressed and resolved in close relationships.

Book of Abstracts
Explaning Why We Like Gossip
Eko A. Meinarno
University of Indonesia
Christiany Suwartono
Atma Jaya Catholic University
Gossip can serve as social control of one’s behavior. Part of that social
control is grew our safety feeling, which fulfill the basic needs of human
being (Maslow, 1970). This safety feeling in the process make the individual
personality fit with his/her group. Moreover, gossip can be server as social
token even barter in economic area (Rosnow & Fine, in Foster, 2004).
Stirling (1956, in Foster, 2004) proposed at least there are four functions of
gossip. Gossip can serve as source of information, creating or maintaining
friendship, influencing things, and for entertainment purpose. In this
research, we conduct a survey study to get an overview about gossiping
among lay people in Jakarta, Indonesia. Most of our participants came from
university student with accidental sampling. There were 250 participants
with equal number of men and women, age range 17 - 33 years old (M
= 18.58, SD = 1.79). The result came out that there are significant result
as the age and two gossip’s dimensions, namely information (r = -.15) and
entertainment (r = -.23). All correlations are significant at the 0.05 level
(2-tailed). The older the individual, the less likely he or she using gossip
as source of information or entertainment. There are significant differences
between men and women in using gossip in information purpose (t248 =

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
-2.15, p = 0.03) and entertaining purpose (t248 = -8.03, p = 0.00). From this
result, we knew that the participants in their young age were using gossip as
information gathering and entertainment.
Keywords: gossip, friendship, influence, entertainment

Book of Abstracts
Emphatic Concern Differences between Students in
Psychology and Non-psychology Majoring
Sigit Prayogo & Dona Eka Putri
Universitas Gunadarma
Humans always have a strong instinct to live together with each other.
One of the most important element so that someone has a sensitivity, is
a sense of empathy. Purpose of this study was to examine whether there
are differences in empathic concern among students in psychology and
non-psychology majoring.
This study conducted on 184 students. The
research use questionnaire and data collection using cluster sampling
technique. Reliability coefficient obtained by using Alpha Cronbach
analysis is 0.855. Data analysis using independent sample t-test. The
analysis results obtained sig. (2-tailed) for 0.034 (p <0.05). Therefore,
concluded that there was a significant emphatic concern difference
between students in psychology and non- psychology majoring, in
which psychology students has the higher levels of emphatic concern.

Key words: emphatic concern, psychology student, empathy

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Relationship between Perceive
Ethnic Discrimination, Anxiety and Depression
among Malaysian Students
Rosnah Ismail, Vincent Pang, Kntayya Mariappan,
Balan Rathakrishnan, Ferlis Bahari, Budi Anto Mohd Tamring,
Joki Perdani Sawai, & Flearence Arifin
School of Psychology and Social Work, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Ethnic discrimination experienced in an interpersonal context has been
identified as a stressor contributing to racial disparities in health. Besides, ethnic
discrimination also viewed as significant psychosocial that is hypothesized to
have negative psychological and physical health consequences. This study
aims to examine the relationship between perceive ethnic discrimination,
anxiety and depression. A multiethnic sample of 700 university students
from four selected universities in Malaysia completed the Perceive Ethnic
Discrimination Questionnaire-Community Version (PEDQ-CV), Clinical
Anxiety Scale (CAS), and Beck Depression Index II (BDI II). The findings
showed that there are positively significant relationship between PEDQ-CV
with anxiety and depression.

Book of Abstracts
The Differences of the Worries Domains
between Men and Women of College Students
of Psychology Faculties
Wijayanti Retnaningsih & Kwartarini W. Yuniarti
The previous studies show that there is no, yet, agreement on the
research findings on worries domains between men and women. Thus, a
further study on worries domains between men and women is in need to be
held. The instrument used in this study is Worrie Domain Questionnaire
The subjects of this study are 155 students of Psychology program consisting
of 81 students of Psychology Faculty of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta;
and 74 Psychology students program of Medical Faculty of Syah Kuala
University, Aceh. The ages of the subjects of the study range from 17 years
old to 24 years old. The samples of the study were gained by using purposive
sampling method. The hypothesis was tested quantitatively by using the
The result of the t-test shows that there are no differences of worries
domains between men and women; relationship worries domain (F= -0.504,
p=0.615, p>0.05), lack of confidence worries-domain (F=-0.506, p=0.614,
p>0.05), aimless future worries domain (F=-0.210, p=0.834, p>0.05), work
incompetency worries domain (F=-0.313, p=0.754, p>0.05), financial
worries domains (F=-0.2549, p=0.796, p>0.05) and health worries domain
(F=-1.530, p=0.129, p>0.05). This is because the culture and the situation
and condition, of university students in Indonesia, in seeing the stereotype

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
of gender are not established yet. It is not like university students in western
countries, they hold more responsibility in relationships, future, and lack of
confidence, work, financial, and health than university students in Indonesia
do, university students here, both men and women, tend to rely on their
parents, especially financially. Despite that, university students at their ages,
17 to 24, in Indonesia do not hold many responsibilities in relationships,
future, and lack of confidence, work, financial, and health that they cannot
experience the stereotype of gender that has to do with this matter. Finally,
the worries domains between men and women of university students in
Indonesia do not show any differences.
Keywords : Worries domains, gender, stereotype gender

Book of Abstracts
Psychology of Kesurupan:
Understanding and Handling Trance Possession
in Indonesia
Asep Haerul Gani
HIMPSI Jakarta
This article describes constructions of kesurupan, the indonesia variant
of trance possession, and its roots in tradition. Based on the analysis of
interview and observation on Shamanic tradition in Indonesia, this paper
examines the possession idioms from psychological and socio-cultural
perspectives by describing some cases reports herein conceptualized as
trancepossession. Cause of Trance Possession were : 1) Psychological distress,
2) Dissociation when people involve on the art/ritual ceremony and 3) Mass
Hysteria. A comparison with the phenomenology of Hysteria, Abreaction
and Catharsis shows a striking resemblance among the syndromes. This
culture-bound condition is discussed in terms of its intra-psychic dynamics
and its societal functions. Based on Shamanic practice we found 2 method
of handling the people who involve on trance possession. Both methods are
apply 2 principles : Accept & Utilize and Pattern Intervention.
Keywords: Trance possession, dissociative trance, kesurupan,Accept &
Utilize, Pattern Intervention.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Cultural Notion of Depression in Nepal
Usha Kiran Suba
Trichandra Multiple Campus, Tribhuwan University
The exploratory study of depression in Nepal is designed to examine
the cause, symptoms, help seeking behavior and how socio-cultural factors
influence experience of depression and how people conceptualize the illness
experience. This study focused on samples of 48 key informants from
different geographical regions (mountain, hill, valley and plain). Focused
group discussion (FGD) was used to generate qualitative information. The
themes emerged from the content analyses of FGD (Qualitative study) were
as follows: (a) Depression is the consequences of possession by ghosts, the
devil, evil spirits and unfavorable planetary effects, (b) Depression is the result
of deeds of one’s past life, (c) Depression is conceptualized in somatic terms
as a social metaphor, (d) Depression was viewed as a brain or nerve weakness
or a neurological problem. (e) Depression was equated with hysteria and
attributed to the evil eyes, witchcraft and ancestral spirits. (f) Depression is
caused by heavy workload in the home as well as outside and no time for
leisure activities, (g) Depression is attributed to a failure to propitiate the
Gods and Goddesses, which resulted in divine retribution, (h) Depression
is the tendency of women to blame themselves and self-silencing, (i) Health
seeking behavior of women was influenced by their belief in traditional
healers and their practices. Further, patients sought the help of chemists
or preferred alternative medical practices as reiki, satsu, relaxation, yoga
and reflexology. The results have implications for the delivery of culturally

Book of Abstracts
sensitive mental health services in different geographical regions in Nepal.
Awareness of culturally appropriate terminology for depression is a useful
way of bridging the gap between lay and biomedical models of illness and
may help improve levels of recognition and treatment compliance.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Relationship between Conflict Resolution Style with
Affiliation Motive in Batak Toba in Jakarta
Rani Nainggolan & Frieda Mangunsong
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia
Conflict is part of   interpersonal relationship experience and could
become positive energy and creativity sources. Batak Toba is one of the
tribes in Indonesia that have high interpersonal relationship with the
presence of   clan heritage. In psychology, the need of   building interpersonal
relationship is called affiliation motive. One of which could damage a
relationship is conflict. Therefore, each individual will need to use appropriate
strategies to resolve conflicts that he/she faces.  There are five different styles
of conflict resolution: competition, collaboration, compromise, avoidance,
and accomodation.
This study aims to examine the relationship between conflict resolution
styles with an affiliation motive in Batak Toba in Jakarta. This study uses
quantitative methods with non-experimental design and the type of field
study. The participants in this study   are 94 Batak Toba people in Jakarta.
Conflict resolution style was measured by using the Thomas-Kilmann MODE
instrument which has been translated by Humaira (2004), while the affiliation
motive was developed by the author on the McClelland’s affiliation motive
theory (1987). Results obtained from the Multiple Regression calculation is
that there is a relationship between conflict resolution styles with affiliation
motive in Batak Toba in Jakarta. Meanwhile, conflict resolution  styles most
of the participant elected is the competition.
Keywords: conflict resolution styles, affiliation motive, and Batak Toba

Book of Abstracts
Chinese - European Conflict Management
Karolina Mazurowska
Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities
The present study examines factors influencing conflict management
in the multicultural work setting in China. Main research question centers
on whether culture predispose people to choose different resolution styles in
situations of inter-cultural and intra-cultural conflict. The role of personality
as a predicament for problems in the intercultural cooperation was also
investigated. The study was conducted among German expats (n=73)
working with the Chinese hosts (n=72) in the international or Chinese
companies in Mainland China. The Harmony vs Misunderstandings
Questionnaire developed by the author was distributed. It involves nine
critical incidents describing misunderstandings: a) in the inter-cultural
work setting; b) in the mono-cultural work setting - Germans working
together; c) in the mono-cultural work setting - Chinese people working
together. Participants were asked to choose conflict resolution method
(Accommodating, Competing, Avoiding, Compromising, Collaborating)
as if they were in the actors’ position. Five conflict resolution styles
derived from MODE (The Management of Differences Exercise; Thomas &
Kilmann, 1974) were culturally adapted to each of the incident. Additionally
Cross-Cultural Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI-2, Cheung, 2001)
has been used to measure various aspects of participants personality in the
approach to conflict. Research findings of handling inter-cultural vs. intra-
cultural conflict will be discussed in terms of their applications in education
and trainings delivered for European/ Chinese managers cooperating with
each other.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Listening to Terrorist Justification on Jihad Decision
Mirra Noor Milla
Sultan Syarif Kasim Islamic State University Riau
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Bombing attacks in public space have been used as a jihad movement
among moslem terrorists. They justified those as defense for moslem
community (ummah) in entirely world. How could it be understood? Using
narrative phenomenological method, the authors analyzed the data collected
from interview, observation, manuscript, personal letter and autobiography
of Indonesian convicted terrorists. Three of them were executed. Based on
their arguments, terrorism justification can be described in several levels.
First, it was believed that jihad was an obligation for moslems if they were
attacked. Second, broading conflict areas by bombing or attacking certain
targets were allowed if any district of moslem community hed been attacked.
Third, terrorism strategy were responses against the enemies that have
battled the civil moslem in many moslem countries. These arguments were
not the most accepted since many muslim scholars rejected. Their counter
arguments mostly put peaceful as a basic value of Islam. So, terorism is not
an indigenous concept of Islam.
Keyword: jihad decision, terrorist justification, terrorism strategy.

Book of Abstracts
The Meaning of Land from Amungme People
Perspective in Indonesia Modern Life
Yulius Ranimpi
Land, from this word, many terms is show up, like mother/father land,
holy land, community land, and etc. With land, human being expressed
their social, economic, culture and religious life. Caused the land is very
important, many conflict are happen. Lot of people give their life and take
others life because conflict of land, with no exception for Amungme tribe.
Amungme tribe is an origin people who live in south side of mountain
Papua. As a origin people, the present of PT. Freeport with their activities,
makes their life marginally from the land. For Amungmes, the meanings of
the land are represented of symbol for their loving and caring mother and
sacral-religious. Other side, PT. Freeport claims that they have legal right to
explore the land. Based on literature research, I found that unsolved conflict
between Amungmes with PT. Freeport causing by a different of approaches
or perspectives. The perspectives are legal positivist (rationalist) versus local
knowledge. For me, this is a challenge for Indonesia government to find
a best solution. The solution should embrace a local knowledge or local
wisdom as a model to solve that problem.
Keywords: The meaning of land, Amungme tribes, Indonesia Government,
PT. Freeport

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
A Social Representations Approach to Understanding
Peace in Mindanao, Philippines
Judith de Guzman
Integral to the attainment of peace and development in the Mindanao
region is an understanding of the various significations that different
groups attach to the concept “peace”. Using social representations
as a theoretical framework and word association as a methodological
approach to understanding peace, we examined the shared meanings that
Christians and Muslims in Mindanao have regarding this social object.
Results showed that the Christian representation of peace focused on the
absence of war and conflict while the Muslim representation of peace
focused on the attainment of rights and freedom. The results are discussed
in relation to the theory of social representations as well as in view of
their implications for peacebuilding in the Mindanao region.

Book of Abstracts
Psychological Harmony and Its Different Level
Indicators in China
Xiaopeng Ren, Rui Zheng, & Xinwen Bai
Institute of psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Based on well-documented findings of culture difference between East-
Asian and West, the authors thought that psychological harmony(hexie) was
a good social indicator than subjective well-being to describe East-Asian
society and present the results of two studies. The first study is to construct he
construct and measurement of psychological harmony that consists of four
dimensions: individual, family, interpersonal and social harmony. The second
study, used a PPS sample of more than 6,000 citizens from 604 vililage/
communities of 46 counties of 21 prefectures of 1 province in China, a few
different level indicators of psychological harmony are explored. The results
show that age, education, family income, physiological complaint, mental
health, social support of individual and vililage/communities
which individual lives in can influence psychological harmony.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Relationship between Preaching (Dakwah)
Approach and Religious Orientation
Ferlis Bahari
Universiti Malaysia Sabah
This research aimed is to study about preaching (dakwah) approach that
been used by preacher in Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia. Specifically,
this study is implemented with the aim to identify the frequent preaching
approach that used by preacher. Apart from that, this study is done to
determine interrelationship between preaching approach and religious
orientation and to identify the difference preaching approach and religious
orientation according to gender, age level and marriage status. The design
that been used in this study is survey design. 521 people aged between 13 to
89 years old are the subjects for this study. The research tool used included
items for measuring preaching approach and Religious Orientation Scale
(ROS) that used to measure orientation and appreciation religion practice.
Data achieved has been analyzed using descriptive statistics test which
consists of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Meanwhile
inferential statistics analysis is involving Pearson’s correlation, independent
sample t-test and one-way ANOVA.

Book of Abstracts
The Relationship Between Practical Bond in Religious
Beliefs and Occurrence of Crime
Malek Mohammad Ghadimi Moghaddam &
Foozieh Hosseini Tabatabaee
Islamic Azad University Branch of Torbat e Jam
All celestial religions have call human being to rightness, truthfulness,
and earthly and heavenly salvation. Maybe one can say that rescuing of man
from moral rascality, forbidding him from obscene deeds and encouraging
people towards faith, nobility and good morality have been the reason for
sending holy prophets, revelations, and religious instructions. Considering
the role of religion in moral behavior, there are at least two viewpoints: some
believe that the three factors: intellect, scientific achievements, and moral
conscience- are sufficient to establish public order, to determine the boundaries
of personal freedom and how people interact, and to diminish the improper
practices; so there is no need in religion. The other view argues that although
the above-mentioned factors are of great significance in preventing improper
practices, believing in religion and its obligatory principles and morals
are more important in preventing people from deflection, perversity, and
immoral behavior. Considering the socio-cultural and historical situation in
Iran religion and religious beliefs have special significance. Special attention
to religious beliefs and practical obligation to religious thoughts have been
the base of the present research that attempts to examine the relationship
between doing religious rites and self-restraint from immoral behavior (in
the form of crime). The statistic society of the research includes all citizens

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
of Mashhad in 2007, and the sample consists of 384 (152 criminals and 232
normal) people. Subjects selected by cluster sampling. The data was gathered
using questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire by Cronbach Alpha
82%, and its validity through content validity, was confirmed and approved.
Data analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient, ANOVA, and T-test in
independent groups. The results showed that: 1) there is a negative relation
between the volume and the severe of crime conducting with practical bond
in religious beliefs; i.e. the more the volume and severe of the crime, the
less practical bond in religious beliefs is observed. 2) There is a difference
between the volume and severe of crimes in different months of lunar year.
The crime reduction is obvious and significant in lunar months of Ramezan,
Moharram, and Saffar when people attend more in religious rites. 3) Crime
reduction in three above-mentioned months is more true for men than
women. 4) Regardless of the level of education and discipline, people who
have hearty faith do less crime than those who are more knowledgeable on
religious matters.
Keywords: religious beliefs, practical bond, crime, moral

Book of Abstracts
The Correlation between Social Identity,
Religious Orientations and Quantity of Social Contact
with Quality of Social Contact:
A Research Conducted in Mataram City
Gazi Saloom
Fakultas Psikologi UIN Jakarta
This study was aimed at examining the correlation between identity,
religious orientation and quantity of social contact with quality of social
contact. The study was condected in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara
Indonesia. The research used quantitative methode with purposive sampling
technique. The subjects of the study was 100 Sasak Moslems among people
who live in the city. The result of the study showed that cultural-structual
religious orientation and the quantity of social contact correlated with the
quality of social contact whereas national identity and the intrinsict-extrinsic
religious orientation did not correlate with the quality of social contact. The
research suggested for future research to take sample from Bali Ethnic who
live in Mataram. It was in order to get balance in data, because this research
was to find much information and knowledge of intergroup relations among
Sasak ethnic and Bali ethnic. Key Words: Identity, religious orientation,
social contact.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Granting Forgiveness among University Students in
Venie Viktoria & Christiany Suwartono
Atma Jaya Indonesia Catholic University
Forgiveness in not a new concept among lay people, especially
university students. Since childhood, we hear and learn about forgiveness.
Along his/her development, the individual learned from their experiences
about it. They grasped a new understanding, assimilating information or
experiences, observed others performing the act of forgiveness. In the end,
all these individuals have their own understanding about forgiveness. Even
though, in Psychology field have many definitions about forgiveness, we
need to hold our theory and confirm it with the lay people definition of
forgiveness. In this research, we conduct a survey to gather the information
about granting forgiveness. There were 117 participants. The participants
gave their response in questionnaire, and then the researcher collected and
analyzed with percentage. Most responses stated that family (parents and
siblings) are the most subject that can be granting forgiveness compare with
others, like friends. With granting forgiveness, it means that participants can
maintain a better relationship with someone their granting forgiveness (19%)
and forget about the others transgression sincerely (15%). The advantages,
they feel a positive emotion (calm, steady, peace, etc) and definitely better
relationship among them. The results indicate that granting forgiveness takes
time as time goes by. Everyone has his/her own definition about granting
forgiveness. In this research, we found a common definition that can help

Book of Abstracts
our understanding about forgiveness among university students, especially
in Jakarta. For further research, we recommend to get the participants in
different types of age groups, various educational background, ethnic
groups in Indonesia, etc. Keywords: granting forgiveness, university student,

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Grief Intensity after the Death of a Family Member
Lifina Dewi Pohan
Faculty of Psychology – University of Indonesia
The death of someone close to us is one’s most stressful events. Death
interrupts the normal flow of family developmental time and redirects the
course of family development. In surviving the death of a close, loved family
member they are unavoidably required to face death (Saphiro, 1994). The
duration and intensity of grief vary with who or what is loss and when the
loss occurs. Most bereaved people will experience symptoms less frequently,
with briefer duration, or with less intensity.
This study is to evaluate grief intensity in a sample of family reactions
and compare their grief reactions at the time of loss and at the time of
assessment. Hence, this study also compared grief reaction among parents
who lost their child and child who lost their parents on both occasion. This
study used quantitative method with brief paper-and-pencil questionnaire.
Results revealed the present feeling was higher than the reaction at the
time of loss. There was a significant positive correlation between scores on
both occasions (r = 0,667, los = 0,01). However, there are no significant
differences in grief reaction between parents and child, and the pattern of
change did not differ significantly for the two groups.
These results showed that intensity of present grief is higher than
intensity of initial grief. In the evaluation of grief due to the death of family
member, the intensity of grief is not decline over a period of time.
Keywords : grief, family member, parent, child

Book of Abstracts
Duelling Perceptions of the Sacred and Spiritual
Dimensions of Nature
Bas Verschuuren
EarthCollective Researcher and Programme coordinator.
Based on worldviews where nature is traditionally held sacred and
new phenomena where nature is imbued with sacredness today, this
paper explores the intangible sacred dimension of biocultural diversity.
It amplifies the potential for utilising sacred and spiritual dimensions
for strengthening emerging biocultural nature conservation strategies.
Biocultural conservation strategies need to be rooted in an understanding of
the psychologies of the stakeholders that are claimimg spiritual and sacred
values to nature. Therefore Biocultural diversity theory is explained with a
view towards developing holistic conservation approaches using the sacred
dimension of nature to transcend the culture and nature divide. The paper
distinguishes knowledge, perceptions and belief of a sacred dimension in
nature of traditional local and indigenous peoples, conservation practitioners
and conservation scientists. Four key criteria of biocultural conservation
approaches are used to evaluate the sacred dimension in nature conservation:
1) The identification of shared ethics, 2) the establishment of common
terms of reference 3) the application of multidisciplinary approaches and
4) practical outcomes of biocultural approaches. All of these aspects should
focus on supporting the sacred dimension of nature through management
of sacred natural sites, species and landscapes whilst strengthening cultural
identity and authenticity through conservation activities in tandem with

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
educational programme components. Threats to sacred sites such as climate
change, population pressure and globalisation simultaneously contribute to
the decline of cultural as well as biological diversity. Therefore the sacred and
spiritual dimensions of nature can be utilised to strengthen the resilience and
adaptive capacity of biocultural conservation programmes. This will enable
biocultural approaches to be more effective and efficient in addressing the
socio-ecological challenges our global society faces today.
Key words: Sacred nature, biocultural conservation strategies, cultural and
spiritual values, sacred sites, cultural heritage management,
nature conservation.

Book of Abstracts
Kota Tua Riwayatmu Kini (The Old Batavia, today):
A Qualitative Research on Social Perception
Toward Indigenous Architecture
Juneman & Koentjoro
Faculty of Psychology, University of Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University
A public sphere is not only a city ornament but also a ‘living witness’
which stores the memories and is able to tell the evolution process of its
community’s live; our knowledge of this process is very important to
understand people in their own context. Unfortunately, the historical
and cultural aspect of a public space which is seen through its indigenous
architecture is still under notice in the academic field of psychology in
Indonesia. Kota Tua (Old Batavia) is a name of a public sphere in Jakarta,
the capital of Indonesia. Some historical sites are located in Kota Tua, such
as museums, an old canal, an old train station, and few traditional markets.
As far as it is known, architectural designs and public space elements are
essential for comfortable social environment for people are able to interact
to each other, democratically, while promotes their self actualization and
mental health (D.K. Halim, 2008). This article is a qualitative research
finding and the research employed purposive sampling technique. Its goal
is to find specific indicators of physical architecture (such as color, voice,
objects) and psychosocial architecture (such as community activity, role
play) which were important elements to make up the community members’,
the stakeholders’, and the Kota Tua region various visitors’ total experience.
This research emphasized particularly on experiences which elicited positive

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
attitude toward indigenous architecture. One of the ways to gain physical
and psychosocial architecture meaning is through architectures metaphors,
which are tangible, intangible and both (Antoniades, 1992; Casakin, 2004).
The community members’ verbalization which were manifested from their
social perception, concerns, comments on their experiences, and prospective
aspirations, were gathered and analyzed to find the reflected themes about
the Kota Tua ideal atmosphere. This ideal atmosphere is believed to be able
to give psychological satisfaction to the community members, strong social
relationship, and some additional creative values. Theoretically, this research
was based on concepts of general psychology, field psychology theory by
Kurt Lewin, and phenomenological psychology by Brouwer. Practically,
the discussion section of this research conveys the design and re-designs
possibilities (revelation, necessary actions to make the designs more salient
or sophisticated, or simplification) of the indigenous architectures in the
Kota Tua region. The local government of the region can make the most of
the research findings in order to develop policies which are suitable to the
heart and mind of its people.
Key words: indigenous architecture, architectures metaphors, architectural
psychology, phenomenological psychology, field psychology,
indigenous housing, public policy

Book of Abstracts
Thinking Process and Cultural Dimension in
Thinking among Batak Toba People
Julia Suleeman Chandra & Riris Simangunsong
Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia
Earlier studies on Batak Toba people (see for instance, Chandra, 2003;
Harahap, B. & Siahaan, 1987) indicate that they emphasize individual
thinking in decision making while also use cultural norms to guide and
evaluate the decision making process. In this study, the thinking process
and cultural dimension in thinking are assessed qualitatively in Batak Toba
people, using decision making as a context. Altogether eight persons, all
adults, participated in this study. They were asked to recall how they solved
a difficult personal problem. De Bono’s six thinking hats (1985) are used to
differentiate levels of thinking while Dalihan Na Tolu, cultural principles for
Batak Toba people, is used as a framework to identify the cultural dimension
of the participants’ thinking process. Results clearly indicate some cultural
dimension in certain thinking levels, but not too clear in some other thinking
levels. To understand these results, some understanding about the tension of
self in collectivistic culture is appreciated. Suggestions for future research to
explore further on how culture affect thinking quality are offered.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Judgments of Attractiveness Based on Foot Size
among the Karo Batak
Geoff Kushnick
Evolutionary psychological researchers have documented male
preferences for mates at the peak of their reproductive career. Numerous
studies have shown that males may cue on observable somatic features that
indicate youth and vigor. One such cue is relative foot size. As women age
and bear children, their feet become larger, therefore, we might expect men
to find women with smaller feet more attractive. This prediction has found
support in a handful of cultures around the world. Data collected among the
Karo Batak, however, showed the opposite pattern. These data are presented
with a discussion of the various factors that may have lead to this result.

Book of Abstracts
Research on Images of Self as Determinant Factor of the
Mentally Healthy Behavior of Five Ethnic Groups
in Western Part of Indonesia
Elmira N. Sumintardja, Rismiyati E.Koesma, Tutty I. Sodjakusumah,
Marisa F. Moeliono, and Efi Fitriana
The multiethnic country, Indonesia, consists of more than 100 different
ethnic groups. Every ethnic group has its own characteristics, customs, and
language. However, up to this moment, there is a limited number of research
in psychology that have been conducted in the area of behavioral differences
among ethnic groups. This research was the first part of a main study that
was intended to understand the determinant factors of the mentally healthy
behaviors of Indonesian people.
The objective of this study was to describe the images of self among
various ethnic groups in Indonesia. The goal of this study was to find answers
to the questions of whether there were specific differences or similarities in
terms of self-esteem, way of thinking, locus of control, and sex-role among
ethnic groups that were being studied.
An exploratory survey design was employed in 5 provinces. The cluster
sampling technique was applied to choose the 5 provinces: West Sumatera
(Minangkabau), DKI Jakarta (Betawi), West Java (Sundanese), DI Yogyakarta
(Javanese), and Bali (Balinese). A total of 590 respondents, range of age
from 17 to 40 years old, were taken from surrounded areas of all capital cities
of the 5 provinces: Padang, Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Denpasar.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The aspects of the variable Images of Self was measured by several
questionnaires: SE-Q2, LC-Q3, PS-Q4, and FM–Q6, that had been tried
out in the pre-study stage. The statistical analysis used in this study was
Analysis of Variance, discriminant analysis, chi-square, and qualitative
The result shows that mostly more than 50% of the respondents of
each ethnic group had moderate level of self-esteem, while those who had
high level of self-esteem only about 25%, except for Minang people (34%).
In terms of the way of thinking in solving problems, more than 60% of
members of every ethnic group always consider social norms and values
rather than their owns to maintain harmony with their environment. There
was no definite answer to whether the respondents from all ethnic groups
were more bound for internal or external locus of controls. In terms of sex-
role, most members of every ethnic group were dominated by expressive
traits instead of instrumental traits. In other words, most members of all
ethnic groups hold in the highest regard values of harmony and safety in
inter-ethnic group relations.
Keywords : Images of self, Mentally Healthy Behavior, self-esteem, the
way of thinking

Book of Abstracts
Integration of Power and Spirituality
Teodulo Gonzales
Center for Family Ministries, de Manila University

“If  our country is someday to be free, it will not be through vice and
crime not through the corruption of its sons, redemption, presupposes
virtue; virtue, sacrifice, and sacrifice love.” Jose Rizal
In the Philippines, we have struggled with power.  We have had a history of
being conquered. Many have been rendered helpless and cynical.  No wonder a
number of our people dream; and even, dare to find a life outside the
Philippines out of disgust for the present inefficient and corrupt system.
We are looking for leaders who are stewards and servants, accountable to
integrity or positive values in the workplace. Are we a damaged culture or,
a culture in search of its soul? AGIMAT, a reflection on power and
leadership, hopes to bring the discussion of strengths and virtues into our
personal and professional lives; an integration of power and spirituality.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Application of Indigenous and
Cultural Knowledge for Effectiveness Local and
Societal Development; The Case of Indigenous People
in Riau Province, Indonesia
University Of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Indigenous People in Riau Province had cultural continuity for long time
a go before contact with people from the outer world. The “Rimbo Larangan”
(secret forest) fact suggests that their societies had achieved sustainability in
relationships to their ecosystems with the “adat melayu”. The governance
principles used by traditional knowledge in forest management and other
resources provided resilience. A snowball method of sample development was
used to select keys informant for intensive interviews. Leadership authority
over land was contingent upon adherence to ethical and generous behavior
as well as good environmental management. These indigenous institutions
were quite different from the rules currently governing the management
of most ecosystems. In critiquing current institutions, many ideas similar
to those in the indigenous systems have been proposed in isolation; the
example described in this paper suggests the importance of combining ther
traditional system with modern management. This research suggests that a
link exists between application of indigenous and cultural knowledge toward
the effectiveness local development and to promote societal development”.
Keywords: Cultural continuity, Sustainability; Indigenous Culture;
Application Traditional Knowledge; Collaboration; societal

Book of Abstracts
What is Happiness?
 An Exploratory Study
Nida Ul Hasanat
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Researchs about emotion in a backgound of Indonesian people were
not many. This research was an exploratory study in happiness by using open
ended questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Participants were
192 students of the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University who
filled the questionnaire, and 25 students participated in the FGD. This study
showed that happiness was not easy to define. The words that appeared as a
synonym of the word “bahagia” (happy) were “senang” (pleasant), “bangga”
(pride), and “gembira” (joy). Happiness came from themselves (personal) or
from a relationship with another object or subject. Happiness were expressed
by nonverbal communication, verbal communication, physical symptoms,
and behavior. Moreover, happiness was influenced by personality, money,
and age. Despite happiness was beneficial for health, and lead to a longer
life, however happiness had negative impacts. This was a form of negative
happiness, if someone was happy alone without shared with others, or even
hurt others.
Keywords: happiness, meaning of happiness, students

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Spiritual Involvement and Happiness Explaining
Life Satisfaction among University Students
Across Religion, Race and Gender
Chua Bee Seok, Jasmine Adela M, & Tan Chen Ho
Universiti Malaysia Sabah
The present study aims to examine the differences in spiritual
involvement, happiness, and life satisfaction by the students gender, religion
and race. This study also attempted to examine the effect of spiritual
involvement and happiness on life satisfaction. Data were collected from
222 students in one of the university in Malaysia. The adapted Spiritual
Involvement and Beliefs Scale (Hatch et al., 1998), the Satisfaction with Life
Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985) and The Oxford Happiness
Inventory (Argyle, 2001) were used in this study. The implications of the
findings and the limitation of the study are discussed.

Book of Abstracts
Happiness and Smiling Country
Nina Z. Situmorang
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Happines is people’s emotional and cognitive evaluations of their lives
where psychologist calls subjective well being. At the cultural level norms
in nation for feeling positive emotions relate to the amount of pleasant
emotions reported in those countries. Cultural variables explain differences
in mean level happiness between Nations. One of predictor happiness is
personality that the stronger predictor in much West journal. Indonesia
culture have known the smiling country and one of kinds happiness people
is more positive affect. But the research indicate Indonesia not happy people
from west country with individual culture. There are some explaination
about that phenomenon.
Keywords: happiness; positive emotion; personality;culture.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Javanese Traditional Values as Reflections of
Psychological Well-Being Related to Everyday Life
Needs Fulfillment
Sunu Bagaskara & Endang Fourianalistyawati
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas YARSI
Javanese traditional culture and values are so rich of everyday life
philosophies. Some of the values that are strongly held by its people are
the notions about how to be thankful of what they have had, what God
has given to them, what the nature provides to make a life, and so on. In
Javanese term, they call it narimo (being blissful of what we have), mawas
diri (self-conscious), sangkan paraning dumadi (being aware about who we
were and will be), sabutuhe (to have as much as we need), sacukupe (as much
as we have enough of it), saperlune (as much as it is necessary), samestine (as
much as we ought to have it), sabenere (living a life as its best), and Gusti
mboten sare (God doesn’t sleep) (Safaria, 2000). All of these notions remind
the people how to be grateful of what they have and have been given in life.
Literatures found that people are motivated to discover and acquire
the meaning of life. The meaning of life leads to some state and feeling
about self-efficacy, self-worth, and self-esteem. In other words, meaning
of live constitutes the psychological well-being (PWB; Frankl, cited in
Bastaman, 2007; Halim & Atmoko, 2005). Ryff (2008) suggested that PWB
includes self-acceptance, having positive relationship with others, autonomy,
environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth. Basically,

Book of Abstracts
PWB refers to the one’s feeling about his/her everyday activities. This feeling
consists of some both negative and positive states to some extent.
The current paper is aimed to address how Javanese people making the
meaning of their job income related to the attempt to meet everyday life
needs. The study is also aimed to explore the psychological well-being of
Javanese people regarding the life philosophies they held. It is our purpose to
describe a novel perspective in comprehending cultural differences occurs in
everyday life.
Keywords: Meaning of life, Javanese cultural values, psychological well-

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
An Integrative Model of Happiness:
Indonesia and Indigenous Psychology Perspectives
Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology,
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Uichol Kim
College of Management Administration, Inha University
Happiness is an important thing for human. In the context of
Indonesian society, happiness is emphasized more on the psychological
condition of human experience rather than material wealth. The term
happiness in Indonesia often refers to the concept of «Tentram», close to the
feeling of tranquility, harmony, or peaceful situation. The purpose of this
study is to present an integrative model of happiness consistent with the
perspective of Indonesian people and Indigenous Psychology. The approach
used in the research is a combination of quantitative and qualitative approach
(mixed-model). Data was collected using an open-ended questionnaire and
psychological scales of self-efficacy, social support and happiness (compiled
by Kim, 2008). Data were analyzed by combining the results of text-data
categorization and statistical data. Data were also analyzed by Structural
Equation Modeling. Results showed that social support has direct influence
on the happiness of people in Indonesia. The results will be discussed

Book of Abstracts
Effect of Relaxation on Treatment of
Premenstrual Syndrome In Students of Mazandaran
Medicine University 2009
Mandana Zafari
Islamic Azad University
Women spend their lives by passing many levels and ages so that
since birth to death they change physically a lot that is directly related to
their unique reproduction delicacy. object: our purpose of this study is to
determine the effect of relaxation on treatment of premenstrual syndrome.
Method: This study was done in semi-tentative way, among 800 students
of Mazandaran Medicine University who stayed at dormitory and filled the
questionnaire of this syndrome diagnosis during 2 months 260 girls suffering
from moderate and severe from of this syndrome were selected and randomly
sited in two groups relaxation group (140) and symptoms registration
group (120) duration of treatment was 2 months. Results: Relaxation will
reduce physical symptoms (p = 0/000), mental symptoms (p = 0/000) and
physical and mental symptoms altogether (p = 0/000). Mental symptoms (p
= 0/000) and physical and mental symptoms altogether (p = 0/000) in case
group have been more reduced rather than observe group but there was no
difference between two groups from view of physical symptoms (p = 0/456).
Conclusion: Finally, we can say that relaxation makes recovery on symptoms
of premenstrual syndrome .

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Anger and Adolescence from Indigenous
Psychology Perspective
Endah Sri Wahyu
Adolescence is described as a reorganized phase of biological, cognitive,
emotional, and social functioning (Susman, Dorn, & Schiefelbein, 2003).
By using an Indigenous Psychology perspective, this study focused on
one of the phase during adolescence: anger. The aims of the study are to
discover events that make adolescents become very angry and reasons why
those events make them very angry. The data was taken from 446 senior
high students in Yogyakarta, using a set of questionnaire. Mixed methods, a
combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, were used during data
analysis. The results showed that when someone tells a lie and betrayal are
the two events that make adolescents become very angry. Whereas, in the
condition of being unappreciated and being betrayed are the two top reasons
why the events make them angry. Further discussion will be discussed in the
Keywords: adolescent, anger, indigenous psychology, mixed method.

Book of Abstracts
Who Contribute to the Adolescents Happiness:
Indigenous Psychology Approach
Annisa Soleha Hamka,Moordiningsih, & Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti
Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology, Faculty of Psychology
Universitas Gadjah Mada - Indonesia
Uichol Kim
College of Management Administration
Inha University - Korea
Happiness is a positive emotion that everyone would want to experience
it. Adolescence is a period time where someone off the dependence of parents
and tried independently. Teenagers also trying to reach a mature relationship
with their peers. This study aimed to find out who the source of happiness
and support what is parents and close friends given to adolescent’s happiness.
458 junior high school students complete an open ended questionaire that
was developed by Kim and Park (2008). Indigenous approaches used to
analyze the answers of respondents from the open ended questionaire. The
data were also categorized and cross tabulation. Categorization results show
that the source of adolesence happiness come from family, (50%) and friends
(27%). The role that made by these people are by encouraging (54,3%),
acceppting adolescents (20,8%), providing facilities and giving spiritual
supports. The result will be discussed later.
Keyword: happiness, parents, friends, adolescent

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
What Makes Adolescents Happy?
An Exploration Study Approach to Indigenous
Ardi Primasari, Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, & Moordiningsih
Center of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology
Universitas Gadjah Mada - Indonesia
Uichol Kim
College of Management Administration
Inha University - Korea
Happiness is what everyone desire (Argyle, 2001). People strive for
happiness (lu & Gilmour, 2004) and aim their hope on it (Chan & Lee,
2006). This study aimed to explore what makes adolescents happy. Data
collection was conducted on 467 high school students (male = 190, female =
269 and 8 students do not mention sex) that complements the open-ended
questionnaire that was developed by Kim & Berry (1993). Analysis of data
in this study by analyzing the responses of subjects, categorized and given
the coding in each category. Then analyzed using descriptive analysis on the
answers of respondents. The results show that there are three elements of the
source of happiness in the adolescents, namely (1) Relationships with other
people (50.1%), which consists of events related to family, relationships with
friends and love and be loved events (2) The fullness of the self (32.67%
) which consists of events related to the attainment/achievement, use of
leisure time and money. (3) Relationship with God (9.63%), which consists
of spiritual events that involve adolescents relationship with God and
Keywords: happiness, adolescents

Book of Abstracts
The Dynamics of Trust to Close Friend
During Adolescence:
An Indigenous Study of Trust in Friendship
Sutarimah Ampuni, Sri Lestari, & Insan Rekso Adiwibowo
Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada - Indonesia
Uichol Kim
College of Management Administration
Inha University - Korea
This study aims to examining the nature of trust to close friends in early,
middle and late adolescents. An indigenous approach of study was used in
this research. Participants were 1,331 adolescents, comprising of 528 middle
school students representing early adolescents, 294 high school students
representing middle adolescents, and 509 college students representing late
adolescents. An open ended questionnaire developed by Kim (2005) was
used to gain data, which was then analyzed thematically. Results showed that
there are variations on the basics of trust to close friend across the period
of adolescence. For young adolescents, the primary basics of trust to close
friend are trustworthiness and kindness. For late adolescents, closeness,
trustworthiness, and care are the primary basics of trust to close friend.
The basic of trust to close friend in middle adolescence is still under the
process of analysis. The implications of this research on social development
of adolescents will be discussed.
Key words: adolescent, trust, close friend, social development, indigenous

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The Impact of Personality Traits on Academic
Dishonesty among Pakistan Students
Muhammad Shakeel Aslam and Mian Sajid Nazir
Shri Ram College of Commerce
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Academic dishonesty has been a matter of great concern in higher
education for last few decades. The dishonest behavior of students at
graduate and undergraduate level has become a severe issue for education
and business sector, especially when the students exercise same dishonest
practices at their jobs. The number of private and public sector universities is
increasing; therefore, the effects of academic dishonest behavior on potential
professionals need to be carefully investigated and appropriate policies must
be formulated by academicians in order to resolve this issue. The present
research addresses this matter by investigating into the relationship of student’s
personality traits such as Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness,
Neuroticism and Openness with the academic dishonest behaviors of
students. A well-structured questionnaire was used to collect the data from
932 respondents studying at graduate and undergraduate levels in different
Pakistani universities. The study found students’ personality traits to have
a significant impact on attitudes towards academic dishonesty. The results
provide a strong implication for academicians to develop the moralities
and ethics in students so that institutions may provide ethically cultivated
professionals to the business community.
Key Words: dishonest behavior, personality traits, extraversion, agreableness,
conscientiousness, neuroticism, Pakistan

Book of Abstracts
The Psychological Preparedness of the Indonesian
Police Rookies: A Comparative Study on the
Psychological Features of the High-School Graduates
and the University Graduates Entering the Indonesian
Police Academy
Reza Indragiri Amriel
Department of Psychology, Universitas Bina Nusantara
Despite some studies show that level of education does not positively
correlates with the police personnel’s success in career, other researchers state
that it is a must for modern police personnel to own wide access to obtain
new knowledge. They also need to have capacities and other sources to utilize
their knowledge to achieve better work performance. For the last decades,
society have also viewed police personnel as “knowledgeable workers”; such
status is seen as a condition for the actualization of “research-informed
policy and practice”. Nevertheless, it is commonly noted that attracting the
members of society, who have high motivation and better level education, to
join police organization has become an obstacle which hinders the instituion
to recruit more qualified personnel. The US has also faced similar issue. In
fact, high motivation and better education are viewed more relevant for
modern police personnel to ensure the maintenance of public safety as well
as help keep the principle of democracy on the right track. General Sutanto,
former Chief of the Indonesian Police, in the year 2007 underlined that the
Indonesian Police would give higher priority for university’s graduates to join
the Indonesian Police Academy. Sutanto believed, the police rookie owning

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
university degree would have better intellectual capacity; allowing them to
better cope with the current situation of the nation as well as provide better
service to public. Gen. Sutanto’s view had been applied into a national policy
until the year 2009.
Gen. Sutanto, in line with numerous research on the ideal criteria of
for police personnel, indicated that the top authority of the Indonesia Police
had better understanding and solid concept on the importance of education
for the Indonesian police personnel. Surprisingly, General Bambang
Hendarso Danuri as the current Chief of the Indonesian Police announced
that, starting this year, the Indonesian Police Academy would return to the
previous criteria; namely, only open the vacancy for high school graduates.
He evaluates that the rookie with university background tends to be harder to
shape, compared to the high school new cadets, during their period of study
at the Police Academy. A number of sources interviewed by Reza (2009) also
shared the view. Using the metaphor of “formal dress”, they opined, high
school graduates are easier to “tailor and modify” to become “true” police
personnel. Such opinion indicates, there are different strengths, in forms
of psychological features, which support the high school graduates to be
more successful in the Indonesian Police organization. This paper aims at
testing the facts behind the above assumption as stated by the current Chief
of the Indonesian Police, Gen. Bambang Hendarso Danuri. By verifying
his assumption, through the examination of the candidates’ psychological
profiles, it is hoped that this paper will put a more solid basis for the future
policy on who should enter the Indonesian Police institution.

Book of Abstracts
The Reasons for Muslim Students to
Distrust Politicians Based On Personal Characteristics
and Social Economic Status
Zakwan Adri, Helly P Soetjipto, Indrayanti & Uichol Kim
Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology,
Universitas Gadjah Mada - Indonesia
Indonesia is the biggest muslim population country in the world, but
the political participation of muslim tend to decline in many elections, such
as in 2009 general election, 29 % voters did not vote. This study was aimed
to explore the reasons of muslim students to distrust politicians based on
their personal characteristics and social economic status. The data collection
was done using an open ended questionnaire created by Uichol Kim. The
participants were 430 muslim university students. Non random sampling
was used in determining sampling method. Researcher used one open ended
question to explain the reasons why muslim students distrust politicians and
seven informations about respondent background to know the personal
characteristics and social economic status. The personal characteristics consist
of four variables: gender, age, the level of identification to their religion, and
the level of identification to ethnic. The social economic status consist of
three variables: parents education, parents occupation, and family standard
of living per month. The data analysis was done by analizing participants
responses, categorizing and coding them. Those data were then analized
using cross-tabulation. Data analysis showed that muslim students distrust
politicians who are not competent, lack of professional integrity, promote
self interest, and corrupt.
Key word: distrust, politicians, personal characteristics, social economic

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Achievement Motivation of College Student
From Betawi Tribe
Zarina Akbar
Universitas Negeri Jakarta - Indonesia
This research has been done to find about achievement motivation of
college student that come from Betawi tribe. Qualitative methods have been
used for this research. The subject for this research is a fourth grade college
student that comes from Betawi tribe. In-depth interview technique is used
for collecting data. The result of this research has shown that the subject was
continued her formal education until university with the support from her
family. The core meaning of education isn’t an important thing for Betawi’s
community, but isn’t going into effect for the subject’s family.
The subject’s family give support for what she want to be, with one
consideration that after she can get her bachelor degree, it will be easier
for him to get a job, as a employee and get high salary. There’s one Betawi’s
community value that “biar tekor asal nyohor” (let impecunious so long
as is famous). This value become a strong basic of the parents to give their
children a high education until university with the value of successful, with
the orientation that tend to material things so it will be make their family
pride higher than before.
Building of achievement motivation into the subject that has extrinsic
characteristic for the first time finally will be internalized to subject’s self.
Finally this thing will stimulate subject to get more spirit for going trough to
her education and can realize her family’s expectation.
Key words: achievement motivation, college students, Betawi tribe

Book of Abstracts
Factors that Influenced Internalized
Sundanese Culture through Subject Matter of
Sundanese Language
Jakarta State University, Indonesia
Rita Retnowati
University Of Pakuan Bogor, Indonesia
This research is aimed to describe the factors that influenced internalized
sundanese culture through subject matter of sundanese language at Junior
Secondary School in West Java. This research is focused on: (1) studen’s
attitute toward the subject matter of sundanese langguange, (2) the teacher’s
quality, (3) the facilitations that contribute the learning.
This research used survey method. Samples were determined randomly.
They were 40 studens of Junior Secondary Schools. Based on the above focuses
we could surmise that students have negative attitude toward the subject
matter of sundanese langguage. The teachers were lack of qualification and
facilitation to promote subject matter of sundanese language.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Understanding Career Indecision in
Javanese High School Students
Based on Career Decision Self-Efficacy Level
Dian Ratna Sawitri
Diponegoro University
Previous researches had proved that there was a robust negative
relationship between career decision self-efficacy and career indecision in
Western societies. However, the dynamic of those variables was still rarely
tested in Javanese students with different cultural context. The objective of
this research was to know the relationship between career decision self-efficacy
and career indecision among Javanese high school students. A sample of
436 students from three public schools and two private schools in Semarang
Central Java completed career indecision and career decision self-efficacy
self-report measures. The present study indicated that career decision self-
efficacy had a significant negative correlation with career indecision. Smaller
correlation as well as differences by sex, work experience, selection process,
socio economic status, school, and mother’s work status are discussed.
Keywords: career indecision, career decision self-efficacy

Book of Abstracts
Where Cultural Concepts Emanate from:
Their Roots and Necessity
Samir Parikh, Lovepreen Kaur, Isha Singh, Kamna Chhibber
Evolution of the field of mental health has increasingly highlighted the
significance of cultural concepts. Be it in understanding a client, gaining
insight to the sociocultural aspects of the condition, reaching a diagnosis or
engaging them in therapy, knowledge of the cultural contexts, concepts, and
indigenous practices enhances the service delivery aspect of practice in our
field. Evidence based practices have over the years rooted for the incorporation
of cultural principals in clinical and therapeutic practice. Understanding the
development of these concepts from a historical perspective strengthens the
ability to integrate them into our clinical practice.
Key words: cultural concepts, sociocultural aspects, evidence based

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
 Seeking Psychological Support:
Cultural Attitudes, an Indian Perspective
Lovepreen Kaur, Kamna Chhibber, Samir Parikh, Isha Singh
Statistics reveal that of the people who need psychological and psychiatric
help, less than 1% of them receive it in the Indian subcontinent. There is
a significant discrepancy when one looks at the segments of population
belonging to the upper strata of society and those who are underprivileged.
The reasons for these discrepancies need enumeration as engaging more
individuals to recognize the importance and relevance of the discipline in
enhancing their overall quality of life needs a better understanding of the
factors that prevent more people from seeking help. Through our research
we look at demographic, social, cultural and personal factors that affect these
attitudes and outline a strategy to enhance the awareness and acceptance of
mental health services.
Key words: psychological support, help seeking, cultural attitudes

Book of Abstracts
Cultural Aspects of Therapy:
An Indian Perspective
Kamna Chhibber, Isha Singh, Samir Parikh, Lovepreen Kaur,
It has long been recognized that cultures have innate defense mechanisms
that can act both as causative factors and be utilized as therapeutic tools to
enhance an individual’s adjustment and overall sense of well-being. Awareness
of cultural mechanisms aids significantly in building rapport, demonstrating
sensitivity and empathy towards clients, and enhancing understanding of
familial and social dynamics. Our practice and presence within the field
of mental health in India has highlighted the necessity for therapeutic
processes to incorporate open confidentiality with family, acceptance of
client dependence, being directive, and spiritual and cultural inclusiveness.
Furthermore, it makes it feasible to utilize lesser trained staff, supportive and
eclectic models of counseling, provide brie f crisis-oriented work, and use
less dynamics.
Key words: therapy, cultural variables, spiritual inclusiveness

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Working with the Underprivileged:
Bringing a Sense of Empowerment
Isha Singh, Samir Parikh, Kamna Chhibber, Lovepreen Kaur,
Incorporating new practices and integrating them with existing
frameworks to enhance the quality of health care provided is the need
of the day. Within the purview of the Indian context, mental health
of the underprivileged segment of the population has been a largely
ignored field. An integral part is empowering those who do not have
equal opportunities with the skills and abilities to bring about changes.
We suggest the implementation of the Peer Role Model Programs
based on our experiences. Through our work with three NGOs, the
Bachpan Bachao Andolan, Plan International, and Yuva we highlight
the utilization and implementation of the Peer Role Model Program.
Key words: community, Peer Role Model Program, NGOs

Book of Abstracts

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Conception of self in the cyberspace:
With specific focus on university students

Hoe-Sook Huhr, Uichol Kim, Young-Shin Park & Jung-Hee Kim
Inha University, Korea
The study examines the conception of self in the cyberspace among
fourth year university students using indigenous psychological analysis.
A total of 327 university students (male=72, female=255) completed a
questionnaire developed by Park and Kim (2007). The results are as follows.
First, students report pleasure interacting with their friends in the cyberspace.
Second, for the conception of self in cyberspace, students who spend much
time in cyberspace are more likely to report experiencing pleasure interacting
with their friends in the cyberspace and more likely to become addicted to
Internet. Third, those students who play Internet games have a higher chance
of becoming addicted to Internet and are more likely to show aggressive
behavior. Fourth, those students who spend time in Internet by “chatting”
with their friends showed regular conversation style, while those students
who show potential Internet addiction report interacting in an unusual

Book of Abstracts
Preliminary Validation of the Perceived Ethnic
Discrimination Questionnaire - Community Version
Rosnah Ismail; Kntayya Mariappan; Balan Rathakrishnan;
Ferlis Bahari; Budi Anto Mohd Tamring; Joki Perdani Sawai;
Flearence Arifin
School of Psychology and Social Work
Universiti Malaysia Sabah - Malaysia
[email protected]
The aim of this study is to test the reliability of the instrument - The
Perceived Ethnic Discrimination Questionnaire- Community Version (PEDQ-
CV). PEDQ-CV refers to questions on ethnic discrimination perception
perceived by university students as respondents. 60 students of Universiti
Malaysia Sabah from various ethnic groups has been chosen as subject.
To test the internal consistency reliability of the PEDQ-CV instrument,
Cronbach aplha coefficient’s method was used. Results revealed, Cronbach
alpha’s value achieved for Lifetime Discrimination’s Scale is 0.92. The internal
consistency of the degree of reliability achieved is significnat and suitable to
be applied to students in Malaysia.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Factor influencing occupational stress among
Korean employees
Kyung Lan Lee, Young-Shin Park & Uichol Kim
Inha University, Korea

This study examines factors influencing occupational stress among
employees working for a large corporation in Korea. A total of 200 employees
(male=103, female=97) completed a structured questionnaire developed
by Park and Kim (2009). Factor analysis indicated four factors related
to occupational stress: 1) relationship with the superior, 2) workload, 3)
communication, and 4) promotion and future. Second, the results indicate
that those employees who receive high social support from their colleagues
had lower scores on occupational stress. Those respondents with high
occupational stress had higher scores on stress and depression.

Book of Abstracts
The Interpersonal Reactivity and Temperament
on the Overt and Covert Narcissistic Subjects
in Youth Group
Eunkyung Koh, Eunjeong Kwon, Soontaeg Hwang
Department of psychology
Objective: In this study, narcissistic group of the junior high school
students were divided into two subtypes of overt and covert. And the
Interpersonal Reactivity and temperament of these groups were investigated
through IRI and JTCl.
Method: The Narcissistic Personality Disorder Scale (NPDS-A), the
Covert Narcissism Scale (CNS), The Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI),
and The Temperament and Character Inventory (JTCI) were administered
to 325 students of age 13-14. 35 students of those were overt narcissistic and
45 students of those were covert narcissistic. The control group was consisted
of 37 students. Correlation analysis have been carried out using SPSS.
Result: The covert narcissistic students showed statiscally higher
Novelty seeking and Harm avoidance but lower Persistence compare to the
overt narcissistic and control students. After looking for any interpersonal
reactivity difference between groups, we found that overt narcissistic
student present better ‘perspective-taking’ than covert. And overt and covert
narcissistic students showed higher ‘Fantasy’ compare to controls. There was
no difference between groups on empathetic concern. On personal distress,
covert narcissistic students showed higher score than the overts and the

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Conclusion: These results suggested that covert narcissists have more
malfunctioned aspects on the other hand the overt narcissists are rather
adaptive in a real world.
Key words: Overt Narcissistic personality disorder, Covert Narcissistic
personality disorder, Temperament, Interpersonal Reactivity

Book of Abstracts
Taking care of elderly parents:
With specific focus on elementary and middle school
students and their parents
Kee-Hye Han, Young-Shin Park. & Uichol Kim
Inha University, Korea
The study examines how elementary and middle school students
and their parents think about taking care of their elderly parents using
indigenous psychological analysis. A total of 1,140 participants (elementary
and middle school students=380, their parents=760) completed an open-
ended questionnaire developed by Park (2009). The results are as follows.
For positive benefits of taking care of their elderly parents, students report
that they can depend on them and that they can fulfill their filial piety. For
parents, they report that it is good for the character development of their
children and in promoting harmony in the family. Students report that they
can impress their elderly parents by being filial to them and parents report
that through sacrifice, they can impress their parents. As for the reason why
they may not be able to support their elderly parents, participants report
financial constraints. When they are not able to support their elderly parents,
participants report that they would feel guilty.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Factors influencing life-satisfaction and achievement
among young children in Korea
Woo Giy Chang, Uichol Kim & Young-Shin Park
Inha University, Korea

This study examines the factors influencing life-satisfaction and
achievement among young children in Korea. A questionnaire developed by
Park and Kim (2007) assess the following factors: Parental socio-economic
status, parent-child relationship, relationship with teachers and friends,
personality, and self-efficacy. A total of 43 young children completed the
questionnaire. The results are as follows. Those children who had close
parent-child relationship and close relationship with friends report higher
life-satisfaction. Those children who receive greater social support from their
parents, friends and teachers and had higher respect for their parents had
higher academic achievement. Those children who received greater social
support from their friends and teachers and had higher life-satisfaction.
Those children who had hostile relationship with their friends had lower
academic achievement. Those children who had higher self-efficacy had
higher academic achievement.

Book of Abstracts
Longitudinal analysis of
factors influencing quality of life and academic
achievement among Korean adolescents:
With specific focus on social support and self-efficacy

Mi-Hyang Lim, Young-Shin Park & Uichol Kim
Inha University, Korea
This study examines factor influencing quality of life and academic
achievement among Korean adolescents. In the first study, a total 283 students
completed a survey developed by Park and Kim (2002). The results are as
follows. First, parent-child efficacy and parental social support had direct and
positive influence on respect for parents, which in turn had positive influence
on adolescents’ quality of life. Second, self-efficacy had positive influence on
academic achievement. In the longitudinal study, a total of 1,161 Grade 11
students were survey when they were Grade 12 (n=701) and when they were
university students (n=242). The results indicate that relational efficacy and social
support receive from parents had direct and positive influence of students’ quality
of life. Self-efficacy had a strong positive influence on academic achievement in
all phases of the study. Although academic achievement at Grade 11 had a strong
impact on academic achievement at Grade 12, academic achievement at Grade
12 did not influence academic achievement at the university level.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The effect of trauma on psychological health and
helpless among Korean adolescents
Ae-Kyong Won
Inha University, Korea

This study examines the effects of trauma on psychological health
and helpless among Korean adolescents. A total of 1,285 students (middle
school=385, high school=900) participated in the study. The results are as
follows. Trauma and family conflicts experienced by adolescents affected the
psychological health and their feeling of helplessness. Those adolescents who
grow up in a family marred by familial conflict and tension are more likely to
be traumatized and show symptoms of helplessness, inwardness and problem

Book of Abstracts
Institutional Evaluation of cultural education
for sustainable development in rural area
(Sistan- IRAN)
Mortaza Tavakoli
University of Zabol - Iran
[email protected], [email protected]
The Environmental; social; economy elucidation (ESEE) have become
an important component of the Comprehensive Village Development
(CVD) for sustainable rural communities. ESEE related and contributed
with much to human resources development through imparting training,
organizing capital through share-savings, harnessing local resources through
participative planning, enriching entrepreneurial skills by implementing
different dimensions of development , and on the whole, creating social capital
for village development. Cultural education for ESD has also contributed
to poverty alleviation, social security, natural resource management, and
establishing social justice in the community. The success of the Cultural
education for ESD lies in the members education, people participation,
local level planning, the sense of belonging to the society, discipline, capital
accumulation and its judicious investment in diversified productive activities.
The development of sustainable targets for ESD should include knowledge,
skills, understanding, attitude and values. Institutional evaluations have been
described as processes which use concepts and methods from the social and
behavioral sciences to assess organizations current practices and find ways

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
to increase their efficiency. Key themes of SD in institutional dimension
include among other things poverty alleviation, citizenship, peace, ethics,
responsibility in local and global contexts, democracy and governance,
justice, security, human rights, health, gender equity, cultural diversity,
rural and urban development, economy, production and consumption
patterns, corporate responsibility, environmental protection, natural
resource management and biological and landscape diversity. In this research
has chosen three criteria for this purpose: comprehensiveness, coherence
and relevance. Cultural education for ESD is still developing as a broad
and comprehensive concept, encompassing interrelated environmental,
economic and social issues. Therefore, Cultural education for ESD should
be elaborated and complemented with other fields of education in an
integrative approach towards Education for Sustainable Development: -
cultural education for ESD is a lifelong process (Lifelong learning), from
early childhood to higher and adult education and goes beyond formal
education. Since learning takes place as we take on different roles in our
lives, cultural education for ESD has to be considered as a life-wide process.
- Equal chances in education and access to education - Quality assurance in
education and compatible national education system with standards system
of education and training - Decentralization and increasing of the autonomy
in educational system - Institutional building - Partnerships - improving
education in rural area, access to education for population, supporting
students with high performances, education for children Social protection
for ensuring access to education for students/youngsters This paper evaluates
of education to meeting the challenges of Sustainable Development (SD) in
rural area. The mission of this Research is Institutional & Evaluation and
to provide data, reports, and research that support institutional planning,
strengthen student learning, and promote understanding of the nature and
quality of cultural education for ESD in rural area. Methods of Gathering

Book of Abstracts
and reporting institutional survey data is; 300 questionnaires from student
and parents in 25 rural in sistan region (IRAN). Research findings are:
-cultural Education about ESD is very poor - Institutional action for ESD
is not clear - Lack of sufficient financial support; - Assistance needed: - in
reorienting curricula for ESD; - in improving legal & regulatory measures;
- In training teachers for ESD - Role of NGOs vis-à -vis ESD promotion
is not well defined. - Need a regional roadmap to promote ESD. - Lack of
inter-sectoral co-operation. - Lack of National strategies for ESD in rural
level. - Lack of M&E processes for ESD - Low use of ICTs in promotion of
ESD. - Availability of cultural education for ESD tools & materials relatively
low. - Lack of international co-operation. Effectively connecting province
and district policies, while rare, can be a promising path to statewide cultural
education improvement. Places making the most progress in creating and
sustaining more cohesive education leadership policies had the following
in common: - Strong political support and the engagement of top leaders
(state, city, district); - Comparatively little staff turnover at key policy
positions; - Common state-level policies such as academic standards and
graduation requirements; - Pre-existing social networks and collaboration
among governmental and non-governmental Organizations.
Key words: cultural education; sustainable development; rural area; sistan;

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Indigenous psychological study of
students’ success attribution:
How success attribution applies in Indonesian contexts
Moh. Abdul Hakim; Sri Kurnianingsih; Helly P. Soetjipto
Center for Indigenous & Cultural Psychology - Indonesia
[email protected]
The research sets out to explore how Indonesian students attributing
success and failure using indigenous psychological approach. A total of
1017 students (junior high school: 248 students, senior high school:
473 students, undergraduate: 296 students) completed an open ended
questionnaire developed by (Kim, 2008) that asks what they consider to
be the most important factor contributing to their success and what they
consider to be the most important factor contributing to their failure. The
data was analyzed using indigenous psychological approach of analyzing the
content of open-ended responses, categorization of the responses and cross-
tabulating with background information. Results indicated that junior high
school students (59,1%), high school students (47,1%), and undergraduate
students (50,6%) stated that internal factor (they themselves) contributing
the most important factor to their success. Whilst external factor as the most
important factors in their failure were only stated by 29,7% junior high
school students, 23,1% high school students, and 32,7% undergraduate
students. These findings indicate that Indonesian students have a different
characteristic in attributing success and failure. In attributing success, it is

Book of Abstracts
relatively balance between internal and external factors. On the other hand, it
is only few students attributing external factor as the most important factors
contributing to failure. The result has proven that self-success attribution
theory can not be applied in Indonesian context. This study will implement
culture values perspective in interpreting the empirical facts.
Key words: self-success bias, success attribution, failure, Indonesian

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Psychometric assessment of the Allport-Ross Religious
Orientation Scale (ROS) Instrument
Ferlis Bahari, Chua Bee Seok, Lailawati Madlan, Jasmine Adela
Mutang, Alfred Chan
Psychology and Social Health Research Unit
Universiti Malaysia Sabah - Malaysia
[email protected]; [email protected]
Measurement related to intrinsic and extrinsic religion orientation had
been performed for more than 30 years especially psychometric inspection
in religion psychology area. Therefore, researcher felt that there was a need
for pyschometric evaluation for the Allport-Ross Religious Orientation
Scale (ROS) instrument which measured intrinsic and extrinsic orientation.
This research a for the purpose of investigated psychometric aspect of ROS
instrument from the aspect of construct validity and internal consistency
reliability. Construct validity through Exploratory Principal Axis Factor
analysis using Equamax Rotation method was used to developed ROS
subscale. In addition, ROS as a whole and its’ subscales internal consistency
reliability was examined using Cronbachs’s alpha method. Research’s
subjects were 899 university’s student aged ranged from 18 till 26 years old
and subjects were chosen based on random sampling method . Allport-Ross
Religious Orientation Scale (ROS) instrument by Allport and Ross (1967)
was used. ROS instrument had through back translation process from
English to Malay language. Research result showed that three subscales were

Book of Abstracts
successfully developed. Beside that, Cronbachs’s alpha value for ROS as a
whole was 0.837. Internal consistency through Cronbachs’s alpha method for
three scales that had developed were 0.641 to 0.892. This findings showed
that subscale that developed from ROS Malaysia’s version was different
with ROS that developed and tested by Allport and Ross (1967). However,
internal consistency reliability Malaysia’s version was at high level. Therefore
ROS Malay language version was suitable to be used as an objective tool
in measure extrinsic and intrinsic religion orientation among university’s
student. These were interesting findings since the research’s finding can be
compared to the research from foreign country which entirely dissimilar
because of different religion factors.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Application patterns of Traditional Techniques
and Indigenous knowledge,
in Water Resource Management Case study:
Rural areas of Iran
Gharib Fazelniya
University of Zabol - Iran
[email protected]
Iran is located in southwest Asia and borders the Gulf of Oman, Persian
Gulf, and Caspian Sea. Iran is part of the arid zone of the earth, and so water
is an important factor for the Iranian people, especially for rural peoples. In
general, Iran has an arid climate in which most of the relatively scant annual
precipitation falls from October through April. In most of the country,
yearly precipitation averages 250 millimeters (9.8 in) or less. Therefore, in
an attempt to the find appropriate solutions for water efficiency, especially in
rural areas have been among Iranians problems and Their Busy mind. Thus,
they have invented various methods and techniques for water resources
management. The “qanat” is one of the most important and most famous of
these methods and techniques. Indubitable, Construction of the qanat with
the aim of exploiting groundwater resources by the ancient Iranians have
been based entirely on environmental conditions and indigenous knowledge
of them. (A qanat is a water management system used to provide a reliable
supply of water to human settlements and for irrigation in hot, arid and
semi-arid climates. Alternative terms for Qanats in Asia and North Africa

Book of Abstracts
are kakuriz, chin-avulz, and mayun.) Studies show that last decades, some of
the efforts and approaches on rural development were based on rural water
resource management. Also reviewing recent rural development literature
reveals that, the problem of water supply is among the most important
requirements of sustainable rural development process. In an attempt to the
reconstructing, providing and also the Demonstration Optimal Action Plan
Framework for rural water resource management, an important question
is: The ancient Iranians, which Application patterns and what Traditional
Techniques and indigenous knowledge, has invented for water resource
management, in rural areas? This article with an explanatory approach and
through inspection on scientific sources, and some practical Evidences,
deals with the study of some of the most important and most famous of the
Traditional methods and techniques (indigenous knowledge) for rural water
resource management by the Iranian people, especially by the rural peoples.
Results suggest novel approaches to system implementation methodologies
for for rural water resource management.
Keywords: Application, Traditional Techniques, Indigenous knowledge,
Water Resource Management, Rural areas, Iran.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Co-teaching for integrated class of
elementary school in Korea
Yoon Seong Kim, Young-Ja Lee, and Chan-Wook Mun
Micohol school, Korea
The research subject is to indicate the level of implementation of co-
teaching that a special education teacher recognizes and verify the difference
which comes from diverse sphere of living, region where the teacher belongs
to and various certificates he/she have. The result of this research is as follows.
First, special education teacher recognizes that communication and behavior
management is conducted under the cooperational level but the cooperation
in process of education and method of teaching undergoes at low level.
Second, comparing the teachers from capital area and from regional area,
the former appreciated co-teaching at high level. Third, comparing with
the various certificates, it was special education teacher rather than regular
education teacher who recognized the level of cooperation at low level in
almost every area except the evaluation area. The conclusion on the basis of
these results above that it is needed to have continuous training session. Also,
there exist a rising demand for co-teaching which would maintain conditions
and distinctive characteristics of the regional area.

Book of Abstracts
Efficient management of
the Career information center
Gui won Lee and Kab-soon Chung
Incheon Education & Science Research Institute, Korea
The Career information center is mainly focused on sharing data which
can guide and activate the students’ potential course and personal education
by using informational technology so that they can achieve self-realization in
the future. The members of the counseling office (elementary school, middle
school, high school and general) are seven experienced teachers with a wealth
of professional knowledge. These teachers make up the cyber counseling
committee that is responsible for doing a great deal of personal counseling.
There are also 384 student’s counseling volunteers who visit schools and offer
group counseling to help deal with various student issues. At present there
are 1,956 members in the course information center, including students,
parents and teachers, while the office manager is responsible for the members
and overseeing the office schedule. The bulletin board is used for information
sharing, data uploading about self-realization through work and human
education activities and the publicity of these programs.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Social Resources on Successful Aging of
Older Men and Women in Korea: Mediated by Physical
Functioning and Problem Solving Ability
Ock Boon Chung, Jung Ha Lim, Soon Hwa Chung,
Yun Jung Park, Kyoung Eun Kim
Korea University
Namseoul University - Korea
[email protected]
Differences occur in the economic status and social network contexts
of individuals, both of which are associated with successful aging. The
purpose of this study was to determine how social resources (i.e. economic
status, social support), physical functioning and problem solving ability
relate to successful aging in later life. A sample of 315 participants (aged 61
to 91 years, female 62.5%) was interviewed in metropolitan city of Seoul,
Korea. Structural equation models were developed based on the authors’
hypothesized model proposing mediating effects of physical functioning and
problem solving ability between social resources and successful aging. Data
were found to provide a satisfactory fit of the hypothesized model (Chi-square
4.72, df=4, p=.32, IFI .998, CFI .998, RMSEA .024). Economic status was
found to have direct effect on physical functioning and successful aging
but no direct effect on problem solving ability. Social support was linked
to successful aging directly and indirectly through problem solving ability
but was not directly associated to physical functioning. Problem solving
ability was a key predictor and mediating variable of relationship between

Book of Abstracts
physical functioning and successful aging. In the follow-up, multi-group
analyses revealed that there were important differences in specific pathway
from social resources to problem solving ability by gender, although there
were similarities in paths to successful aging for older men and women. That
is, problem solving ability was predicted by economic status and physical
functioning for older men, while it was predicted by social support and
physical functioning for older women. These findings offer understanding
the mediating role of problem solving ability in successful aging and different
contribution of social resources to problem solving ability for older men and
Key Words: successful aging, problem-solving ability, physical functioning,
economic status, social support

.20 Problem
e1 e2
Figure 1. Hypothesized Model of Successful Aging Mediated by Problem Solving Ability

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Developing an Indigenous Personality Inventory
for Filipino Adolescents:
The Panukat ng Personalidad ng mga Kabataang
Pilipino (PPKP)
John Hermes C.Untalan
De La Salle Araneta University
[email protected]
Rooted from the lexical hypothesis, studies in Philippine trait
psychology reveal seven factors that reflect personality characteristics of
Filipinos (Church & Katigbak, 2004). In an attempt to assess the factors
from an objective psychometric point of view, this study presents the
development, validation, and standardization of an indigenous personality
inventory for Filipino adolescents—the Panukat ng Personalidad ng mga
Kabataang Pilipino (PPKP). Participated by 600 Filipino adolescents, this
study is divided into three sections. Study 1 presents the internally consistent
and factor structure of the seven factors of the PPKP. Study 2 presents the
influences of demographic profiles of the Filipino adolescents. Lastly, Study
3 presents the convergent validity of the PPKP with emic and etic measure of
personality. Implications of the preliminary findings are discussed in using
the PPKP for future studies.

Book of Abstracts
The weight-loss program for selected Malaysian
footballer: A case study
Raweewat Rattanakoses, Raweewat Rattanakoses,
Mohd M. S. Omar-Fauzee, Soh Kim Geok, Maria Chong Abdullah,
& Hayder S. Moseen
University Putra Malaysia - Malaysia
[email protected]
The purpose of study is to examine the effects of losing-weight in elite
football players by using physical and mental practice. The subjects were
elite football player of league in Malaysia (n=4), who trained for competition
football league Malaysia 5 days a week. All subjects were required to losing
weight within three (3) weeks. The objective was to determine two concepts;
losing-weight and mental practice. The frequency mean and standard
deviation were analyses before and after intervention. The results showed
that mental practice group (n=2) losing-weight; Subject 1 was 1.8kg (5.4%)
of body weight, Subject 2 was 3.8kg (4.3%) of body weight, Subject 3 was
2.6kg (3.0%) of body weight, and Subject 4 was 2.2kg (2.9%) of body
weight. And improved mental practice; imagery was increased by 16.7%
(Subject 1), 15.9% (Subject 2), 12.5 % (Subject 3), and 6.0% (Subject 4).
And Self-confidence was increased by 12.0% (Subject 1), 13.0% (Subject 2),
9.6% (Subject 3), and 3.8% (Subject 4). The finding suggested that physical
and mental practice on losing-weight through training on elite footballer
should be supplemented by mental imagery practice.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Artistic Self Expression:
Using Art to Re-construct the Cultural Narratives of
Students with Disabilities
Tim McHargue
Folsom Lake College, Sacramento, California
[email protected]
This poster session will present information on the creation of an Art
Week by students with disabilities at a California college. It will exhibit,
through PowerPoint, the art assembled for an art show that showcases diversity
and disability. The intent of the event is to reconstruct the perception of the
disability culture from one of failure and deficit and redefine it as one of
creativity, invention, and productivity.
The Art Week also seeks to celebrate the creativity of students with
disabilities, acknowledge the unique contributions of the culture of
disabilities and combat stereotypes and stigma. In the process we create a
“preferred” cultural story, reclaim images and use the power of the visual
media for positive identity construction and to foster a sense of agency.
This poster session will visually display the art of students with disabilities
and share the process of producing the event. Included will be samples of the
initial publicity, posters, the call for art, opening and community receptions
and the awarding of scholarships.

Book of Abstracts
Teachers’ Organizational Commitment in PAUD
In the District of West Java Sukabumi - Cisaat
Ria Wardani
Faculty of Psychology Maranatha Christian University
[email protected]
Education from an early age, are needed as prerequisites for human
empowerment progress in negotiating the challenges of the times. Ministry
of National Education of Indonesia made a breakthrough by conducting
programs of PAUD, aims to implement education for children under five at
a cost that is relatively affordable by the middle to lower.
PAUD in the district of Sukabumi – Cisaat has been running since 2002,
and gained considerable enthusiasm from the community. Cost of education
is relatively cheap, it seems the main attraction. In fact, the operational costs
of PAUD relies entirely on fees paid by parents. Management of PAUD self-
financing because it is not subsidized by the government, of course have an
impact on low and uncertainty income for PAUD teachers.
Rapidly increase the number of PAUD in the region, encourage
researchers to know the organization’s commitment of teachers to teach in
PAUD. Meyer and Ellen (1991) divides into three organizational commitment
that is affective commitment (want), continuance commitment (need), and
normative commitment (ought to).

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Based on the results of a study of 50 respondents was found, were
almost the same between PAUD teachers with high commitment to a third
(26%) and early childhood teachers with low commitment to a third (24%).
This indicates, PAUD teachers ‘feel to serve’, ‘a need’, and ‘felt responsible’
is almost the same height as PAUD teachers ‘felt no wish to serve,’ lack
of need‘, and’ lack of responsibility‘. When viewed in isolation, then 66%
more PAUD teachers are driven by affective commitment (to serve), 52%,
driven by continuance commitment (the need to work), and 50%, driven by
a normative commitment (to work as a necessity).

Book of Abstracts
The influence of family on adolescent’s achievement and
happiness: Indigenous psychological analysis
Benedikta Dina Fibriani, Moordiningsih, Uichol Kim
Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology
Faculty of Psychology - Universitas Gadjah Mada
College of Business Administration, Inha University
Adolescents develop within the multiple contexts of their families,
communities, and countries. They are influenced by parents, relatives,
peers, and other adult with whom they come in contact, and by the schools,
religious organizations, and groups to which they belong. Most adolescents
need a great deal of love and affection from their parents. Perception of
parental support, both intrinsic and extrinsic,correlate positively with life
statisfaction and achievement for adolescents. The purpose of this study is
to know what family’s role in adolescents’s life, especially in adolescents’s
happiness and their achievement. A total 467 senior high school students
(male =190, female = 269) completed an open-ended happiness questionnaire
and 284 respondents (89 males and 195 females) completed an open-
ended achievement questionnaire. The questioners have developed by Kim
(2008). The data was analyzed using indigenous psychological approach of
analyzing the content of open-ended responses and do the categorization of
the responses. The results of this research bring us to the understanding that
family hold the important role for adolescents’s happiness and also family
as person that support their achivement. Implications of the results will be
discussed later.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
An overview on the cyber home learning system
in Korea
Gyo jeong Gu, Yongjeong Middle School, and
Lim ja Kim
Incheon Education and Science Research Institute
The cyber home learning system ( CHLS) has started since 2005, with
the aim of improving the academic abilities of students, reducing the private
tutoring expenses, and decreasing the educational gap. The number of
subscribers now reaches 280,000. There are three types of services provided:
class support type, voluntary class and self study This year 300 class support
types and 1,537 voluntary class types, and 442 self study types were opened.
The number of classes amounts to 2,279 in total. Major targets of the CHLS
include students between the 1st year of elementary school and the 1st year
of high school. Target subjects are 6 as followings Korean, social studies,
mathematics, science, English and essay. In 2009, the CHLS is developed
better than before by managing video lecturing and counseling service
and learning diagnosis & prescription service. The CHLS gave chances
of supplementary learning to students from low-income families, isolated
islands and rural villages. As a result, the CHLS narrowed the educational
gap between regions and classes. In the future, the CHLS will provide
students with more various and better services through upgrading evaluation
services, renewal of essay homepage, organizing of quality evaluation,
reinforcing incentive for cyber teachers, making new contents. In addition,
the CHLS will try continuously to decrease the private tutoring expenses
and educational gap between the isolated.

Book of Abstracts
Improving English speaking ability through active
learning programs
Eun-young Lee and Yoong-gie Kim
Bugincheon Middle School, Korea
This study focuses on improving English speaking ability by running
various programs for middle school students. For this, students have been
exposed to the environment in which they use English whenever it was
possible so that they could be familiar with English. The constant exposure
to English using environment would lead students to have confidence in
learning English, helping them develop their English speaking and scholastic
ability. All of the students in Bugincheon Middle School were subjects for
the study; 644 boys, 644 girls (total=1,288 students) The study was carried
out for 2 years, from March, 2008 to February, 2010. It includes following
activities; One Minute Speech, English camp with a native teacher, English
speaking contest, English scholastic ability test, English conversation class in
the morning, English quiz contest, English conversation class with a native
teacher and level based class.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Factor influencing academic achievement among
Korean high school students
Jung-Sook Choi, Young-Shin Park and Uichol Kim
Inha University, Korea
This study analyzes the factor influencing academic achievement among
Grade 12 students in Korea. A total of 320 students completed a questionnaire
developed by Bandura (1995) and Kim and Park (2002). The results are as
follows. First, parental social support and parental academic pressure were
predictive of high academic achievement. Second, feeling close to friends
and social support received from friends were predictive of high academic
achievement. Third, hostile relationship with teachers was negatively
correlated with academic achievement. Fourth, self-efficacy scales were
predictive of higher academic achievement and to some extent predictive of
lower stress and high life-satisfaction. Fourth, there was a negative correlation
between academic achievement and delinquent behavior.

Book of Abstracts
How mothers perceive academic failure among
their children:
Indigenous psychological analysis
Kab Soon Chung, Myo Sung Kim, Young-Shin Park and Soo Yeon Tak
Inha University, Korea

The purpose of this study is to examine the perception of reasons
why their children have failed academically using indigenous psychological
analysis. A total 1,951 mothers of middle and high school students (middle
school=951, high school=1,000) completed a questionnaire developed by
Park (2010). The results are as follows. First, respondents perceive that their
children did well academically since they were able to self-regulate, had
concrete academic goals, and received support from parents and teachers.
The type of support that they received included emotional support, guidance
and teaching. Secondly, the reasons why they did not do well were due to
themselves, especially their lack of self-regulation and also lack of emotional
support from parents. In order for their children to succeed, respondents
pointed out the importance of self-regulation and academic motivation,
emotional support and guidance from parents.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Mother’s Korean Ability, Positive Parenting Attitudes,
Mother-child Communication and Children’s Initiative
in Korean Multicultural Families
Kyoung-Eun Kim, Min-Kyeong Jin, & Mi-Kyoung Kim
Namseoul University
[email protected]
This study investigated how Korean ability, positive parenting attitudes,
mother-child communication of mothers relates to children’s initiative
and explored the mediating role of parenting attitudes and mother-child
communicating in Korean multicultural families. Participants were 104
immigrant women and their children aged 4-6, completed questionnaires
through interview. Instruments were the Korean Ability (Kim, 2006),
Maternal Behavior Instrument (Lee, 1986), Mother-Child Communication
(Shim & Kim, 1997) and Initiative Scale (Park, 2007). Data were analyzed
by Pearson’s Correlation and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results
indicated that mother’s Korean ability related positively to positive parenting
attitude and mother-child communication, and to children’s initiative.
Mothers’ positive parenting attitude related positively to their positive
mother-child communication and to children’s initiative. Mother-child
communication related positively to children’s initiative. Maternal parenting
behavior and mother-child communication mediated the effects of Korean
ability of mother on children’s initiative. Also, mother-child communication

Book of Abstracts
mediated the effects of positive parenting attitude of mother on children’s
initiative. It is suggested that effects of a parent-child communications
intervention should be considered in developing parent education program
for multicultural family.
Keywords: multicultural families, parenting attitudes, mother-child
communication, initiative

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
A Study on Children’s Problem Solving Ability
in Korean Multicultural Families
Focusing on Mother’s Variables
Min Kyeong Kim, Kyoung Eun Kim, & Mi Kyoung Jin
Namseoul University
[email protected]
The purpose of this study were to find the relations of the mother’s
parenting attitudes, husband’s support, Korean ability, Mother-child
communication and children’s problem solving ability, and to analyze the
effects of the mother’s parenting attitudes, husband’s support, Korean ability,
mother-child communication on the children’s problem solving ability in
Korean multicultural families. Participants were 104 immigrant women
and their children aged 4-6. Instruments were the Husband’s Support(Park,
1980), Maternal Behavior Instrument(Lee, 1986), Korean Ability(Kim,
2006), Mother-Child Communication( Shim & Kim, 1997), Children’s
Problem Solving Ability(Treffinger, 2001). Data were analyzed by Pearson’s
correlation and stepwised regresssion. Results indicated that problem
solving ability were positively related to affective and independent parenting
attitudes, Korean ability and open communication. Husband’s support was
positively related to Korean ability and open mother-child communication.
Especially open mother-child communication were positively related to

Book of Abstracts
affective and independent parenting attitudes. Children’s problem solving
ability were influenced by open mother-child communications and lower
controlled parenting attitudes. These results emphasize the importance of
open mother-child communication and positive parenting attitudes for
immigrant women.
Key words: Coping Problems, Parenting Attitudes, Husband’s Support,
Korean Ability, Mother-child communication, Immigrant
Women, Multicultural Families.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Assessment through the narrative method
about Korean Childrens Attachment:
The association with Mother-Child Interactions
and Family Drawings
Mi Kyoung Jin
Namseoul University - Korea
[email protected]
The purpose of this study was: (1) to investigate Korean children’s
attachment relationship with parents based on narrative method, (2) to
analyze the association between attachment relationship and mother-
child interactions, and (3) to examine the association between attachment
relationship and perceptions about family. The attachment relationship with
parents of sixty two children between six and nine were evaluated through
the Manchester Attachment Story Task. Mother-child interactions were
observed through the Emotional Availability Scale while family drawings
were evaluated through Fury’s family drawing scale. The findings are as
follows: First, thirteen children (21%) were avoidant, thirty two (51%)
were secure, eleven (18%) were resistant, and six (10%) were disorganized
attachment. Second, maternal non-hostility showed significant differences
between secure and resistant groups. There were significant differences in
secure vs. avoidant attachment in the responsiveness and involving scale of
child interactions. Regarding the perceptions about the family, there were
differences in vitality/creativity and bizarreness between the secure and
avoidant groups.

Book of Abstracts
The Early maladaptive schemas and Perceived parental
rearing styles in Depressed subjects
Jieun Kwon, Eunkyung Koh, Eunjeoug Kwon, Soontaeg Hwang
Department of Psychology, Chungbuk National University.
[email protected]
Objective: In this paper, the relation between the early maladaptive
schemas and
depression has been studied; and the perceived parental rearing behaviors, •
to be one of the origins of the depression-predicting maladaptive schema, •
has been
Method: Young Schema Questionnaire, Inventory for perceived
parental rearing
behaviors, BDI and the Korean version of defense style questionnaire •
have been
surveyed to 240 university students. The survey data have been studied •
by finding
correlation and by performing multiple regression analysis and two-way •
Results: 1) ‘defectiveness/shame,’ ‘vulnerability to harm or illness,’
‘failure,’ ‘social
isolation/alienation’ among 18 maladaptive schemas are shown to be •

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
predicting variables corresponding to depression; 2) ‘neglect’ and •
are the predicting variables for ‘disconnection and rejection’ and •
autonomy and performance’ schema domains which had the relation •
depression; 3) To examine the effectiveness of adaptive defense style for •
mitigation of depression symptoms in case of the high level of early •
schemas, the variable analysis has been performed. The result shows that •
early maladaptive schemas and adaptive defense style has main effect, •
but the
interaction effect of the early maladaptive schemas and adaptive defense •
style has
not been found.•
Conclusion: Our findings support Young et al.’s(2003) suggestion that
rearing styles are reflecting underlying Early maladaptive schemas. Also •
findings show that the early maladaptive schemas had relation with •
symptoms not only personality disorders.•
Reference: Young,J.E.,Kolsko,J.s.,&Weishaar,M.E. (2003). Schema
therapy: A
practitioner’s guide. New York: The Guilford Press.•

Book of Abstracts
Validation Study on Inventory of Callous-Unemotional
Traits(ICU) with Korean Adolescents
Eunjeong Kwon
Chungbuk national university, Korea Republic
Email: [email protected]
Objective: Many previous studies suggest that CU(Callous-Unemotional)
traits foretell the juvenile delinquency problems and the antisocial personality
disorder of adults. In this study, ICU(Inventory of Callous-Unemotional
Traits) has been translated into Korean language and validated by surveying
junior high school students. Method: 1) ICU, 2) the antisocial personality
disorder subtype of the adolescent version of the Korean Personality
Disorders Test for Self Report(KPDT), 3) anxiety, hyperactivity, delinquency
subtypes of Korea Adolescent Personality Inventory for Self Report(KAPI),
and 4) TCI(Temperament and Character Inventory) have been carried out
to 325 (male 163, female 162) students of age 13-14. Reliability and the
correlation between Korean version of ICU and related factors have been
examined using SPSS. The factor analysis has also been carried out. Result: 21
questions excluding 3 questions which showed negative corelation between
questions and total point have been selected. Cronbach’α of Korean ICU
was .719. Using exploratory factor analysis, 3 factors(uncaring, callousness,
unemotional) have been drawn, which is almost same as the original version.
ASPD of KPDT(r=.456, p<.01), Novelty Seeking of TCI(r=.273, p<.01),
DLQ(r=.298, p<.01) and HPR(r=.225, p<.01) of KAPI showed positive
correlation with ICU. Reward Dependence(r=-.466, p<.01) and Persistence
of TCI(r=-.577, p<.01) showed negative correlation with ICU. Conclusion

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
and suggestion: Korean ICU has been validated by examining the internal
coherency of test and the correlation with related factors. In future research,
it is necessary to prove that stability of CU traits in various age groups and
conduct disorder or oppositional defiant disorder group.

Book of Abstracts
The Meanings and Influencing Factors of Honesty
among Education Students
Anna Armeini Rangkuti, Herdiyan Maulana
Department of Psychology
Education Science Faculty of Jakarta State University
[email protected]
Teachers should be honest persons because they are as model for
students and surrounding people. However, it can be denied that several
teachers have misconduct behavior. It can be found from case of dishonesty
behavior during National Examination by giving examination questions or
answers to the students. Moreover, in Riau Province 1.082 teachers used false
documents or papers to get certification. According to Becker (2006)
that dishonest behavior in work place has been influenced by dishonest
behavior when they were student. This study describes the meaning and
influencing factors of honesty among 507 education students who become
teachers. Data was analyzed using indigenous psychological approach. The
result showed that the meanings of honesty are as presence, factual, not
lie or cheat, a truth, and based on inner self. This study also found that
the students internalized the honesty value from parents, personal interest,
religion, and friend. Meanwhile, friend, situation or condition, and personal
interest become main factors that pushed dishonest attitude and behavior.
Keywords: honesty, dishonesty, education student, teacher

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Emotional Support Group for
Promoting Well-Being: Community Intervention for
Children with Incarterated Parents
With Their Caregiver
Dian Veronika Sakti K
Faculty of Psychology, Diponegoro University
When parents who had children going to prison, their children usually
will stay with their relative. In fact, the relatives often are not prepared to
care for the child inneed. They often not only experienced stress associated
with caring for children, but also expressed frustration about handling the
emotional or behavioral issues of the children. Meantime, children worried
about their caregivers who had to take on additional responsibilities for
their life.
According to that, it becomes important thing to create some spesific
intervention supports for children and their caregivers. This program aimed
to build upon the strength of the family and to promote well-being of
the family as well.

Book of Abstracts
Construction and Psychometric Properties Evaluation
of Instrument to Measure Well Being
Based on Indigenous Psychology Approach:
A Multitrait Multimethod Study
Wahyu Jati Anggoro
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) - Faculty Of Psychology

Wahyu Widhiarso
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) - Faculty Of Psychology

The aim of this study was to develop a scale of happiness based on
indigenous psychology approach and identify it’s psychometric properties.
The research was divided into three step of scenario: 1. happiness construct
exploration based on indigenous psychology approach; 2. Develop the
construct into a scale of happiness (Likert model); and 3. Identify it’s
psychometric properties (reliability and validity). The psychometric properties
analyses consist of internal consistency reliability (alpha-Cronbach) and
construct validity (convergent-discriminant). Multitrait-multimethod
matrix was used on the analysis in order to identify the convergent-
discriminant validity (including three comparative scales: Self- Esteem Scale
Rosenberg, Self-Esteem Inventory Coopersmith, and PGC Morale Scale).
The exploration result shows a unique indicators of happiness in the East
native culture (N=604). The psychometric properties analysis show the alpha
reliability α = 0.895 and the validity was psychometrically accepted (N=111).

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
The conclusion of this study: happiness is a unique construct that consist of
strong contextual aspects and the measurement of a native happiness should
used a scale of happiness that based on indigenous psychology approach.
Further result will be discussed.
Keywords: indigenous psychology approach, happiness scale, convergent-
discriminant validity, multirait-multimethod matrix

Book of Abstracts
The Javanese Self-Concept about Neighbors,
How They Interact in Daily Life:
Indigenous Psychological Analysis
Angelina Nityasa Swinareswari
Faculty of Psychology Gadjah Mada University
In Javanese society, people’s daily life had a bearing on interaction with
another people in the same living place which is called as neighbor. For
Javanese people, it is important to held and maintain their relationship with
neighbors in making a healthy and harmonic life. It is interesting to learn
Javanese self-concept about neighbor in their daily life. This study examined
trust of Javanese people to their neighbors. A total of 150 people completed
open-ended questionnaires which is asking the first thing in their mind if we
talk about neighbors. The respondent who participated in this study aged
over 25 years old and located in five regencies at Special Region of Yogyakarta
Province. The data is analyzed using indigenous psychological approach.
The result shown that Javanese people trust their neighbor because they are
benevolent, giving help, and hospitable. Respondent have a positive self-
concept for their neighbors because they perceive neighbors not as strangers.
Neighbors almost took the same position as their own family who knows
what happening on them.

Keywords: neighbors, self-concept, indigenous analysis

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Marital relationship and spousal conflict among
married women in Korea
Gwi-Ok An & Young-Shin Park
Inha University, Korea
This study examines marital relationship and spousal conflict as perceived
by married women in Korea. Marital relationship and spousal conflict were
assessed through the frequency of spousal conflict, thoughts about divorce,
social support received from spouse, and self-efficacy. In addition, familial
life-satisfaction, stress, depression, regret, distrust, and desire to separate
from their husband and children were examined. The results indicate that
the frequency of spousal conflicts was negatively correlated with amount
of time they spent conversing with their husband and positively correlated
with defensive and distancing postures (e.g., using separate bedroom). Those
respondents who had high self-efficacy and social support from their spouse
were less likely to have spousal conflicts. Those respondents who had frequent
spousal conflicts were more likely to experience high stress and depression,
to have lower familial life-satisfaction and to ruminate about separation and

Book of Abstracts
Stage-based expert systems to guide a population of
university students to manage stress
Shigeko Tsuda
Ibaraki Christian University
Akira Tsuda, Satoshi Horiuchi, Toru Morita,
Euiyeon Kim, Ke Deng, Ayumi Togawa
Kurume University
Hisayoshi Okamura
Kurume University
Yoshiyuki Tanaka
Tokyo University of Social Welfare
Jumpei Yajima
Beppu University
[email protected]
Background. Managing stress is one of the single best things we can
do for our health and well-being. In response to the need for theory-based
self-management programs that people can easily access, the Web site was
created and tested for feasibility, acceptability and usability
Methods. Stage-based expert systems were applied to reduce stress and
enhance effective stress management behavior which is defined as setting aside
at approximately 20 min each day for a healthy activity such as talking with

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
others, physical activity, or regular relaxation to manage stress. Participants
were 230 university students who received assessments at 0, 3 and 6 months
and a manual for the TTM based stress management. In addition to the
assessments and manual for the manual group, the manual plus feedback
group received three individualized reports (0, 3 and 6 months).
Results. Results indicate that the intervention had significant effects
on stress and specific stress management behaviours for both the manual and
manual plus feedback groups.
Conclusions. Home-based and stage-matched expert systems can
reduce stress for students irrespective of with and without individualized
feedback reports.

Book of Abstracts
Exploring Trust To Stranger With Similar
And Difference Religion Among Adult In Yogyakarta:
Indigenous Psychological Analysis
Irrestry Naritasari
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Indonesia is a plural country with six religions. Religion become an
important issue, especially in Yogyakarta, a province which is very plural
because of many people from various locations in Indonesia comes to study
in this province. The purpose of this study was to analyze the psychological
perception of trust and distrust of people who are in the same religion as
well as people who not in the same religion with him/her. A total of 203
(99 Males; 104 Females) participants completed open-ended questionnaire.
Participant are aged over 25 years old and located in five regencies at Special
Region of Yogyakarta Province. The data was analyzed using indigenous
psychological approach. Content analysis of open-ended responses was run.
The study indicates that there is no significant difference in trust to stranger
with similar religion and trust to strager with different religion. The result
also shown that the reason of trust is because of every religion teach for the
same thing, that is virtue, and trust to stranger is more based on personal
character instead based on the religion.
Keywords: religion, trust and distrust, stranger

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Relation between admit in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
(NICU) and post-partum blues
Azar Aghamohammady
Islamic Azad university, Sari Branch, Sari, Iran
[email protected]
Objectives: To assess the prevalence of post-partum blues in mothers
whose babies are admited in NICU, compared with mothers providing
rooming-in care.
Methods: 205 normal primiparous women were studied and divided
two groups that their newborns admitted in NICU or by rooming-in care.
maternity blues assessed in two groups.
Results: 3 day after delivery blus was noted in 40 of 100 mothers (40%)
receiving newborn nursery care and in 23 of 105 (20.8%) receiving rooming-
in care with a significant difference (P=0.030).
10 days after delivery blues in each group significant difference
Conclusion: Admit in NICU may be a potential causal factor for
maternity ‘blues’

Book of Abstracts
Pregnant Women’s Belief toward Myths on Pregnancy:
A Case Study in Tumpangrejo Village – Indonesia
Diantini Ida Viatrie
[email protected]
Syarifatul Alawiyah
Department of Education, Malang State University, Indonesia
This research is an attempt to understand the development of belief
toward some myths on pregnancy among pregnant women in Tumpangrejo
Village – Malang, East Java Province, Indonesia. Using snowball-sampling
method, the data were obtained by depth-interview technique, non-
participant observation, and pictures. The findings show that the five
pregnant women interviewed believe in two domains of myth: behavioral
and dietary myths. In the behavioral myth, they conduct a compulsory
traditional party (a kind of festive) called the slametan at the seventh month
of pregnancy, and a ceremonial “hair washing” every Wednesday. The myths
were adopted and instilled from their parents, and are believed may cause
tremendous troubles in life if they are violated. They believe the myths to
be true even though they do not have any ideas of the real reasoning; they
simply do it as what their parents have reminded them of the karma law
reasoning. In practicing the dietary myth they keep off consuming eggplant
fruits – some of them even do not drink milk – during their pregnancy since
they hold a strong belief that fruits will hinder delivery process. Based on
the findings, the midwife in the village is suggested to intensively inform the
pregnant women about the best nutrition for their health.
Keywords: pregnancy, dietary and behavioral myths.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Does Mother’s Educational Background Influence
Their Children’s Future Aspiration?
Niken Rarasati; Banyu Wicaksono, Indra A.S. Djanegara,
Ardian Praptomojati, Sri Kurnianingsih
Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
[email protected]
Uichol Kim
Inha University, Korea
The purpose of this study is to observe the influence of parent’s
educational background to the ambitions of their children. This study uses
the Indigenous Psychology approach. Data are collected using the Open-
ended Questionnaire developed by Uichol Kim (2008). The subjects of this
study involve 248 Junior High school students in Yogyakarta. They were
asked of their ambition and their parent’s educational background. The
result shows that the parent’s educational background does not influence
their children’s ambitions. 24,29% of students whom their mothers are
high school graduates, state that they want to be a certified professional.
This number is the highest among students whom their mothers are high
school graduates. Similar results are evident in students whom their mothers
are college graduates. 33,85% students say they also want to be a certified
professional, this number is also the highest among students from mothers
with a college degree. While 38.46% students whom their mother has Post
graduate degree say they want to be a certified professional.

Book of Abstracts
Assertiveness of Passive Smoker in Ewuh Pekewuh
David Hizkia Tobing and Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti

This research proposed to explain the psychological phenomenology
that caused the shame of passive smoker to be assertive, because a belief of
ewuh pekewuh (is to cause to feel discomfort and embarassing feeling).
The methodology is qualitative with phenomenology approach.
A research with psychological phenomenology is starting from a real life
experience, unique and concrete, then those issues that will be explore by
revealing the unique meaning from man’s life experiences, or a phenomenology
unit. In this research a phenomenology unit is ewuh pekewuh culture.
Data collections are primary and secondary data. Primary data is
obtained from depth interview and self report; while the secondary data
is obtained from observation and interview with significant others. The
number of subject is 6 peoples; they are from the Gadjah Mada University;
such as from the Cultural Faculty and Pharmacy Faculty. An electoral reason
of location is because students are still remaining lack of awareness of the
free smoking regulation in campus, which could endanger passive smokers
in campus; this regulation is established by the University Rectorate.

To analyze the data is using qualitative methodology, such as open
coding, axial coding and selective coding. The result is contained explanation
about the smoke hazard from active smoker that inhale by the subjects.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
However subjects are incapable to tell their objection directly to active
smoker, because subjects are worried to sensuous active smoker by their
word or behavior and against them.
Subjects are tends to avoid or sheer of from the smoke to deal with
the condition, and also trying to mentioned their objection with other way
for the same purpose; in Javanese community it is called by tepo saliro (is
respecting other or tolerance).
Key word: Assertiveness, passive smoker, Ewuh Pekewuh, phenomenology

Book of Abstracts
Ngudi Kasampurnan The Javanese man’s
ways to reach self sxixstence
(An exploratif phenemologic study to Perguruan
Sangkan Paraning Dumadi)
Yusuf Ratu Agung & A. Khudori Soleh
This research conducted in aim to exploring the value of the javanesse.
It was held in the Malang city, that well known as a center of the ancient
kingdom in the east Java Province.
Self is a familiar word in the psychology, othewise the word of self
existence. But many people didn’t realize that words for their own. In the
Javanese values there are so many words that could explain that words. If
some from us learn it, it will become clues for us to live this life. And it will
be a rich full life.
This is a qualitative research that use phenomenological approach,
all the data pick up from the interviews with someone who knew about
the javanesse culture and the Javanese values, especially in the east java
Ideally, this research will construct the Javanese concept of the “self
Key words: self, self exixtence, javanesse culture.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Javaness Value In The Paguyuban Ngesti Tunggal
(Pangestu) Teaching Which Can Help Individu
To Reach Self-Existence
Yohanes Kartika Herdiyanto
Institute for Community Behavioral Change, Yogyakarta
[email protected]
The aim if this research is to give a description about the teaching of
Paguyuban Ngesti Tunggal (Pangestu) which can help individual to reach
self-existence. Self-existence is shown the fulfillment of the self-existence in
three areas: 1) religious, 2) self, and 3) social.
The subject of the research are 6 persons, which 2 persons are the active
members of Pangestu, 2 persons are the inactive members of Pangestu, and 2
other persons are not a member of any mysticism group, as well as Pangestu.
Beside these 6 persons, there are 12 persons involved in the preliminary
study to give information about the Pangestu teaching.
The finding of this research shows that the active Pangestu members
are capable to fulfill the self-existence in those three areas. Organizing in
the religious area becomes the focus of this group, because it will bring the
positive impact to the other areas. In the other hand, the inactive members
and Pangestu non-members are less capable to fulfill the self-existence in
all areas. The Pangestu teaching which can help individual to reach self-
existence are 1) jalan rahayu, 2) hastasila, 2) paliwara, 3) memayu hayuning
bawana, 4) sangkan paraning dumadi, and 5) angger-angger langgeng.
To the Pangestu members, researcher suggests to always manage those

Book of Abstracts
three areas of self-existence equally. By fulfilling the self-existence researcher
expect that they can face the life challenges and developing the self and the
environment in the positive way. I suggest for future research to conduct an
in-depth interview focusing only on one theme of self-existence in order to
get richer and deeper information for sharper analysis.
Keywords : Pangestu
teaching of Pangestu
psychology of existential

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Trust of Public Institution in Indonesia:
Indigenous Psychological Analysis
Aina Handayani
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Institutions are important part of a country. This study aims to look
at the level of public trust in six Indonesian’s institution among people in
Yogyakarta. A total of 203 participants completed check-list questionnaire
developed by Kim (2008). The respondent who participated in this study
aged over 25 years old and located in Special Region of Yogyakarta Province.
The data is analyzed using indigenous psychological approach. Study shown
that the most trusted institution in this research was military service( TNI)
followed by political party, police institution, public service, mass media
and law system. Military service was trusted by respondent because as a part
of national defense system it has a long history since the independence of
Indonesia and also reinforced by the ruling military regime for 32 year. Law
system became the most distrusted institution by respondent because there
was many cases which it’s solution were not helping the society at large. The
implication will be discussed.

Book of Abstracts
Analyzing Javanese Society’s Trust in Politician;
Indigenous Psychological Analysis
Medianta Tarigan
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
After two times election (2004 & 2009) with direct vote to elect
president, council member and leader of region government, people can
chose their representative and their leader, and therefore trust in politician
will become an important issue. Trust is believed as a key in increasing
the politician opportunity to be elected. It is therefore important to analyze
Yogyakarta society’s trust in politician. A total of 203 Yogyakarta residents
(99 males and 104 females) complete an open-ended questionnaire that ask
how much they trust politicians and the reason why they trust and distrust
them. They were selected based on age (over 25 years) or length of stay
in Yogyakarta (at least 10 years). Data were collected using closed-ended-
questionnaire and further analyzed by using indigenous psychology approach.
The result shown that respondents are distrusting politician (84.8%) with
the main reasons are due to the belief that politicians are dishonest, only
promoting their vested self-interest or their party and lacking of integrity.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Factors Influencing Achievement of Indonesian
Adolescents: Indigenous Psychological
and Cultural Analysis
Niken Hartati; Achmad M Masykur; Luthfi Fathan Dahrianto;
Sri Kurnianingsih; Faturochman
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
[email protected]
The aim of the study is to explore factors influencing achievement of
Indonesian adolescents in Indonesia. A total of 722 subjects (249 middle
school and 473 high school students) with age between 15 – 18 years filled
in an open ended questionnaire about achievement developed by Kim
(2006). The questions were: what accomplishment or achievement that
make them most proud of, why they were proud of that achievement, person
who supported them and helped them to succeed, type of support, and the
most important factor contributing to their success. The data was analyzed
using indigenous psychological approach of analyzing the content of open-
ended responses, categorization of the responses and cross-tabulating with
background information. Results indicated that 67% middle school students
and 46,6% high school students were proud of their academic achievement
followed by achievement in sports (middle school: 11,7%, high school:
12,7%) and arts (middle school: 7,6% , high school 13%). The reason of why
they proud of those achievements were the ability to overcome the challenge
(middle school: 45 %, high school: 22,4%), self satisfaction (middle school:

Book of Abstracts
21,1%, high school 19,7%), and dedication to family (middle school 5,9%,
high school: 12%). Person that gave most support to them were parents
(middle school 62,9%, high school 52,6%), family (middle school: 18,9%,
high school:18,3%), friends (middle school: 6,8%, high school: 9,7%) and
teacher (middle school: 5,2%, high school 5,3%). Kind of support that
accepted by them were emotional support (middle school 52,8%, high
school 57,5%), informational support (middle support 18,5%, high school
14,5%), spiritual (middle school: 13,7%, high school: 6,5%) and material
(middle school 12,5%, high school 9,3%). These findings will be deeply
studied using indigenous cultural approach.
Keywords: indigenous, achievement, adolescents, Indonesian adolescents

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Relational Influence on Indonesian Adolescents’
Achievement, Failure, and Future Aspiration
Muhamad Taqiyudin; Mohamad Iksan; Muh Untung Manara;
Sri Kurnianingsih; Faturochman
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
[email protected]
The purpose of the study is to find out relational influence on
Indonesian adolescents’ achievement, failure, and future aspiration. Using
questionnaire developed by Kim (2006), 1113 students (middle school 248,
high school 473, undergraduate 296, and graduate 96) answered questions
about the achievements that make them proud of, the most painful failure,
and future aspiration. They were also asked about person that responsible
to those events. The data was analyzed using indigenous psychological
approach of analyzing the content of open-ended responses, categorization
of the responses and cross-tabulating with background information. Results
showed that 63% middle school, 53% high school, 56% undergraduate, and
48% graduate students answered that achievement was mostly supported
by parents, followed by family, peer group and teacher. Regarding failure,
most of students answered there were no one that responsible to the failure
(middle school 47%, high school 49%, undergraduate 42%, graduate 39%)
followed by friends. These answers were correlated with the question about
most important factor contributing to your failure. The finding was most of
the respondents (58% middle school, 67% high school, 76% undergraduate,

Book of Abstracts
55% graduate students) answered that internal factor (they themselves) were
responsible to the failure. In relation with future aspiration, the person that
was expected to support it was parents(middle school 66%, high school
74%, undergraduate 58%, graduate 35%), followed by family and social
networking. More exploration on this study will be conducted using culture
values perspective in interpreting the empirical facts.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Indigenous psychological study of students’
success attribution: How success attribution applies
in Indonesian contexts.
Moh. Abdul Hakim; Sri Kurnianingsih; Helly P. Soetjipto
Center for Indigenous & Cultural Psychology - Indonesia
[email protected]
The research sets out to explore how Indonesian students attributing
success and failure using indigenous psychological approach. A total of
1017 students (junior high school: 248 students, senior high school:
473 students, undergraduate: 296 students) completed an open ended
questionnaire developed by (Kim, 2008) that asks what they consider to
be the most important factor contributing to their success and what they
consider to be the most important factor contributing to their failure. The
data was analyzed using indigenous psychological approach of analyzing the
content of open-ended responses, categorization of the responses and cross-
tabulating with background information. Results indicated that junior high
school students (59,1%), high school students (47,1%), and undergraduate
students (50,6%) stated that internal factor (they themselves) contributing
the most important factor to their success. Whilst external factor as the most
important factors in their failure were only stated by 29,7% junior high
school students, 23,1% high school students, and 32,7% undergraduate
students. These findings indicate that Indonesian students have a different
characteristic in attributing success and failure. In attributing success, it is

Book of Abstracts
relatively balance between internal and external factors. On the other hand, it
is only few students attributing external factor as the most important factors
contributing to failure. The result has proven that self-success attribution
theory can not be applied in Indonesian context. This study will implement
culture values perspective in interpreting the empirical facts.
Key words: self-success bias, success attribution, failure, Indonesian

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Expectancy-Value Beliefs as sources of Achievement
Motivation on Faculty of Psychology ‘X’
University’s Students
Fifie Nurofia
Faculty of Psychology Maranatha Christiany University
[email protected]
To achieve good grades are every student’s wish, but it can’t always
be achieved easily. Interest and Task-Value beliefs are some of aspects that
determine the efforts students will extend on pursuing their good grade’s
goal. Successful experiences during their study will develop individual’s
judgement of their capabilities. Experiencing repeated failures, will be
perceived as too difficult for them. According to Expectancy-Value Model,
achievement motivation is the multiply of expectancy & value beliefs.
Expectancy represents the beliefs that students would succeed, and the Value
components refer to the Task-Value beliefs as the reasons they might engage
in the domain they choose.
The aim of this research is to describe the source of achievement
motivation through expectancy and value beliefs using Eccles & Wigfield’s
Expectancy-Value Model (Pintrich & Schunk, 2002). Respondents for this
research were students on the 2
semester in Faculty of Psychology. They
were 105 students filling 34 items of self administering questionnaire’s that
developed by the researcher in accordance with the Expectancy-value Model.

Book of Abstracts
Validity test’s results in expectancy beliefs were 0.690–0.751, and for Task-
Value beliefs were 0.684-0.876. The reliability test results in expectancy and
task value beliefs were 0.777 and 0.890
Research’s results showed that 51.4% students have strong level of
expectancy value beliefs to succeed, and 48.57% have mild level of expectancy
value belief. Students with strong task value beliefs, supported by the four
aspects, which were attaintment value belief (they belief that to be succeeded
in the study of psychology are important, interest (they have strong interest
to study psychology), perceived the utility value (studying psychology could
support their future life for finding jobs), and perceived cost (they are willing
to allocate their resources like spends more times for studying instead of
spend leisure times with friends).
Additional results showed the achievements students achieved until
this 2
semester were 41.9% with ‘excellent’ grade (GPA above 3.00 – 4.00),
46.67% with ‘good’ grade (GPA 2.50 – 2.99, 9.52% with ‘average’ grade
(GPA 2.00 – 2.49), and the ‘need improvement’s grade (GPA 1.50-1.99)
were 1.9%. Tracing to student’s social environments like most of family’s
profession (entrepreneur, employees, etc) resulted no clear distinct on
expectancy value beliefs and/or task value beliefs’ levels.

Key words : Expectancy value beliefs, Task value beliefs, Expectancy
for success, Task Specific Self Concept, Perception of Task
Difficulties, Attaintment Value, Interest, Utility Value,
Perceived cost, Social environment

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
A Study of Health Status and Responses to
Illness Across the Religions
Anshula Krishna
Associate Professor
Vasanta College, Varanasi-India
An understanding of people’s concept of health, causation of ill-health
and responses to illness required an understanding of their culturally specific
indigenous health belief systems. Conducted on adults selected from Hindu
(N=123), Muslims (N=91) and Christian (N=36) population both male
and female of middle socio-economic status, the study examined whether
the people belonging to different religious communities significantly differ
in their health status and responses to illness. Measures of symptoms of
physical ill-health and three dimension to response to illness, i.e. diagnosis of
the symptoms, adaptation of the mode of cure and adherence, and recovery
from illness was employed.
Comparison of three samples with regard to their health status and
responses to illness revealed that the three groups significantly differed in
their approach to diagnosis of symptoms of ill-health and cure approach
an adherence, but not in the speed of recovery from illness. In sum it may
be concluded that health status and responses to illness significantly varies
across the religion and so the cultures.

Book of Abstracts
Conception of filial piety of elementary school
students towards their parents:
Indigenous psychological analysis
Young-Yee Shin, Young-Shin Park & Uichol Kim
Inha University, Korea
The study examines the conception of filial piety of elementary school
students towards their parents. A total of 402 elementary school students
(male=191, female=211) completed an open-ended questionnaire developed
by Park and Kim (2006). The results are as follows. The students report that
they show their filial behavior toward their parents by taking care of their
father and by helping their mother. In terms of filial expression, their express
it to their father by showing proper manners and to their mothers by being
affectionate. They feel that they need to be filial to their parents because they
gave birth to them. They feel that they are unfilial when they are disobedient.
When they are not filial to their parents, they feel guilty. They best way to
show their filial piety is to obey their parents.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
How middle school students express their
filial piety towards their parents:
Indigenous psychological analysis
Yim Soon Lee, Young-Shin Park & Uichol Kim
Inha University, Korea
The study examines the how middle school student express their filial
piety towards their parents. A total of 475 middle school students (male=251,
female=224) completed an open-ended questionnaire developed by Park
and Kim (2006). The results are as follows. The students report that they
show their filial behavior toward their parents by taking care of them. They
express their filial piety by showing proper manners. They feel that they
need to be filial to their parents since they have given birth to them and for
their sacrifices. They feel that they are unfilial when they are disobedient and
when they are not conscientious about their schoolwork. When they are not
filial to their parents, they feel guilty, uncomfortable. They best way to show
their filial piety is to take care of them and obey their parents.

Book of Abstracts
How Korean adolescents and parents view filial piety:
Indigenous psychological analysis
Mi-ae Yoo, Uichol Kim, Young-Shin Park & Daniella Kupor
Inha University, Korea
This study examines how Korean adolescents and parents view filial
piety using indigenous psychological analysis. A total of 699 participants,
consisting of 317 middle school students and 380 parents living in rural
Korea completed an open-ended questionnaire developed by Park and
Kim (2008). As for filial expression, respondents reported affectionate,
well-mannered and caring expressions. As for most effective way of being
filial, respondents reported showing concern, obedience, sincerity, being
studious, and affectionate expressions. As for unfilial action, parents reported
disobedience, engaging in problem behaviors, hurting or ignoring parents,
failing to meet the expectation, and doing poorly academically. When their
children are unfilial, parents reported feeling sad. Respondents reported filial
piety as the most important human duty.

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Perception of filial piety among parents
of university students:
Indigenous psychological analysis
Ja-Young Ahn, Young-Shin Park & Uichol Kim
Inha University, Korea
The study examines how parents of university students perceive filial
piety using indigenous psychological analysis. A total of 410 parents of
university students (father=205, mother=205) completed an open-ended
questionnaire developed by Park and Kim (2008). The results are as follows.
First, the parents of university students report that their children show their
filial behavior toward their parents by taking care of them. Second, their
children express their filial piety by being affectionate to them. Third, they
feel that their children must be filial to their parents since it is their basic
duty. Fourth, when their children are not filial, they feel sad. Fifth, their
children are not filial when they are disobedient. Sixth, they best way their
children can show their filial piety to them is to be obedient. These results
indicate the importance role obedience plays for parent-child relationship
among university students in Korea.

Book of Abstracts
Conception of sacrifice among parents of
kindergarten and elementary school students:
Indigenous psychological analysis
Tai-ou Kim, Young-Shin Park, & Uichol Kim
Inha University, Korea
The study examines the conception of sacrifice among parents of
kindergarten and elementary school students. A total of 700 parents
of kindergarten and elementary school students (parents of children in
kindergarten=340, parents of elementary students=360) completed an open-
ended questionnaire developed by Park and Kim (2009). The results are
as follows. First, respondents report that their parents have sacrificed for
them by providing financial support and by sacrificing their lives for them.
By sacrificing for their children, they personally experienced financial and
emotional difficulties. The sacrifices that their parents made for them helped
them overcome life difficulties and enabled them to succeed in life. Their
parents’ sacrifice provided them with emotional security. Second, respondents
report sacrificing for their friends and children. The nature of their sacrifice
involves providing financial and emotional support. By sacrificing for their
significant others, they experienced financial and emotional difficulties. By
sacrificing for the significant others, they were able to provide them with
emotional security and helped them overcome life’s difficulties

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
Indigenous psychological analysis of
happiness and unhappiness among Korean students
and parents
Sun Young Baak, Young-Shin Park and Uichol Kim
Inha University, Korea
The purpose of this study is to examine of how elementary school
students and their parents perceive happiness using indigenous psychological
analysis. A total of 987 participants (elementary school students=329,
parent=658) completed an open-ended questionnaire developed by Kim and
Park (2008). The results are as follows. First, parents of elementary school
students reported that they were most happy when there is harmony in the
family and when they gave birth to their children and watching them grow.
Students reported that they were happy when spent time in their leisure
activities and when there is harmony in the family. Second, parents of
elementary school students reported that they were most unhappy when their
parents were ill and for students when they were being punished. In order to
be happy, parents of elementary school students reported self-regulation as
being the most important and students reported being conscientious toward
their academic work as being the most important. As for the condition that
will make them happy, parents of elementary school students reported being
healthy and students reported happiness in the family.

Book of Abstracts
Respect for parents among middle school students:
Indigenous psychological analysis
Sang-Hee Lee, Young-Shin Park & Uichol Kim
Inha University, Korea
The study examines respect for parent among middle school students
in Korea using indigenous psychological analysis. A total of 1,146 students
(middle school students=382, father=382, mother=382) completed an
open-end questionnaire developed by Park and Kim (2008). The results
are as follows. First, students report respecting their father for the sacrifice
and parents report respect their father for their devotion. Both groups
reported sacrifice as the most important reason for respecting their mother.
Students report respecting their grandfather for their sacrifice and broad-
mindedness and parents respecting their grandfather due to consanguinity.
Both groups reported sacrifice and broad-mindedness he most important
reason for respecting their grandmother. In the school context, both groups
report respecting the teachers for their academic guidance, principals for
their administrative capability. For religious leaders, both groups reported
respecting them for their faith, guidance and service. For politician, both
groups reported respecting them for their sacrifice and devotion to the

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
“I’m still a little baby!”:
How mothers acts toward adolescents and adult
in Indonesia
Sulasmi Sudirman, Moh. Abdul Hakim, Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
[email protected]
In nuclear family there are mo and mother, father, and children.
Relationship between mother/father and children can not be separated. And
how about role each of family member? Is there any changing when the
children were a toddles and when they are growing up?. This study purpose
to explore how mothers acts toward adolescents and adult in Indonesia.
Respondents of this study are 548 completed open-ended questionnaires
developed by Kim (2008) that asked How mothers acts toward their
children. Results have shown three main reasons for how mothers acts
toward adolescents and adult in Indonesia: obedient 24,6 %, disobedient
21,5%, and a child 21%. The three main of reasons are describing family
member that is children, and will always be as a children. Mother will ask for
obedient from her children. In Indonesia, however the children is growing
up as an adolescents or as an adult person, mother will regard her children
as “little baby” who needs direction from mother. More exploration and
verification on details of categories are required for the future.

Book of Abstracts
Mother as a source of children’s morality:
Indigenous psychological study in Indonesia
Hanum Swandarini, Moh. Abdul Hakim, Kwartarini W. Yuniarti
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
[email protected]
The relationship between mother and child is special and different from
other kind of interpersonal relationship. In cultural view, mother have a high
state to Indonesian children in ethical norm. The relationship between them
also viewed as a strong emotional bound. This condition appearing question
about how far a mother affecting a child’s self? To answer the question,
this study using an indigenous psychology approach with open ended
questionnaire that was build by Kim (2008). About 548 respondents was
asked to answer the question: “How could your mother affect your feeling?”.
The data was analyzed by content analysis technique with categorisizing
answers of respondents based on themes that appeared on the data. The
data result showed that 25,4% of respondents admitted their mother have
a strong effect to their self. The children admitted that they are affected
by their mother’s attitude and behavior (18,6%), her advices (17,7%),
her position as a mother (9,3%), motivation that she gived to (7,5%), the
way she speak (11,3%), and her sympathy (4,9%). The data revealed how
Indonesian mother have a strong effect as a source of children’s morality and
social support. Conclusion of this study are in line with the cultural values
that was rooted by traditional fairytale in children since the beginning of
their life.
Keywords : children’s morality, mother, indigenous psychology

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada 2010
“Asih” values: Childrens’ dominant perception to
their mother in Indonesia.
Ghozali Rusyid Affandi, Moh. Abdul Hakim, Kwartarini W. Yuniarti
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
This study aimed to explore how children perceived their mother’s
attitudes and actions towards them in an Indonesian cultural context. An
Indigenous psychological approach was used to analyze the data collected
by an open ended questionnaire developed by Kim (2008). A total of 548
participants that lived in Yogyakarta were asked to answer a question: “when
you with your mother, how she would act and treating you?”. The data was
analyzed by content analysis and categorized based on themes that appeared,
then analyzed with descriptive analysis. The analysis results showed that
children perceived their mother’s attitudes and actions towards them was
dominated by mother’s affection (29,7%), mother’s kindness (22,1%),
attentive (18,6%), mother in propertly (17,2%), impression as a friend
(6,8%), mother’s intimation (2,7%), and others (2,9%).Results of this study
showed that “Asih” values was a concept of javanese culture which is effecting
the relationship between mother and child.
Keywords : “Asih”, children, mother, Indonesia