Body Relationship with Dancing Skills

Nurmalinda Zari, Juju Masunah
Department of Dance Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Bandung, Indonesia
[email protected]

Abstract—Body is part of science kinesiology which has the
function to process flexibility, stamina and agility in moving. This
article aims to link the body to the process of dancing as a skill in
moving. The method used is the literature review and the results
of this article prove that the body has a significant relationship to
dancing skills. Therefore, in the dance study the body exercises
are carried out first, so that they can display aesthetically, dance
and dynamic.
Keywords—kinesthetic; body; flexibility; skills; motion;
Human activities in everyday life are routine activities that
aim to fulfill the ability of the human body itself in carrying out
every movement, both in natural / instinctive movements and
conscious / controlled movements [1]. The body is a tool as a
medium to express and be connected with motion as a medium.
Movement carried out by the body starts from the tip of the
head to the tip of the foot. The movement needs to be routinely
trained through the concepts and techniques of the body itself,
so that the movement can produce an aesthetic and dynamic
technique in a dance that will be performed. In the program
concept, body exercise should be structured and designed so
that it can build body strength, develop physical flexibility, and
can shape the body, burn fat, tighten the bibs, and can beautify
the appearance to be attractive in view.
Motion cannot be separated from the body, because the
body is a tool for someone to do activities, so that every dancer
really needs the existence of basic knowledge in moving,
namely the science of the concepts and techniques of the body.
Therefore, dancers must be diligent in practicing to get the
quality of body movements technically so that they are always
in an ideal body condition.
This article discusses concepts related to the body's work
on kinesiology theory that relate to the skills in dancing
motion. Therefore, the concept of body exercise needs to be
used for each dancer in starting training.
As dancers are aware of the importance of movements the
body must have techniques in every joint in its body. This
awareness influences understanding of body anatomy which is
very beneficial for dancers. Understanding of the shape,
structure and utilization of the location and relationship of each
part of the body in depth. In essence, the realization of a
coordinated body movement mechanism is closely related to
intellectual, emotional and spiritual.
The activity of a dancer is to exercise regularly on the
muscles, joints, and in all organs of the body in order to
function better and optimally as expected in shaping the quality
of motion. Not only that the power generated from all the joints
and vertebrae or neck and its segments must be prepared as
well as possible in order to provide the broadest and most free
movement. All body parts are studied in the scientific world
namely kinesiology.
Training the body is very influential with a creative
response to the situation in the process of making products of a
dance work, especially on the relationship of the body to
dancers. The body experience experienced by the dancer when
performing the body will give experience to every muscle that
works on the body in order for flexibility, resilience, and the
strength of motion, so that the body of an dancer becomes ideal
and provides an improvement in the quality of his dance [2].
The body is part of the activity in processing the whole
human body which includes the body and soul, which is a unity
[1]. The body's relationship through the body's process
provides a platform for the movements created to be artistic
movements that are in accordance with good and true dancing
techniques. Body movements in life have important art (art),
this can be felt when a dancer moves smoothly and gets results
as expected.
This body is studied based on the literature review, so in
terms of understanding the concept through the ideas of several
experts and relevant sources. This study uses qualitative
methods that are descriptive analysis. Descriptive method is a
method used to describe or analyze a research result but is not
used to make broader conclusions [3]. Based on the descriptive
analysis method, the form of the body that is related to
kinesiology in dance skills is analyzed.
In formulating the idea of body exercise, the basic body
processing concept must be more concerned about movement
skills that must be developed with the concept of kinesiology.
Mastery of kinesiology in the body of the dancer, is mastered
with various motion techniques that are inseparable from
demonstration methods and imitative methods (imitating the
original movement). 1st International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018) Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 255 214

A. Kinesiology
The concept of learning science related to motion, where
when the entire body that will be moved has a technique, a
function so that the body can move effectively, efficiently, and
avoid injury. Efficient, effective and safe human movement is a
good movement (has a good technique), because in each
pattern of movement uses energy (energy) that is efficient in
achieving the intended goal (effective), so that it avoids injury
in performing movements. Broadly speaking, kinesiology can
be structured as follows:
• Applied to the body's attitude
• Applied to the movement and appearance of motion
• Applied to the physical fitness
• Applied to motion skills
• Applied in dealing with injury [4].
Efficient, effective, and safe movement analyzers are linked
to analysis of bones and joints (anatomy), nervous muscle
systems (physiology) of human movements, and principles of
mechanical law that relate to movements in humans
(mechanics). In doing movements, the reference used is the
anatomical attitude, namely an attitude or position when
• standing upright, both arms on the side of the body with
the palms facing forward;
• feet side by side with the thumb pointing forward; and
• a straight forward view through an imaginary field.
In processing dance, the concept of kinesiology is needed,
according to Gardner. Kinesthetic understanding is one of the
abilities to solve problems or products using all or half of the
human body that is owned by dancers, athletes, and craftsmen
[5]. This ability is needed by all choreographers in performing
a dance. So, in creating a dance, there is a correlation with the
concept of kinesiology that can be measured according to a
person's ability to move his body.
B. Exercise the Body
Exercise the body by performing free-patterned body
movements. Each stage in the body's process wants to improve
movement skills that are body flexibility. Every member of the
body makes a sense of aesthetics and sensitivity of motion, also
increases ability and increases body stamina through every
joint in the body.
The ability of a dancer in an exercise activity can improve
the quality of dance techniques that will be displayed. Dance
can be performed in accordance with the concept of arable, one
of which must have an element of maturity in dancing
techniques. If the dance does not have the technique, and the
skill in moving, then dance will not be able to communicate the
concept of work to the audience. So, in the problem of dancing
techniques the need to learn the body and be aware of the joints
of the limbs that are performed while dancing.
Body building is useful as a movement carried out in body
exercise activities, namely all members of the body's organs
can be moved laterally, frontally, or rotationally [6]. In general,
the body can be grouped into parts, namely: head, body, right
arm and left arm, and also the right leg and left leg.
In the group of parts, all of them can be moved laterally
meaning that they can be directed parallel to the plane of the
body towards the right, as well as to the left. While towards the
front, the direction is opposite to the body towards the front
and back direction. In addition, in the direction of rotation, the
direction of motion rotates at each joint in each body member.
The concept of the benefits of body exercise according [7]
is: 1) to support and help improve the performance of the
dancers, 2) to improve the ability of the organs and the bibs on
the body, 3) to add quality in the dance, 4) to people who have
weakness in the muscle nerves, exercise the body can help as a
muscle mastery effort.
The benefits of body exercise, based on experts' statements,
can be concluded that the benefits of body work are to help
improve the ability of the joints and muscles of a dancer's
body, so that it can add quality, and technique in dance and
also produce better performance for a dancer.
The body has a variety of forms that will be carried out
before starting the dance, then arranged into three stages,
namely: 1) stretching or warm-up, namely the movements
carried out by the body to progressively increase circulation
and stretching muscles and joints (gradually). 2) core body
exercise exercises that are activities carried out on the main
movement that will be trained according to the purpose [8].
Then the last exercise, which is cooling or appeasing (warm
down), is an activity in the movement that trains to maintain a
mild increase in circulation and gives the body warmth and
also provides the opportunity for the muscles or joints to be
more flexible than the exercise activity. The training can be
1) Exercise heating(warm-up)
• Exercise Neck
• Exercise fingers and wrist
• Exercises Elbow
• Exercises Shoulder
• Exercises Body
• Exercises Legs Leg and Back
• Exercises Ankle
2) Exercises Core
• Convex, Concave and Flat Spine
• Scrolling and Removing
• Swing Pendulum Body Up
• Cooling (warm down) Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 255 215

C. Flexibility
In exercise if the body needs strength and flexibility
exercises that function to train the muscles of the body such as
abdominal muscles, leg or leg muscles, arm muscles, waist
muscles and back muscles. This muscle strength training aims
to allow the muscles to perform movements that have the
power to move the body as expected. The benefits of doing
exercises if the body can facilitate the ability to apply motion
skills in a dance [9]. Then the other benefits can increase the
ability of the muscles in the whole body to be able to improve
the quality of motion in the dance.
D. Motion Skill Ability
In dance is a form of spontaneous reaction from the human
mind that can form a series of motion, if arranged with
attention elements of space, time, aesthetics, and supported by
the rhythm of music, can form a dance movement [10]. Motion
is the basis of expression that is encountered as an expression
of all emotional experiences expressed through an irrational
medium, namely body movements or whole body movements.
As is known in everyday language, communication efforts can
be found through motion. How this communication is to
become a dance study area. Motion is a broad language of
communication, and variations of various combinations of its
elements consist of thousands of 'words' of motion as well as in
the context of dance movement should be understood as
meaning in position with others [11].
There are several stages in how to do body exercises
including heating, cooling, flexibility, endurance, relaxation,
and skills. Heating is intended to relax the muscles of the body
and relax body parts, as well as joints from strength. Cooling is
useful for refreshing the body's condition, relaxation of the
muscles is done to improve the flexibility of the body that is
tightened due to core training. Flexibility serves to stretch far
enough to allow the joints to act completely in normal distance
and from this movement does not cause injury.
Endurance is useful to develop strength for muscle
response, in this endurance exercise process is focused on the
strength of the abdominal muscles, hands. This relaxation aims
to release the restraints in the body through regular body
movements. Skills function to be a form of body exercise
focused on skills, speed and agility. Of the six stages, the body
must be ready to receive a response or accept the dance that
will be played.
E. Dancing
The body's processing in dancers is called the body exercise
activity, wherein a human activity in processing the body
which becomes something that is not yet finished, is developed
into finished goods, so that it can be used [12]. This activity is
intended as an effort to prepare the organs of the body in a
stable and normal condition, thus making the condition flexible
and easy to move. The concept of body exercise shows that
there is an activity in the processing of the human body which
includes the body and soul which is a unity.
In dance education, it has provided an understanding of the
body's processes, especially making a positive contribution to
the body in performing dance activities [13]. Body as a means
of motion for dancing should in order to perform the movement
in accordance with the elements of strength as the muscles, and
all the joints in the vertebrae or neck were studied kinesiology
should to be a place to get a dance move aesthetically and
Movement in body work that is done regularly and routine,
will produce a logical arrangement of movements and have
beautiful movements, techniques, pleasant movements, and
movements that have artistic value, and movements that have a

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