The Board of Directors of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (“Company”) hereby announces to the
Shareholders that the Company has convened the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (”Meeting”)
which held electronically via the Electronic General Meeting System Facility of KSEI (“eASY.KSEI”) by
accessing the Facility of Securities Ownership Reference of KSEI (“AKSes KSEI”) in the website with the following explanation:
A. Date/Date, Venue, Time and Meeting Agenda
Day/Date : Thursday, October 7, 2021
Venue : BRI Head Office
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 44-46, Central Jakarta, 10210
Time : 14.09 until 15.01 Western Indonesia Time
Agenda : 1. Affirmation on the Implementation of Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned
Enterprises of Republic Indonesia Number PER-05/MBU/04/2021 dated April 8,
2021 concerning the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program of State-
Owned Enterprises.
2. Changes in the Composition of the Company’s Management.

B. Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of the Company who Attended in the meeting
Board of Commissioners
President Commissioner : Kartika Wirjoatmodjo
Commissioner : Nicolaus Teguh Budi Harjanto
Commissioner : Hadiyanto
Commissioner : Rabin Indrajad Hattari
Independent Commissioner : Rofikoh Rokhim
Independent Commissioner : Hendrikus Ivo
Independent Commissioner : R. Widyo Pramono
Independent Commissioner : Zulnahar Usman
Independent Commissioner : Dwi Ria Latifa

Board of Directors
President Director : Sunarso
Vice President Director : Catur Budi Harto
Director of Digital and Information Technology : Indra Utoyo
Director of Consumer : Handayani
Director of Micro Business : Supari
Director of Compliance : Ahmad Solichin Lutfiyanto*
Director of Institutional & SOE Relations : Agus Noorsanto
Director of Risk Management : Agus Sudiarto
Director of Human Capital : Agus Winardono
Director of Small and Medium Business : Amam Sukriyanto
Director of Finance : Viviana Dyah Ayu Retno Kumalasari
Director of Network & Services : Arga Mahanana Nugraha

- All members of the Board of Commissioners and members of Board of Directors attended the Meeting.
- Ari Kuncoro has resigned as the Vice President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner of the
Company on July 21, 2021.
*) Attended electronically.

C. Attendance of Shareholders
The shares who are present and/or represented in the Meeting are amounting to 122.319.731.793 shares or
representing 88,0128% of the total shares with valid voting rights issued by the Company.

D. Decision Making Mechanism in the Meeting
The resolution of the Meeting shall be adopted amicably to reach a consensus through voting.

E. Independent Party as a Voting Counter
The counting of votes as the basis of Meeting resolution is conducted by PT Datindo Entrycom as the Share
Registrar. Further, the report is conducted by Fathiah Helmi, S.H., Notary in Jakarta.

F. The Opportunity to Submit Question and/or Opinion, the Number of Shareholders or their Proxies
which Submit their Question and/or Opinion and the Voting Result of the Meeting
The Shareholders or their Proxies have been provided with opportunity to submit question and/or opinion in
the Meeting Agenda. The number of Shareholders or their Proxies, which attended either physically or
electronically, who submitted question and/or opinion in the Meeting, and the result of decision making
through voting, which included e-Proxy via eASY.KSEI, are as follows:

Agenda Approve Not Approve Abstain Question
First 122.291.864.593 votes
or representing
99,9772% of total
shares with valid
voting rights present in
the Meeting
12.138.600 votes or
representing 0,0099%
of total shares with valid
voting rights present in
the Meeting
15.728.600 votes or
representing 0,0129%
of total shares with
valid voting rights
present in the Meeting
Second 122.047.689.200 votes
or representing
99,7776% of total
shares with valid
voting rights present in
the Meeting
47.069.500 votes or
representing 0,0385%
of total shares with valid
voting rights present in
the Meeting
224.973.093 votes or
representing 0,1839%
of total shares with
valid voting rights
present in the Meeting

In accordance with the Company's Articles of Association and Financial Services Authority Regulation
Number 15/POJK.04/2020 concerning the Planning and Holding of General Meeting of Shareholders of
Public Companies, the vote of Abstain is considered to cast the same vote as the majority vote of the
Shareholders who cast the vote. Therefore, according to the calculation system of the Indonesian Central
Securities Depository (KSEI) and the Securities Administration Bureau (BAE), the number of Abstain votes
is added to the Agree votes. Thus, the Agree votes as follows:
1. First Agenda 122.307.593.193 votes or representing 99,9900 % of total shares with valid voting rights
present in the Meeting.
2. Second Agenda 122.272.662.293 votes or representing 99,9615 % of total shares with valid voting rights
present in the Meeting.

G. Result of Meeting Resolution
Confirming the implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises of the Republic
of Indonesia Number PER-05/MBU/04/2021 dated April 8, 2021 concerning the Social and Environmental
Responsibility Program of State-Owned Enterprises.
1. Dismiss Mr. Ari Kuncoro as Vice President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner of the Company
who was appointed based on the Decision of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (”GMS”) for
the 2019 Fiscal Year on February 18, 2020, duly and effective from July 21, 2021, with respect and
gratitude for the contribution of energy and thoughts given during his tenure as Vice President
Commissioner/Independent Commissioner of the Company.
2. Change the position nomenclature of the members of the Board of Directors as follows:
No Before After
a. Director of Institutional & SOE Relations Director of Institutional & Wholesale
b. Director of Consumer Director of Consumer Business

3. Transfer the assignment of the names below as the Management of the Company:
No Name Before After
a. Rofikoh Rokhim Independent Commissioner Vice President Commissioner/
Independent Commissioner
b. Agus Noorsanto Director of Institutional & SOE
Director of Institutional &
Wholesale Business
c. Handayani Director of Consumer Director of Consumer Business
Each member of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors is appointed based on the
Extraordinary GMS year 2017, 2019 and 2017 respectively. Thus, the tenure of the relevant members of
the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors will continue the remaining term of the positions in
accordance with the Decision of the related GMS of their appointment without prejudice to the right of
the GMS to dismiss at any time.
4. Appoint Mr. Heri Sunaryadi as the Company's Independent Commissioner.
5. With the dismissal, change of position nomenclature, assignment of assignment and appointment, the
composition of the Board of Commissioners & Board of Directors of the Company is as follows:
Board of Commissioners
President Commissioner : Kartika Wirjoatmodjo
Vice President Commissioner/ Independent Commissioner : Rofikoh Rokhim
Commissioner : Nicolaus Teguh Budi Harjanto
Commissioner : Hadiyanto
Commissioner : Rabin Indrajat Hattari
Independent Commissioner : Hendrikus Ivo
Independent Commissioner : R. Widyo Pramono
Independent Commissioner : Zulnahar Usman
Independent Commissioner : Dwi Ria Latifa
Independent Commissioner : Heri Sunaryadi

Board of Directors
President Director : Sunarso
Vice President Director : Catur Budi Harto
Director of Digital and Information Technology : Indra Utoyo
Director of Consumer Business : Handayani
Director of Micro Business : Supari
Director of Compliance : Ahmad Solichin Lutfiyanto
Director of Institutional & Wholesale Business : Agus Noorsanto
Director of Risk Management : Agus Sudiarto
Director of Human Capital : Agus Winardono
Director of Small and Medium Business : Amam Sukriyanto
Director of Finance : Viviana Dyah Ayu Retno Kumalasari
Director of Network & Services : Arga Mahanana Nugraha

6. Member of the Board of Commissioners can only exercise their duties and functions in their positions if
he has obtained approval from the Financial Services Authority (”OJK”) for the Fit and Proper Test (“Fit
& Proper Test”) and fulfill the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.
7. Member of the Board of Commissioners, who is appointed in number 4 who is still serving in other
positions that are prohibited by laws and regulations from being concurrently with the position of the
Board of Commissioners of a State-Owned Enterprise, must resign or be dismissed from his position.
8. In the event that the member of the Company's Board of Commissioners is later declared disapproved as
a member of the Board of Commissioners in the Fit & Proper Test by the OJK, then he is honorably
dismissed from the date of the decision on the results of the OJK Fit & Proper Test.

9. Grant power and authority to the Board of Directors of the Company with substitution rights to take all
necessary actions related to the decisions of this Meeting Agenda in accordance with the applicable laws
and regulations, including to state in a separate Notary Deed and notify the composition of the Company's
Management to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, as well as request OJK to conduct a Fit & Proper
Test on the Board of Commissioners in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations.
Give authority to the Board of Directors of the Company with the right of substitution to state what the
Meeting has decided in the form of a Notary Deed before the Notary or authorized official and make necessary
adjustments and modifications if required by the competent authorities, for the purpose of implementing the
contents of the Meeting's resolutions.

Jakarta, October 8, 2021
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.