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IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1221 (2023) 012026
IOP Publishing

Study of the distribution of the catch of yellowfin tuna
(Thunnus albacares) that was land at TPI (fish landing place)
Ulee Cot, Meuraxa District, Banda Aceh City
Departmen of Fisheries Resources Utilization, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Syiah Kuala
University, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia
Department of Marine Sciences, Agriculture Faculty, Malikussaleh University, North
Aceh,24355, Indonesia
Center for Enviromental and Natural Resources Research (PPLH-SDA), Universitas Syiah
Kuala, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia

* [email protected]
Abstract. Activities at fishing port greatly affect the process of distributing catches, especially
the distribution of yellowfin tuna at TPI Ulee Cot. Distribution activities have not been optimal
and have hampered the distribution flow. This is due to the slow process of handling fish and the
incomplete facilities. The length of the distribution process will determine the quality of the
product to be marketed. This study aims to describe the distribution activities of the catch landed
at TPI, the condition of fishing facilities and relation to the distribution of yellowfin tuna. The
data taken consisted of the handling of the catch, pattern, transportation, price, the fishing unit
and TPI facilities distribution from interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis is carried out
into data selection, data appearance, and drawing conclusions. Distribution activities start from
fish transportation and fish handling from boats to fish transported into trucks to be distributed
to destination area. The distribution pattern at TPI Ulee Cot only consists of one distribution
pattern starting from the level of fishermen-exporting companies. The lack of cold storage
facilities causes the quality of the catch to decrease because the fish are not immediately removed
from the hold ship until the truck came.
1. Introduction
The city of Banda Aceh is located in the province of Aceh which has potential in the marine and fisheries
sector with abundant resources. The city of Banda Aceh is an area that is directly flowed by sea waters
and borders the Malacca Strait. The city of Banda Aceh consists of 9 sub-districts, of which there are 5
sub-districts that are directly flowed by water, namely the sub-districts of Kuta Alam, Kuta Raja, Syiah
Kuala, Jaya Baru, and Meuraxa. Meuraxa sub-district has 16 village, one of which is Lambung Village
Lambung village is a coastal area that has a fish landing site (TPI) which is also known as Ulee Cot
Pier by local residents. The fishing gear used by fishermen at TPI Ulee Cot is handline or handline. [2]
stated that handlines are a fishing tool used by fishermen to catch large pelagic fish. The construction of
handline fishing gear consists of fishing rods, fishing line, ballast, and bait. The fishing areas to operate
handline fishing gear are very varied so that they can be operated from the surface to the bottom of the
waters [3]. The fishing gear available on the boat when fishermen go to sea is approximately 10 units
of handlines. The number of vessels operated at TPI Ulee Cot is 15 fishing boats with an average size
I Agustina1, E Miswar1.3*, A Nabila1, A Rahmah1, D Rianjuanda1, Salmarika2

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1221 (2023) 012026
IOP Publishing

The profit sharing system used is 30% for fishermen and 70% for ship owners. The profit from the
sale of 10 yellowfin tuna is around Rp. 42,300,000. So the ship owner gets a share of Rp. 29,610,000,
while the fisherman is Rp. 12,690,000. In practice, in one sea in one ship consists of 3 fishermen. So
each fisherman gets a profit of IDR 4,230,000.
4 Conclusion
Based on the results of research and discussions that have been carried out, the conclusions
obtained are as follows:
1. The distribution activity of yellowfin tuna catches at TPI Ulee Cot starts from transporting fish and
handling fish from the ship until the fish is transported into trucks for distribution to the destination
area, namely Medan, where the fish are then processed before being exported abroad. The
distribution pattern of yellowfin tuna in TPI Ulee Cot consists of only one distribution pattern
starting from the level of Fisherman - Company - Export (America, Korea and Japan).
2. The relationship between distribution and general fishery conditions at TPI Ulee Cot, namely the
lack of facilities at TPI which hinders the distribution process of yellowfin tuna due to the absence
of cold storage at the TPI, causing fish quality to decline. Because there is no cold storage at TPI
Ulee Cot, the fish caught are not lifted from the hold of the ship to trucks for distribution to TPI
Ulee Cot.’

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